Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1194 Preheating of the new album

Chapter 1194 Preheating of the new album
"It's just a fact. It's not that I'm engaged in hunger marketing, deliberately trying to whet everyone's appetite. The main reason is that the live broadcast server can't carry our popular program." Luo Quan said to the audience with a regretful expression on his face.

"In short, the daily video of the students will meet you as soon as possible, but for the live broadcast, we have to wait until next week. I'm really sorry."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he turned off the live broadcast, and at the same time found Wen Xia and the others' room.

These six people were assigned to the same dormitory, and they were playing cards cross-legged on the bed, fighting the landlord in a team of three.

"Luo Luo, you came just in time!" Wen Xia smiled excitedly when she saw Luo Quan, "There are three missing ones in playing mahjong, hurry up and make up the number for us!"

"Come on, but you don't want to play money, and gambling is not recommended." As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, Xu Yanqing threw a mahjong table out of thin air with a flick of his hand.

"What do you play if you don't play for money, take off your clothes?" Wen Xia chuckled, "It's just playing for one yuan, or you won't feel like you won or lost."

With that said, Wen Xia, Xu Yanqing, Li Xiaomiao, and Luo Quan took their seats, while Fang Mo, Chu Yueyan, and Dongfang Chen watched from the sidelines.

"By the way, I came here because I have something to tell you." Luo Quan said while counting the cards: "The daily live broadcast is cancelled, and I will only shoot some material, and then broadcast it after editing."

"So the official show is the one that can show up the most?" Chu Yueyan breathed a sigh of relief, "I still feel that it is a bit tiring to live broadcast every day. If it is once a week, it will be very comfortable."

Wen Xia nodded lightly: "It doesn't feel like anything, after all, it was prepared on a weekly basis from the beginning, but now it's just changed back to the original version."

"So the next week, which is equivalent to half a month on the earth, is a relatively free time for activities. I am going to return to the earth, and I will come back when the second episode of the program is about to air." Luo Quan looked at the girls and said .

She has sent the video teaching the students to dance to all the students' devices, so they can watch and learn at any time, and there is an intelligent system to supervise and correct mistakes, which is equivalent to one-on-one teaching by a famous teacher.

After arranging the affairs of the universe, Luo Quan also plans to return to Earth and make arrangements for the fans there.

Looking at the comment section these days, many people can't help but want to watch her live broadcast.

It just so happened that the live broadcast couldn't be broadcast here, so I might as well go back.

Speaking of which, the day in the universe is really long. The biological clock has turned twice, and the day has just ended. It is more comfortable to live in the rhythm of the earth.

"Let's go back together at that time, I always feel that I can rest longer on the earth." Wen Xia chuckled, revealing the same fishing attributes as Luo Quan.

Luo Quan immediately laughed and said, "You used to say that I was rotten, but now you are also lazy?"

"It's not the same as being lazy." Wen Xia explained with a normal expression, "I'm just arranging my time reasonably and taking a short rest. This is called combining work and rest!"

Luo Quan curled his lips: "You say so."

"It was!" Wen Xia was uncompromising.

"Nonsense!" Luo Quan touched a card, and suddenly pushed the card he had just stacked forward.

"Don't make trouble." Wen Xia was still sorting out her cards, without even looking at them.

"I'll go, the boss seems really crazy." Li Xiaomiao also exclaimed.

"What the hell?" Wen Xia looked up, and was shocked by Luo Quan's all-round Wanzi.

"Tianhu is all the same, I don't know all kinds of mahjong theories, but I still know how to play mahjong." Luo Quan propped his chin and said with a smile: "If this bet is to take off your clothes, don't you just give it away?" Do you have to get naked?"

Wen Xia blushed immediately, and said unwillingly: "You are so lucky, Tianhu is all here, it must be because the cards haven't been shuffled, come again!"

"It's better not to let the boss play cards." Li Xiaomiao looked at Wen Xia and persuaded, "I heard from Leon before that the boss's card luck is not generally good. The first time I played Texas Hold'em, I won several hundred million with the Royal Flush Dao Le, this card luck is really not covered."

"Royal Flush?" Wen Xia was dumbfounded, "Are you really lying to me?"

"And the other two are all straight flushes, but I just happen to be a royal straight flush, so I can take it all." Luo Quan smiled complacently, "Otherwise, how do you think the title of koi in the world came from? I really think it's fans bragging about it." came out."

"You are awesome!" Wen Xia gave Luo Quan a thumbs up, "This time I really made a mistake, I shouldn't have played cards with you!"

After knowing that Luo Quan still had such abilities, everyone agreed to invite her down.

It doesn't matter if you play against someone with good poker skills, as long as you are lucky, you can win.

But if you fight against someone with good luck, you really can't win.

Just like Luo Quan, the sky is the same, even if you are a world champion, your poker skills are useless, you must have special abilities like the God of Gamblers.

After all, Luo Quan's domineering luck already belongs to the category of metaphysics. You must use magic to defeat magic, which is what the old man said.

After being isolated by the small group, Luo Quan was not sad, and just shrank behind Wen Xia to watch her play cards.

Wen Xia's mahjong level can only be said to be average.

That is to say, he is proficient at blindly recognizing cards. He doesn't even look at the cards after he draws them. As long as he doesn't want them, he just throws them on the table.

It's just that I was a little bit unlucky. He was obviously a veteran, but after a few laps, he didn't do much more than others, and his level was considered to be on the same line.

"In this case, how do you usually fight?"

Seeing that Luo Quan seemed a little bored, Wen Xia turned her head to interact with her.

Right now she has several pairs, and most of them are flops.

She wanted to make all the notes, but seeing that the other companies didn't make many notes, she was worried that it would be bad, so she hesitated.

"If it's me, I'll just get a big one. Anyway, when I draw cards, I just want to get whatever I want." Luo Quan said with his hands behind his back, with a very frank expression.

Wen Xia rolled her eyes when she heard it: "I don't need to ask you, your poker skills are just like your looks, and others can't learn them."

After watching for a while, Luo Quan went to Leon's room again.

In the past few days, he has been immersed in practicing, not only basking in the sun, but also practicing how to use the solar energy in his body.

Let's call it solar energy. After all, before him, there seems to be no cultivation method that can be strengthened by exposure to the sun.

So Leon was looking at the basic knowledge of extraordinary power, while groping for how to use his own extraordinary power.

This road is destined to be more difficult than others, and even has certain dangers.

After all, who knows if something goes wrong when practicing, and then suddenly goes crazy.

Fortunately, Lyon's talent is quite high, and he seems to have found his own path. After a few days in the sun, his strength has reached the bone-making level.

Although it is one level lower than Wen Xia, it is also because the popularity is not as high as Wen Xia.

After all, the former mainly relied on his unique identity as the originator of idols, and gained a lot of power of faith.

And rap already exists in Huanyu, otherwise, at Leon's level, he could be the originator of rap no matter what.

But even though his cultivation was only at the second human level, Leon was quite satisfied.

After all, on Earth, he was still worried about losing weight, and he didn't dare to let go of eating too much, but he was very entangled when he couldn't eat enough and didn't have the energy to practice.

Don't worry now, you can get stronger by basking in the sun, and the muscles are slowly splitting on your own. It can be called an invisible automatic weight loss machine.

In this case, of course Leon can open his belly and eat.

So when he returns from Huanyu this time, Leon plans to take everyone to a barbecue buffet.

It's not that he's generous, it's simply that he wants to give up on meat and ruthlessly make up for all the meat that was lost before.

Sure enough, after people lose pressure, they will immediately become indulgent, so the ancestors said that people are born in sorrow and die in peace. There is great wisdom in this.

It's a pity that Leon doesn't understand, but there's no need to understand. After all, he can practice while lying down. If word spreads, how many warriors will envy him to death.

"We will return to Earth tomorrow morning, do you want to go together?" Luo Quan informed his younger brother.

"I definitely want to go back." Leon immediately agreed, "It's been a few days since I left home, and I just went back to see Mia and Arthur, they must miss me very much."

"Okay, I'll call you when I leave tomorrow morning." Luo Quan nodded and went back to his room to rest.

In the past few days in Huanyu, Wen Xia and Leon have gained the most. They have stepped into the path of cultivation by mistake, and their lifespan has also skyrocketed.

It's just that I don't know how many years it has been up for the time being, but according to estimates, there should be no pressure to live two to three hundred years old.

The next day, Luo Quan took out the fully charged arbitrary door, opened the passage to the earth, and invited Chu Yueyan and Fang Mo to visit together.

With the arrival of the two of them, there is really not a single vacant room in the huge villa.

But Luo Quan wasn't worried at all, because no one bought the house across the door, if there were people who wanted to live in, she would also buy the villa across the door, so that the housing would be doubled immediately.

"Oh dear, you must miss me to death?" Leon pretended to be returning from a business trip, and opened his arms to hug his wife and children.

"You haven't been away for a few days, what's there to think about." Mia smiled and turned on the TV, "But it's good to be back, your fans are urging you to release new videos every day.

As a nanny, I'm not popular at all, and I don't know how to do show effects. It's up to you, a nanny, to do it. "

"Haha, that's why I was in a hurry to come back." Leon hugged his wife and took his son into his hands, "Little thing, do you miss your father?"

"Hold him carefully, and be careful not to fall!" Mia was so frightened that she almost flew out of the sky when she saw the way Leon hugged her son so fiercely.

"It's okay, it's not so easy to fall." Leon smiled happily, and his hands were actually more stable than iron tongs. "Besides, even if he falls, I can catch him before he hits the ground, right, son?"

Arthur didn't know if he understood or not. Anyway, he raised his hand and slapped it, smiling so happily.

Mia looked at the pair of father and son who were too nervous, and sighed helplessly, her eyes were full of love.

Luo Quan was also watching from the side. It was not the first time that this kind of dog food was fed into her mouth.

She thought, if she really bought the villa opposite, she would definitely drive the young couple there immediately.

This room is full of single dogs, just the three of you here loving each other, isn't that annoying.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan brought Fang Mo and Chu Yueyan to their respective rooms.

"Earth's conditions are no better than Huanyu's. Even though this bedroom is narrow, it's pretty good for Earth.

Of course, this is probably not even as good as ordinary people in Huanyu, so let's just let it go, at least I can guarantee the food, it will definitely not be worse than Huanyu! "

Luo Quan said while helping them make their beds.

"No, I think it's quite warm here." Chu Yueyan shook her head lightly, "Although the room is small, it can give people a sense of security, and it's useless if it's too big, you need a little space to sleep , even multiplying by ten will not make you sleep more peacefully."

As she said that, she lay down gently, with a happy arc on the corner of her mouth: "It's very soft, and it's so reassuring."

"It's good that you can get used to it. If you have any other needs, just come to the room and find me." Luo Quan said with a smile, "By the way, if you want to live broadcast on the earth and have a side job, you can finally learn about the Two official languages.

As he spoke, it was another language crash course in everyone's hand. "

"Does the earth also like a vase star like me?" Chu Yueyan was a little worried, "When I was in Huanyu, many people complained about my acting skills, but in fact I have worked very hard, but I started late and my progress is not very obvious."

"Don't worry." Luo Quan patted Chu Yueyan's shoulder, and comforted him: "With your good looks, there is no reason why you should not be popular on earth.

What's wrong with the vase? How many people want to be like this? Acting skills can be learned, but appearance is innate. No matter how you adjust it the day after tomorrow, it will not be as good as innate. "

"Thank you." Chu Yueyan gently hugged Luo Quan.

This action was somewhat beyond Luo Quan's expectations. In my impression, besides the Empress, it seemed that Chu Yueyan was the most daring.

It's only been a few days since I met her, and I dare to hug her.

If it's a few months later, won't it be the same as Wen Xia?
Of course, Luo Quan didn't mean that this was impossible, she also liked to know them like sisters, so she didn't resist Chu Yueyan's hug.

"Earth does not have as many entertainments as Huanyu. You can play with your mobile phone first. If you need a computer, I will arrange it."

After Luo Quan explained, he returned to his room.

After a long absence, the live broadcast is still very popular.

The fan club some time ago attracted too many fans for her and Bilibili, and the increase in users was simply scary.

And these new fans, before they got acquainted with the old fans, received great news.

After Luo Quan started the live broadcast, in front of tens of millions of viewers, he changed the title of the live broadcast room to "New Album Preview".

(End of this chapter)

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