Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1195 Luoquan's Challenger

"finally coming?"

"I've waited for a long time and finally waited until today!"

"Half a year has passed since the release of Luo Quan's last album "Women's Decathlon". It is the longest interval since his debut. Please know."

"I'm going, so it's been so long since I released a new album, I didn't notice it before."

"Luo Bao, you are guilty!"

"What language is the album this time? I kind of want to listen to Japanese songs."

"Have you forgotten, what Luo Bao said last time, three songs in each of Chinese, English, and Japanese, and one piece of music at the end, making ten songs in total."

"The trilingual party is ecstatic, and they like albums in various languages."

"Usually posting this kind of preview means that more than half of the songs in the album have been produced, so Luo Bao, when do you plan to release the title song?"

"It's already this time, don't hide it, hurry up and hurry up!"


Facing the urging from fans, Luo Quan showed an apologetic smile: "Private Masai, my family, the title of my live broadcast room is the preview of the preview, which foretells the content of the preview of my new album tonight, so everyone thinks To hear new songs, we have to wait a few more days.”

The fans broke their defenses immediately:
"Are you making dolls with me? What is a preview of a preview?"

"I'm dizzy. As expected of you, Luo Bao, can you be so good at it?"

"How can it be repaired, we have to wait for a few more days!"

"It doesn't matter, I've been waiting for more than half a year, and it's not a day or two away."

"Indeed, the most important thing is to be able to watch Luo Bao's live broadcast again every day. This is what I want most."


Luo Quan was also a little surprised to see that the fans were so reasonable at the moment.

Could it be that after I rested, the days without her made the fans dull, so I will be so tolerant to her after I come back?
If this is the case, can't I rely on this pua fan in the future?

After imagining this kind of scene, Luo Quan smiled and shook his head, dispelling this somewhat evil thought.

"Why is Luo Bao smiling so treacherously? Like a vixen."

"I must be thinking of some dark things in my heart, what a bad woman!"

"One thing to say, the image of Luo Bao has the potential to play a vixen. This peachy eye is really charming."

"But I feel that Luo Bao rarely winks at ordinary times."

"Do you think Luo Bao is the same type as those coquettish sluts outside? How could he wink at everyone?"

"Indeed, other women's sexiness lies in their breasts, but Luo Bao's sexiness lies in her talent."

"However, Luo Bao's figure is really good."

"Enough, being able to say such things proves that you are already idiots."


The fans in the live broadcast room were still as salty as ever. Since I was broadcasting live at both ends, I seemed to have spoiled the fans on Huanyu's side recently.

In the past, when Huanyu saw her, she would respectfully call herself the Holy Mother, and her words were more cautious and polite, and that way of getting along was more comfortable.

As a result, everyone has become idiots now, and their words are often on the verge of banning.

It can only be said that in order to save trouble, fans of Huanyu can also see their own live broadcast room, and then see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Originally a majestic image of the Virgin, it didn't take long to collapse, and now I think it's a pity.

Luo Quan took a deep breath, looked at the camera and said: "In short, don't worry about the new song, I didn't disclose the specific time to you before, and I talked about a certain time in the second half of the year.

But now that I’m back from a break, the release of the new song will happen in the past few days. The style of the album will look a little crazy, it’s not the kind of straightforward love song about I love you, do you love me or not. "

When the fans heard this, they immediately continued:

"If you love me, I must love you."

"I love you even if you don't love me."

"I love you, but you don't love me"

"We started working one by one, right?"

"I really want to be Luo Bao's dog. Unfortunately, she seems to like cats more. Unfortunately, I am neither a dog nor a cat. I am just an unwanted mouse."

"Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen Dahei Xiaoyu for a long time, and I don't know if she has gained weight because she is nestled at home all day."


As if they heard the fans calling for them, one of the two live treasures jumped onto the table, and the other stood up, putting its paws next to the keyboard.

"Why, you want to go to the table too?" Luo Quan cast a big black look, "This table is not enough for you to toss about, quickly take your claws off."

Big black eyes looked eagerly at Xiaoyu who was curled up beside the computer, not in a very beautiful mood.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t be a husky. It’s inconvenient to do anything because it’s too big.

If it becomes a poodle or a teacup dog, doesn't it mean that you want to be on the table for a long time?

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine for this kind of thing. If Dahei wants to change his image, Luo Quan will definitely not agree.

In comparison, the potted sunflower plant transformed from the armor of Joan of Arc next to it is much happier. It is originally a temperament that does not like to move, and after being turned into a potted plant, it is placed on the table every day.

As long as the owner Luo Quan works at home, it will be the one closest to the owner.

The fans definitely didn't expect that these treasures would still compete for favor, but after seeing Dahei's silly appearance, they all couldn't help laughing.

Although Xiaoyu is more handsome, but his character is too arrogant, he usually ignores everyone except Luo Quan, and he always looks like he doesn't get enough sleep in front of the camera.

In comparison, Dahei, who is more lively, is more popular with everyone.

Especially this husky has not demolished the house yet, every time it is in the room, it is as well-behaved as a kindergarten baby.

It's a pity that after Dahei put his paws down, he wouldn't be able to see the praise from netizens for him, otherwise he would immediately show everyone the gold content of a husky.

"Speaking of which, does Luo Bao have any plans to star in a movie recently? More than half of this year has passed, and he has made quite a few movies, but it seems that there is only one starring movie, and it's still a one-man show, which is not worth watching."

"You're thinking about the new movie even before the new album is released, right? It's really greedy."

"Isn't this what Luo Bao himself said that he has finished his rest? Isn't he going to work hard after the rest?"

"Working hard is not the same as working hard, and Luo Bao is notoriously lazy."

"Actually, I am more concerned about next year's swimsuit photo shoot. Movies, albums and so on don't matter."

"This brother is a typical person who has escaped from vulgar interests. We should support him vigorously!"

"The abacus makes a loud noise."


"I really don't have any plans for the new movie." Luo Quan thought about it, and finally shook his head and said, "I've already won two Oscar queens, and if I think about it, I'll have to be better than the first two to have a chance." .

So I've been waiting for inspiration to live out the whole big one. "

Fans were quite satisfied with this answer:
"Okay, as long as you know you are conceiving, don't worry, slow work can produce fine work."

"I don't worry about Luo Bao's movie, but when will your Resident Evil 3 come out? The second season of The Walking Dead is over, and your Resident Evil 3 is still silent."

"An old biochemical fan said that I don't even remember this movie."

"Such a good subject, but let others shoot it. If you shoot more than a dozen movies a year like Marvel, wouldn't Dao Le make a lot of money?"

"It's not so easy to say, but this IP really needs new works."

"I am more concerned about Harry Potter. It is said that it is the same universe as Under One Man, and the Western modernization is demonized. It is very interesting to listen to the subject matter."

"It's a pity that I have been talking about shooting, but there is no movement."

"Luo Bao has dug too many holes, and I don't know when they will be filled."


As the fans said, Luoquan has dug a lot of holes now, and the stall is too big.

After all, she is only one person. Some directors only make one or two movies a year, but she has four or five IPs alone. Fans can't wait for her to release a new movie a year.

Even if Luo Quan wanted to keep everything in his hands, he had no choice but to divide some of these IPs and give them to other directors to shoot.

For example, in "Harry Potter", she originally planned to go to England to perform the operation.

However, the film that was planned to be shot at the beginning of the year was delayed again and again due to various reasons.

Luo Quan saw that procrastination like this was not a problem, so he found a well-known British director and asked him to be in charge of filming the first part of "Harry Potter".

As for the actors, they have already been decided long ago, and the British national treasure-level veteran actors will play the roles in the play.

It's just that Luo Quan didn't tell the fans about these things, just to give everyone a surprise.

As for "Resident Evil", it's not that she doesn't want to shoot, but mainly because it's really impossible to shoot in the current environment.

Not only "Resident Evil 3", but also "The Walking Dead 3" have stopped filming.

The specific reason has already been chatted on the live broadcast before, and it is because the screenwriters went on strike in order to raise their wages.

Seeing that it was profitable, the actors also followed the general strike, preparing to take advantage of this wind to fight for more benefits for themselves.

Before that, the screenwriters' strike had little effect on her crew. After all, she was the screenwriter and was not under the control of the American labor union.

But now when the actors go on strike, the entire crew is completely shut down.

At present, investor representatives are renegotiating salary prices with union representatives, but progress is slow.

To put it more bluntly, there is no progress.

Investors, in fact, do not want to raise a penny.

This time I gave you a raise, do you want to raise it for strikes in other film production industries?How much did it go up?How long can it be managed once?
These are unknowns, and once one happens, others are sure to follow.

If that is the case, the production cost of the movie will definitely increase suddenly.

As far as capital is concerned, increasing costs but not increasing profits is tantamount to cutting their flesh with a knife.

It is impossible for them to agree to such a thing anyway.

Therefore, the representative of the investor is very firm, that is, at most a few tens of knives will be raised in Le's salary. As for the share, don't even think about it.

The contradictions between the two parties are irreconcilable, and neither is willing to regress, so the negotiations have reached a deadlock.

The current situation is that one party asks for money, and the other party refuses to give it, so it's stuck here.

And the influence of the trade union is still quite large. As soon as they speak out, the actors and screenwriters in the whole of the United States will go on strike. Anyone who dares to make a film will be a public enemy of his peers.

At present, no one has dared to fight against the union, so the entire American film and television industry has come to a standstill.

Lyon originally had an Olympic movie, but it was also stopped before it was launched because of the impact of the general strike. There is no specific explanation until now.

As for how long the strike will last, no one knows.

The attitude of the union and the investors is quite firm, thinking that the other side will definitely be unable to support it first, and then compromise with themselves, so they are not in a hurry.

However, it is said that investors are more calm on this side, and even began to ask about the feasibility of using Ai scripts, that is, using artificial intelligence to construct scripts, directly eliminating the role of screenwriters.

If it can be done, there will be no need to discuss salary issues in the future, after all, Ai screenwriters don't need money.

But the imagination is beautiful, and the actual implementation is another matter.

Smart Ai can now answer some simple questions, or be an encyclopedia, but if you want to be a screenwriter, it may take a few more years to develop.

However, technology is advancing rapidly now. When Ai first started a few years ago, it was still a bunch of garbled characters when faced with questions. Now it can answer fluently. This kind of progress is not unpleasant.

Maybe in another two years, an intelligent AI that can pass the Turing test and communicate normally with humans will be created?

At that time, a new industrial revolution may come, and human technology may usher in a new explosion.

As for now, everyone is still anxious about the few taels of silver.

Movies in the United States can't be done for the time being, but the zombie universe is not limited to "Resident Evil".

If fans really want to see it, she can also make a few zombie movies set in other times.

It is definitely not possible to shoot this subject in China, but there are no such restrictions in Korea and Japan. The two films "Train to Busan" and "I Am a Hero" are quite good, so you can consider which one to shoot first.

"By the way, Luo Bao, do you know Xiang Qing?"

While in a trance, a paid barrage suddenly appeared at the top of the live broadcast room.

"Who is Xiang Qing?" Luo Quan asked with a puzzled expression.

But before she could figure it out, the barrage's reaction became very intense:
"Don't come here to drain people, we don't care about Xiang Qing."

"I understand the truth, but who is this Xiang Qing?"

"A newly debuted singer-songwriter, his debut album sold 200 million copies in a week, and the sales have been declining, and the momentum is very strong."

"I searched, and it seems that he is indeed a newcomer with great potential, known as Luoquan's challenger."

"I'm going, so fierce?"

"It feels a bit like I came to touch Ci Luoquan."

"No, I've listened to Xiang Qing's song, it's kind of funny."

"I'll go and listen too."


Looking at the fans' discussions, Luo Quan also became interested in Xiang Qing.

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