"Well... there is indeed something."

After listening to Xiang Qing's debut album, Luo Quan seriously began to comment: "As a girl's work, many songs in this album are very deep, and the melody is catchy. While taking into account the musicality, it is also Popularity is guaranteed.

The most important thing is that her songs let me hear new ideas, incorporating a lot of new technologies and new styles that have only appeared in recent years, and she is indeed a very talented newcomer. "

For such a mediocre evaluation, it is definitely not what fans want to see, so they asked bluntly:

"Luo Bao, do you think Xiang Qing can reach your level back then?"

"Luo Bao, what do you think of those marketing accounts using Xiang Qingkai Pengci?"

"Luo Bao, are you ready to slap your face?"


Seeing these gunpowder-flavored questions, Luo Quan was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "No, why are you so hostile? Meeting a new talented singer, shouldn't there be a sense of joy of digging a treasure? ?

Haven't you guys had enough of those bad songs flooding the charts?Do you really like those who bark like cats like dogs or in such a cold day?
If you can't stand it, I really can't understand why you guys are so aggressive towards a rookie singer full of potential.

I have already passed the stage of fighting with people, let alone whether they intend to take advantage of my popularity, even if it is intentional, then what's the big deal to let her take some heat, we will not lose money Meat.

If the newcomers who debut in the future are all at this level, then I wish they would all come to take advantage of my popularity and become famous, so that all the bad songs on the current rankings can be squeezed out! "

Although Luo Quan likes to hate people, he also divides things up.

Facing such a talented newcomer, Luo Quan, as a senior, was very willing to support him.

Taking a ten thousand step back, it would be no good for her to go to a rookie who has no foundation, so why bother?

In comparison, she is more willing to show kindness to this Xiang Qing.

It's not for signing a contract with her, or trying to get something in return, it's just for the better development of the Chinese music scene.

After being taught a lesson by Luo Quan, the fans immediately realized their mistake and apologized one after another:
"I've been reading Luo Baorui's comments for too long, and I've gotten a little carried away, and people have become a lot more domineering. I'll criticize."

"Indeed, we shouldn't take Luo Bao's prowess as our capital to act aggressive."

"The main thing in the live broadcast room is the three views. Just now, the three views of the brothers are going to be ridiculed by the outside."

"It's a good thing that Luo Bao woke everyone up in time, otherwise those few speeches just now might have tricked her."

"Everyone should think clearly before speaking, and Luo Baorui's review can also be optimistic and fair, and you can't see what you see."


Luo Quan was very relieved when he saw these barrages.

The biggest advantage of her fans is to listen to advice and understand right from wrong.

On this point, other people's brainless fans are already too strong.

Although her fans occasionally like to be angry with herself, they keep asking for...for music and live broadcasts.

But don't all fans want this?

What's more, those brainless fans in other people's fan circles are really eager to make their idols become enemies of the world, start gangs everywhere, and make countless enemies.

Compared with such low-quality fans, her own ones are much better!
In addition to being more lustful, there seems to be no disadvantages.

But with an idol like myself, lust is normal.

If everyone was as calm as a monk, then she would have to reflect on what went wrong.

In short, after some reprimands, the barrage atmosphere in the live broadcast room instantly became positive, and many fans even planned to organize to add some achievements to Xiang Qing's new album.

Just like what Luo Quan said just now, it's too late for everyone to praise such a talented newcomer, so why are they willing to attack her?

In order to cultivate another new hope in the Chinese music scene, it is essential to spend money to support the new album.

No matter how talented you are, you can't eat it for food. If this is a child from a poor family, if the first album hits the street, maybe people will be angry and switch to creating Douyin Divine Comedy, and everyone will have no time to cry.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, the sales of Xiang Qing's album are not bad, and she must have no worries about eating and drinking, but she doesn't know if she has signed with a brokerage company. If she does, the money she can get is relatively limited.

Of course, these are not what passers-by like them should care about.

What Luoquan fans want to know most is when the new song will be released.

"Is there a preview of the new song coming?" Luo Quan saw so many people asking on the barrage, he asked directly, and then made everyone stupid.

"I often say that the word preview has a secret." Luo Quan sat upright, looked at the camera solemnly and said: "Is this new album announced? Preview.

Sue or not?Forecast.

Notice!The preview of the preview, I just announced that you will have a preview of the preview tonight, isn't this the preview of the new album? "

Paired with a Douyin net red BGM whose name is not known, Luo Quan's way of speaking suddenly became quite philosophical.

"My hair is so itchy, I feel like I'm going to grow my brain."

"Is Luo Bao making some kind of speculative argument?"

"It feels like Luo Quan is making a very new album preview."

"Isn't this just talking about a car wheel? If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it, don't burn everyone's few brain cells."

"Don't be like this Luo Bao, everyone is stupid, you still come to tease everyone, I won't take you like this."

"Don't get involved with others if you're stupid, I have an IQ of at least 250!"

"It can be seen that it is indeed the starting 250."


Luo Quan did a whole job, and then all the bullet screens in the live broadcast room cooperated at once.

In terms of abstraction, Leon can't compare to her, an abstract master who has been hanging around Tieba and station B all the year round.

It's just that in most cases, she is in a state of silent watching, and rarely speaks.

The reason why it is like this today is mainly because it is really dead.

The song's trailer will be released at night, what can I do now?You can't be in severe pain a few hours in advance, right?

So I can only do some bad work.

Fortunately, she didn't do such a bad job before, but with the cooperation of fans who felt very fresh, the bad job became a good job.

"That's it, Mina-sang, the trailer is coming in the evening, and the song is officially released in the early morning. Is this trailer considered explosive?" Luo Quan finally gave everyone a definite time before the broadcast.

The fans were even more delighted when they heard that they only had to wait until the wee hours of the morning to have new songs.

Originally, they had already planned to wait for ten days and half a month, but now Luo Quan told them that they only need to wait a few more hours to hear the new song, which was simply a big surprise.

At 08:30 in the evening, the preview came.

Luo Quan wore the bright dress of "Starry Night" and stood on the stage designed with the painting "Starry Sky" as the blueprint.

The picture is distorted and beautiful, and the colors and light spots constitute a dazzling and strange scene. The whole scene is beautiful, and it has a sense of reality that cannot be simulated by special effects.

The name of the album: "Luo Quan's Fantasy World".

After the trailer was released, it became the number one hot search in the air, and the number of comments broke through 5 almost instantly, 10 in [-] minutes, [-] in [-] minutes, and [-] plus every time it was refreshed.

With Luoquan's current popularity, only by releasing a new album can there be such a big battle.

Mainly in the first half of the year, she released a new film every month.

In the area of ​​movies, netizens already have some immunity.

But if it is a movie starring her, the popularity will definitely not be lower than it is now.

Music has always been Luo Quan's housekeeping skill. He made his debut a few years ago and has the largest fan base.

After such a long time to release a new album, the expectations of fans can be said to be quite high.

And this time the poster was shot so beautifully, which invisibly increased the fans' expectations.

"The poster is eccentric and beautiful at the same time. I really hope that Luo Bao's song can have such an atmosphere."

"Looking at the title of the album, Luoquan's Fantasy World, this song should be very distinctive."

"No matter how special it is, it should be inseparable from the framework of pop music. I don't know how many new ideas it can have."

"I don't ask too much, just listen to it after enough. I have listened to the songs in the playlist many times, and I urgently need a new song to change my taste."

"I heard that it is Chinese, Japanese and English. Is it a bit too mixed?""

"That's the point, but Luo Quan's albums have never had an overall story. They are just a collection of songs, not that kind of concept album."

"I think it's a nonsense idea to have a concept for the album. These ten or so songs are not a series. What's the point of having no differences?"

"The creative concept is different. Luo Quan prefers to be varied, so she is synonymous with omnipotence."

"That's why I have to mention "Women's Decathlon". There are really ten styles of songs, which vividly reflect what it means to be a song that no sister can't write!"

"Luo Quan no longer needs to rely on these bells and whistles to show off his skills. He said that the next creation will focus on fans and create more ear-catching songs that fans love."

"it is good!"


This last comment puts a short, punchy comma on fans' anticipation for the new album tonight.

And the next chapter can only be opened after twelve o'clock in the morning.

Except for the student party and some migrant workers, staying up late at [-] o'clock is no longer a thing of the past. Many people are used to staying up until one or two o'clock before going to bed.

Twelve o'clock can only be said to be a bit late, but not late enough.

If it is to wait for Luo Quan's new album, it doesn't matter even if you wait all night.

As the night fell on China's side, it was the rising sun on the US side.

In the United States, Luoquan's popularity still belongs to the top class among the top streamers.

The new album is about to be released, and naturally it is also a popular search on major media platforms. Even the New York Morning News reported the news on TV, which shows that foreign music fans are also looking forward to her new song.

As for Japan, TV Tokyo, which loves to work hard, of course will not let go of this good opportunity, and directly put a few big characters at the beginning of the morning news:

"Goddess of spring water, the countdown to the release of the new album is in progress!"

It can be said that Luo Quan's three-in-one album has suddenly stirred up the emotions of the world's largest record markets.

What is an international superstar?

After the fans saw it, they all wanted to replace her with a tactical back.

Luo Quan is probably the only star who can cause such a big movement in so many countries and regions at the same time, and everything else is almost meaningless.

This is still when Luo Quan makes some noise every month. If she is like other stars and only publishes a work after half a year or a year, the popularity may be even more explosive every time it comes out.

It can only be said that things that are too easy to get are not so cherished and valued by others.

Of course, Luo Quan himself likes to surf the Internet and interact with fans all the time.

It is also difficult for her to pretend to be deaf and dumb in the face of fans' requests day and night.

However, it is precisely because of her astonishing output that she has gained the current popularity. It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

After the release of the preview at 08:30, the drama of waiting for Luo Quan's new album finally ushered in its climax.

Everyone is wondering what kind of song she will bring after such a long time.

With the arrival of twelve o'clock, the new song was finally released.

"The Other Side Of Paradise", the literal translation is "The Other Side of Paradise", and the Chinese translation is "The Other Side of Paradise".

Obviously, the latter is more pleasing to the ear and more artistic.

As for the content of the song, it can only be described as unexpected.

This is a piece of psychedelic music, listening to it makes people feel like they are in a wonderful and weird world.

No one knows what you will encounter next, surprises and dangers coexist.

A simple love song, it just sang the feeling of a suspense movie.

And the three-stage foreshadowing at the end of the song, and even the final climax, directly let all the emotions accumulated by the music fans vent out heartily in an instant, how cool it is.

It is worth mentioning that the accompaniment of the song uses a lot of very distinctive samples, which have not appeared in many popular music before.

As for singing skills, Luo Quan's performance in this song seemed to push her already peak singing skills to another high level.

This song doesn't have many treble notes, but it is filled with a lot of transformations between true and false sounds. The whole singing process is like a roller coaster, with huge ups and downs.

Just listening to it makes people feel suffocated and out of breath, let alone the singer.

This song "Heaven on the Other Side" can be said to have fully met the expectations of fans, and it seems that it has become a matter of time before it becomes popular all over the Internet.

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