Chapter 1197
"The treasured sword is not old, sister, the title song of the new album has exploded again!"

Leon's mobile phone was playing "Heaven on the Other Side" in a loop, and he himself expressed his inner admiration to his sister loudly, but the words were slightly inappropriate.

"What is a treasured sword that never grows old? Am I very old?" Luo Quan put down his phone and turned his head to look.

This is a proposition, if the answer is wrong, Leon's head may be twisted off.

Leon thought for a while and replied: "Hey, isn't this just an idiom? After all, you have debuted for so many years, and each album has maintained such a high quality. It is indeed worthy of praise."

"That's called writing without stopping, and thinking springs up!" Luo Quan corrected.

"Got it!" Leon hurriedly typed on his phone and started taking notes in class.

As soon as I finished memorizing, my mother on the other side of the ocean called for a video conversation.

The family hadn't had a video call for a long time, and Leon asked Mia to hug his son while accepting it.

A family of four on this side and a family of three on that side appeared on a screen with all smiles on their faces.

"How are you doing lately, mom?" Luo Quan, as the eldest sister, sat in the center of the sofa, with his younger brother on his left hand, younger siblings and nephew on his right.

On the other side of the video, mom and dad are sitting side by side, and younger sister Luoxi is supporting the coffee table, resting her little head on it, stuffing colorful fudge into her mouth with her little hands.

"Recently your father's business is on the right track and he's not so busy. He just took us to Florence." Luo Ni said, holding her daughter on her lap with a beautiful smile, "And I also found that Xixi , quite musically talented.”

"And this?" Leon's eyes widened, "Could it be another genius like an old lady?"

"I don't know." Luo Ni shook her head, and then called out a video on her phone, "Look, this is what Luoxi climbed onto the piano and played.

Since she bought a piano at home, she has been very interested in this thing, and she will go up and take a few shots if she has nothing to do.

At the beginning, there was no structure, but in the end it really made her pop up a few tunes.

I discussed with Eric that we will hire her a piano teacher to teach her in two years, so we can't waste her enthusiasm and talent. "

Luo Ni's words, along with the tune played by Luo Xi in the video, were sent out of the phone.

Listening to the melody played by his sister, Luo Quan suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu, but he couldn't remember the song for a while.

"Quanquan, what do you think?" Luo Ni looked at her daughter, wanting to refer to her opinion.

After all, in the field of art, especially music, Luo Quan has the most say.

Luo Quan came back to his senses, and quickly said: "It must be a talent to be interested in the piano at such a young age. Many children only know how to play with toys when they are as old as my sister."

"Indeed." Eric recognized his daughter's words very much, "When Leon was two years old, he was not interested in anything other than rolling in the mud all day."

"And this?" Leon was taken aback, "Why don't I remember?"

Eric laughed: "You were so young at that time, it's no wonder you can remember."

"Sister, this video is very interesting, mom, please send it to me later." Luo Quan interjected.

"You're going to post it on Moments, right?" Luo Ni thought that her daughter was planning to show it off, so she immediately nodded in agreement.

Middle-aged women over 40 who know how to play with mobile phones seem to like to show off.

Cook a table of good dishes to show off, show off how much money you made today, show off your children's good grades, there is nothing they can't show off.

So when they raise their mobile phones to take pictures, don't disturb them, because this is recording every moving moment in life.

When you grow up and want to pursue the light and shadow that have passed away, these photos and videos are the final evidence.

But this time Luo Ni misunderstood her daughter, Luo Quan's Moments haven't been updated for a long time.

As for her account dynamics on Weibo and Bilibili, they also update some work related things, and rarely have content related to life and family.

Asking for my sister's video, I just feel that the melody is familiar, and I want to listen carefully to see where it comes from.

This family gathering, separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, lasted for more than half an hour.

Everyone's topics are mainly related to the two little guys, such as where to go to school in the future, and sharing parenting experience.

In addition, there is another topic, that is Luo Quan's lifelong event.

Leon was married and had a child, but his elder sister didn't move at all.

Although my parents said that there is no hurry, wait slowly, and you will always meet.

But how could it be that I was really not in a hurry.

A man can have a son until he is 80 years old, but after a woman is [-] years old, the risk of having a child is very high.

Although Luo Quan is only 24 now, time, when you look carefully, seems to pass very slowly.

But if you don't pay attention, several years will pass.

After 31, people's physical fitness will begin to decline rapidly.

In the eyes of parents, Luoquan is now in the prime time of having children.

If you are over thirty, you may not have so much energy.

Of course, Luo Ni and Eric obviously didn't understand Luo Quan's physical fitness.

Let alone forty, even four hundred years old is not a problem.

So Luo Quan just nodded and told them that he would work hard, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"What's the use of your own efforts?" Luo Ni saw her daughter's perfunctory, frowned and said: "You can't have a son by yourself."

"That's not necessarily true." Luo Quan muttered in a low voice.

According to the tradition of the Dawn Church, she, the Holy Mother, was destined to conceive, and it was a very standard life.

But if you tell your parents this, the second elder may only think that she is mentally ill.

"Forget it, what's there to argue about? My daughter is still young, so it's too early to talk about it." The father stood up in time and started the fight. At the same time, he ended the conversation on the grounds that he wanted to have a candlelight dinner with his mother. this video call.

After the phone call ended, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally it's been fooled." Luo Quan exhaled lightly, feeling much happier immediately.

After Mia left with Arthur in her arms, Leon whispered to Luo Quan, "Sister, when are you going to tell your parents about Huanyu?"

After staying in Huanyu for so many days, he has fully accepted the setting that there is a more advanced world outside the world, and he also feels quite a sense of enjoyment.

In Huanyu, the feeling of his body becoming extremely powerful made him deeply realize how cool it is to be a superman.

But when he returned to Earth, his thin aura made him not much stronger than when he left, which made Leon feel that the gap was a bit big.

If he had a choice, he would like his family to go to Huanyu for a visit.

For nothing else, at least to extend the life expectancy, and to enjoy the rest of life in good health.

"There's no need to worry." Luo Quan replied with a smile, "We just got a foothold there, and the foundation is not yet stable. It may not be beneficial to take it in a hurry."

"Aren't your traces considered stable?" Leon was dumbfounded. "The Empress is your best friend. The Pope Liming has to carry luggage when he sees you. If this is not stable, then tell me what is safe?"

"No matter how powerful others are, they belong to others, not your own after all." Luo Quan shook his head lightly and said, "No one can guarantee that the relationships you have now will always be maintained in the future. will change.

But only cultivation base, if you accumulate a little, it will exist forever.

Therefore, my idea is that only by making myself strong enough can I truly gain a foothold.

But now, at best, it depends on others. "

"It's quite reasonable for you to say that." Leon nodded, "Increasing strength is indeed the most important thing."

After a pause, Leon said again: "I forgot to tell you, sister, I discovered this morning that the sun that shines on the earth can also become stronger, but it's not as strong as when it was in the universe."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "Isn't the sun a star? Sunbathing is equivalent to absorbing the energy of the star. There is no essential difference between the stars in the universe and the stars in the sun, except for the difference in size, so it is not surprising that this happens. .”

"So I plan to sunbathe in the courtyard these days. If Mia scolds me for staying behind, you have to help me." Leon said, carrying a beach chair and walking into the courtyard.

Luo Quan immediately complained: "Aren't you rushing to go gradually, isn't it just to be lazy?"

Leon smiled and didn't speak, it seemed that he had acquiesced.

At noon, the whole family had a lunch prepared by Luo Quan alone.

Because there are not enough people, everyone waited until 01:30 to eat the food.

However, Luo Quan's superb cooking skills made everyone feel that the one and a half hour wait was completely worthwhile.

If it is placed in other places, eating such a table of dishes is definitely a sky-high price, and you have to make a reservation a long time in advance. It is almost impossible to eat on the day of the same day.

But now not only can you eat for free, but you only need to wait for an hour and a half, which is simply emperor-level treatment.

Among all the people, Chu Yueyan and Fang Mo were the most surprised.

They have long heard that Luo Quan's culinary skills are amazing, and they have also tasted the Buddha Jumping Wall, which is known as the best dish in the world.

Fotiaoqiang is really delicious, but I didn't expect these home-cooked dishes she made to be so delicious.

Thinking about how hard it is to make fried rice with eggs, the two women couldn't help but feel a little emotional, wondering what they did for all these years that they lived longer than Luo Quan.

After successfully losing weight, Li Xiaomiao has really opened up her belly for a while, and like Leon, she has abstained from meat and eats it very well.

However, she is better than Leon, that is, she will exercise harder after eating, instead of lying on a chair.

If it continues like this, her weight will continue to lose about ten catties, and then it will remain constant.

Next, Li Xiaomiao's plan is to take the medicine given to him by the boss and give it to his father. At the same time, he also multiplies his daily exercise amount by two, and asks his father to strictly implement it.

I weighed close to [-] catties back then, but my father estimated that it was almost [-] catties now.

That is to say, Huanyu's technology is advanced, so that even if he is ridiculously fat, it will not cause too much impact on his health.

On the earth, this kind of body shape is the appearance of proper short life,
His old father was not as fat as he is now. Since he quarreled with his mother and separated, he began to give up on himself, and his weight began to soar.

Now that he has the special medicine from the boss, Li Xiaomiao must hope that his father can become as thin as before.

After lunch, everyone's stomachs were filled to the brim with a table of delicacies, and they lost all thoughts of activities, and went back to their rooms with big bellies.

After Luo Quan returned to the room, before he could speak, Da Hei pressed the power button of the computer for her very understandingly.

"You're quite smart, you know my habits." Luo Quan patted Dahei's head, applauding its clever behavior.

"Meow!" Xiaoyu yelled, with a disdainful expression, as if she was a bitch.

Dahei ignored it, just barked at Luo Quan twice, then lay down on the ground and started rolling.

Luo Quan raised his foot and stepped on the big black belly twice, and found that it was quite flexible, and he didn't know how it was transformed.

It was comfortable to step on, so I put both feet on it.

Anyway, Dahei is not a real dog, so there is no need to worry about being stepped on and causing problems.

But after thinking about it, the majestic sword of the king was trampled under his feet, which seems to have dropped too much.

So Luo Quan stepped on it twice, but still put his foot down.

Above, the computer has been turned on.

Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room, and then began to modify the title: "Have you listened to the new song?"

"It's finally live, everyone has been watching for a long time."

"I prepared so many compliments and wanted to read them one by one when you started the live broadcast, but you made us wait for so long, and now the enthusiasm is gone."

"Can the second new song be released tonight? I really don't want to wait another day."

"It's been a long time since I heard a new song. I've been looping this one in the morning."

"The Other Shore Paradise, how did you get this name? It's too high school, but I like it."

"By the way, does the second song continue in English? What's the style like?"


"The second song will be released tomorrow morning." After changing the title, Luo Quan moved his buttocks, adjusted a more comfortable sitting position and said, "As for the style, it will be a rather special love song. It's not love."

Hearing this, fans immediately became curious:

"What can you sing if you don't sing love songs?"

"There are many kinds of affection, friendship, family affection, and brotherhood."

"These are not the key. The key is the title of the song. If you tell me the title of the song, I can probably tell what kind of work it is."

"That's right, Luo Bao, hurry up and hand over the title of the song, this can be regarded as a preview in advance."


Facing the fans' request, Luo Quan did not hide it, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow's new song is called "Past Life Lover". As for the specific meaning, please analyze it yourself. Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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