Chapter 1198 Past Lover ([-])
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

"Past life lover? Luo Bao, the more you play, the more flamboyant you are."

"Is it finally here? Is the other half belonging to Luo Bao finally going to make an official announcement?"

"I thought I could really stay with Luo Bao forever, but I didn't expect her... hey..."

"Haha, that's right, Luo Bao's previous lover is me! Are you surprised or surprised?"

"I can't figure out why Luo Bao wrote such a song. Is this because he wants to fall in love?"

"I don't think it's that simple. The lover in the previous life is not necessarily the lover you refer to."

"Let's wait for the song to be released before watching it. I'm in a terribly uncomfortable mood right now. I feel like I've been bullied and I have to wait for Huangmao to send me a notification."

"Is the brain supplement ability so strong, brother, although my mood is also ups and downs, but I haven't reached that point yet, have I?"

"If there is no real hammer, there is still hope!"


Looking at the live broadcast room whose popularity suddenly soared to millions, Luo Quan couldn't help sighing, no wonder those web writers like to write some green content from time to time.

This kind of sadistic behavior can really make the popularity of the work skyrocket in a short period of time.

But there is no doubt that this is fishing in the dry lake. If it is just rubbing the edge, it will be fine. If there is a tauren plot, most of the fans will delete the book directly after confirming it, and then blacklist the author.

Of course, the situation in Luoquan is slightly different from that of online novels.

When she released the song, she didn't even think about being green, mainly because the name of the song was like this.

In addition, the brain power of the fans in the live broadcast room is too strong, so I imagined the plot of the tauren and replaced myself as the sufferer.

Then Luo Quan was taken by Huang Mao for no reason.

This is very annoying, obviously there is no such person as Huang Mao, and the fans are completely in line with the air.

Fortunately, Luo Quan has a mouth, seeing so many fans misunderstood, he explained: "Don't you have such a rich imagination, don't see me write a love song and think that I want to fall in love.

Then if I shoot a memory of a murder, am I also a perverted murderer in reality?It doesn't make sense. "

The explanation is very clear, who knows that the fans are more excited:

"Luo Bao, you are indeed a perverted murderer, don't you know?"

"Think about it carefully, how many hearts of boys and girls have you stolen?"

"And my heart, my liver, you took three quarters of my life~~~"

"You're full of jingles, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, right?"

"I like this about Luo Bao. If there is a misunderstanding, she will explain it right away. Unlike in TV dramas, where a small misunderstanding is delayed from the beginning to the finale to make it clear, it makes people explode."

"That's why there are only thirty or forty episodes of this kind of brain-dead drama. Like Luo Quan, the first episode ends the whole drama."

"So, this is an ordinary love song?"

"That's hard to say, maybe Luo Bao wrote this song to commemorate someone."

"Damn, here we go again, since the green man is gone!"

"I want a tauren, I want a tauren, moo~~~"

"Theseus in the live broadcast room, check from time to time to see if there are any tauren killed."


The barrage had just returned to normal, but in a blink of an eye it became abstract again.

Luo Quan watched these happy people come and go, and finally he could only sigh helplessly.

In short, let's wait for the new song to be released in the early morning. It is estimated that the misunderstanding can be resolved only after seeing the new song.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Luo Quan went to sleep on time. As for the new song and supporting copywriting, Luo Quan had already edited it. When she closed her eyes and lay down on the bed, the song and copywriting were released.

"Many people say that the daughter is the father's previous lover.

But in my opinion, elder sister and younger sister are more in line with this relationship.

We came together in the previous life, and we have not been separated in this life, how romantic it is.

This is a love song for my younger sister Luoxi, I wish her a healthy and happy growth, and say goodbye to all troubles.

In addition, I sincerely hope that fans will like this song. On this peaceful night, it will accompany you to sleep.

good night zzzzz"

At the back of the copy, a short video of about [-] seconds is attached.

The content is that Xiao Luoxi stumbled to the front of the piano, stepped on the small stool, and started to play on the keys with both hands.

I thought it would be a messy and meaningless piano sound, but I didn't expect that the melody that popped up really had a feeling.

Fans who watch this video after listening to their former lovers will definitely be surprised.

Because the melody played by Luoxi is very similar to the refrain melody of the lover in the previous life!

"Is this another genius like my sister?!" Countless netizens were shocked after seeing this scene.

Netizens who haven't heard the song have also become very interested in the song "Lover in a Past Life" at this time.

After a brief piano prelude, Luo Quan's brisk and agile rap sounded:

"You in the grass are more fragrant than the fruit

You are like sugar in the hands of an angel

Little boy is shy and doesn't remember that he is a statue
Immersed in the reeds following the trend and singing praises with beautiful singing
The world is exposed because of you

sunny shape


If you hadn't watched Luo Quan's post in advance, just looking at the first few lines of the lyrics, you really wouldn't be able to tell that this is a love song for your sister.

The sincere and passionate emotion fully embodies the word love.

And this is just a foreshadowing, the chorus part that follows is like the chant of the saints, far and long, and contains the power to stir the heart.

And the end of the song is the most emotional part of the whole work:
"I will later be in the hall of pure white

Hold the hand for a long time and hand it over to the other one
Tears shed little by little

Moved will stay
Looking at your happiness from afar
Just like what we had in previous lives. "

Fans with rich and delicate emotions already burst into tears when they heard this.

No one would have guessed that this was a love song for my sister.

No one could have imagined that Luo Quan could sing so touchingly.

"A masterpiece, an out-and-out masterpiece!"

In the comment area, countless words of praise were finally condensed into such a compliment.

There seems to be no other better adjective than divine work.

Fans who had been waiting for Luo Quan to release a new song and fell asleep after listening to "Lover in a Past Life" all experienced varying degrees of insomnia.

The melody of the song is too beautiful, and the pictures depicted in the lyrics are also too beautiful. People have fallen into a fantasy that is so beautiful that people want to cry, experiencing the happiness they can imagine.

"Luo Bao, are you asleep? I can't sleep anyway. Your song is so nice. I've been playing it on loop for two hours. It's already halfway through tonight. I have to go to work tomorrow. Tell me now what to do?"

"The title song of the album is different, the quality has taken off directly."

"It has to be Luo Quan. No other singer's new album can give me a sense of surprise. Only Luo Quan will never be satisfied with her, because she can always make music better and better."

"It's so good to hear the explosion. Although I only listened to two songs, I have decided to buy the whole album."

"Haha, does Luo Quan's album still need to be inspected? Pre-order decisively, and you can still enjoy discounts."

"Lobo's album is probably one of the few that people won't regret after pre-ordering."

"It is true that many of the 3A game masterpieces that were pre-ordered before have been thunderstorms, but here in Luoquan, they have never disappointed."

"I'm already looking forward to the third song. According to this order, it should be a Japanese song next, right?"

"Luo Bao's Japanese songs are also quite good, definitely at the level of a top singer. I hope there will be an mv when the song is released, and I think we can see her singing in cosplay."

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, right? Memories before death suddenly start attacking me."

"It's over, I just quit him!"


This is probably the most exciting moment for the fans. Since Luo Quan became lazy, they can no longer experience the happiness of three albums a year.

But sometimes, fewer times bring more happiness.

Because it is rare, it makes people cherish it even more.

After the release of Luoquan's new album, the music critics who had been silent for a long time also made high evaluations.

Music fans judge whether a song is good or bad, mainly by whether the song is good or not, and secondly by whether the lyrics have a style.

If it is too earthy and straightforward, the evaluation will be lower.

If it is a word like blue and white porcelain, the melody is almost the same and can be called a masterpiece.

What music critics focus on is something deeper.

For example, whether the melody is complex and changeable, whether the arrangement is gorgeous and exquisite, whether the lyrics have connotation or humanistic care.

These are things that are difficult for non-professionals to explain clearly. They are a little abstract and have relatively large industry barriers.

However, there is one thing that netizens can still distinguish, and that is the evaluation made by the music critics themselves.

No matter what the song is, when these critics, who used to be so mean, suddenly start to praise a person and a song collectively, it means that the song is really awesome.

Luo Quan is currently in such a situation, many well-known music critics have all praised her songs in unison.

In the past, these people scolded the singer for not uttering dirty words, but today they completely changed their temper, and the words they used were disgusting, which made the fans feel a little goosebumps.

It's just kneeling and licking!
But if the object is Luo Quan, there seems to be no problem, because she deserves such an evaluation.

And just after the release of the new song, discussions about it were in full swing on the Internet.

Luo Quan has already fallen asleep beautifully, and she doesn't know what she saw in the dream. She always has a charming smile on her face, and smacks her mouth from time to time.

The next morning when Luo Quan woke up, the first thing he did was to open Weibo.

Sure enough, [-] out of the top [-] hot searches were related to me.

One for Luoxi's video, one for the new song "Lover in a Past Life", and one for Luoquan.

Netizens were discussing the same content, whether they were praising themselves, songs, or Luoxi.

After mixing a bag of oatmeal, Luo Quan stirred it twice, imagining adding a spoonful of sugar to taste.

Putting it aside and waiting for it to cool down naturally, Luo Quan turned on the computer.

This time, the title of the live broadcast room was changed to Lover in the Past Life.

"Good morning, family, have you had breakfast?"

Luo Quan gently stirred the oatmeal with a spoon, and asked with a smile.

"I didn't sleep all night, and I kept listening to new songs."

"Luo Bao, how did you manage to sleep? This whole night, everyone is talking about you and your new song."

"Luo Bao said, what is this little battle? When I first debuted, the popularity was even more exaggerated than this."

"In Japan, it can be said that the whole country is looking forward to your new song."

"It's a pity, Luo Quan has never been to the Red and White Song Concert, and I always feel that something is missing."

"Luoquan no longer needs the Red and White Song Club to be gilded. Conversely, the Red and White Song Club needs Luo Quan to increase their gold content."

"So, what are the Japanese songs in the new album, can they be announced now?"

"Good guy, the map of Yan Kingdom is long enough, so this is your real purpose!"

"I was dumbfounded, thinking why no one is pushing for a new song today, and it turns out that this is it?"

"Since the groundwork is here, Luo Bao, please tell us, don't let our expectations fail. (Crying.jpg)"


"I just said one sentence in total, have you already made your emotions so hot?" Luo Quan looked at the bullet screen, a little dumbfounded.

These fans are always good at making her feel guilty in this self-touching way.

It seems that if you don't agree to their request, you have committed a great crime.

But if you continue to play tricks, look at this barrage, overwhelmingly begging her to lift the ban on new Japanese songs.

Luo Quan felt that if he refused, the fans would definitely be very sad.

"Hey, who made me so beautiful and kind-hearted. Since everyone is sincerely asking, I can't be indifferent."

Luo Quan pretended to sigh helplessly, and said: "Anyway, it will be released sooner or later. It was supposed to be released tomorrow morning, so it will be adjusted to [-] o'clock tonight. It happens to be this time, and most fans around the world should still be there." awake."

As soon as this remark came out, the fans sent out excited calls:
"I'll go, Luo Bao, you're serious!"

"I love you Luo Bao, you are so gentle, I cried to death~~~"

"Haha, it turns out that pretending to be pitiful is really useful, have you seen that, brothers, I will use this trick to deal with Luo Bao in the future!"

"It's good to know this kind of thing in your heart, don't say it."

"It's over, what should Luo Bao do if he doesn't follow this routine in the future?"

"It's okay, Luo Bao is very gentle and kind (easy to bully), and he will definitely soften his heart."

"Haha, besides, Luo Bao went into a rage."


Looking at these barrages that deliberately tease people's emotions, Luo Quan, who already had immunity, just laughed and didn't care too much about it.

"Since the new song is about to be released, here's a spoiler for everyone on this new Japanese song.

Remember what the title song of my first official album was? "

Luo Quan looked at the barrage and asked softly.

"First love! First love!"

The old fans in the barrage immediately answered the questions. This is where the dreams of a considerable number of fans began.

(End of this chapter)

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