Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1199 The Last Kiss

ps. There will be a lot of easter egg chapters in these recent chapters. All the songs mentioned can be listened to through the easter egg chapters. Book friends pay attention to check them.


"It's coming again, isn't it?"

"From the first love to the last kiss, Luo Bao's long-distance love run in the fantasy world, after five years of ups and downs, finally ushered in the end."

"Farewell kiss, I'm so happy to see this, Luo Bao is single again tonight."

"I mean, no one cares about the lover in the past life? Compared with the song that hasn't been released yet, this song is obviously more worthy of discussion."

"There's nothing to talk about. It's a proper masterpiece. Knowing that Weibo and Douban posts are all blowing up, how else can I talk about it?"

"It's hard to imagine that the inspiration for this song came from a piece that Xiao Luoxi played casually. Could it be that she is really a genius."

"I don't know if Xiao Luoxi is a genius, but Luo Quan is definitely a genius. Just such a few tens of seconds of melody can extend the content to such a full and perfect level, I'll just capitalize it."

"The first two songs are really good, and they are very listenable. There will be no such situation that you will feel tired after listening to them once or twice. I hope this song can do the same."

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao doesn't seem to like making MVs when he releases new songs. It always feels like there's something missing."

"I can't help it. It takes an hour for Luoquan to record a song, but it's more troublesome to shoot an MV. It may take a longer week to get it done. It's too time-consuming."

"I don't think it is necessary to use MV to extend the content of the song. How is that different from making a movie? It is directly separated from the essence of music."

"However, some of the MVs that Luo Bao has filmed before are pretty good, especially the ugly girl's big transformation, which is pretty good."

"Lobo's fat girl form is the best looking tank I've ever seen."

"I don't feel as old as Luo Bao..."


"People can't, at least they shouldn't..."


There are bullet screens everywhere, and Luoquan has a lot of live broadcast rooms, but she is used to it, so she smiled after seeing it.

When the live broadcast started this morning, Luo Quan also opened the live broadcast room on Huanyu at the same time.

The reason was that before going to bed last night, she visited the Huanyu forum again.

Everyone was asking what she was doing, even if Huanyu Girl couldn't broadcast live, she should still chat and brag with everyone.

Luo Quan said that she released a new album, but it was in the language of the earth, considering that Huanyu fans might not understand or like this style, so she didn't say it.

But this self-serving idea was protested by Huanyu fans:
"Are you questioning our level of art appreciation?"

"That is, what style of music should be distinguished? In my opinion, there are only two kinds of music, one is good, and the other is not good."

"Hurry up and let us appreciate the masterpiece of Our Lady. If it gets out and the foreigners next door know about it, they will think we don't know how to appreciate art!"


Under the enthusiastic request of the fans, Luo Quan promised them to start the live broadcast after waking up, and then watch the released two new songs for everyone to listen to.

But now, the two cameras of the universe and the earth are rebroadcasting the images in the room, and Luo Quan clicks on the Penguin music player and buys a new album.

""Luoquan's Fantasy World", the original price is 30, now you can enjoy a 24% discount if you order in advance, and you can get ten good songs for only [-] yuan.

24 yuan, you can’t buy it at a loss and you can’t be fooled. If you miss this discount, you will have to wait at least half a year for the discount. "

Luo Quan clicked to buy, and at the same time boasted a lot about himself.

For any of his works, Luo Quan usually promotes them when they are released, and then he will not mention them again.

However, if she doesn't promote a special book with a score of 8.5, a large number of people will buy it.

Moreover, only two songs have been released so far, and the quality is already so good that the whole network praises it.

As we all know, Luo Quan has the habit of saving good things until the end, so the album "Luo Quan's Fantasy World" still has room for expectation.

In just two days since its launch, the album has sold more than 500 million copies. According to this trend, the sales volume will exceed [-] million before half of the album is released.

Although it is not as good as "Women's Decathlon" for the time being, as a trilingual mixed album, it is already very exaggerated to have such a result.

At least Luo Quan himself is very satisfied with this result.

After purchasing the album, Luo Quan played the two songs "Heaven on the Other Shore" and "Lover in a Past Life" in sequence.

The fans in the live broadcast room had heard it countless times in the past few days, so the reaction was not that intense.

The fans on Huanyu heard it for the first time, and they were so excited:
"What a magical arrangement, it feels similar to the popular music of Huanyu, but it is also full of exotic flavor."

"It's all alien instruments and lyrics, so of course it's exotic."

"One thing to say, the melody is really nice, and you can listen to it once."

"I can't find a few songs on Huanyu's current pop music chart that can compare with these two."

"Indeed, in order to break through the bottleneck, these bastards started experimenting with music one by one. It sounds terrible, just like monks chanting scriptures."

"The current popularity is due to a bunch of brainless fans. It is estimated that these people have forgotten what made them have the status they are today."

"To be more extreme, these people have forgotten how to create works that the general public likes to see and hear, and have separated themselves from the masses!"


Seeing Huanyu fans criticize the songs on the charts, Luo Quan suddenly realized that the situation there seemed to be not much different from that on Earth.

Sure enough, there are only so many good melody combinations. With the development of popular music, it will become more and more difficult to create good songs.

Movies and TV shows are actually the same thing. If too many routines are used, the audience will get bored sooner or later, and this is completely unavoidable.

"I didn't expect everyone to like my song so much." Luo Quan smiled, and sent a subtitle in the Huanyu live broadcast room with his thoughts, "In fact, despite my claim to be omnipotent, in fact, what I am best at is singing.

In fact, I still have many good songs, and I will play them slowly for everyone in the future. "

Huanyu fans were surprised:

"I didn't realize that the Holy Mother has such a skill."

"I heard Luo Bao say that it is best at music, but the same thing was said when it was painting, dancing, and doing variety shows, so I just thought it was the same level."

"At present, Luo Bao's level of music is definitely better than other skills by at least two grades!"

"So you're only seeing it now? As for the New Year's Eve song "Ode to Joy", how many of you can write it now?"

"I think that song can be called one of the best in recent decades."

""Ode to Joy" has a kind of shock and touch of a great reunion in the world. It is hard to imagine that Luo Quan is so young! But he can write such a large-scale music."

"Luo Bao's big picture is great, and the little love songs are not bad. The two songs in front of me are very comfortable to listen to. They have already surpassed the rubbish on the ranking list."

"Can the ten songs of the new album be released quickly, and then sold in Huanyu? I want to see if Luo Bao can break this year's sales record."

"Haha, then I'm really looking forward to it, I must give Huanyu these vegetarian bastards a little earth shock!"


Huanyu's fans are still in the digging state.

The excavation team is a treasure named Luoquan.

Before they fully understand Luo Quan, they will never know what kind of surprise Luo Quan will bring to everyone in the next moment.

In fact, even if you are a fan of the earth, it is hard to say where Luo Quan's limit is.

At least for now, Luo Quan's creation has not encountered a bottleneck.

In the past, people often said that she was exhausted, because her singing speed of three colleges a year plus a few singles was simply too outrageous.

One year can surpass the creative output of other singers for five years!
This is not fishing for inspiration, but directly opening the reservoir.

Some singers may not be able to reach this level of inspiration in their lifetime, but Luo Quan has been like this for four years.

Even this year, which is recognized as the least number of albums, there are actually nearly [-] songs including singles and upcoming albums.

And the second half of the year has just begun, and with Luo Quan's output, it's definitely not a difficult task to release another ten songs.

So this year is actually three colleges a year.

After five consecutive years of high production, it is no wonder that netizens feel that she is about to run out of inspiration.

After all, which normal singer can make like her.

But Luo Quan just kept going, and every album is not bad, and the ratings are basically above 7.5.

For other singers' albums, if there are three songs of good quality out of ten songs, they can already be called gods.

And every song in Luo Quan's album is at least in the category of good-sounding, and there are quite a few songs that are worthy of passing down to the world.

Three colleges a year, Zhang Zhang Shenzhuan.

The achievements are so brilliant that the netizens who like to question have completely shut up now.

In the face of the gods, it is better not to speculate with the thinking of mortals, but to appreciate her works is the most meaningful behavior.

Fans of Huanyu obviously don't know exactly what level Luo Quan is, they only know that she has several works that gave birth to Song Ling Xuying.

If it is known that she has more than N works that have reached this level, I don't know how explosive it will be.

"This song "Lover in the Past Life" is also very good. The chorus is actually played by the Virgin Mary?"

"Did you show such a talent at the age of 2? It is worth cultivating."

"It seems that I haven't seen Luo Bao's sister yet, can I see the photo?"

"It must be a girl as beautiful and lovely as Luo Bao."

"Speaking of which, can my sister's appearance reach Luo Bao's level in the future?"

"It's probably a bit difficult. The beauty of the Virgin Mary is extremely rare in the entire universe."

"However, they are also sisters, no matter how bad they are, they can't find out where to go."

"That's not necessarily true. Some relatives and sisters look like heaven and earth."

"That's true."


Looking at the barrage's discussion on Luo Xi, Luo Quan fell into deep thought.

In fact, she was also very curious about what Luo Xi would look like in the end.

Although they are sisters, they are not twins after all.

Besides, twins sometimes look different, so it's really hard to predict Luoxi's appearance.

The current Luoxi is indeed in a powder-carved and jade-carved appearance, and it looks like a beautiful girl.

However, it is quite common for people with good looks when they were young to become disabled when they grow up.

If you want to know Luoxi's specific appearance, you will probably have to wait until you are eight or nine years old to see the clues.

However, based on the situation of himself, Leon, and Angela, Luoxi will not be far behind anyway, so there is nothing to worry about.

"That's the end of the new song broadcast. Tonight at [-] o'clock, please look forward to "One last kiss". This is a song that will make people very popular."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said to the fans on both sides at the same time.

"How high can it be?"

"Generally speaking, Luoquan's Japanese songs with English are among the best of the best."

"Really, "Lemon", "First love", and "My all" are all super nice Japanese songs."

"Now I can't wait for the time to jump to five days later, when all the songs in Luo Quan's new album should be released."

"Already pre-ordered, 24 yuan for an album is actually quite a bargain. It would be great if I could send another photo of Luo Bao."

"Not to mention, Luo Bao, are you really not going to give away the additional gift? Just prepare a hundred points."

"That's right, boss, let everyone be happy."


Seeing that the fans wanted gifts, Luo Quan looked at his drawer and said, "Where is there anything else to give away? Last time I gave away all the stationery I used over the years, and now these are all new ones. I bought it, and if I send it away, I have to prepare it again.

If you really want, I will send you autographed photos. "

As Luo Quan said, he took out a stack of tablet-sized photos from the drawer, and wrote his name on it with a marker.

This time, the number of her signatures was not many, only fifty.

"Fifty autographed photos, I will post a barrage to participate in the lottery later, regardless of whether I bought the album or not.

However, I still think that it is better for everyone to collect the autographed photos instead of selling them for money.

, that would be too disappointing to my feelings. "

Although he knew it might be useless to say it, Luo Quan still wanted to persuade him.

Her signed photos are rare in the world, so the price has always been high. Many local tyrants charge 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands for these things.

Money touches people's hearts, even if they are hardcore fans, there are very few who can resist the temptation and refuse to sell.

So don't look at the bullet screen calculations, you must not let her down, but after you get it, it is estimated that the first thing most of them will do is to contact those wealthy buyers.

In this way, the matter about the online gift of the new album is settled.

The time gradually came to 08:30 in the evening, and the third song "One last kiss" was officially launched! (ps. Originally sung by Hikaru Utada)
Just like what Luo Quan said, this is a very touching leg-shaking Divine Comedy.

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