"Luo Quan's songs can always bring surprises to people, that is, you know her songs will be very good, but you can't know in what way it will stimulate your sense of hearing and achieve the effect of pleasing your body and mind.

Just like opening a blind box of candy, you don't know what the candy tastes like when you eat it, but at least the end result is the same, which is to put a happy smile on your face. "

This is a hot comment in the song comment section.

There are still many hot reviews like this, and after the release of the song, the rating of the album has not dropped, which shows that the music fans are quite satisfied with the song, which has reached the expected level.

After the release of the three songs in Chinese, Japanese and English, everyone knew that there would be a short three-day break before continuing to release.

This unwritten rule is formed by Luo Quan's habit of releasing albums for so long.

Of course the fans wanted to finish listening to the song in one go, but the initiative was in Luo Quan's hands, and they would protest at first, but now they basically don't bother to change Luo Quan's habits.

However, during the period when the new album was suspended, other singers in the music scene did not take a break, and they all released songs according to their own plans.

And on the second day after "One last kiss" was released, an album called "Lonely Mountain Song" was released.

Singer Dao Lang is a very well-known old-fashioned singer. He created many popular works at the beginning of the century, which are often used in mobile phone ring tones and car music.

For those born in the 70s and 80s, the status of Di Lang in their hearts is actually the same as that of Luo Quan in the 90s and 00s. They are both their favorite singers.

But just like Phoenix Legend, a grassroots singer, although the songs are catchy and widely sung, soil and low have still become their labels.

In comparison, the situation of Phoenix Legend is even better.

After all, they made their debut on the No. [-] program and won the Youth Song Competition. They can be called Genzhengmiaohong. At least in the circle, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks about them.

But Daolang is different, he is completely famous in Weimo, without any background behind him.

So when he became popular back then, he was often criticized and ridiculed by his peers in the circle.

From the point of view of criticism, it is nothing more than that the lyrics of Talking Wolf are too straightforward and vulgar, without any value, and the melody of the song is too drooling and has no musicality.

But then again, aren't many popular guava love songs like this?
Those who criticize talking about wolves have many of their own songs like this, and their songs are not as popular as others.

It's just that he has a wider network in the circle, so he can criticize the wolf without scruple.

The same thing actually happened in the 10s when those Internet singers rose.

However, because they had no background, most people, including the wolf, chose to swallow their anger.

But the thorns that stick into people's hearts cannot be equal to non-existence just because you don't care about them.

As long as it is not pulled out, it will remain inserted there, and the wound will continue to bleed and hurt.

Some people will bear such pain and endure it until the person who inserted the thorn takes the initiative to apologize, and then generously chooses to show off their face and eliminate old grudges, and smile away their grievances.

And some people are waiting, when the time is right, he will pull out the thorn in his heart with his own hands, and then ruthlessly insert it into the body of those who hurt him.

Digging wolf belongs to the latter.

After being silent for nearly ten years, he released this album called "Lonely Mountain Song". One of the songs - "Raksha Haishi" swept the major music charts in just one day. It is even higher than Luo Quan, who just released his album.

When Luo Quan saw the news on Weibo, he was surprised.

After all, when she released albums in the past, other colleagues were afraid to avoid them, and they didn't want to release new works with her, so as not to become her background board.

However, Dao Lang not only did things that no one else dared to do, but even achieved good results that no one could imagine.

Before the release of the new album, there has been no movement for a long time.

And this time, with the popularity of "Raksha Haishi", his name began to spread everywhere.

Luo Quan also listened to this song immediately. The tune of the song is very interesting, like the tune in the Northeast Errenzhuan. After reading the popular science in the comment area, he said that it is the backing tune, which is the most common and important tune in the Errenzhuan.

It sounds very charming and a bit brainwashing, but if you really want to say how good it sounds, it won't be enough.

However, the lyrics of this song are too top.

Using a story in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" as a blueprint, I introduced some real characters into it, and through homophonic or font splitting, I scolded all the people who satirized the wolf at the beginning.

The most important thing is that the whole process of talking about wolves used metaphors, and did not name names.

But as long as you read the lyrics, people all over the country know who he is scolding.

This made those involved very uncomfortable.

If you respond, let’s not talk about whether you take it or not, it’s tantamount to checking the humiliating words in the lyrics, and if it spreads out, it will become a joke in the industry.

But if you don't respond, you won't be able to answer back just being scolded like this, don't mention how aggrieved you are.

This is tantamount to falling into the predicament of nine-turn large intestine.

Knowing that this is a trap, you can’t eliminate that chef if you don’t eat it, and you will fall into the chef’s trick if you eat it.

The key problem is that if no one cares about this song, then let him scold it. Anyway, few people know about it, and it will stop after a few days.

But now this song has become more popular than Luo Quan's new song, and this popularity is definitely at the top level in recent years.

Some people say that someone behind this song is fueling the flames, otherwise it would not be possible to become popular so quickly in just one day.

There is indeed a certain truth, after all, although the wolf is indeed very famous, the songs are also very classic.

But the popularity on the Internet is indeed relatively low.

According to common sense, his new album shouldn't be so popular.

However, those netizens who poured into the live broadcast room and comment area of ​​the parties to attack them with the lyrics of Luocha Haishi are all real people.

Among them, the female singer who has the deepest hatred against the wolf has been scolded by netizens for 180 million comments.

This is no longer something that a navy company can do. It is definitely because the majority of netizens have long been dissatisfied with this veteran queen.

Now Diolang took the initiative to raise the banner of counterattack, and others responded one after another.

In addition to the female singer, three other people were also suspected to be mentioned in the lyrics, and then they were attacked by netizens.

At present, neither of these four people nor the wolf himself has made any response to the storm sweeping the music world, and it seems that they all want to deal with it coldly.

However, judging from the popularity of Rakshahai City, it is impossible for this matter to have a chance to cool down naturally.

Just on Douyin and Kuaishou, the number of plays of this song has exceeded [-] million.

This is only the first day, and when the word-of-mouth ferments, the popularity will skyrocket exponentially.

It was only a trending search on Weibo today, and Luo Quan guessed that in the next few days, the trending searches on all major platforms should be covered by this song.

Sure enough, the song exploded on the second day after it was released, and the number of views quadrupled overnight, from [-] million to [-] million, and then the BGM of the short video platform was completely replaced by this song.

Not long after Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room, he saw a paid barrage worth a thousand yuan: "Luo Bao Luo Bao, what do you think of the song "Luocha Haishi"?"

Usually, many fans would spend money to buy paid bullet chats for him and her to answer, but because too many people spent money, she could hardly see those 10 to 50 bullet screens.

Because the screen area is so small, there are a lot of paid barrages of one thousand or five hundred, and it is impossible for the people behind.

And when there are the most people, the paid barrage of 1000 yuan may not necessarily be able to squeeze to the front.

But because the live broadcast had just started, Luo Quan saw this barrage immediately.

"Everyone has seen it. It's not that I want to gain popularity. Someone paid me to answer." Luo Quan cleared his throat and said with a smile: "The following remarks only represent the views of the fans in the live broadcast room, and the views of the anchor himself. It doesn't matter, if you offend anyone, please go to these fans who are watching the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, it's none of Luo Quan's business."

"Hey guy, can this be cut too?"

"If the enemy is reasonable, we will accompany you. If the enemy is unreasonable, then I will be the first to profit!"

"Our Quan fans are like this. We both cause trouble and are afraid of trouble. Anyway, if you have any problems, go to Luo Quan."

"Haha, it's okay to throw blame at each other."

"It's okay Luo Bao, you can just fire at ease, they don't dare to mess with you."


Looking at these barrages of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, Luo Quan shook his head and smiled: "A man, why don't you take any responsibility at all, and finally let me bear everything alone."

After making the joke, Luo Quan said seriously: "I don't have a good opinion of the song Luocha Haishi.

After all, I'm not the person involved, and I don't know the whole picture of the matter, so it's not easy to blame a certain party. Anyway, whoever flirts first is cheap, and whoever scolds first should be attacked.

But putting these aside, we can focus on some of the problems behind the incident, that is why the wolf was attacked after it became popular in the first place.

Personally, I feel that the sense of superiority is still at work.

He also sings popular love songs. Those who criticize the wolf, just because his lyrics are more straightforward and more down-to-earth, feel that this kind of song is not worthy of such a huge popularity.

I think this is very stupid behavior.

In my opinion, as long as a song doesn't promote unhealthy values, it shouldn't be treated like this no matter how popular it is.

There are 14 billion people in China, not all of them have such good conditions to receive elegant art education.

The so-called first-tier cities in developed areas are actually only a small part of China.

People here have better economic conditions, broader horizons, and more ways to entertain themselves.

They know classical, rock, maybe also like rap, electronic music, various types of music, as long as they are willing, they can easily understand and have time to digest in more detail.

However, more people do not have the conditions to carry out these behaviors.

Most of their energies are running around for life, and they have already consumed too much energy just to save enough money for the family. For them, music is just a kind of adjustment in leisure time.

So there is no need to be elegant or musical, just understandable, exciting or relaxing. Who cares about the depth and musicality behind it?This is not doing a good job in the college entrance examination!
These are the people who live in the dirt, make a living in the dirt, and all the fun comes from the same people who stand on the dirt.

In the eyes of those whose feet are off the ground, these people who are stepping on the soil, whether it is taste or creation, are several grades lower than themselves.

So there will be superiority, and there will be contempt.

However, the works of Mudlegzi are so popular, this is something that the people on the high platform cannot tolerate, so they are jealous and criticize.

And this is the crux of all contradictions.

All come from the dirt, but some have been out of it for so long that they look down on the things that raised them, and even conceive the idea of ​​superiority.

I have been saying that good works should be both refined and popular, and among them, the proportion of vulgarity needs to be higher.

Because in this world, elegant people are only a minority after all.

The economic base determines the superstructure, and this situation can only be resolved when everyone no longer has the pressure to survive.

So, I have been telling my fans, don't look down on those songs that are a bit dirty.

And I myself have been singing songs that also make others feel a little rusty.

Dirt is dirt, but it can't hold everyone's liking.

As long as everyone likes it and there is no problem with its values, it is usually a good work.

Those who oppose the general public often end badly.

The current turmoil in Luochahai City is probably such a situation. "

After talking at length, Luo Quan raised his head and drank a big mouthful of water: "Ahem, I've already told you all, I don't know if everyone understands."

"Understood, Luo Bao feels that Raksha Haishi is not as good as her works."

"Take it out of context, an excerpt from "Don't take it out of context""

"Pfft...you want to piss Luo Bao off, don't you?"

"What a laughing skr."

"You guys are good at tricking the anchor."

"One thing to say, even though what Luo Bao said is correct, it seems that you don't have a few down-to-earth songs, like Luocha Haishi, which are very regionally specific."

"There are still some, but relatively few."

"So hurry up and create two songs, or else it will be just a matter of talking on paper?"


"It can't be my fault!" Facing the complaints from fans, Luo Quan spread his hands and said helplessly: "The key point is that when I debuted, I sang songs in foreign languages, and the lyrics in foreign languages ​​are also very earthy, but you see I don't know what to do?
But if you insist on listening, I happen to have a song here, just in time, so let's sing it to everyone.

Please enjoy next, "Yilan's Love Story". "

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