Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1202 Let's Get Married

Chapter 1202 Let's Get Married
Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the popularity of "Raksha Haishi" is still growing, with more than 50 billion views.

Luo Quan admitted that she underestimated the popularity of this song. The enthusiasm of netizens for it is too high. It is mentioned almost everywhere, and her album is really overwhelmed.

"Luo Bao, can you release the new song earlier tonight? The number one music chart these days has always been Luocha Haishi. Don't you think you are doing something?"

In the live broadcast room, a fan asked like this.

Luo Quan hesitated for a while, and finally sighed: "If it was two days ago, then I might still have a little confidence to compete with him. After all, who am I? I am Luo Quan, and I don't even have this confidence. What?
But today, I saw that Luochahai City's entire network playback volume has already reached 100 billion. None of my most popular songs have reached such a score in such a short period of time.

It can be seen how popular this song is with the majority of music fans. The quality of the song can't win back the attention, so I don't expect to be able to regain the top position.

After all, I should have only one song of this level, and that is "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style".

But that was also a ride on the Spring Festival Gala. There is only such an opportunity in a year, and it is hard to come by.

However, if I wait for more than half a month for the popularity to go down before releasing a song, then I don’t think there will be a big problem, but the album has been released, and it’s not my character to drag it out for half a month in order to get the first place. .

Therefore, the song will be released as usual, as for the ranking, just let it go. "

Luo Quan smiled freely, but the fans were very surprised:

"I didn't expect that Luo Bao, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, will sometimes admit cowardice."

"I can't admit it, the song "Luosha Haishi" is too violent, Ma Ying's comment section on Douyin has been scolded 600 million times, and the other three parties have also been scolded 400 million times. It's reached 1000 million, when have you seen this battle before?"

"The main reason is that the emotions of the netizens have been provoked. I feel that this song really doesn't sound so good. The melody is brainwashing, but it doesn't sound that good."

"Am I the only one who thinks this song is average?"

"Luo Bao said I'm really envious. When she debuted, the netizens were so tolerant to her."

"Haha, I remembered the time when Luo Bao was criticized all over the Internet, and even his Weibo account was blocked."

"Actually, you all don't understand. The reason why this song is so popular is that the four people including Ma Ying have drawn too much hatred. Netizens have long been dissatisfied. It's just a mouth."

"That's it, so regardless of whether this song is magical or not, netizens now need a divine song to attack those people. There is no Raksha Haishi, and there are Haishi Raksha."

"Then Luo Bao should also write a song to scold him."


The previous bullet screens were originally for rational discussions, but when he saw the latter one, Luo Quan couldn't hold back: "I have no grievances or enmities with others, why do I write songs to scold them?

This is a big story, and it is also a grievance between the few of them. What's the matter if I go in and get in the way?

Don't come up with bad ideas, just listen to my song carefully. "

As soon as Luo Quan opened his mouth, the fans immediately blamed the barrage that was suspected of provoking war.

After the accusation, everyone asked again: "It's 07:30 in the evening, and it's not long until the early morning. Can Luo Bao reveal what the new song is tonight?"

"It seems to be getting late." Luo Quan looked at the time and said, "First, this is a Chinese song, and second, this is a very practical song.

After it goes online, many fans in the live broadcast room will definitely use it in the future. "

"Understood, the Great Compassion Curse, right?"

"Funeral extension is indeed often used."

"I just want to listen to the song and have fun, so why send me away."

"I feel that there will be suona for the accompaniment. When this thing sounds, I can't help but want to lie down."

"Then close your eyes and stop earning, this life will pass."

"Luo Bao, you don't really intend to play a song from the underworld for everyone, do you?"

"Yes, if this is true, then Luobao has filled the vacancy of pop music in the funeral industry since then, which is considered a great pioneering work."

"Damn it, I'm speechless."


Looking at these barrages, Luo Quan realized how outrageous this group of people are working together, she smiled and said: "No, how did you associate the funeral industry with this song?
I only said that many people will use it in the future, and I didn't say that it will be used when you die.

But if you have to say it, the correct answer is really close, after all, they all belong to the pillar industry in the one-stop service. "

Now, netizens suddenly understood:

"One-stop service, weddings and weddings, right?"

"It's not a trivial matter, it's a red matter? This is another wedding march!"

"It's true that many people will use it. Luo Bao wrote the wedding trilogy for my mother's wedding before. Which one won't let it go now?"

"In the past, it was true that many people would get married, but now, I don't know how many young men and women are willing to get married."

"Anyway, I want to stay single forever. Even if Luo Bao proposes to me, I still have to think about it."

"Shut up! Shameless old thief, can you still get your turn if there is such a good thing?"

"There are many behaviors in this world that are not illegal, such as dreaming, bragging and masturbation."

"Well said, life is so hard, why don't you allow me to flirt?"

"Let's not talk about it, "Rebirth in the Entertainment Industry, Luo Quan Is My Wife" has been updated again, I'm going to chase after it."

"So everyone is chasing this book? I found an organization."

"The writing in this book is really good. In the book, Luo Bao's character is exactly the same as in reality. He is gentle, strong and playful, and he will give you some naughty things from time to time."

"Indeed, it can be called a masterpiece of urban literature with Luo Bao as the protagonist, and it can be ranked among the top three books of the same type in my mind."


Luo Quan looked at these barrages and scratched his hair helplessly.

When a female star is too famous, it is easy to encounter such things.

In the past, Liu Yifei, Liang Mi, and Ruoba were the most frequent hostesses, regardless of whether it was a formal website or an informal website.

Now it's his own.

It is often said that to see whether a female star is really popular or not, it depends on whether there are any urban novels with these people as the protagonists on those novel websites.

Of course, Luo Quan definitely doesn't need to use this method to prove his popularity now.

But in this case, it is really a headache.

She has read the works mentioned in the key barrage, and they are really well written.

It’s just that when I see myself as the heroine’s work, I always feel a little weird in my heart.

And I can't mention it, the fans will definitely be more excited if it is mentioned in the live broadcast room, so Luo Quan can only pretend that he didn't see it, and continued to chat about the new song: "In short, this new song is a marriage-themed song. The song, which is festive and catchy at the same time, belongs to two styles from "Yilan's Love Story."

"If that's the case, it must sound good?"

"Haha, Luo Bao's songs still need to worry about these?"

"Looking forward is over, Luo Bao's song melody will not be bad."

"I hope I won't be too brainwashed, and then be criticized as guava by music critics."

"Hey, I'm just a native of Lower Liba, and I just like to listen to vulgar things. I'm all engaged in art, so what should I listen to?"

"Indeed, I hope that Luo Quan will carry out the popular to the end, and don't go deep for the sake of depth. If it is too deliberate, the song will not be good."


Regarding the advice from fans, Luo Quan smiled slightly: "This is what I have been doing all along, don't worry everyone, tonight's new song should be very popular.

Before, I was worried that if it was too popular, people would complain about it.

Seeing what you said now, I feel relieved. "

The tone was set in this way, and Luo Quan gave the fans a vaccination in advance.

Since I am worried about being too popular, it means that it is a music that is partial to Douyin.

In the past, everyone might complain about Douyin ruining songs, hot songs on the list are too saliva, and the homogenization is too serious.

But now everyone has realized that, shouldn’t pop music be popular?Why does Tuyile pursue so much depth in its products?
With this kind of thinking, as long as the popular songs on Douyin are not plagiarized or the lyrics and melody are too against the sky, few people will criticize them anymore.

Of course, if this standard is put on Luo Quan, it's hard to say what the result will be.

In short, when the new song "Let's Get Married" was released in the early hours of the morning, this song rarely received praise or criticism.

Some people say that Luo Quan has finally fallen, chose to compromise with the market, and his creativity has declined, which is a pity.

Some people say that Luo Quan is a bold attempt at the practicality of the song.

Many songs are finished after listening to them, and nothing will be left behind.

But "Let's Get Married" is different. It is destined to frequently appear in confession scenes or wedding ceremonies.

Just like the Great Compassion Mantra often appears in mourning halls.

How good would you say it really is?Not necessarily.

But that's how indispensable it is, and that's the practical value of the song.

This kind of explanation explains Luo Quan's creative intention quite reasonably, and it has a sense of ingenuity of finding another way.

Countless netizens exclaimed: It turns out that Luo Bao is not exhausted, but wants to create enduring works.

This may indeed be the case. Popular songs are constantly being updated, but aren't the wedding marches still the same ones over and over again?

Now that there are more new works, of course they will be used until they are rotten.

However, some people also put forward new opinions: "Do you think Luo Bao wrote this song to express his inner desire?
"Let's Get Married" actually means that Luo Bao himself wants to get married.

She couldn't speak directly, so she sang her heart out in the form of a song? "

One stone caused a thousand waves. Before this comment, no one thought that there was such a possibility. After all, Luo Quan said countless times that he did not plan to consider emotional issues before the age of 30.

It's only less than 25. Could it be that Fanxin has already been moved?
Netizens immediately started a heated discussion on this issue:

"Unless you are a practitioner who has escaped into Buddhism, who would hate to have a sweet and warm relationship?
Girls tend to be more emotional, and more eager for emotional nourishment than boys, so Luo Quan said that he didn't need it, but in fact, he couldn't have no thoughts in his heart. "

"I guess it's the same. What is certain is that Luo Bao has never been in a relationship since she was a child, but has she really never been in love during this period?
Perhaps because of his high vision, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart, but in the long run, it is impossible to keep his mind at peace. "

"Yes, this song is the proof!"

"I think everyone thinks too much. Luo Bao said before that there is a fantasy world in her mind, and all the inspiration comes from it.

If you need emotional nourishment, it is enough to rely on fantasy, after all, this is how her songs came about. "

"You don't really believe it, do you? Imagining such a thing as a boyfriend is outrageous just by listening to it. What will you do when you get married?"

"Good luck."

"Damn, brother, I'm drinking yogurt, and I almost choked to death with your words."

"It's awesome, you guys know how to work hard, all the friends are here."

"I am not talented, there is a skill called dreaming into the magic machine..."


It was originally a serious discussion, but it was directly turned into a large-scale tidy scene by a few gag comments, and the people who watched it were dumbfounded.

Fans who really cared about Luo Quan's thoughts also knew that it was impossible to analyze what was happening with these sand sculpture brothers, so they poured into Luo Quan's live broadcast room directly.

Perhaps because he knew that everyone would have a lot of questions to ask himself, Luo Quan purposely had a hard time tonight, sitting in front of the camera and chatting with fans all the time.

"Do I want to fall in love and get married?" Luo Quan saw the paid barrage, thought for a while, and replied: "First of all, I must be clear that I am also an ordinary person. Don't think that I am not ordinary because I am a star or a goddess. People should have feelings.

Who would refuse a passionate love?
Who would say no to a marriage that lasted for a hundred years?
Who would turn down a destined mate?
Everyone wants good things, and I am no exception.

I'm not a nun or Kun Dao, if I really meet a good opportunity, it's impossible not to be tempted.

But the key point is that I haven't encountered such a good opportunity until now, so don't make up too much imagination, you can completely follow the analysis of some netizens, just think that I am the story that happened in the fantasy world. to reality.

This song was originally intended to compete with Luocha Haishi based on its functionality, but now it seems that everyone seems to be more concerned about my marriage, and it really shouldn't touch such a sensitive topic. "

Luo Quan looked at the camera and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

After the fans listened to her explanation, the boulder hanging in their hearts was finally let go.

(End of this chapter)

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