Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1203 Small freshness and big pattern

ps. Thanks to book friends Xiaomeng Qingtan and Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coins, thank you for your support!


"A question, is Luo Quan exhausted?"

On Zhihu, I don't know how long it has been since such a problem occurred.

However, this question was asked before because people sincerely felt that Luo Quan's talent had been exhausted, with a hint of belittling and gloating.

Obviously not this time.

Probably the new song released by Luoquan in the second round did not meet the expectations of the fans at all, so everyone deliberately used this question to express their dissatisfaction.

"It's not that we can't accept saliva songs, but this one is a bit too saliva, and it has no quality at all."

"It's really not as good as Luo Bao's. I'm very dissatisfied with this song."

"I posted three high-quality songs in a row, so I'm going to make things difficult for everyone, right?"

"It's normal for an album to have good and bad songs, but you are Luo Quan, so the lower limit of bad is better than others?"

"Actually, the song "Let's Get Married" can't be said to be bad, at least the ones on Douyin are much better than those on Douyin, and the melody is very nice, and the effect is very good when it is played at a wedding.

But this should be a single, not an album. "

"Luo Quan's fantasy world, Luo Bao fantasizes that he is married, so there is this song. The song is not bad, but it is not as good as everyone expected."

"Anyway, I think it's pretty good. It's been looping all the time, and I will definitely play this song in the future. I don't know why you have to pick so many thorns."

"It's not to criticize, but I think this should not be the level that Luo Bao should have, and it lacks musicality."

"Facts have proved that music fans who like the so-called music are in the minority after all. After all, this song is very popular on all major platforms. High BGM."

"It's normal. The melodies of the two are the best. The former is more popular with the public."

"Unfortunately, it may be difficult to hear Luo Bao's Divine Comedy in the future."


Fans on the Internet had mixed reviews of the new song. Luo Quan had anticipated this situation. After all, she released this song just to grab the top spot. She didn't think about the musicality at all, and it's normal to be scolded.

It's just that I didn't expect that I didn't grab the first place, and I didn't get the reputation. It belonged to losing my wife and losing my army.

But things have happened, and it's useless to regret it.

But seeing that there were so many fans complaining about this incident, Luo Quan could only start a live broadcast the next day in order to calm everyone's mood.

"I'm guilty"

Luo Quan changed the title of the live broadcast room to this, but she didn't have the slightest sincerity to admit her mistake when facing the camera, she still had a hippie smile on her face.

"Haha, I just want to try to grab a ranking on the chart with the whole down-to-earth song. Who knows that there is no hope of winning before it is released?"

Luo Quan spread his hands, admitted his strategic miscalculation, and then said: "I know that everyone wants some songs that are both musical and audible, but such songs have been counted in the music databases all over the world. How much can there be?
This is something that can be encountered but not sought after. It needs a sudden inspiration, not something that can be done with a slap in the head. "

"That's right, but you are Luo Quan, the omnipotent Luo Quan."

"It's normal that others can't do it, but you can't say you can't do it, especially in music."

"If even you, Luo Bao, can't do it, then there should be no one in this world who can do it."

"Luo Bao, you must have prepared a surprise for everyone, don't hide it, show it to everyone."


Facing the fans' trust, Luo Quan just shook his head, and said in a regretful tone: "There is no surprise, if there is really a surprise, it would have been played out a long time ago, how could it be possible to wait until now?

The following songs are basically ordinary pop songs, and there won't be any particularly big waves, so don't have too much expectation. "

Fans were disappointed to hear that Luo Quan didn't look like a joke at all:
"It seems that what Luo Bao said this time is true. Although this album already has three top-level works, it still feels a bit uninteresting."

"It's a conventional album, it's equivalent to Luoquan's previous albums, and it's much better than others."

"The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment."

"Already 25, half a foot has entered menopause, can you still expect her inspiration to be as strong as when she was young?"

"This time it's really the best of the best."

"Haha, not brother, this is too mean."

"Jiang Lang's exhaustion must be false, and disappointment must be true."

"Don't talk about it, let's talk about Luo Bao's going to drop a little pearl."


The speeches of some poisonous netizens are indeed very easy to break the defense. If you change a girl with poor psychological quality, you may really cry.

But Luo Quan has always been careless, and this aggressiveness is not enough to make her drop a little pearl.

It is this adjective, which really makes people feel a little angry.

Half a foot into menopause, this kind of adjective is really thanks to these people, it makes people angry and want to laugh.

"I'm only 25, not 52, and I'm not so old yet." Luo Quan pulled his face with his hands, showing off his elastic, smooth and collagen-filled face.

"See, the skin is still very elastic, which means that I am young now, and menopause is still far away from me!"

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said so.

"I don't believe it, unless you let me pinch it too."

"Can you describe the feel? Luo Bao, let everyone YY have an idea."

"Haha, how can I imagine it just by describing it in words."

"My suggestion is to try the silicone directly, and the feel will not be too bad."


"There's nothing special about this texture." Luo Quan squeezed it again, "It's like jelly, soft and springy, but tighter than jelly... These are not the point, the point is not to mention menopause in the future At least I have to wait until I'm 40 years old to use this word to attack, right?"

Fans immediately responded:
"When a beautiful woman is called ugly by others, she will not get angry. When an ugly girl is called ugly by others, she will immediately break her defense."

"Luo Bao, you said it yourself."

"So you hate this word so much, is it for this reason?"

"Using the other's spear and attacking the other's shield, there are still many masters at station B."

"Haha, now Luo Bao has nothing to say."


Indeed, as the barrage said, Luo Quan was at a loss for words for a while.

Because the previous words were said by oneself, people cannot refute what they have said, otherwise speaking in the future will be like farting to others, and it will not be convincing.

"You guys are completely changing concepts." Luo Quan thought for a while, and finally opened his mouth to refute, "It's not because you broke the defense that you are ugly, but because ugly people are easier to break the defense.

Similarly, my refutation does not mean that I am such a person. You must first understand the causal relationship. "

"Alright Luo Bao, we will pay attention to it in the future."

"Would you like Wuji Baifeng Pills? My family owns a pharmacy, and there is an ancestral prescription for infertility... Oh no, it is for insomnia, anxiety, and palpitation caused by menopause."

"I think the effect of donkey-hide gelatin should be better."

"800 years, Jiuzhitang, cure kidney deficiency, no sugar, I choose the best ham, one section is better than six sections!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"It's all about what."

"I'm Luo Bao, and now I'm about to be stunned by your anger."

"It's almost enough to play memes. After persecuting the anchor, I don't have any swimsuit photos to watch."

"Damn, don't do it, I made a mistake with Luo Bao, I will never dare again."


There is one thing to say, facing this kind of fans who like to work hard, Luo Quan really has nothing to do with them.

Knowing that they are joking and enlivening the atmosphere, it is not easy to say anything serious.

But if she didn't speak more seriously, these people didn't take themselves seriously at all, and she was panicking in her heart.

After thinking about it, I finally decided not to care too much about these fun people.

They come online to have fun. Compared with those Internet users who are of extremely poor quality and full of foul language on Tieba Weibo, the quality of these fun people in the live broadcast room is already quite high.

At least not swearing or making dirty jokes, that's already good, what more bikes are needed.

As for those bullet screens that make people look a little uncomfortable, let's just let it go.

Don't get angry, there is no one to replace you when you get sick.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan calmed down quickly: "The fifth song will be released tonight. It is still a Chinese song, and it is also the last Chinese song of this album. Please stay tuned."

"Luo Bao, your frustrating words just now are really hard for everyone to look forward to."

"As long as the word Luo Quan is on the list of creators, this song is worth looking forward to!"

"That's right, Jiang Lang was only joking, you don't really think that Luo Bao can't do it, do you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, brother, Luo Bao can't write a bad song even with his eyes closed. I strongly suspect that the next song will be another divine comedy!"

"Carefully optimistic, I feel that the probability of the Divine Comedy is not high."

"Then let us wait and see!"


When teasing Luo Quan, these fans wanted to make Luo Quan worthless.

But when it came to the critical moment, there were basically no villains who were rebellious in the barrage.

It shows that fans still have a clear sense of priority, knowing when to make jokes and when to be reasonable.

And Luo Quan was a little disappointed when he saw the barrage full of anticipation.

Cooperating with her, she spent so much effort to create an environment where everyone had no expectations for the new song, and it became invalid in the blink of an eye?
So what are the complaints and doubts she endured in front of her?
It must be too wronged!
Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help puffing up his cheeks, like a squirrel stuffed with acorns in its mouth.

She just wanted the fans to dislike her new song, and then slap her in the face severely.

Unexpectedly, fans now don't accept this kind of thing at all, and trust themselves unconditionally, believing that she can come up with amazing divine comedies.

I don't know whether to praise them for being loyal enough, or scold them for being too heavy and brainless.

The feeling of reversing and slapping her face is probably impossible to create, but at least it can be seen that the fans still trust her very much, which is a good thing after all.

"That's the end of the live broadcast. Tonight at 0 o'clock I will continue the live broadcast. After listening to the song, you can come to the live broadcast room to talk about your thoughts."

After speaking, Luo Quan downloaded the broadcast.

Because she said hello in advance this time, apart from fans, ordinary passers-by and netizens have no expectations for her new song.

Most people think that it is enough to release another more functional love song like "Let's Get Married".

This song is not bad when used at a wedding scene, but if it is used to express a confession, it is too formal and not particularly suitable.

That's why netizens really want Luo Quan to release a song that is used to express his love, and finally it will be the kind that can touch the hearts of young girls as soon as he sings it.

They believe that Luo Quan's songs definitely have such magic power.

After all, girls listen to "My Heart Is Eternal" and cry once after listening to it. It shouldn't be too difficult to come up with a song with a similar effect.

But this time, Luo Quan was destined to disappoint them.

When the song was launched, the name of the song directly made everyone face black question marks.

"Turkish Ice Cream"?
What kind of weird song title is this, is it to say to my dear lover that you are as sweet as Turkish ice cream?

After searching for the impression of this Turkish specialty in my mind, I found that there is only a picture of the ice cream merchant who is so skinny that people want to hit him.

Turkish ice cream is a specialty of Turkey, and it can also be said to be the way it is sold.

The owner of the ice cream shop will play tricks on the customer who wants to eat ice cream in various ways, so that he can't get his own ice cream.

The most common way to play is that it looks like the ice cream is handed over to the customer, but the customer blinks and finds that the ice cream in his hand has turned into an empty cone.

And no matter how many times you repeat and how careful you are, you will be played by the boss in different ways.

But it is also very simple to crack, that is, you can eat whatever the boss gives you.

Although you can’t eat ice cream, the cone tastes good. As long as you eat two, the boss will know how distressed he is, and will immediately hand over the ice cream to you and let you leave.

As for why Luoquan used this special product as the title of the song, most people don't know much about it.

There are still a few people who have guessed some reasons.

Could it be that the theme of Luo Quan's song is "playing"?
So what exactly is Luo Quan playing with?

Is it playing with the audience or playing with the music?
All the answers can only be revealed after listening to this song.

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