Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1206 Recapturing Chapter 1

Chapter 1206
Luo Quan only used one sentence to vividly show fans what Ye Gong is a good dragon.

At the beginning, everyone was talking about how much they love Sayu and listing her good points, which really made them anxious when they got married.

This is the same as some girls on Xiaohongshu. When they saw a girl weighing more than 200 kilograms, they said that they were not too fat, slightly fat, and much more beautiful than Bai Youshou.

According to their logic, they should be very envious and eager to have such a figure.

Then you send a message: I wish you to gain more than 200 catties as soon as possible, and these women will immediately ask why you are cursing?
Therefore, they actually know that being fat like this is bad, even insulting, but anyway, the fat is not on them, so they can unscrupulously exude their cheap kindness, regardless of facts and right or wrong.

"Everyone is like this. They never feel pain when the knife hits them. Instead, they feel how kind and caring they are."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said seriously: "Sayu's drama, if you just imagine that you can find a beautiful and gentle girl in reality, then you can't say that you understand this drama at all." .

First of all, everyone must understand that girls born at home like this are very common in Japan.

They are as good as they can be, and they can sell their souls and bodies for money. They are rotten crotches in the public mouth, which is absolutely undeniable and whitewashed.

But that doesn't mean they aren't miserable.

No one is born willing to become like this. School bullying, family indifference, parental violence, and even the persecution of the entire social environment are the reasons that lead them to go astray.

I sympathize with what happened to these girls, but I also loathe their depravity.

Are they miserable?

Of course it was miserable.

But there are many people in this world who are more miserable than them, but these people still rely on hard work and hard work to survive.

In this road of life, there are many paths to choose from. The path you choose to take is different, and the treatment you get is of course also different.

To engage in the service industry and build a landmark building at the same time is simply untenable from the perspective of universal values. I just made the correct guidance in my opinion.

Of course, if you think that I am on the line, just uncheck it and click the cross. "

Luo Quan took a sip of water and continued: "Actually, I'm rarely so serious, after all, I can get angry, of course it's also due to my figure.

It is said that swimsuit photos have artistic value. To put it bluntly, isn’t it just rubbing the edge, but the people who rub the edge are more on the stage than ordinary welfare girls. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, the fans and passers-by in the barrage were all fooled by her:
"This is the first time I've watched Luoquan's live broadcast, has she always been so daring to say it?"

"Now it's considered restrained. In the past, the live broadcast was done in swimsuits, which is known as the wave of Hawaii in history."

"I can't forget the Venus with the broken arm. It is a world famous painting."

"Haha, I haven't heard Luo Bao's Chicken Soup for the Soul for a long time. I thought Luo Bao had gone on the road of abstraction and life forever. I never thought that there would be another opportunity to listen to her philosophy of life lectures for everyone."

"The main focus of the anchor's live broadcast room is the three views. Luo Bao has been a teacher since the early years. He likes to force his own values ​​​​on your head. You don't agree with her and don't give up."

"However, Luo Bao's values ​​are basically correct, and he has never been overturned."

"Nonsense, otherwise, why do you think she can single-handedly let the group of fans on Weibo dare not reply? I really think it's because of the fans."

"It's true that Luo Bao's early fans were all a bunch of stupid high school nerds. Apart from licking Luo Bao's screen and going crazy, they had no fighting power. Luo Bao personally solved everything."

"Damn, as a year-old fan, I don't know these things at all!"

"That was all four or five years ago. At that time, Luo Bao had just debuted, and his mouth was full of invincible players on Weibo."

"Then the account was reported and banned, cold knowledge, Luo Bao's current Weibo was re-applied later."

"Hahaha, it turned out that Luo Bao's early experience as an artist was so interesting. It's a pity that I only know about it now."

"The main thing is that Luo Bao made his debut in Japan. It took a long time before he returned to China and started to develop. Many interesting things are only recorded on the Internet in Japan, and there are no domestic ones."

"Interesting, I'm going to take a look at the online forum in Japan."


After filling the chicken soup for the soul, the live broadcast room suddenly became a ten-year-old fan group building site.

A group of old guys who rarely post barrage are very active at the moment.

The main reason is that Luo Quan had finally made such a long speech. If he didn't come out to echo it, he would be too sorry for the drool that Luo Bao consumed.

"Actually, I've been discussing the matter of spraying me for a long time. Who can be a celebrity without being sprayed?" Luo Quan put down his water glass, licked his lips and said, "But saying that I look down on poor guys and divorced from the masses, that's not a good idea." I can't afford a top hat, so I have to get serious today.

I don’t have any opinion on the Shaved Girl anime, including the heroine and the fans of the fans. What I said before is just to show my position. Everyone can understand this, right? "

Fans immediately responded:

"Luo Bao has always been right about things and not about people. Just get used to it."

"If you don't understand this, it's useless to watch so many episodes of Luoquan Evening Chat."

"In this materialistic world, Luo Bao can only see a little sincerity. There are not many other celebrities, and they all like to cover up."

"You'd better say it sincerely."

"Is the sincerity you mentioned especially obvious when you wear an evening dress?"

"Can you drive on this broken road?"

"That's why I've always said that Luo Bao is the one who thinks highly of our poor guys the most. Wearing an evening dress, he never raises his hands above the waist. The main thing is to be confident and treat everyone equally."

"On the other hand, some female stars are afraid that the poor will see it, and they are afraid that the rich will not see it."

"Shh, don't say it, or you will start a war."

"Since we're all talking about the Luoquan night talk, why don't Luo Bao start the show directly, even though it's not evening yet."

"Good idea, what does Luo Bao think of Tengfei Boy's [-]-year appointment concert?"


Facing the barrage of applause from all the questioners, Luo Quan's face darkened after he had just recovered: "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable if you don't bother me? Do you want me to comment on such a sensitive topic?

I can only say that the interlacing is like a mountain, it is really difficult to comment. "

The fans all laughed and said:
"It feels like Luo Bao didn't say anything, and it feels like she said everything."

"It's not a colleague. Luo Bao has always considered herself a capable group, which means she thinks these people are fans."

"Enterprise level understanding!"

"However, the battle of this concert is indeed a bit exaggerated. Online and offline, it can be called a feast of entertainment. People who eat melons and have fun express their satisfaction."

"It's hard to imagine that fans of this group can do so many outrageous things."

"A few days ago, those fairy girls who went to the concert in wedding dresses I thought they were peerless, but I didn't expect it to be even more fierce this time!"

"The fans of the three families gathered together as if they were fighting a war. They even brought controlled knives. It was really scary."

"The last time Chang'an City was in such a mess was hundreds of years ago."


The things the fans talked about were all things that actually happened during the [-]th anniversary concert of the Ascendas Youth League.

Including but not limited to fan fights, credit card fare evasion, online loan admission, wedding appointments...

The four most popular ones alone are already very explosive. Those gossips that are not well-known to the public are even more outrageous. They are as well-informed as Luo Quan. After reading them, they have to put on a subway old man Face.

A concert that really showed the diversity of species to the fullest.

"You say, if... I mean if, if I have a ten-year concert in the future, can you be as fanatical as these fans?" Luo Quan looked at the camera and said with anticipation.

"Ten years later? At that time, I guess the baby will be in primary school. It's time to spend money. How can I have time to go to a concert?"

"Woman, are you overestimating your status in everyone's mind?"

"Who would spend tens of thousands to go to a concert to go crazy just because of a yellow-faced woman who can be seen every day in the live broadcast room?"

"It used to be called Luo Bao and Goddess Luo, but now it's called Huanglianpo, right?"

"Haha, I can't listen to it anymore. Sure enough, love will disappear, right?"

"I think this is a kind of self-confidence. As a Luo Bao fan, you should be so confident."

"The ones you can't get are always in turmoil, and the ones you can meet every day are naturally yellow-faced women."

"I don't know if she will be a yellow-faced woman in the future, but Luo Bao's face seems to be a little dark now."


"You guys also know that my face is dark!" Luo Quan curled his lips with a very unhappy expression.

Although I know that these people are trying to anger me on purpose, it's too much to call her Huanglian Po.

Even in the past 500 years, it is impossible for her to become a yellow-faced woman!

But this kind of thing can't be said. In the past 500 years, the graves of these people in the live broadcast room are taller than the Elphi Tower.

Considering that these villains would die sooner or later, Luo Quan, who had succeeded in the mental victory method, immediately calmed down.

"Hehe, just be angry with me." Luo Quan looked at the camera with a smile and said: "If I really become a yellow-faced woman in the future, I will definitely quit the circle immediately, and I won't let you see me in a mess."

These rather provocative words were exported, and the fans' answers were also very touching:

"This is true. Since ancient times, beauties are like famous generals, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair."

"It's okay Luo Bao, even if you become a yellow-faced woman, you are still the one I love the most. I will support you when I become unemployed."

"I've made do with it, how can I get away from it?"

"No one is forever young, but you are definitely the most beautiful in my heart."


Men's words are deceiving, Luo Quan will not forget the faces of these guys when they mocked him because of this sweet talk.

"Okay, it's useless to say these worthless words. Now there is a more intuitive way to show your sincerity, and that is to take back the number one position on the hot song list!"

Luo Quan clicked on the Penguin Music Hot Songs Chart, and the number one song is still "Luocha Haishi", followed by "Lover in a Past Life".

Although the ranking has not changed, the popularity of Luochahai City has obviously dropped much compared to the previous few days.

If it was the kind of enthusiasm three days ago, Luo Quan would never have the intention of competing for the rankings.

But now, she felt that there was still room for manipulation.

"I know that the stamina of the lover in the previous life is estimated to be almost here, so I plan to let everyone work hard tonight.

The new song released tonight will be a hilarious song that people will never get tired of listening to. In addition, didn’t you say that these recently released songs are relatively easy to sing, too drooling?

Tonight's song will be much more difficult to sing than the previous ones, meeting your needs to challenge yourself.

So, everyone, let's work hard tonight, play the new song a few more times, and see if we can regain the number one position on the hit list. "

Luo Quan was carrying out pre-war mobilization with a serious expression, which she rarely did before. After all, at that time, no one could threaten her when the new album was released.

But this time the opponent was extremely strong, so Luo Quan arranged some indicators for the fans for the first time.

The data of the hot song list only depends on the real-time playback volume and the number of comments. The more data there are, the higher the ranking will be. There is no trickery.

Although Luochahai City is still setting a new record for the number of curse comments on Douyin, Luo Quan feels that its decline has been revealed, and it is a great opportunity to reverse and win the championship.

As for the next song, Luo Quan was quite confident.

As long as it is released, it will not be a problem to make fans happy for a day and a night. After all, the melody and rhythm of this song are really brainwashing.

Of course, just relying on her mouth to say it won't work for the time being.

Her fans are all those who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.

Don't look at how she usually defends her, if the new song doesn't satisfy them, they will still come to the live broadcast room to complain.

The previous new song is the best example.

It can only be said that the reputation she has accumulated in the past few years is good enough, and her family background is strong enough. Even if she did not come up with works that could satisfy fans, their emotions were not too intense.

Just like an actor who makes good movies all the year round, if he occasionally releases a bad movie, the fans will probably tolerate it, and even use the name "Give XX a movie from that year" to clean up.

But if bad movies keep coming out, and all of them are surprisingly bad, then no matter how thick the fan filter is, word of mouth will collapse sooner or later.

It is easy to destroy word of mouth, but difficult to raise word of mouth.

There are already quite a few national-level actors who make bad movies for bad money, and they have been blacklisted by netizens.

Luo Quan doesn't intend to do this kind of thing, even if the current fans are extremely tolerant of her.

So tonight, she plans to use her strength instead of marketing or buying volume to regain the top spot of the hot song list.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the new song "Beggin" will be launched.

(End of this chapter)

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