Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1207 Recapturing Chapter 1

Before the release of the new song, the trending searches were actually related to Luo Quan.

It's just a little bit comedic.

After playing the trailer for the fans and letting them look forward to the new song tonight, Luo Quan subconsciously stretched his waist and prepared to download it.

This is what Luo Quan often does during live broadcasts. After all, her live broadcasts must be high-intensity, and she often sits for hours at a time.

The broadcast is approaching, and the spirit is relaxed, so I will naturally stretch my waist to relieve fatigue.

This is not worth discussing at any other time, but at that time Luo Quan was wearing the JK school uniform he was 17 years old.

After so many years, her height has not changed in private life, but her chest has grown by two full sizes.

Originally, the button was under the pressure it shouldn't have to bear, but this time he raised his chest and directly declared a strike.

The hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room only heard a crisp sound, and the top button of Luoquan JK's uniform collapsed and flew directly to the computer screen, and even the collar bounced to both sides.

Fortunately, there is still a lining inside, so that it will not be exposed.

And because the screen and the camera are not at an angle, many fans still don't understand what's going on.

"Fuck, the buttons are flying."

It wasn't until Luo Quan took the button that had fallen on the table in his hand that the fans reacted.

But it was very calm, and said calmly: "I told you that this clothes can't be worn anymore, you must believe it, now you know?"

Then the live broadcast was closed.

Fans realized it later and thought it was too funny.

It happened to be several hours before the release of the new song, and everyone had nothing to do, so they put this embarrassing news on the top of the trending search.

Other popular searches on female celebrities, the titles are "XX legs are amazing", "XX skin is so white", "XX neck is so slender", "XX face is so advanced", etc., but Luo Quan is amazing, the title It directly became "Luoquan buttons are flying."

This style of painting immediately opened up the gap with other coquettish sluts, and most people didn't even know what happened if they didn't click in.

After reading it, I realized, oh, it turned out that the clothes were too tight, the figure was too good, and the buttons flew off when there was a big movement.

However, seeing the scene of the button being blown away does give people an indescribable sense of joy.

Obviously this was supposed to be used to promote a good figure, but it turned into funny news unexpectedly.

Netizens also ridiculed in the comment area:
"I used to say that so-and-so has a good figure, but it turned out to be the same when I took it out. Now that the real sexy goddess has come out, the template is here. Do you know how to write manuscripts in the future?"

"Haha, as expected of Luo Quan, he can show his body in such a fresh and refined way without any traces. It's really hard for that button. It just broke down at the last moment of the live broadcast."

"Strange, why is the hot search button broken, not Luo Quan's body? This is not in line with the usual law of entertainment on the hot search."

"Because Luoquan really doesn't need marketing. He has been the most beautiful in the world for many years since his debut, and the number one is not just based on his appearance. Even if he doesn't look at his face, Luoquan's other configurations are still the world's number one."


"Am I the only one looking forward to her new song tonight?"

"Haha, once this hot search comes out, I'm afraid not many people will pay attention to tonight's new song."

"By the way, is there a link to buy Luo Bao's JK clothes? It looks so youthful, and I want to buy one of the same style."

"I don't think you can buy the original version. This is the school uniform of Tokyo Women's Private High School. Only students have it. But you can search in the COS store and you should be able to find a similar pattern."

"It's actually a school uniform. It looks much better than the school uniform I wore back then."

"Japanese female JK is very famous all over the world."

"I only know that Japanese female teachers are very famous."

"Haha, the two can also be the same profession, mainly for watching the plot."


Originally, Luo Quan hoped that his mobilization during the live broadcast would make new songs popular in advance.

Who knew that a button that shouldn't have appeared, but instead of the content she really wanted to be on the hot search.

Now "Luoquan Button" has not only gained huge popularity, but has even become an Internet meme.

"Luoquan buckle" describes a person or thing that has endured tremendous pressure that it shouldn't have to bear. It can also describe that you have worked so hard to persevere to the last step, but because you really couldn't stand it, you fell short in the end.

After reading the meaning given by netizens to this little thing, Luo Quan felt like mmp was stuck in his throat, and he didn't know whether to spit it out or not.

It can only be said that the current netizens are really capable of making a living. It is really speechless that so many stories can be extended from an ordinary button of a shirt.

"Doesn't that make you sexy?"

Wen Xia found out about this, saw Luo Quan's frowning face, and said jokingly.

With that disdainful expression, he didn't know whether he was comforting her or mocking her.

"My sexiness lies in my talent, not in my chest." Luo Quan curled his lips, declared his strengths, and glanced at Xu Yanqing next to him intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you looking at me for?" Xu Yanqing put a pillow on his stomach, relieved the pressure, and said with a pout: "It's not my fault that I have big breasts. Don't you want to know?"

"I didn't mention you Yanqing." Luo Quan quickly explained.

"In the whole room, you and sister Yanqing are the biggest." Li Xiaomiao squeezed the power grip in her hand, and then took a peek at Luo Quan after speaking.

She is the third in the house, and the boss said it wasn't Sister Yanqing, so he couldn't mean her, right?
"Yeah, count me as cheap." Luo Quan raised his hands in surrender, "A good figure is a gift from God to us, just like talent, it's a very good advantage, I should accept it calmly."

"That's right." Wen Xia laughed, it was really interesting to see Luo Quan deflated.

In this way, the "Luoquan Button" incident occupied the highest traffic on the hot search this afternoon, and it was finally squeezed out after the release of the new song.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that everyone's attention could not be adjusted, but he didn't expect that within half an hour after the release of the new song, the top positions on the hot song list and Weibo hot search list changed hands one after another.

"The song "Beggin" is the best English song in my mind this year, it's so good to hear!"

"Singing skills are really amazing. How on earth did Luo Bao manage such a difficult song so easily? There are so many angry sounds, shifting voices, and he speaks words so fast. It's simply outrageous."

"Belonging is another masterpiece of Luo Bao showing off his singing skills, a textbook-level performance."

"In addition to singing skills, the song itself is also very pleasant, with a brisk and very catchy melody. It only takes one beginning to make people want to stop."

"No wonder Luo Bao asked us to listen to it a few more times. This cycle will never get tired of you all night."

"Twitter has exploded, directly calling this song a masterpiece."

"Haha, are you ready Billboard, your emperor is back."


What Luo Quan was most worried about did not happen after all. The popularity of the new song was doubled, and she successfully achieved her intended goal.

When he saw that he became the top of the major music charts, Luo Quan finally let go of his fastened toes.

When she was often number one before, she didn't feel much, and she felt that such a ranking was a matter of course.

After the number one position was snatched away, she began to get anxious again, and would open the leaderboard to look at it every once in a while.

Now that his wish was finally fulfilled, Luo Quan felt quite comfortable.

In the situation where the popularity of Rakshahai City gradually began to decline, as long as he reached the top, there was a high probability that he would not be squeezed out again.

Unless you encounter some unexpected unexpected situations.

For example, those celebrities who were built by netizens on a large scale finally couldn't help it, and openly launched a counterattack against the song and its author.

If this happens, the popularity will explode, far from being comparable to a new song, and it may even become the hottest event in the domestic entertainment industry this year.

The people involved are all seniors who have debuted for decades. They are popular, experienced and have status. If they openly start to fight, the scene will definitely be extremely exciting.

To be reasonable, if he could really appreciate such a celebrity online scolding battle, Luo Quan felt that it would not be unacceptable for his new song to come second.

Who doesn't like to watch the excitement?What's more, it's such a rare excitement inside.

But this excitement can only exist in the imagination.

Today's seniors in the entertainment industry are more fond of feathers, it is almost impossible to get off the stage and start a group for this kind of thing, at most, they just use the trumpet to talk about yin and yang.

After all, after working so hard in the entertainment industry for so many years, it is really not easy to get the current status. In order to show off for a while, if you go to scold your peers, if the influence is not good and you are directly listed as a bad artist, then you will be at a loss.

And judging from the current popularity of Rakshahai City, if they dare to respond, the probability of causing bad influence is not a one-off, but [-]%!

Therefore, the most exciting episode that netizens are looking forward to is probably hard to see.

In other words, the sudden event of regaining the top spot is almost impossible.

That's why Luo Quan is so happy and relaxed now, probably because he knows that from today onwards, the position at the top of the list will not change in any way.

The new album has been released here, and more than half of it has been completed.

The score on the whole network is 8.6. Compared with my previous albums, it just barely passed the passing line, neither good nor bad.

But this is not the final score.

Next there will be an English song, two Japanese songs and a pure music song. Fans believe that Luo Quan will be able to come up with another work that will catch everyone's eyes and even amaze them.

Especially the pure music, many people in the classical music circle have already wanted to open champagne, and they all fantasized that what Luo Quan is about to present is a piece like Canon, Bell, and Wedding March.

But they also didn't think about it, such a famous song that has been famous for thousands of years, how can it be so easy to create.

A musician can be called a master if he can compose only one piece in his lifetime, and Luo Quan is producing almost two pieces a year.

Although she doesn't have a single capital this year, it doesn't make people feel strange that she can't produce songs of this level even after this year.

If he was able to write two world-renowned songs a year, and maintained it for so many years, he would not be a genius, it should be called a miracle.

So although the fans in the classical music circle are looking forward to it, their reason tells them that things cannot go so smoothly.

Moreover, Luo Quan said during the live broadcast that this pure music will be very passionate, and this adjective seems to be slightly inconsistent with the classical music they want.

So although they were looking forward to it, they didn't directly put pressure on Luo Quan in the comment area or in the live broadcast room.

Listen to it if you can hear it, and give Luo Bao a thumbs up if it sounds good.

It doesn't matter if you can't hear it, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, I believe that with Luo Quan's talent, as long as he dares to come up with classical music, it will definitely be a masterpiece.

As for Luo Quan, he really didn't plan to release any classical music this time.

Except for "Bell" in "Women's Decathlon", she released other classical music in the form of singles.

For this type of song, it is better to go it alone. It should not be attached to others. It is a situation she would like to see the most.

"Women's Decathlon" is an exception, and this album she does not plan to make an exception again.

As for the masterpiece that classical music fans wanted to hear, she actually had it in her hands a long time ago, and even recorded the video, which was "Ode to Joy" she sang at the Universal New Year's Eve party.

This song, in the entire history of classical music, no matter how it is ranked, it is a masterpiece that can steadily enter the top five.

And compared to other songs with similar rankings, "Ode to Joy" is much more ear-catching, and the performance form of the chorus is also easier to shock people.

So in Luo Quan's mind, it is not unacceptable that this song ranks first.

However, if such a divine comedy simply appeared in one of her commercial albums, it would be too hasty and self-deprecating.

The Art Olympiad will open next spring. Florence, the host city, invited musicians from more than half of Europe to perform at the opening ceremony.

Luo Quan may not be invited due to his inexperienced qualifications or incorrect nationality.

But she didn't take it too seriously, as long as "Ode to Joy" entered the competition, the opening and closing ceremonies would be overshadowed by it.

At that time, on the track of the classical symphony, she will let this divine comedy, like shocking aliens, bring some small Beethoven shocks to the people on earth.

As for the moment, it can only be said that killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

Since it is a commercial music album, the choice of songs must be more commercial.

The rhythm of classical music is relatively slow, and most of them are relatively long. Nowadays, people don't have much patience to slowly appreciate all its beauty.

Therefore, a fast-paced piece of pure music that can catch people's hearts as soon as the sound is heard is the best choice for this album.

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