Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1208 Battle Song

Chapter 1208 Battle Song
"The album cover?"

When Luo Quan saw someone mentioning this matter, his expression became very puzzled: "Didn't they release it together when the first song was released? Why did you ask me for this?"

The live broadcast was going well, but suddenly a paid barrage appeared, asking when she would release the cover of her new album.

Then the other people in the live broadcast room immediately joined in. Anyway, their purpose is to try every means to squeeze more things out of Luo Quan.

Music, photos, cosplay, movies, games, any material is fine, as long as Luo Quan can come up with new things, they will gather around to cooperate like bees seeing honey water.

Therefore, Luo Quan's answer is obviously impossible for fans to let it go:

"Is that photo of Starry Night the album cover? If you don't tell me, I thought it was the cover of the song "Heaven on the Other Side"."

"That's right, that promotional poster matches the title song quite well, but it doesn't fit very well with the entire album."

"Luo Bao, every album of yours used to look good, why are you so perfunctory now?"

"I think the poster of Xingyueye is average. Let's take a more beautiful one. After all, the album is called Luoquan's Fantasy World."

"I agree, Luo Bao should be more serious."


"I find that you are more and more able to tell lies with your eyes open." Luo Quan looked at the barrage with a helpless and speechless expression, "Can that Xingyue Ye be called perfunctory? Do you know that I tried to figure out this How long did it take to compose the picture?

It really chills my heart to say such irresponsible words now in order to see more photos! "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he pretended to cover his forehead sadly, with a look of mourning after being betrayed.

"The acting skills have also declined, Luo Bao, it's too exaggerated."

"Haha, don't be like this, just take another photo, it won't take too much effort."

"I also really want to see what Luo Bao's fantasy world looks like."

"Hopefully it will bring surprises."


"Speaking of surprises." Luo Quan seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly smiled evilly: "I really have a surprise to tell everyone, it's about a new game."

The fans' attention immediately shifted from the photo to the game:
"Oh? Is the big one coming?"

"It's time to come, Unreal Studio hasn't moved for a long time."

"The last time Unreal Studio released a game was Resident Evil more than a year ago. Although several online games have been updated, it's just changing the soup without changing the medicine."

"I hope this time it will be an eye-catching work."


"Aren't your expectations too conservative?" Luo Quan smiled happily when he saw everyone's words: "The next new game is a masterpiece that will bring a new revolution to the game industry!

That's right, I'm not afraid of your pride, this game is a masterpiece in my opinion! "

Fans were immediately shocked:
"I'm going, is that an exaggeration?"

"It immediately hooked my interest."

"As we all know, Luo Quan is always seeking truth from facts, and will not exaggerate or brag, so..."

"So this new game could be really awesome."


"Of course it's awesome." Luo Quan's expression was full of pride and pride, "Now Unreal Studio has a total of 3000 employees left, and the total number of people in charge of several online games is only 4000, excluding some who do not participate in the game. There are still [-] development employees left. Guess what they are doing?
I’m not afraid to tell you that we are working on an intelligent dialogue AI. Our idea is that by feeding this AI a huge amount of novel texts and film and television works, it can simulate human dialogue.

After obtaining the intelligence of normal dialogue, we will give each NPC a unique character, dialogue method, and appearance, making them a real existence with flesh and blood in the game world!
And this game is called "Fantasy World"! "

When Luo Quan drew this big cake, the fans in the live broadcast room were immediately excited by her:
"So your album is an advertisement for the game? This is too big!"

"I'm just curious about how big this new game will be. Warcraft is nearly 200G, and the high-definition material package is a full 234G, and the fission of the earth is coming soon. With the addition of a new map, it feels like it will be 280G. "

"My Yuanshin mobile game takes up 30G of memory, did you say anything?"

"However, there is one thing to say. World of Warcraft and Yuanshin are really optimized by gods, and the big ones are big, but even the civilian configuration can still play well."

"Unreal Engine, number one in the world!"


Hearing that the fans praised the company's works so much, Luo Quan was filled with a sense of accomplishment, and then replied: "The new game will be very big, and the current demo version has already exceeded 320G.

Why is it so big? Because the world view is huge, there are many characters, and for the sake of exquisite picture quality, even if it has been simplified as much as possible, it still takes up a lot of space.

Of course, if you put it in the past, the space of 320G is really scary, but now the solid-state hard drive has become the price of cabbage, and you can buy a 1T solid-state hard drive for a few hundred yuan, which is enough for several years.

As for the configuration that you want to play smoothly, it is indeed not something that ordinary machines can try, but we will try our best to improve and optimize it so that civilian machines can also run smoothly. "

Luo Quan paused at this point, and clicked on a folder on the desktop named "Information that can be made public".

"This is a concept map of some NPCs in the fantasy world. There is no difference between the picture and the real thing, so you don't have to worry about the wrong product."

After speaking, Luo Quan casually clicked on a picture, and what appeared in it was a Luo Quan wearing a flowing Han skirt and full of black hair.

"Damn, what's going on!"

"Did Luo Bao directly become an NPC in the game?"

"The degree of restoration is so high, it feels no different from real photos."

"The clothes don't look good, they wear too much, and they are a bit bloated."

"Hahaha, when you enter the game, I have the final say on how many clothes you wear!"


"This is an online game, if you want to change the file, why don't you give me a nima title?"

"Fuck, I forgot."

"There is a private server."

"The Internet is not a place outside the law, so if you are not afraid of being accused, just go ahead and fix it."


Obviously, fans are quite surprised that Luo Quan will appear in the game NPC.

And Luo Quan himself explained to everyone: "As a player, when you enter the game, you will face a lot of choices, including the character's race, personality, traits, and face pinching that is so delicate that it can almost be compared with a camera. system.

Here I want to focus on pinching the face. Players can choose to use their own appearance or let the system randomly shape the appearance of the character. If it is their own appearance, it can almost be completely restored.

This is how my character modeling is entered, isn't it very similar?

And after going through the most basic settings, you will be born in the selected area next.

In the beginning, all your attributes and talents were randomized. Except for the goddess of fate, no one knew which profession you were most suitable for.

You can choose a temporary occupation after completing part of the adventure, and then decide on your true occupation through the rest of the journey.

In addition, if you are lucky enough, you can also obtain hidden occupations that ordinary people cannot awaken. These hidden occupations are completely random, and there is no fixed way to obtain them. It is all up to the players to explore and obtain them in the game.


Before choosing a profession, everyone, except for some special races with strong bloodlines, are all mortals, strong mortals, weak mortals, etc.

After choosing a profession, you will be nine-ring transcendents. Each profession has its own path or sequence, and each path or sequence also has its own god, which symbolizes a different kind of power.

For example, the NPC modeled on my face is the god of life in the game.

I am not only the guide NPC who leads the players forward, but also the goddess who revives you after you die.

If you choose my path, you will gain the divine power of life, master the power of healing, and become an indispensable nanny for every team. At the same time, you will also affectionately call me—the goddess of life, Hermia—mother. "

Having said that, Luo Quan stopped and took a big sip of water.

"Don't stop, it's interesting to hear!"

"I think I've fallen in love with this game, and if I don't play him this year, I might die."

"Is fantasy addiction so big?"

"That means, in the future, you can directly call Luo Bao mother?"

"Haha, I've wanted to do this for a long time, and now I can finally call my mother openly."

"Brother, is there no one you care about at station B?"

"Don't be too outrageous."

"It's my mother, you are not allowed to snatch it!"



In the face of these anti-heavenly speeches on the barrage, Luo Quan ignored them and continued: "The game's camp is relatively flexible. Different continents, regions, countries, races, tribes, and even beliefs may have differences due to various reasons. hostility or alliance for the same reasons.

And it is possible that you are still enemies today, but you will become good friends immediately because of some interests tomorrow.

This aspect is very realistic, and it should lead to many ways to play.

Of course, there are villains in this game, and it is up to the player to be the villain himself.

In each major version, the game will select [-] players and let them become the savior and destroyer of the world.

The talent of these twenty players is far beyond that of ordinary players, and the speed of upgrading will be very fast.

And their ultimate mission is to save the world or destroy the world.

Similarly, players themselves will face choices during the journey, choosing whether to become a good or evil camp.

And every choice you make in the game may become the wings of a butterfly, which will have a profound impact on a certain plot in the future.

Therefore, when you are faced with the prompt of an important choice, you must carefully consider it. "

Hearing this, the fans are almost impatient:

"Mom, oh no, Luo Quan, what is the fee for this game? Are there in-app purchases? Are in-app purchases linked to combat power?"

"Good guy, is this the name change?"

"Yes, this year's netizen tastes are quite unique, it's right to open your mouth and come here."

"It's really exciting to put Luo Bao's name as mother into action, but I feel a little embarrassed."

"What's the matter with embarrassment, look at how many filial sons called mothers in the live broadcast room."


"You can call it whatever you want in the live broadcast room. If you go to other occasions, everyone should pay attention to the impact." Luo Quan said with a smile, "By the way, this game is a point card system, one dollar an hour, if you play this month More than 90 hours, then the rest of the month will not be charged.

That is to say, the monthly subscription of the heavy game party can cost up to 90 yuan, and if you only play for one or two hours a day, and the playing time is not fixed, you can also choose a more flexible point card.

In addition, you can get gold coins in the game by recharging, and gold coins can be traded with players or NPCs in the game to buy what you want.

In addition, there should be no other charging methods for this game. As for the issue of krypton gold becoming stronger that everyone is worried about, because of online games, krypton gold will definitely have a certain impact on combat power.

But it will definitely not be as bad as those page games that cost 999 yuan. "

Fans felt a little relieved when they heard this:
"Don't worry if the impact is not too big, you have to give rich players a chance to show their financial strength."

"It's like this in online games. If there are ordinary people, there will be local tyrants. It is precisely because of the participation of local tyrants that other players can get extra income. The pros and cons of it are hard to say."

"People who say these things want to make money from games. It's not shabby to move bricks, but there's no need to brag about local tyrants' service. Everyone pays for games to support people."

"Indeed, I just hope that this game will not have the kind of situation where local tyrants kill people instantly, that would be boring."

"Indeed, and I hope that the professional balance can be done well, and it will not be strengthened this month and weakened next month."

"The most critical question, when will we be able to play?"

"The same question."


Seeing that the fans finally asked the most important question, which is the release time of the game, Luo Quan cleared his throat and said, "I have a good news and a bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?" ?”

Before waiting for the barrage to answer, Luo Quan helped them make a choice: "Let's talk about the bad news first, the game is still in the development stage, there are a lot of content that have not been filled, so it will take a while to officially launch.

The good news is that the demo version of the game has been made, and it is expected to meet with you within a month. Remember to go to the official website to make an appointment for the test qualification. "

(End of this chapter)

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