Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1209 Battle Song

Chapter 1209 Battle Song ([-])
ps. It should be Chapter 130.


You can play the test server in a month, which is a surprise that all fans did not expect.

Hearing what Luo Quan said for a long time, this game is about to be blown into a cross-generational masterpiece, so why wait another two or three years to play it.

The result is now telling them that it only takes a month to wait to play.

Based on the release time of Unreal Studio's last work, this game has only two years of development time at most.

Although [-] developers sound a bit bluffing, but the two-year construction period does not feel very reliable.

However, Luo Quan has always been known for his speed in handling affairs.

Which of the games under its banner was completed in less than a year?
So it was just a little drumming in my heart, and I didn't say it out.

As for Luo Quan, anyway, her expression is very and extremely confident, because the game "Fantasy World" uses the new technology she got from Huanyu.

According to the laws of the universe, high-level civilizations cannot overly influence the development of low-level civilizations, but if it's just some technical guidance for a game, then it doesn't matter.

Even though "Fantasy World" needs to be downloaded more than 300 G, in fact, the internal Shishan code has been cleaned up by the engineer she hired from Huanyu.

This is the senior programmer she hired at a high price. He originally thought that he was going to design some kind of automatic butler system for the Summer Palace of the Holy Mother. He looked excited to see my performance.

It turned out that it was a "slimming" operation on an extremely old game.

It's been a long time, and this traditional game is still being played.

The most popular ones now are all immersive virtual worlds. Wearing a helmet is equivalent to traveling through different dimensions. Who still plays games that need to be operated on antique equipment.

So the programmer was very disappointed and felt that he was completely overqualified.

However, seeing that Her Majesty is so warm and gentle, and even personally supervised behind the scenes, the programmer also used all his skills to directly optimize this bloated and slow fat man into a fast-moving superman.

He even helped the Holy Mother upgrade the engine and smart Ai by the way.

Because it is used by a planetary civilization like the earth, the programmers are very restrained in upgrading.

If there is no law of the universe, he can show the Holy Mother what an omnibus crisis is!
Now, the crisis must be over, but the game optimized by him is not a big problem in the planetary civilization.

After finishing it, Luo Quan also returned to Unreal Studio waiting for new games and new technologies.

When a developer sees the reborn "Fantasy World", the admiration for the boss Luo Quan is like a torrent of water, endless.

It is not an exaggeration to call her the God of Computers if she can do this!
But here comes the question, her skills are so explosive, why is her hair volume still so strong?

Several technical bigwigs glanced at each other's bald heads and said they had no clue.

In short, Unreal Studio has completed technological innovation with the help of Luo Quan.

And the upcoming new work "Fantasy World", the screen will surpass any 3A, the fluency will be comparable to Plants vs. Zombies, and the dialogue between characters will have a logic comparable to real people.

In addition to not being able to use brain-computer interfaces, allowing people's consciousness and senses to enter the game, this is almost the template for people's imagination of future games.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Quan spent a lot of money investing in a company that researches brain-computer interfaces a long time ago. Although he has not heard of any breakthroughs, he will release research videos every once in a while.

It looks like that, and it has even reached the point where monkeys can play pixel games with brain waves.

In time, it doesn't seem impossible to realize a simulated world like Sword Art Online.

Ten years ago, could you have imagined that artificial Ai could answer people's questions logically, and even help people draw pictures and produce videos?
If you say this, most people will think you are whimsical.

But now, these technologies have been realized, and even started to be popularized, and they change almost every month.

In less than ten years, at most five years, AI technology will undergo earth-shaking changes.

It's just that no one could have imagined that this technology was completed by Luo Quan first, and it was also used in the game.

The smart love trained by millions of literary masterpieces and news, at least in writing articles, surpasses more than [-]% of human beings.

Moreover, it is an Ai that can make appropriate answers based on user questions. This technology just sounds like science fiction.

However, Luo Quan has not engaged in false publicity so far. Whether it is making cars or operating Station B, her promises have finally been realized, and this time it will be no exception.

Therefore, when Luo Quan announced that "Fantasy World" was about to start testing, the first reaction was the capital market.

The stock price of station B has skyrocketed by several percentage points in a day, and depending on the momentum, this should be the day with the smallest increase in the future.

After nearly half a year of elite operation full of gods, the current stock price of station B is not far from the peak moment a few years ago.

Now that such good news is ushered in, I am afraid that it will return to the peak before the end of the year, and even refresh the highest stock price in history.

I have to say that having a good reputation is really important.

Because Luo Quan has achieved all the awesomeness that she has boasted before, even though her prediction sounds a bit outrageous this time, the capital market has chosen to believe it. This is trust.

If it were any other big talk boss, after being cheated a few times, even if he really holds a good project and blows it out, the capital will probably be full of concerns when investing.

As for Luo Quan, of course she knew that she was not bragging.

So after the live broadcast finished the preview of the game, he also asked his subordinates to release more game concept maps.

This includes the setting of the world view, the introduction of more than 200 sequences and their gods, and the concept map of the game NPC.

It's just that the same things as these setting sets are all several gigabytes in content, which shows how huge the content of the game "Fantasy World" is.

It is precisely because it behaves as if it is not in the same dimension as any game on the market, so after the announcement of this information, "Fantasy World" has received unprecedented attention.

For the game circle, of course it was another carnival.

After more than a year of silence, Unreal Studio finally has new news.

And if it doesn't make a sound, it's a blockbuster.

It was still leading on the 3A road before, but now it directly crosses the dimension.

If this new game is really as powerful as Luo Quan said, then it can't be described as 3A, but 3S.

There is no profound meaning, just Super! Super! Super!

Of course, because the gameplay of this game sounds very sci-fi, it doesn’t feel like something that game manufacturers in this era can ask for, so although the players are looking forward to it, they still have some doubts in their hearts.

The intelligent Ai that can communicate normally with the player sounds not only sci-fi, but also a little scary.

And some people look down on the party, and even think that this is a hype carried out by Luo Quan, and the real thing that can be obtained in the end is absolutely different from what she described.

Therefore, this "Fantasy World" is a scam at all, it is just a smoke bomb she deliberately released in order to raise the stock price.

With the ability of Unreal Studio, this game will definitely be very beautiful, not worse than any previous 3A game, but it will not be much better.

And only intelligent Ai is just a gimmick. In actual communication, it will not be much better than artificial mental retardation. It is probably limited to the point where you ask how much 1+1 is equal to, and it can answer that it is equal to 2.

As for deeper issues, it is basically impossible to discuss, because the current intelligent Ai can't do all of this.

However, seeing the party's remarks, they quickly encountered rebuttals from their understanding buddies, denouncing them for simply watching the sky from a well, and they don't know what kind of height the current intelligent AI has developed.

What is 1+1 equal to?
The current smart Ai can discuss everything you want with you!

Although the answers to the questions are based on the ready-made content on the Internet, it is streamlined after analysis.

But isn't the human problem-solving thinking also through learning and then figuring out a solution?

It's just that the means of Ai's solution are the same, but as long as there are enough references, the answers will become more unique.

So when the Ai understanders heard that Luo Quan had fed millions of texts to their smart Ai, they immediately thought it was a reliable project.

Ai is to go through a lot of learning, and then develop your own thinking-the way to solve.

This is a correct training process, and it seems to be much more reliable than those opponents who say that Ai doesn't understand anything.

Therefore, the vast majority of knowledgeable people are on Luoquan's side, thinking that this key game content in the new game is very likely to be realized.

In addition, the modeling of this realistic and fake character is actually the credit of Ai.

Ai drawing has been developed but can win the international photography award.

A while ago, there was a programmer who used his own Ai drawing to participate in the International Photographer Contest, and won No.1 with a landscape picture.

When the award was presented, the programmer told all the judges and audience the truth, and refused to accept the award.

After all, in his opinion, this is the credit of the intelligent Ai, and he just took one of Tianluo's photos that looked good, and used it to participate in the competition.

He is not the creator, and Ai can't receive the award, so he can only give up the trophy.

However, before he confessed, no one in the entire platoon questioned his work, and even praised him greatly, thinking that this photo was taken really well.

It can be seen that the level of Ai drawing has surpassed most human beings, and the aesthetics are also in line with human habits.

This is just a landscape picture with few materials. The hottest thing about Ai Drawing is actually the figure picture. There are more than hundreds of thousands of computers all over the world producing materials every day.

The sophistication of the character drawings is also evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fingers and toes of the Ai pictures of the characters a while ago looked weird, but now they have been completely repaired, and they look no different from real-life portraits, and the models’ looks are even more beautiful.

Speaking of which, the reason why the character map is so developed is because many people like to use Ai to make sex, and the original intention of many people to study this is also because Ai can train any heroine they want.

So Ghs is the first productive force, and it is really true.

In short, looking at the analysis of the NPC released by Luo Quan with himself as a model, the characters in the game should have reached the level of movie-level modeling, and the picture will be unprecedentedly realistic.

Of course, these are the icing on the cake for the game. What really makes a game popular is its gameplay.

From Luo Quan's description, this game should be an mmorpg.

The competition on this track is too fierce, and with the jewels of World of Warcraft ahead, it is hard to imagine how far this game can evolve on the basis of World of Warcraft.

If you don't enter Warcraft, then its birth is almost meaningless.

But Warcraft is already the pinnacle of mmorpg, can there really be any games that can surpass it?

Facing questions from netizens, Luo Quan's answer was: Of course!

Although Warcraft has a huge worldview, exciting plots, and rich enough gameplay, it has a shortcoming, that is, it is not free enough.

What is freedom?Freedom is to do everything you want in the game, and then the plot of this world will change because of your decision.

This kind of freedom was not available in 90.00% of the previous games.

Even the remaining one percent has very limited freedom.

What Luoquan wants to do is to allow players to enjoy an unprecedented degree of freedom in the game.

What is an NPC that can talk to people?What she wants to create is a real online world.

Here, players can start a new and real life.

If the idea pans out, Fantasyland will go down as the greatest game of all time.

However, whether the game can form such an ecology depends on the follow-up performance.

Even the test server, in fact, only represents the opinions of a few people. At most, it can see the players' experience of the screen and basic gameplay.

Feedback on the core gameplay and in-depth content will not be seen until the public beta.

At that time, whether the game is successful or not will regret the real result.

However, judging from the current situation, Luo Quan is still very confident about the prospects of the game, and believes that the possibility of failure is only one percent.

After the promotion of the game was over, Luo Quan's focus returned to the unreleased new album.

In response to the strong demands of fans, Luo Quan was forced to change it to the cover of the title song when he had already released an album cover, and then had to redesign and shoot the real cover of the album.

The theme Luo Quan chose this time is angels.

(End of this chapter)

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