Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1210 Battle Song

Chapter 1210 Battle Hymn ([-])
"Look at the camera with your blurred eyes, raise your butt a little higher, and show off your seductive curves."

Ye Zhining held up the camera and kept giving Luo Quan instructions.

After Luo Quan heard that Ye Zhining's instructions were getting more and more outrageous, he didn't look concave at all, and said with his hips on his arms: "Sister, I just want to take an ordinary photo shoot, not an adult magazine, buttocks are raised." Why are you so tall?"

"It's hard to see your angel form once, and I couldn't take a picture last time. Of course, I have to take a special shot this time." Ye Zhining put on a seductive tone, and persuaded Luo Quan: " Don't worry, I won't release the photos I took later, I will keep them for myself."

"That's what those scumbags who tricked girls into taking videos said." Luo Quan sneered, "If everyone is so trustworthy, where are there so many indecent videos and indecent photos on the Internet?"

"You still can't believe me?" Ye Zhining pursed her lips and said unhappily: "I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty who speaks his words, and I can understand the way I say it. Even I can't believe it. You can still trust me here. who?"

"Let me take a break, and I'll wait in line later." Luo Quan said, and sat down on the sofa.

The wings on the back spread out directly, one on the left and one on the right on the sofa.

Although the two pairs of four-meter-long big white wings growing behind him were really handsome, it was only after sitting on the sofa that Luo Quan felt the inconvenience it brought.

This time I came to Huanyu, originally I just wanted to respond to the fans' request and take another photo for the album cover.

Since the title of the album is "Luoquan's Fantasy World", the theme must be more fantasy.

What could be more fantastic than photographing real angels?

However, the shape after my transformation definitely cannot be shown on the earth, so I went back to Huanyu to find a photographer to take some pictures.

Who knew that she happened to meet Ye Zhining, and she volunteered to take pictures of her after she heard about it.

Luo Quan handed over the position of photographer to her with the idea of ​​not using it for nothing.

Who would have thought that this guy was so aggressive, he took photos conscientiously at the beginning, and then became more and more outrageous.

Anyway, the filming was almost finished, so Luo Quan simply called a stop to prevent Ye Zhining from making more outrageous demands.

"Speaking of which, why do you still have two pairs of wings?" Ye Zhining sat down next to Luo Quan, pinched the tips of her wings with her hand, and said, "I remember that when you used them last time, you had four wings, and they all went away." It's been so long, no progress at all?"

"Take it easy!" Luo Quan gasped, "The number of wings is linked to the holy power, and the holy power needs to be improved by collecting beliefs.

I spend most of my time on Earth, and I can't get the beliefs of the summer palace. It depends on natural growth, and of course the progress is slow. "

"So that's how it is." Ye Zhining suddenly realized, and after not pinching the tips of the wings, he picked up the feathers curiously, and said with a smile: "Your wings feel pretty good, just like the real thing."

"Its pain is also real." Luo Quan replied with a dark face, "So please be gentle again."

"Does it hurt if you pull out the feathers?" Ye Zhining looked eager to try.

Luo Quan shook his head directly: "I haven't tried it, and why should I pluck my own hair properly?"

Ye Zhining explained: "When you are fighting, obvious weaknesses like wings will inevitably become the target of the enemy's attack.

Once attacked, feathers are the easiest to fall off. If you lose one or two, the pain will be unbearable, so what will you do if you enter a battle?Wouldn't it be a few rounds before he would faint from pain? "

"It seems to be the reason." Luo Quan said, reaching out to pull it out, but found that the feather was so strong that it couldn't be pulled out at all.

However, the pulling feeling of the flesh and the belt is really good, and at the same time it hurts, it also gives people a feeling of addiction.

It's like the feeling that your finger is crushed by a nail, and it itches and hurts when you touch it lightly.

You know it's not a good sign, but you just can't help but touch it every now and then.

"It seems that the concubine's Wugou glass body will also work on this temporarily generated energy body. It is difficult to pull it off." Ye Zhining also tried it and found that the feather is indeed quite tough.

With her strength, she can definitely pull it out with a hard pull, and it doesn't even require too much effort.

But this would hurt Luo Quan, she definitely wouldn't do that.

As for the enemies in the same realm as Luo Quan, it probably won't work if they want to treat her feathers as a weakness.

"You still have to work harder, Luo Bao." Ye Zhining let go of his hand, and said earnestly: "It's such a pity that you have such a good talent but are keen on showing off.

The four-winged angel form can bring you a four-fold increase in combat power. If you can upgrade to six wings, eight wings or even ten wings, how fierce will this make you?

So, stop fishing, you have to work hard. "

"How do you know I'm not diligent?" Luo Quan asked unconvinced: "I just didn't pay attention to the cultivation of the holy power, but I practice until late every day."

"Okay, that's why I wronged my concubine." Ye Zhining immediately apologized for her mistake, "Speaking of which, the little game you brought from Earth has been very popular recently, and I have already applied for a patent for you. You can sit and make a lot of money just by relying on copyright fees.”

"A small game?" Luo Quan showed a surprised expression, "I don't remember bringing any small game to Huanyu."

"You forgot, it's mahjong." Ye Zhining said with a smile: "That night, after you girls played a few rounds, you quickly became popular among the players of Huanyu Girls.

Then after the Vlog of their playing mahjong was posted, online fans immediately imitated it. As a result, this game is really fun. With the blessing of such a huge fan base, it has now spread all over the world, even outside the universe Some civilizations of China have also become popular! "

"And this thing?" Luo Quan was stunned, "It's a kind of gambling in our place. Although there are many people playing it, it's not so popular."

"The truth is, it's really hot right now." Ye Zhining raised her hand and made a mahjong movement with a smile, "And it's gambling in nature is one of the reasons why it's so popular. If you don't reward anything, who will pay for it?" play it?

To tell you the truth, some people are already planning to organize the Universal Mahjong Championships. They are planning to formalize and professionalize this game. In the future, various secondary competitions and regional competitions will be held specially. It has great potential to develop into a national game. .

I don't know if Aifei is interested in participating as the carrier of this game? "

Luo Quan laughed: "I still won't play, it's not fair to other players if I play this game."

"Why, are you highly skilled?" Ye Zhining asked with puzzled eyes.

"That's not true. My skills are actually very average, but I'm lucky if I can't stand it." Luo Quan raised his chin quite proudly, "I used to play mahjong with my relatives and friends. I often played Tianhu, and they all suspected that I was out of the game. Crazy, don't play with me anymore.

I don't bother to explain. After all, they play with me and don't have any game experience, so just think I'm cheating. After all, luck is so good that only cheating can explain it. "

"Is there such a fantasy? I don't believe it." Ye Zhining crossed her arms and spoke hesitantly.

"I'll play with you when I have time, and you'll almost know." Luo Quan said as he stood up and put away the wings on his back. "Let's stop here for the photo shoot. The ones I took before should be enough."

Ye Zhining widened her beautiful eyes when she heard this, and said, "My concubine, how could you do this, you are simply too cunning!"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I have a lot of things to do on Earth. I'll take a photo with you when I have free time. Then I can be as high as you want me to be." Luo Quan used the dragging formula very skillfully.

Anyway, just drag it back, and didn't say when to line up.

"Hehe, then it won't be as simple as a concave shape." Ye Zhining grinned, and looked at Luo Quan's chrysanthemum.

"Let's talk about it at that time." After a perfunctory sentence, Luo Quan took the photos he took, opened any door and hurried back to Earth.

I don't know if she escaped a catastrophe, or if she pushed the time of doom to a few weeks later.

In short, people returned safely.

And the first thing he did when he came back was to upload the photos Ye Zhining had taken to the feed.

Because only one cover was needed, Luo Quan chose the best-looking one.

In the photo, she is suspended in mid-air, holding the sky with her hands, four pairs of snow-white wings spread out, and the holy light behind her forms a halo like a corona, setting her off like an angel descending to earth.

"Here we come, the fantasy world you want, this is the cover of the new album, and it is also the promotional poster for the new game."

Luo Quan attached such a text, and less than 5 minutes after clicking send, all the fans at station B were shocked.

"Damn it, I'll let you take a photo shoot, you just cosplay as an angel?"

"It's really fantastic. I never thought that Luo Bao's cos angel would have a unique beauty."

"It's so holy, but I can't help but feel an urge to profane."

"You are guilty! Get down on your knees and repent, so that the benevolent mother of life will forgive your disrespect, or you will go to hell!"

"Haha, has this already begun to bring in the world view of the new game?"

"Haven't we been playing a game called Earth Online?"

"Indeed, the Earth OL is too real, and it's quite hard-core. Everyone has only one life. Unfortunately, I was not born well. I don't have much talent. I don't have any money at home."

"Stop it, I can't help but cry."

"Hey, the reality is so fucked up. Fortunately, Luo Quan can bring us happiness in the virtual world."

"This photo is really beautiful, it's the first time I saw such a sacred and elegant Luo Bao."

"It has already been set as the wallpaper of the mobile phone and the desktop of the computer. Luo, I will find a Taobao store to print out this photo directly, and I will hang it on the wall of the bedroom when the time comes."

"I'll go, what a great idea!"

"Creative, Han."


Reading the fans' comments, Luo Quan's face was full of smiles: "It seems that everyone likes this photo of me, but don't ask me why I didn't make a video.

The time is already tight, and we have to shoot videos, and the special effects can’t be done at all. It’s much easier to post a few pictures, so everyone has to understand. "

Are you kidding me, are you shooting a video?
If you can see that this wing is a real thing, that's fine!
Luo Quan thought this in his heart, and looked down at the time.

It was obviously still noon when I went to Huanyu, so I took a photo, chatted with Ye Zhining for a while, and it was already evening when I came back.

Luoquan has never researched the flow of time on both sides, and obviously spent the same amount of time there, but sometimes it passes in the morning, and it is evening when you come back, and sometimes it passes in the morning, and it is still morning when you come back.

This calculation is a bit brain-burning, and Luo Quan simply doesn't bother to waste those brain cells. Anyway, as long as there is no one day in the universe, the situation on the earth in one year will be fine.

At this stage of album release, it would be meaningless to have one song a day.

It happened to be the tenth day of the release of the album, and there were still four songs left, and Luo Quan planned to release them all within one day.

The first to go online is the last English song "Turnin".

An inspirational song related to friendship, the rhythm is very compact and comfortable, and it can make people feel extremely hooked after listening to it for a few seconds. It is a must-have Divine Comedy for shaking legs, and what I want is that kind of hearty feeling.

Then there are two Japanese songs.

The first is "Winter の Flower", which is a sad song related to love. It is extremely difficult to sing, and the climax part continuously raises the key. Most people probably can't sing it when they die.

Moreover, the key-raising part is long and urgent, and the gap for breathing in the middle is ridiculously short. Even professional singers will feel headaches for this kind of song.

There is no doubt that this is another Luo Quan-style showmanship, which means that no one can sing it except Luo Quan.

But what makes people feel strange is that after listening to this song, many philosophers at station B have a wonderful feeling. They always like this song in their hearts, and then some numbers pop up inexplicably, Such as 114514 or something.

It's very confusing.

And the third Japanese song, "Night Dancer".

Light and pleasant little love songs, this is one of Luo Quan's best fields.

The difficulty of singing is not high, and the melody is quite catchy. Just after it was launched, it became popular on Douyin and Station B, and became another popular material for video BGM.

So far, nine songs in Chinese, English and Japanese have all been released online.

Netizens gave the album a score of 8.5, which is slightly higher than that of all Luoquan's albums, and belongs to the middle level.

And whether this album can be a god in the end depends on the last piece of pure music.

Many people have actually been looking forward to the last song.

It doesn't have to be classical music, if it can reach the level of My Heart Eternal or Eternal Love, it is also enough to gain countless praises.

This time, Luo Quan still did not live up to the fans' expectations.

In the early hours of the morning, she brought the last track of the album - "Fake Love"

(End of this chapter)

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