chapter 1211

After the release of the new song, many people immediately gave their comments.

Liked the first: "This is an excellent product that combines classical and pop music. It has both artistic height and pop breadth. Classical fans find it vulgar.

Luo Quan found a perfect balance point, using the same song to meet the needs of two groups. Except that the melody changes are not as many as those classic classical music, this song has almost no shortcomings. "

Like the second: "Luo Quan often talks about the saying that both the refined and the popular are rewarded, which is something she has been working hard on.

Although she said every time that it was difficult to do this, she was able to hand in an answer sheet that satisfied everyone every time.

When everyone thought she was going to be out of work, she could always slap everyone in the face with a smile, and then use beautiful music to shut up all doubters and listen quietly.

This is why I like Luoquan.

After so many years, even couples will get tired of each other, and the so-called seven-year itch will appear.

Stars maintain freshness by reducing the time they spend in contact with fans and increasing the exposure of fragments.

But Luo Quan doesn't need it, because she can bring new feelings to fans at any time. Her inspiration is like a river that thaws from the thousand-year-old snow top. Maybe there will be a day when it will dry up, but it is definitely not today! "

Like the third: "Why are all of them so educated? I'm not that educated, I just talk shit, it's really nice!

This song is the same as what Luo Quan said at the beginning, very burning and passionate.

It feels like running wildly on a dark plain. You, who are about to be exhausted, roar unwillingly at the sky where even the starlight is dim, and your voice is so low that you can't even hear it clearly.

But the gods above the sky responded to your anger, and the sun rose high, spraying its own brilliance into the darkness between heaven and earth.

The power called hope is fueled by your blood and re-empowers you to move forward.

All the darkness is dispelled, you measure the earth with your footsteps, the sun shines everywhere you go, the song of hope lingers in the sky, and all the haze and sorrow disappear! "


The talents of netizens vary from high to low, some can only play some jokes, and some words are very touching.

Although the quality varies from good to bad, being able to be picked up by other netizens shows that something is said in the hearts of everyone.

Facing such a piece of music, these comments can be said to be directly turned into Internet mouthpieces, expressing everyone's aspirations.

It is also because of such an excellent work with a single grasp of depth and breadth that Luo Quan's new album has successfully ascended the throne of the best package this year.

Although compared with the albums released earlier, this year's three-in-one still has many shortcomings, but this does not affect it compared with the albums released by other singers this year.

As for Luocha Haishi, the popularity at its peak was indeed quite terrifying, but its stamina was slightly insufficient, and the discussion with other songs in the album was too low, so overall, it is not as good as Luoquan's.

Of course, if it is only a single song, Luocha Haishi must still be the well-deserved number one.

After all, there are so many songs in Luoquan, and the only ones that can really compete with them in terms of popularity are "Blue and White Porcelain" and "The Most Dazzling National Style" that have appeared in the Spring Festival Gala.

The former is one of the pinnacles of Chinese style songs, while the latter is the king of square dance, and its status in the music world is still quite high.

Of course, if the arena was placed on a global scale, then there would be no suspense in this competition, and Luo Quan would win very crushingly.

Now the position at the top of the list is getting more and more stable, the album has easily sold millions of copies, Luo Quan is in a good mood.

As we all know, when Luo Bao is happy, he almost responds to the fans' requests, so someone immediately asked Luo Bao to cosplay as an angel to broadcast live.

No way, the angel shape she specially designed for the album cover is really eye-catching.

It's been a long time since fans have seen such conflicted characters.

What is a contradiction?The face of an angel, the figure of a devil, pure temperament, charming expression.

This is the contradiction, which also leads fans to call her a bad woman while using her photos as wallpapers, desktops and posters.

Now I have to take advantage of her happiness and let her directly post a cosplay, or simply shoot a photo album.

It is said that strong girls are afraid of pestering their husbands, which means that you have been pestering for a long time, and no matter how cold the beauty is, they will be moved by your sincerity.

Facts have proved that this statement is completely wrong.

The correct way to understand it should be that girls are really afraid of boys' stalking and don't know how to deal with it.

It really drove people into a hurry, maybe they would hit them directly.

Luo Quan is a little anxious now, but she won't change to hit someone, after all, she is so gentle and of such high quality.

"People need to know how to be content, contented and always happy, do you understand?" Luo Quan looked at the camera with a sincere expression, "I just finished releasing an album, and when I turned around, I was asked to release a cosplay, which is also a swimsuit and singing , Three consecutive new movies, can this society survive?

I am a healthy and strong female man, not an old scalper plowing the fields.

The old scalper will be exhausted after plowing for a long time, let alone me?

Therefore, everyone should stop urging these things that obviously don’t have time or energy to complete. The focus of the next work is the fantasy world. Just put all your expectations on the new game.

Anyway, the npc modeled after my face is in the game, can you just change the cosplay of what you want to see? "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he changed the title of the live broadcast room to "Take a break", and then said: "I will take a rest for about a week, and when I come back, I will start to reveal more vacation content in the fantasy world.

For the rest of the time, there should be no other big moves for the time being, just chatting, singing and singing, if you want to watch a show with energy, you can only follow the fate. "

After speaking, Luo Quan didn't wait for the fans to reply, he made faces for everyone, and then hurriedly downloaded the broadcast.

Luo Quan is the only anchor who dares to be so capricious and doesn't have to worry about losing fans.

After the screen in the live broadcast room went black, the discussion among fans continued:
"Obviously he was making excuses for his fishing, but why can't he blame Luo Bao at all?"

"Because Luo Bao is cute, this grimace is really playful."

"Why does an old woman who is nearly thirty years old pretend to be a girl?"

"Haha, Luo Bao might get angry when he saw this description."

"It's still you people who are ruthless, thirty old women are here."

"Thirty is considered an old woman, so what am I in my early thirties?"

"Half buried in the ground."


"You guys are really stupid, you're laughing to death."


Fortunately, Luo Quan had already closed the live broadcast room at this time, otherwise, I would have been laughing and cursing at the same time, and then the image of the goddess would have been shattered.

After the release of the new album, the tasks for this period of time have come to an end.

Looking at the time, it has been nearly half a month since I returned to Earth.

The live broadcast of the second phase of Huanyu Girls is coming soon, and I don't know how the other contestants are doing with their dance practice.

The next day, Luo Quan returned to Huanyu with a large group of girls.

Two days before the second episode of the program was about to air, Luo Quan finally started filming and editing Wen Xia's daily vlog.

After returning from the vacation, the girls all showed [-]% energy and began to practice the repertoire to be performed next.

Because the show has just started, the content of the competition is more focused on the performance of a single player.

When fewer and fewer people are eliminated, we need to see the performance of the collective.

Now, the main purpose is still to reflect personal charm and attract fans like crazy.

For a program, the popularity curve is usually U-shaped.

That is to say, the one or two episodes that started in the mouth, and the one or two episodes that are about to end are the most popular and watched by the most people.

So if you want to gain popularity, it is now at a critical stage.

It's a coincidence to say that because of the random entry of mahjong, the Huanyu girl has gained even more popularity than planned.

Because the official mahjong competition has not yet been organized, netizens all ran to the players' live broadcast room to watch them play mahjong.

Although the program cannot be broadcast live, the contestants themselves can broadcast live.

So they used the dormitory as a unit and opened more than [-] live broadcast rooms. Although the diversion is serious, there is also a lot of room for netizens to choose. It feels like reading the three thousand beauties of the harem.

Apart from training, the players now play mahjong as their biggest recreational activity. At the beginning, people in the dormitory play, and later on, the dormitory competition begins. More than [-] dormitories compete for the title of Universe Girl Sparrow God.

Luo Quan and the others came back just in time, and the competition just happened.

As the most popular and popular game at the moment, the number of people who watch beautiful girls play mahjong is no less than those who watch them sing and dance.

Wen Xia probably didn't expect that a gambling game that she brought over when she was bored would become popular all over the world.

However, as a genius mahjong girl, after Wen Xia heard the news of the dorm competition, she of course wanted to use her strength to defend her glory, so she immediately chose to participate.

Although the other girls are not very good at fighting, since everyone is playing, let's play together. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, the important thing is to participate.

As for the three mentors, Leon was not very good at it, and he was busy basking in the sun, so he didn't participate.

Xu Yanqing took the initiative to apply to be a commentator to explain the competition to the audience, so she did not participate.

As for Luo Quan, facing the camera, she responded like this: "If I participate, then the sparrow god must be me, because my luck is so good, it is very unfair to other contestants, so I just Not competing anymore.

Like Yanqing, I am responsible for explaining the game to everyone. "

Hearing Luo Quan's pretentious answer, netizens rebelled all of a sudden:
"Are you lucky enough to handle Tianhu? I don't believe it."

"Don't look at mahjong as a game of luck, but in fact it has a high technical content. You can't win those high-level players just by luck."

"I'm here to play with the Virgin, and I can win her into bankruptcy!"

"Excellent, what rank is your mahjong master now?"

"Haha, it's already a supernova."

"Trash, I'm all Nebula."


Mahjong Master is an online competitive game launched a few days ago. Players can improve their ranks by playing mahjong.

Ranks from low to high are Earth-Sky-Planet-Star-Supernova-Neutron Star-Nebula-Black Hole-Universe.

Because the game has just been launched not long ago, no one can reach the next two ranks, so the Nebula rank is already a top player.

In the eyes of these players, mahjong certainly has a certain element of luck, but in most cases it still depends on the player's own skills.

If you don't know how to count cards, don't know how to choose, don't know when to attack and when to defend, no matter how lucky you are, you can only shoot someone else.

Therefore, high-level players sneered at Luo Quan's statement.

They simply don't believe that someone's luck can be so good that they ignore technology and kill at will.

So they sent bullet screens to raise doubts.

And Luo Quan never knew what it means to swallow one's breath.

"Since everyone doesn't believe in my luck so much, let me prove it to everyone." She looked at the students around her and said loudly, "Who wants to be a mahjong player and play two rounds with me?" ?"

"I me me!"

"Ms. Luo, I'll come with you!"

"Choose me, Madonna!"

Almost all the girls raised their hands, showing great enthusiasm.

With so many people raising their hands, Luo Quan didn't bother to choose carefully, and directly pulled three out of the few students closest to him.

After a sound of shuffling the cards, the automatic mahjong machine placed the already stacked mahjong in front of the four of them.

After casting the dice, the four began to draw cards.

Because they are not particularly proficient, everyone's card sorting speed is relatively slow.

While the other three girls were still adjusting the position of the mahjong tiles, Luo Quan had already pushed the mahjong and said, "Tianhu, all of them!"

Everyone was shocked, and immediately stretched their necks to look over.

It is indeed all [-] words, even almost nine lotus lanterns, and the cards are all over the sky.

"Really or not, such things happen?" The three girls at the table with Luo Quan were all dumbfounded.

After fighting for so many days, it's not like they haven't seen Qing Yise before, and even touched Qing Yise by themselves.

But it's the first time I've seen such a completely uniform player.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't calm down anymore:

"This luck!"


"I didn't expect the Virgin Mary to be so lucky. It is true that the God of Mahjong is possessed."

"Just kidding, you can be a virgin if you are not pregnant? Do you think anyone can conceive a holy son?"

"Haha, it's easy to understand. This kind of explanation makes sense in an instant."

"I, Nima, played intensively for three days and three nights. Not to mention that Tianhu is the same, I have almost never seen Tianhu. What kind of luck is this?"

"It is recommended not to go out these few days, it is easy to cause traffic accidents."

"I don't believe it, it must be cheating, play a few more!"

"I also feel a little too outrageous, maybe there is something tricky?"

"It is recommended to check the mahjong tiles."

(End of this chapter)

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