Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1212 Goddess of Luck

Chapter 1212 Goddess of Luck
"Check, check casually!"

Luo Quan took a step back and asked Xu Yanqing, who was the referee, to turn over all the mahjong games for inspection.

However, just after Xu Yanqing flipped through it a few times, the audience raised another objection:
"The referees and players are all your people, so of course you are not afraid of inspection."

"Luo Bao, you will only make us feel that you have nothing to fear."

"No, we need to find a more credible way of proof."

"Just open a room with mahjong masters, and let the real masters play with Luo Bao."

"Good idea, I'm a Nebula rank, please register first!"

"I'm also here to join in the fun!"


"Do you all distrust me so much?" Luo Quan showed a very hurt expression, "But it doesn't matter, as the Holy Mother, I am more tolerant than you think.

After you prove your success later, you just need to apologize to me, otherwise the god of bad luck will haunt you every day in the future. "

This kind of words, not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, even the girls next to them couldn't help laughing.

At first, I thought that Luo Quan would be impatient, and then break his defense and say something from above.

I didn't expect to be so soft and cute called losing your temper. What's the difference between drawing a circle and cursing you?
But any child over the age of ten will not be fooled by such words.

"Haha, just laugh, you'll know later." Luo Quan saw that the live broadcast room was full of laughter composed of various onomatopoeia, and opened the Mahjong Master software calmly.

Because Luo Quan was playing this game for the first time, and had to go through the novice tutorial.

But the good luck she possesses doesn't seem to work here.

The first man-machine, until there were a dozen or so cards left, she finally got her ass done with great difficulty.

From here, the audience can also see that her skills are really bad, and she is only at the initial stage of knowing what cards can be played.

Can't count cards, can't guess cards, and also dedicated several embarrassing scenes.

This technique, which can be called a comedian, directly made several nebula-level mahjong masters who had already opened their private rooms happy.

This skill is a bit too good, it is really at the level of winning with eyes closed, and even if she wins, it will make people feel that she is invincible.

Amid the laughter of everyone, Luo Quan joined the game according to the room number given by the audience.

The three nebula-level mahjong masters have been waiting for a long time, and in order to show respect, they specially left the dealer's position to her.

"Not very good at fighting, everyone give way."

Luo Quan pretended to be a novice.

"It's okay, Luo Bao, I'll give you a cannon later!"

A contestant sitting in Luoquan's upper house said this, judging by his luck, he was obviously a fan of Luoquan.

After giving Luo Quan a reassurance, the poker game began.

Virtual mahjong tiles collide, mix, and stack into four double-layered cubes in the center of the screen.

After throwing the dice, the four players took turns drawing cards.

This time, there is no need for Luo Quan to arrange the cards himself. Under the control of the system, the mahjong cards will be sorted out once buckled and turned over.

"Does this mean that I can play Hu?" Luo Quan pointed to a red mustache on his mahjong and asked the audience.

"Damn it! There is such a thing."

"This card shape... Tianhu, four dark engraved, one green color, four times full, bankrupt!"

"You're full of jingle, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Is this really Mahjong Master? Isn't it a software developed by Luo Quan who looks a lot like him?"

"How is it possible, those three nebula-level masters are genuine, and I can watch the battle!"

"Outrageous, is there really such luck?"

"Come again, maybe it's a blind cat meeting a dead mouse?"


Amidst the audience's impossible and disbelieving words, Luo Quan clicked "Hu", and then started the next round without waiting for the other three players to react.

Mahjong began to shuffle the cards, and the other three were still looking at the record of winning cards from the previous game.

In fact, it is also very simple, that is:

"Luoquan draws nine cards

Luo Quan touched himself! "

Unpretentious and simple, and then won each of them more than 200 points.

The rank of mahjong masters is calculated by the number of points, and the points of nebula-level masters are all above [-], so winning or losing is nothing.

It's just that they have never encountered such a losing method.

Tianhu is rare enough, let alone all of them?
People can't be so unlucky all the time, and by the same token, people can't be so lucky all the time.

So these three mahjong masters didn't believe in evil at all, and immediately started the second game.

This time, Luo Quan didn't have Tianhu anymore, but the starting hand made many viewers feel a little bit stunned:
"It seems to be a bit messy this time, is your character conservative?"

"Haha, there are everything in Fabai in the southeast, northwest, and middle, but there is no pair, why don't you send it?"

"Damn it, this time Luo Baolihu is only four cards short of going out of the country!"

"What is Guoshi Wushuang? I've never seen it before."

"Baibai in the southeast, northwest, and [-] barrels, if you play any one of the cards, it is the most difficult card type to play!"

"Damn, no wonder I haven't seen it before. I just went to see it. It is said that the probability of Hu once is one in 10,000+!"

"With such a starting hand, the probability of winning cards is really high."

"It's hard to say, as long as other people realize that Luo Quan is going to be unparalleled in the country, it's relatively easy to defend."

"Look at Luo Quan's luck."


Amidst the discussion among the audience, Luo Quan found a piece of [-], and then knocked out the useless six.


Luo Quan's boss laughed, and directly took away the six that Luo Quan played, and played a card of [-].

Luo Quan's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to draw cards.

This time it was a card of [-], and then she played a card of two.

This time, no one is going to bar, so we can pass the circle safely.

Luo Quan drew another card, this time it was Yaoji.

"Hey, it's all set." Luo Quan laughed out loud.

Guoshi Wushuang's card type has been completed, and then you only need to draw another card, or someone else can shoot it, and you will be able to play it directly. At that time, each player will have more than 200 points.

After playing an unwanted three-barrel, Luo Quan said with a smile: "Families, do you think the other three have a higher probability of lighting the cannon, or do I have a higher probability of doing it myself?"

Before Luo Quan could finish speaking, her next player issued a card of [-].

"Damn it, shit!"

"It's really done, has it only been four laps to be Wushuang?"

"Haha, this is the first time I've seen it, and I feel like I'll be on the highlights."

"This is still a match against three nebula-level masters."

"It doesn't feel like it has anything to do with who the opponent is. The key cards are all drawn by Luo Quan himself. Not to mention Xing Yun, Master Huanyu will have nothing to do with it."

"This luck, really don't talk about it."

"Hey, isn't this nonsense?"


Just when the audience was already admiring Luo Quan's victory, she didn't click on the winning card, and just watched her opponent draw and play.

"Do you know why I don't play tricks?" Luo Quan said with a smile, "You can only earn the money of one family if you play cards played by others. If you play by yourself, you can earn the money of three families. Don't you even know such simple mathematics? ?”

Hearing this, the audience didn't know what to say:
"Is this called confidence or arrogance?"

"A real mahjong master will always have a gambler's heart, and the safe way to win is something that mathematicians can do, but I, Luoquan, want all three to eat!"

"I can really touch myself and eat a pair of mahjong raw!"

"Eye inserted."

"Don't be like this brother, the Holy Mother has already proved that her fortune is extraordinary. If you raise an argument at this time, isn't that the old birthday star hanged himself—is it too long?"

"Okay, okay, I like to watch blood flow into rivers, I suggest you play bigger!"


Amidst the discussions among everyone, Luo Quan's family had already finished drawing their cards.

As a nebula-level mahjong master, his intuition told him that something bad would happen next, so he fell into hesitation.

On the other hand, Luo Quan looked calm: "Do you know why I am so calm?

Because I believe in my cards, this is the bond I formed with them, and when I need them, they will definitely answer my call and come to my hands.

And no matter how hard these three people struggle, it is futile, their lives are like candles in the wind! "

Following Luo Quan's incomparably second-degree sentence of execution, her superior played a three-of-a-kind one second before the countdown ended.

It is true that there is no firing, but it is of little significance.

"My turn, draw cards!"

Luo Quan raised her hands high, and at this moment the figures of the kings of the game overlapped on her body.

Yugi Muto, Judai Yujo, and Fudo Yusei seem to be possessed by spirits. She is not fighting alone, she is not alone!

Anyway, it's all about playing cards, so it's reasonable to ask God to invite Yu-Gi-Oh, right?

In order to set off the atmosphere, Luo Quan even turned on the phone and directly played a Yu-Gi-Oh execution song—God's Wrath.

Amidst the passionate music, a mahjong that seemed to be shining brightly appeared on the screen.

"Red Zhong, you're fooling around!"

Luo Quan, who touched himself again, clicked the button for touching himself without hesitation.


Accompanied by the sound effect of the explosion, a spectacle of a group of flowers blooming appeared on the screen. This is an exclusive special effect that only appeared when Hu went abroad to Shi Wushuang.

Luo Quan was not the first person who went out of the country to be Wushuang, but he was the first to predict that he would be able to touch Guoshi Wushuang himself.

If she could slam Hongzhong hard on the table at this time, and then knock down all the mahjong in front of her, her momentum would definitely explode.

It's a pity that this is online mahjong, with special sound effects, light effects and so on, but it lacks the momentum of playing mahjong face to face.

It's the feeling that I have touched myself, and you guys are dumbfounded.

The three mahjong masters probably rarely encountered this situation, and they were stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

Taking a closer look, the eyeballs almost popped out.

Nima can also do it? !

Not only the three of them, but also the audience in the live broadcast room are all excited at the moment:
"You still have to kill someone? It's too scary, Luo Bao."

"This is the most desperate kind of trick. No one made a mistake, but they are destined to lose this round."

"My grandpa, did the Holy Mother really summon the cards?"

"I strongly suspect that this is the official hype of Mahjong Master, and there must be someone behind the scenes manipulating it!"

"Is there really such a wicked way? I don't believe it."

"If Luo Bao can touch herself again, I believe she is the incarnation of Lady Luck."

"Do you want to do it again? It's very life-threatening to do it like this. Usually, once it happens, I have to go home and burn incense for several days."

"It's a bit outrageous, but I'm curious what else she can get."


As if hearing the voice of the audience, Luo Quan clicked on the next game.

This time there was no procrastination, Tianhu again, and it was Hu's Nine Lotus Lantern, which was even rarer than Guoshi Wushuang.

What is Nine Lotus Lantern?

It is the same color of ten thousand tubes, but it is not the same color in general.

It must be holding three [-], three [-], and then two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven, and eighty thousand each, and then touch a random [-], which is the legendary Nine Lotus Lantern!
The moment the Nine Lotus Lantern appeared on the screen, the three mahjong masters, as well as all the people watching the battle on and off the screen, were dumbfounded.

"Does this really happen?" Wen Xia came up and pressed Luo Quan's shoulder: "Are you lucky or did you use a cheat?"

"I, Luo Quan, didn't cheat." Luo Quan said confidently, "I told everyone before that my luck in playing cards is very good.

In fact, not only playing cards, but also other aspects are very lucky, but usually there is no chance to show it. "

As Luo Quan spoke, he called up a video from his phone, which was a video of her playing Russian roulette back then.

But it used a toy revolver, and it fired rubber bullets.

"This is a relatively violent game on my home planet. The drum can hold six bullets. I stuff five rounds at a time, move the drum and pull the trigger."

Luo Quan played the video and told everyone the rules of the game.

In the video, Luo Quan kept pulling the trigger and turning the drum again, but the muzzle just couldn't fire a single bullet.

"My highest record is ten byes. I wonder if this is a manifestation of good luck?"

At the end of the video, Luo Quan looked at the camera and said.

After this outrageous scene appeared, everyone was stunned:

"I used to believe in science until I met Luo Quan!"

"As expected of the Holy Mother, you do have a bit of destiny on you, and the holy light protects you!"

"I apologize to Luo Quan for my stupid and naive remarks before. I hope the god of bad luck will not come to trouble me. I really know that I was wrong."

"Luo Quan is simply the Goddess of Luck!"

"I am completely convinced now, and you will be whatever you say in the future. I absolutely dare not have the slightest doubt!"


In a universe with extraordinary power, Luo Quan's ability comparable to the law of cause and effect made everyone feel awed.

In fact, Luo Quan was also surprised.

In her impression, her luck didn't seem to be so easy to use, and the outer earth was completely in a state of being in a state of ineffectiveness.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Huanyu, it directly became an active skill, which can be triggered if I want to, and it seems that there is no cooldown time.

This is really a heifer flying on a plane, awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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