Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1213 We promise not to use Luoquan first

"See, that's why I don't like playing cards." Luo Quan turned off the video, exited the mahjong master's room, looked at the camera and said, "I win every time, and I win so fast. There are no games."

"Okay, okay, I won't let you participate in any games related to luck in the future."

"It feels like turning on a cheat device."

"Probably this is Luo Quan's real strength. When I participated in the Martial God Trial, I was just playing house."

"With this kind of luck, I feel that if I stand up and let my opponent fight, the opponent may fall into a coma because of bad luck."

"Haha, this doesn't belong to the law of karma anymore, isn't it so far?"

"It's hard to say, why don't you try to do bad things to Luo Bao and see if you can succeed?"

"What a bad idea? I want to live two more years!"


At this point, the audience is basically shaking their wits, and no one will question the fact that Luo Quan is lucky.

As for the law of causality they ridiculed, it was actually an exaggeration.

She has done experiments, and she just has good luck in the lottery draw.

For example, drawing cards in games, playing mahjong and fighting the landlord to draw cards, etc., is equivalent to always picking the correct answer among a bunch of wrong options.

As for the luck that these audiences understand, anyone who wants to deal with her will die due to various inexplicable circumstances.

And no matter how she dies, she will be safe in the end.

This is obviously impossible, the system has clearly told her that her luck is not so good.

So when the audience had already started blowing her up as a weapon of karma, Luo Quan immediately stopped her and said, "Everyone, don't be too outrageous, I just got a little luckier in the card lottery draw, don't really blow me up as some kind of god protector!" Body, I don't have that ability.

When the time comes, if you talk nonsense, and if someone really believes it, then you are causing trouble for me. "

Hearing this, the audience calmed down a little, and restrained their excitement a little.

Making gods and destroying gods is not only something that people on Earth like to do, but people from all over the world also have such hobbies.

If Luo Quan didn't make a sound, these good-natured people probably really planned to blow her up as the reincarnation of the goddess of luck.

When the time comes, this reputation will spread far and wide, and if Leng Touqing comes to the door to test her depth, won't it be troublesome?

Therefore, this kind of unhealthy tendencies must not grow long, and must be eliminated as soon as they are discovered.

Fortunately, today's protagonist is not her, and the camera quickly returned to the girls of Huanyu.

Watching the beauties play evenly matched mahjong is much more interesting than watching Luoquan handle Tianhu.

In the former, you can point out the country and unscrupulously complain that so-and-so is really good.

But facing Luo Quan, no one could make any comments, the only thing he could say was awesome.

There is no way, drawing cards is equal to the luck of winning cards, even if the highest-ranked mahjong master is here, there is no point of pointing.

This mahjong competition didn't last long, just the first round of playing came to an end temporarily.

The main reason is that the second episode of the program is about to start, and everyone has a strong sense of urgency. Mahjong is not even a side job, it is at most a small game in spare time.

It's almost enough to play occasionally, and it's impossible to spend too much time on it.

So after the first round of competition, all the students ended the game tacitly, and then came to the dance studio to start training.

Luo Quan has nothing to do during this time, so he collects all kinds of rare and exotic beasts in the universe, downloads all their habits and characteristics into data, and brings them back to Earth to use as monster modeling materials for the new game.

In fact, she had done this before.

The employees under him were still amazed, wondering where the boss got so many monster materials.

And each setting is extremely detailed and reasonable, just like this kind of creature really exists.

Although this topic cannot be answered, the modeling and data provided by the boss undoubtedly greatly reduced their workload.

There are already a lot of monsters in the test version of the game, but Luo Quan feels that it is not enough.

What she wants to build is an ecological chain, and more than a dozen ecological chains with different styles.

Tropical rain forests, deserts, oceans, mountains, plains, swamps, grasslands...etc.

Every terrain and climate should have different forms of monsters, even if it is the same subject, there should be obvious differences.

The number of monsters in the test version is not enough, but what she brought back this time is the highlight.

There are not only natural creatures native to the universe, but also many alien creatures living in space.

Due to the extreme living environment, these creatures are far more grotesque than ordinary creatures, and they are suitable for appearing in some extraordinary forbidden places that are inaccessible.

Such as hell, void, heaven and so on.

These maps are still being produced, and we need to rely on these materials to add bricks and tiles bit by bit.

Not only monsters, but also terrain, climate, plants, and the overall natural scenery need to be constructed.

It is very rare for an ordinary game maker to imagine an ecology and a map within two or three years.

If Huanyu hadn't provided a ready-made answer, Luo Quan would have been unable to complete this task in such a short period of time.

Now everyone in the company regards Luo Quan as a god, presenting her as a giant of imagination.

And Luo Quan was very humble about this, saying: "I am neither a god nor a giant, I just happened to stand on the shoulders of a giant."

When the company employees heard this, they worshiped even more.

As expected of the boss, even modesty is so philosophical.

If Lord Niu had a spirit in heaven, he probably would

Couldn't help scolding her for being shameless.

But, just like the ecological data of Huanyu, Lord Niu's famous sayings have no copyright, so of course anyone can use them.

If Lord Niu was really dissatisfied with this, he could come and protest to her in person, and he would definitely change it by then.

"It's really shameless!"

Ye Zhining slapped the table angrily, and roared at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining, wondering if she was scolding herself or someone else.

"Your Majesty, you didn't sleep most of the night, you didn't come to scold me, did you?"

"How is it possible, is I such a boring person?" Ye Zhining took two deep breaths, and put a document in front of Luo Quan: "Look!"

Luo Quan glanced at it and found that it turned out to be a civilization called Crohn, who issued an announcement claiming that she was a member of their country by blood, and asked her to go through the naturalization procedures.

"Isn't this blatant poaching?" Ye Zhining still looked very annoyed, "This bullshit Kron civilization has done similar things. Whenever there are a few celebrities at the universe level, they will say that their blood is related to their own. Relationship, forcefully say that he is a Crohn, it is as disgusting as a fly."

Luo Quan thought of a certain cosmic country on Earth, and asked with a frown: "Then this situation should be very disliked, isn't there any other civilization to deal with it?"

"I can't do that." Ye Zhining spread his hands, "The Kron civilization is one of the main members of the Caius Alliance. It is a cosmic-level joint civilization. It is quite powerful and is at the same level as the universe. Not so easy to deal with.

Moreover, the Crohn people dared to speak so loudly, it must have been authorized by the Caius Council, and they often used this method to plunder, or coerce and lure.

The good things go to the Caius people, and the bad reputation goes to the Crohn people who already have a bad reputation. "

"Listening like this, it seems that there is really nothing to do. Disgusting is disgusting. You can't start a war with such a powerful civilization just because you are uncomfortable listening to it." Luo Quan thought about it for a while, and then realized Ye Zhining's anger.

"Speaking of Aifei, you won't be poached by them, will you?" Ye Zhining suddenly looked at Luo Quan suspiciously and asked.

"What do you think of me?" Luo Quan stared, "How come Huanyu is also the first alien I came to. I have lived here for so long, and it can be regarded as my second home. How can I apply for another nationality?"

Ye Zhining said quickly: "I'm worried about losing you, I'm overthinking, so I apologize."

"I'm very loyal, okay?" Luo Quan puffed out his chest, as if he wanted to show his sincerity.

After a pause, Luo Quan asked curiously: "By the way, why did the Caius League suddenly target me? I've been famous for a long time. Why hasn't this happened before?"

"It's not that you played mahjong live on the whole network just now." Ye Zhining curled her lips and said, "The luck you showed just now is too unreasonable, and the audience in the live broadcast room spoke freely and directly took you Blowing it into a weapon of causality, whoever owns you is equivalent to having an invincible logical paradox."

"Is there really a fool's letter?" Luo Quan's expression became dumbfounded, "Didn't I explain it during the live broadcast, why no one listened?"

"I'd rather believe it." Ye Zhining shrugged helplessly, "The diplomats of Huanyu Civilization have also issued a statement, saying that this is just a netizen's nonsense, and that the Virgin of Luoquan is not so powerful at all. Please don't believe the rumors, don't Rumors."

"and then?"

"Then the Caius people didn't believe it, so they insisted that we send you there to do a few simple experiments for them, and then Pope Benjamin and I directly rejected it."

Ye Zhining chuckled, looked at Luo Quan and said, "I pointed at those old men in the Caius Council and scolded them for 5 minutes. Let’s call on the believers of the dawn of the whole universe to launch a jihad and use blood and fire to defend your safety.”

"Damn, you guys are so handsome." Luo Quan's tone was extremely moving, "So those old men gave in?"

"It's resigned." Ye Zhining nodded, "The Caius Council dare not mention this matter anymore, but the Crohns are still spreading rumors as always, always saying that you are the Crohns and their prince Destined No.12 wives."

"Grass!" Luo Quan felt like cursing.

"So Concubine Ai understands why I am so angry?" Ye Zhining took a sip of hot tea helplessly, "The King of Hades is easy to mess with, and the brat is hard to deal with.

The Church of Dawn can issue threats to the Caius Council, but it cannot respond to Crohn's flamboyant speech.

After all, there are too many people in the entire universe who flirt with you, if you control them all, it will appear that the Church of Dawn is too domineering. "

"So, somehow, I became the twelfth concubine of Prince Crohn?" The corners of Luo Quan's mouth twitched.

"No way, who made you so famous, beautiful and charming." Ye Zhining pinched Luo Quan's smooth and soft face, and said with a smile: "Now you are the YY object of half the universe, everyone It is said that you are the woman of all men and the man of all women."

"What kind of strange description is this?" Luo Quan's eyebrows were tangled together, "Also, my current fame has only spread to a small half of the universe, and everyone thought I was already known."

"That's not bad!" Ye Zhining curled her lips at Luo Quan, "The universe is so big, new civilizations are being discovered all the time, half of the universe is actually an exaggeration, the correct statement is a large number of high-level civilizations.

Because, no one knows how much the current number of civilizations accounts for in the entire universe. "

"It seems that my vision is too narrow." Luo Quan nodded in confusion.

Ye Zhining said in a very serious tone: "So, you still have a lot to learn and improve. Don't be complacent just because of a little achievement, you know?"

Luo Quan nodded immediately: "Understood, am I the kind of person who can float?"

"Hehe, I think you had such a trend just now." Ye Zhining chuckled, not saving Luo Quan any face.

"Okay, I still have an early morning tomorrow, so I won't disturb my concubine's beauty sleep. Anyway, during this period of time, don't show off your luck as a gambler online, so as not to attract other people's attention!"

Ye Zhining squeezed the documents sent by Caius's major league into a ball of paper, and said bitterly: "I think there must be a bad gambler among these old men, or all of them!

So they don't care about the law of causality at all, they just want you to help them change their luck in the game. "

Luo Quan was speechless: "Who in the world would anyone be so outrageous?"

"Hey, don't be so sure." Ye Zhining laughed and said, "The world is so big, there are so many wonderful people and things, you can't finish watching it all day and night.

These high-ranking and powerful people are all old coffins that have lived for tens of thousands of years, and all of them have unusually weird tempers. Maybe they can really do such absurd things. "

"It can't be." Luo Quan was a little unsure when he heard this.

"Actually, it doesn't matter." Ye Zhining waved his hand, "Anyway, my attitude with the Pope has been released. No matter how courageous those people are, they will never come to harass you again. Just rest assured!"

Hearing this, Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

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