Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1214 A work enough to set off reform

Chapter 1214 A work enough to set off reform
Ye Zhining left, but Luo Quan's mood did not completely calm down.

This incident reminded her that people should not be too arrogant, especially in Huanyu.

Originally, I just wanted to show off my card luck, but I didn't expect to cause such trouble.

Fortunately, this time Zhining and the Pope helped him settle the matter, otherwise it would be hard to say what would happen.

However, with her current status, it is true that anyone can move if she wants, so there is no need to worry too much about this aspect.

But after today, she must keep a low profile. If she has any special talents like "God of Gamblers", she should hide them first if she can.

Two days later, the second episode of Huanyu Girls officially started broadcasting.

After letting the heat of the show ferment for a week, the expectations of all fans have been accumulated to the maximum.

Luo Quan knows that fans want to see more content, but there is no way, no matter how good your show is, you have to leave a way for others to survive.

Therefore, not only can Huanyu Girls only broadcast one episode per week, but also the short videos of the students' lives can only be broadcast selectively.

And the second period is estimated to be divided into two periods to broadcast.

The first episode of the show only requires students to show the audience an initial impression, so the performance time is relatively short. Even if there are 100 people, the last episode of the show lasts less than five hours.

But the second episode was different.

First of all, the students need to be divided into three, six, and nine grades in this episode of the program. Everyone must show their housekeeping skills, so that the fat audience will vote for themselves, so that they can occupy a favorable position in the third episode of the program.

Also, the students came to the stage one by one, and the program performed by all of them was required to be complete, such as a complete song or a dance.

The short one is four to five minutes, and the long one is about 5 minutes.

It would take at least ten hours to finish broadcasting the entire second episode.

However, the Entertainment Management Bureau gave her a five-hour broadcast time limit for each episode. If it exceeds the time limit, it will easily cause the server to be overloaded and cause signal loss.

This is what is said on the surface, but in fact, it means that other people's programs have no ratings after being broadcast for too long, and they will lose money.

Everyone loses money, and the industry is going to go wrong.

Therefore, the boss of the Entertainment Management Bureau can only shout: Luo Lai Buddha, quickly accept the supernatural powers!

So this second episode will be divided into two episodes, each lasting five hours.

The last episode will be broadcast live. When the time limit is up, the live broadcast will be closed and the program will be recorded.

After being edited into the next issue, it will continue to air next week.

These can be regarded as a relatively common way of dealing with it, which always gives people the feeling of taking off their pants and farting.

But there is no way, who made her kind, and the Entertainment Management Bureau has begged her so much, so it won't do if she doesn't give her face.

So, after the fifth hour of broadcasting, the program entered a commercial.

After the commercial came back, it was the clip that Luo Quan had already recorded.

"This is the end of today's show, the performances of the students are really wonderful, I believe every audience is cheering for their efforts.

What is the result of everyone this time, who will go to Group S to take the initiative to challenge, and who will go to Group F to face elimination.

More exciting content will be broadcast at the same time next week, so stay tuned! "

After speaking, the live broadcast ended, and even the part of thanking the screen was shaken.

The main reason was that time was too short, Luo Quan didn't even leave himself much time to say goodbye.

"This is definitely the most capricious variety show I've ever seen."

"Just leave if you say so?"

"I just went to the bathroom, why did it end?"

"I can see it. The official program can be broadcast for up to five hours. If it is too long, the Entertainment Management Bureau will probably not allow it."

"Hey, I knew I had to save food for other variety shows, but in the end we could only eat half of it."

"Oh, I'm watching it now, and I have to wait for another week."

"It's okay, I choose to watch the first issue again."

"Haha, I plan to do the same. Now that the barrage is raised, it should be more interesting."


While the barrage was full of complaints, Luo Quan was still recording the show.

Although the live broadcast is over, the game will still continue.

It took longer than she expected for 43 students to perform. So far, only [-] people have performed, and it has already taken five hours.

There are 57 people left, and it feels like it will take seven hours to go up.

Recording continuously for [-] hours, Luo Quan and Leon had never tried such a high-intensity work before.

Fortunately, the physiques of the two are not average, and they can still persist for only twelve hours.

Seven hours passed, and when the grouping results of all the students came out, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over"

This should be the voice of most people.

"Everyone has worked hard." Luo Quan clapped his hands, "Thanks to all the staff and students for their cooperation, this time from the live broadcast to the recording, there was no accident in the process, it is really not easy.

Next, I will give everyone a two-day holiday. I will arrange the best diet and entertainment items. Take a day off tomorrow to relieve fatigue. The day after tomorrow, everyone will play with open arms and release all the pressure! "

Hearing that Teacher Luo had prepared such a surprise for everyone, all the students cheered for her.

Especially when you hear that there is a high-end buffet to eat.

In the summer palace in the past few days, although the food is good, the types of dishes are a little fixed, and it is easy to get tired after eating for a long time.

Now they can change their taste and eat a high-end buffet, of course they are very happy.

"Okay, that's the end of the show, I wish everyone a good dream tonight!"

Luo Quan waved to the students, and led Wen Xia and the others away from the stage.

The students are going back to the dormitory, and they are preparing to go back to Earth.

Because the next episode of the program has also been recorded, there will be a rest period of nearly a month.

And what they want to do most now is to take a hot bath and lie down on the bed.

It is not necessary to sleep, it is also possible to play with the mobile phone, or just stare at the ceiling in a daze. The important thing is to relax the muscles and bones of the whole body.

I don't know who yawned for the first time. This phenomenon spread rapidly after they returned to Earth.

One by one, they put their hands to their mouths and clapped.

"I couldn't stand it anymore, I went back to the room and told Mia not to call me for dinner." Leon dragged his heavy body, and after taking a sip of Nutrition Express to hang his life, he dragged his body into the bedroom .

"I want to take a hot bath, does anyone want to join me?" Wen Xia looked at the girls and offered an invitation.

The program was recorded for more than ten hours in a row, during which there was a period of intense singing and dancing, and the sweat that flowed out had already dried up, turning into salt particles that made people feel more uncomfortable than sticky sweat.

Although it is very small, the touch is very obvious in some parts that sweat a lot.

This strange feeling tortured them all the time.

Girls like to be clean, and they will clean up immediately if they get a little bit of mud. What's more, after sweating profusely and not taking a shower for more than ten hours, it feels as uncomfortable as having ants crawling on their bodies.

So when Wen Xia invited to take a bath, all the girls raised their hands.

Except Luo Quan.

Then everyone looked over.

"No, boss, are you so sloppy, don't you take a bath?" Li Xiaomiao asked suspiciously, staring at a pair of cat eyes.

"I'm going to wash alone." Luo Quan smiled weakly.

"Boss, you are too out of gregarious." Xu Yanqing hugged Luo Quan directly, "Everyone is together, why do you have the nerve to be alone?"

"That's right, let's go together, there's nothing to be ashamed of." Fang Mo acted quite generously, and walked over directly, and Xu Yanqing held Luo Quan up from left to right.

Faced with such a situation, Luo Quan could no longer control his own will, so he could only go to the bathing pool behind the gymnasium on the first floor under the "hostage" of the two.

Although each bedroom has a bathtub, it can only accommodate two or three people at most. This time there are so many people, it must not be enough, so I can only go to the large bathtub on the first floor that is not usually used.

Originally, it was planned to be a swimming pool, but later it was found that the swimming pool was a little smaller, so it was changed to a bath.

Just outside the gym, you can directly bathe in it.

In addition, the pool is larger than ordinary bathtubs, and with a little more water, you can still swim in it.

"To be honest, it's the first time I take a bath here, and I've never been here before." Luo Quan said while taking off his clothes.

"We used to wash here often." Li Xiaomiao said with a smile.

"Actually, this is the first time for me to be with so many people." Chu Yueyan blushed, still looking a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, the first time is raw, the second time is acquaintance." Fang Mo patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

Although it was her first time, but looking at this heroic appearance, it was obvious that she already regarded herself as a veteran.

But as soon as the two finished their conversation, they were attracted by Luo Quan passing by them.

"This...why does this seem to be something wrong?" Chu Yueyan looked puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "Are my eyes blurred?"

"Why is this happening?" Fang Mo also lowered his voice and asked the people around him, "Is this natural?"

Both of them have just come from Huanyu, so they still don't know what's going on.

In comparison, Li Xiaomiao and the others were no strangers to it.

"Don't be nervous." Bai Xingwei comforted the two of them, "After all, she is the Holy Mother, and it is normal for her to be slightly different from ordinary people."

Both of them showed a half-understanding expression.

"What are you still doing up there? The water is all put out, it's really warm." Luo Quan jumped into the bath first, and after being covered by warm hot water, he groaned comfortably.

After long-term muscle fatigue, taking a hot bath is not to mention how comfortable it is.

This feeling of relaxing every cell in the whole body is really hard to describe in words.

It's like every inch of skin has been massaged, it's really indescribable.

"Luo Luo, would you mind using your skillful hands to give me a massage?" Wen Xia pushed away layers of ripples and swam to Luo Quan's side, "I'm so tired today, my bones are about to fall apart. "

"Give you a massage? I'm still so tired, who will give me a massage?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes at Wen Xia, but still reached out and squeezed Wen Xia's shoulder twice.

The muscles were a little tight and needed to be loosened, so Luo Quan increased his strength a little.

I have to say that Luoquan's massage technique has a bit of technique in it.

It looked very hard, but Wen Xia didn't show pain at all, instead she looked like she was enjoying herself.

And not only is the technique quite in place, but the soft and boneless jade hand is also really top-notch.

"Comfortable, Luo Luo, how did you practice this hand?" Wen Xia asked with a smile, enjoying Luo Quan's service.

Luo Quan laughed and said, "I realized this during the meeting, isn't it not bad?"

"Kneading dough?" Wen Xia stared, "You treat me like dough?"

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded, "I don't have a rolling pin at hand. If I had a rolling pin, I would have to roll your muscles up and down twice. Look how hard it is from being so nervous."

Wen Xia curled her lips: "The rolling pins are here, are you really treating me like a steamed bun?"

"One thing to say, the meat on your shoulders really doesn't feel as good as white flour steamed buns." Luo Quan chuckled, and said seriously: "I'm just kidding, making noodles and massaging are two different things, how can it be possible to use the same technique Woolen cloth?

But there are massage tools similar to rolling pins, do you want to try it? "

"What's that?" Wen Xia asked curiously.

Luo Quan raised the corners of his mouth: "It's called a fascia knife, it's used to relax muscles after a workout, I promise you will fall in love with the sour feeling after using it once."

"Hehe, think I've never used this thing before, right?" Wen Xia immediately sneered, "Isn't this thing just pressing on the muscles and scraping down, it hurts to death, if you like it, enjoy it for yourself, I can't afford this kind of treatment."

"Cut, it's boring." Seeing that Wen Xia was not fooled, Luo Quan simply didn't give her a massage, and returned to the shore with his feet kicked.

Putting the towel on his shoulders, he leaned back and closed his eyes boldly in a sitting position.

Since everyone was so tired, several of them raised their heads and felt like they were about to fall asleep.

Fortunately, Luo Quan found out in time, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and woke up the girls one by one: "Everyone, don't sleep, get out of the water first, and go back to the room."

Shouting and shaking them.

Waking up from sleep is an annoying thing for most people, but the bath is really not a place to sleep, after all, there is not even a lounger here.

Amidst the sound of splashing water, everyone went ashore one after another, wrapped in wet towels, and went up to the second floor from the spare stairs at the end of the corridor.

Luo Quan was the last one to leave. After confirming that the faucets were turned off, he unplugged the floor drain.

After tidying up, Luo Quan also tightened the towel around his body, and walked back to the room stepping on the water all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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