Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1215 A work enough to set off reform

Originally, Luo Quan wasn't so sleepy, but after taking a bath with Wen Xia and the others, he felt sleepy instead.

Taking advantage of the early time, Luo Quan turned on the air conditioner and lay down directly on the bed.

When a person is extremely sleepy, there is no insomnia.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to close his eyes and think about something, but he lost consciousness after a while.

When I woke up again, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Seven hours of sleep, and the night has just begun.

Looking at the already pitch-black night outside the window, Luo Quan knew that tonight must be a sleepless night.

When I came downstairs, I found that there was no one in the living room.

Thinking about it, the other girls didn't have strong resilience, so they should still be sleeping at the moment.

Taking out a bag of cooking bags from the storage room, Luo Quan put it in the microwave to heat it up, and finished the meal.

Nowadays, a considerable part of the takeaways are made directly with this kind of cooking package.

There are good tastes and bad tastes. As for nutrition, fast-heating food is not about nutrition. It tastes good and fills the stomach.

The one Luoquan bought is a big brand, with fifty bags in a box, worth more than 600 yuan, which is quite expensive.

A bag she picked up casually turned out to be Baodao-style stewed pork. Luo Quan went to the storage room again, found a vacuum-packed stewed egg, and squeezed it into the stewed pork rice.

That's all, and if you add some vegetables for a few cents, you can sell them for at least 25 on the Internet.

So catering is indeed a huge profit industry, but many people are doing catering, and the competition is high, so many people make money, but more people lose.

After dinner, Luo Quan went back to the room and turned on the computer.

The long night must be spent with the fans.

After changing the title of the live broadcast room to "All Night Tonight", Luo Quan started the live broadcast.

"I don't have dazzling eyes?"

"All night, element detection!"

"The sun is coming out from the west, and Luo Bao actually has an all-night live broadcast?"

"In my impression, Luo Quan didn't spend the whole night, right?"

"It's not true. Luo Bao's work and rest are too regular. He goes to bed and rests steadily before twelve o'clock, which is almost unshakable."

"What stimulated you today, why are you willing to stay up all night?"


The sudden overnight stay naturally puzzled a group of fans.

But they couldn't figure it out, but they were still very happy in their hearts. After all, Luo Bao was by their side tonight, and it happened to be Saturday again. Most of the student party and office workers were on holiday, so everyone could stay up late without any pressure.

"The main reason is that I stayed up late yesterday. Today I took a nap during the day without resisting it. As a result, it was eight o'clock when I woke up." After watching the barrage, Luo Quan replied with a smile: "I will definitely not be able to sleep again after waking up." , so stay up for another day today, and adjust the schedule back tomorrow.

As for now, the Luoquan night session just started, and you can post any topics you want to discuss on the barrage. "

I originally thought that the fans would provide her with crazy materials, but I didn't expect everyone's answer to be like this:
"How can there be any big melons recently."

"It's all just a small fight, and then there are more news for the promotion and marketing of the movie."

"It was "Gone Girl" a while ago, and now it's "Out of Nothing". A prominent theme is that you don't go anywhere in Southeast Asia."

"Haha, these two films should have dealt a considerable blow to the tourism industry over there."

"Speaking of the situations that appear in the movie, are they true or false? Are they that infiltrating?"

"The real situation will only be more cruel and inhuman than the movies."

"That's true. Movies need to be reviewed, but reality doesn't."


During the conversation among the fans, Luo Quan opened Weibo and checked the trending searches.

These two films have been very popular recently, one is anti-gambling, and the other is anti-electronic fraud.

In addition, there is an oriental fantasy masterpiece "Fengshen" in the middle. The reputation of these three films is not bad, and the box office is also quite strong. The highest exceeded 30 billion, and the lowest was 20 billion.

In any previous schedule, it was a box office champion and runner-up movie.

But in this summer, they sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Speaking of which, this year's film market seems to have recovered in an all-round way. The box office hits one after another. From the beginning of the Spring Festival to the present, it seems that it has not stopped.

Counting the two films released by Luo Quan at the end of spring, there are already nearly ten films with a box office of more than 20 billion this year.

You must know that the summer vacation is not over yet, and the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and New Year's Day will be next.

Especially for the National Day file, according to the results of previous gift films, there are at least three more masterpieces with a box office of 20 billion.

This result has far surpassed last year.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan realized that he seemed to have been slapped in the face.

"It's over, I seem to have made a wrong judgment, and I will be slapped in the face now." Luo Quan said suddenly to the camera.

"Huh? Luo Bao also gets slapped in the face sometimes?"

"Did Luo Bao say anything against the heavens? I don't have any impression of it."

"It's rare. In my memory, Luo Quan seems to be the right one all the time. Is it finally wrong this time?"

"A man is always right, either a saint or a scoundrel."

"Haha, Luo Bao is clearly neither of the two. After all, she was wrong this time, and she even admitted it voluntarily."

"Where did you go wrong?"


Luo Quan silently opened his previous video evaluating China's box office, and said: "Last year, I did not say a word during the live broadcast, that is, the bubble in the Chinese film market has burst, the prosperity is no longer, and the future box office will only continue to decline.

But this year the film market has recovered strongly, and it slapped me hard. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, she in the video just continued to speak: "I have said long ago that the Chinese-language film market is a carnival of capital, and in the early days all the films were pouring money into it, so it created a false feast.

Now that the economy is going down and capitalists have no more food left, the film market has naturally fallen into a downturn.

Regardless of how low the box office is this year, it will only be lower next year. Movies like "Wolf Warrior 2" that explode at the box office are almost impossible to appear again in the future. "

This scene of strong contrast immediately aroused the audience's ridicule:
"This is so much fun, it's like a public execution."

"Facts have proved that even Luo Quan, who claims to be omnipotent, sometimes speaks indiscriminately."

"Does this mean that I start my own group and let others have no group to start?"

"It's not terrible to make a mistake, just admit it. What's terrible is knowing that you made a mistake, but you still have to speak hard."

"Luo Quan's advantage is very good. He admits his mistakes and never speaks harshly."

"Indeed, Luo Bao's mouth is soft and fragrant."

"Not to mention a kiss, even a smell, it can also prolong your life and prolong your life."


"I trouble you to collect the taste."

"Take Luo Bao as a Tang monk, right?"

"At the moment when Luo Bao's fans are charming, I'm also a Quan fan, so it's okay."


Among the crowd, there will always be a few bums.

But when facing Luo Quan, this kind of bastard seems to be much more.

Maybe it's because he went crazy in front of Luo Quan, so he wouldn't suffer any harsh accusations.

After all, Luo Quan's temper is notoriously good, as long as your barrage is not too excessive, she can usually interact with you with a smile, and at most she will scold you against the sky.

"Look, at first I wanted to admit my mistake seriously, but in the end I turned it into a large-scale mad scene for you." Luo Quan helplessly held his forehead, and could only change the subject: "Who was there just now?" Said that the environment in Southeast Asia is scary?

In fact, it is not only Southeast Asia that is scary, it is not peaceful everywhere now.

Not to mention the United States, zero-dollar purchases and shootings have never stopped. It is not easy for ordinary people to encounter them, but once they encounter them, they will be scared to death if they don't die.

I don't know about Europe. Anyway, the law and order in France is not very good now, so don't go if you can.

As for Japan and South Korea, which are closer, um... everyone reads the news by themselves, people are starting to announce killings, and some people have actually put them into action, so don't be too messy. "

This is Luo Quan's summary after watching the news recently.

Although this phenomenon only occurs in local areas, it does not represent the overall environment.

But since the news spread and was seen by everyone, there must be concerns in their hearts.

As for whether you will encounter similar things after you go, it depends on your luck.

In short, Luoquan will not go, because a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

And the views of the fans are basically the same as Luo Quan:
"Looking at the situation in the world, the scenery here is better."

"The king of poetry reading is here, right?"

"The spring breeze of reform is blowing all over the ground, and the Chinese people are really uplifting!"

"Haha, I started singing as I read it."

"After listening to Luo Bao's description, I don't even dare to travel abroad during the National Day holiday."

"Why go abroad? If you don't know the place where you live, it's better to play in China."

"My evaluation is that it's better to stay at home and play games."

"Am I missing a game? What I'm missing is a good friend to play games with."

"As we all know, a group of game friends who can go online and hack at any time is the highest configuration."

"Hey, I used to sit five times in an Internet cafe, but now I quit playing games for the sake of living."

"There's no going back."


While chatting, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly became sad.

At this time, Luo Quan played "Unheard of Flower Names" very cooperatively, and a wave of friendly killings came directly.

"Damn it, you're so neat, aren't you?"

"I said why I suddenly became sad, and it turned out that you were playing tricks."

"It's really a divine comedy. As soon as the prelude is played, the tears can't be held back immediately."

"Luo Bao, don't be so outrageous, you will be responsible if you really cry!"


Facing the accusation, Luo Quan laughed: "Didn't I want to play a song to cater to the current atmosphere? After all, it's not a good thing to be too depressed. Crying will make you feel better."

Fans responded coldly:
"You better be."

"Luo Bao is so bad, I think you just want us to cry on purpose."

"Let me tell you some news that makes Luo Bao anxious. Her popularity has been overtaken by Tian Jun."

"Who is Tian Junjun?"

"Three grams of oil, are you ok?"

"Haha, how can text still make sound?"

"This is a ghost animal engraved in the genes, and it is to be passed on to future generations."

"What's the matter with rice?"

"Flagship phone in the second half of the year, the price is sky-high, hurry up and get it!"


Looking at the barrage that suddenly entered randomly, Luo Quan curiously opened the hot search list on station B.

The news about the launch of the broadcast is the second most searched, and the [-]th anniversary press conference of rice is ranked first.

Of course, in terms of popularity alone, this press conference is definitely not as high as its own launch.

However, this is a business list after all. In the face of the service tenet that the customer is God, we must let "God" be at the front.

As the boss, Luo Quan has nothing wrong with being wronged.

After Luo Quan's arrival, it brought even more heat to Rice's live broadcast room.

It's a pity that Tian can't always see the barrage, so he introduces this year's new flagship mobile phone on stage, Orange Mi T600.

It sounds like a terminator, but once the top price and configuration are put out, it really puts an end to friends and businessmen.

In the context of the sanction of the Chrysanthemum Factory, rice mobile phone has become the biggest beneficiary.

Although the high-end mobile phone is still inferior to Chrysanthemum and Apple, but in the low-end market, there is also the existence of Tokgo seeking defeat, and the main focus is first-hand cost performance.

Luo Quan remembered that when he was down and out, he only used rice phones.

Diaosi is a little bit diaosi, but diaosi is never wrong.

It is precisely because of the existence of rice mobile phones that users can now have more high-quality and low-cost choices in the low-end market. These credits are absolutely indelible.

Of course, Luo Quan no longer needs a rice phone.

She has a mobile phone with Android and ios system, and one from Apple Chrysanthemum Factory, both of which are worth more than 1 yuan.

Sometimes she has to handle affairs on her mobile phone and save a lot of files, so she uses her favorite top configuration.

Because she hasn't bought a low-end mobile phone for a long time, she can't understand the concept of how low the prices of these mobile phones given by the rice studio are.

All I know is that after the offer of 2599 came out, the audience cheered, and Rice and his live broadcast room were all full of crap and 666.

Suddenly Luo Quan had an idea, how about she also become a mobile phone brand to sell?

Others sell cost-effective, sell photos.

She sells the same style as Apple, selling ecology?
But not long after this idea was born, she was rejected by her.

The mobile phone market is too deep, so let’s start our own video sites and games honestly, and talk about other things after we have these two ecology.

After watching Rice's press conference, Luo Quan drew the fans' attention back.

"Okay, that's the end of today's Luo Quan night talk." Luo Quan took a breath and said with a smile: "Then the next thing everyone has been waiting for for a long time is the time to reveal the new game!
What does this masterpiece that is about to bring changes to the industry look like, let me reveal it to you bit by bit. "

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