Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1218 Gensokyo

"In the case of not playing games, it seems that there is not much difference in live broadcasting with mobile phones."

Luo Quan lay on the bed, fixed the mobile phone on the bracket, and smiled helplessly: "Of course the picture quality is quite poor, everyone will just let it go today, let's talk about it when I configure the new computer tomorrow."

Although it is quite novel to see Luo Quan sitting on the bed and live broadcasting, the poor picture quality does make fans a little uncomfortable:

"So a computer can save everything, except the power supply. If there is a problem here, the whole computer will be scrapped."

"It's really time to upgrade. When Luo Bao is broadcasting live, there are often freezes, especially when playing games."

"The main reason is that there is no second machine to push the stream, and the computer has to process the game and upload the live video, of course it will be stuck."

"It's reasonable, Luo Bao's worth is directly equipped with the top, right? How much does a top-end computer cost now?"

"If it is only used for playing games and live broadcasting, the cap is 20, and the two sets are [-], and a considerable part of it is money for appearance."

"You can be me again, I am too good at configuring computers."


"Really?" Luo Quan saw a barrage claiming that he would be equipped with a computer, "Then tell me what the best configuration is now, and I will study it."

Soon, the fan of the original rhetoric posted a paid barrage: "I'm just kidding, Luo Bao, how can I go with a high-end machine? I have to shop around for a machine worth 5000 yuan. If you want to go directly to Jingdong, Just go for the most expensive computer accessories."

"Haha, this is too real."

"It can also be equipped with a computer worth 2000 yuan. I am a student computer worth [-] yuan."

"To be reasonable, 2000 yuan is enough to play League of Legends and some ordinary 3A, and now low-end computers are much easier to use than before."

"This brother has a saying that I quite agree with, that is, just open and drag the most expensive accessories into the shopping cart."

"Things with good performance are not necessarily expensive, but expensive things must have good performance!"

"So what brand of computer accessories is the most expensive now?"

"That must be the ASUS ROG family bucket!"


"I suggest that Luo Bao also get a set."

"The configuration has been released, just buy it as it is, it looks good and has strong performance, at least now I can't find a better configuration list than it."


Another paid barrage appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. Luo Quan took a screenshot with another mobile phone, and then switched the live broadcasting mobile phone to the internal screen of the mobile phone.

"Okay, then I'll buy it like this." Luo Quan clicked on Jingdong Mall and said, "Actually, I don't know how to configure a computer. I bought the whole machine on Taobao before, and it cost 4 yuan. In the end, fans said that I was cheated and earned more than 2 yuan by profiteers.

Now there is a problem with the power supply again. It seems that it is indeed a garbage configuration. Unfortunately, this store has been canceled and run away, otherwise I have to ask them to settle the score. "

While talking, Luo Quan has already clicked on ASUS's JD self-operated store.

As a world-class giant in the production and sales of notebook and desktop accessories, the ASUS brand has nothing to do with cost performance.

The main focus is on appearance and price. The performance must be the top in the industry, but there is also a high premium on appearance. Generally, except for the local tyrants who are not short of money, they will not choose ASUS’s high-end products.

Of course, Luo Quan belongs to the kind of local tyrant who is not short of money, so ASUS has become her best choice.

"Let's take a look at the CPU and motherboard first. The i9-13900ks and the latest Z790 motherboard, um... is this already [-], and there is no discount for the package purchase. I really can't even do business."

Luo Quan muttered, and added this board U set to the shopping cart.

Because there are two computers to be equipped, she presses down to add 1 to the purchase quantity.

Next comes the most valuable component of this computer - the graphics card.

Although the configuration of Fantasy World is very low, civilian machines can also be activated.

But its upper limit is also very high. If you want to fully open the image quality, you also need a very powerful graphics card to support it.

So Luoquan directly conducted a search by price from high to low when buying a graphics card, but the same as in the barrage configuration list, the current highest price is the graphics card ASUS 4090 water-cooled Raptor, worth 17000.

Add to the shopping cart again*2, the barrage can no longer hold up at this time.

"Damn it, it's nice to have money."

"When I configure a computer, I always screen from low to high. Luo Bao is directly reversed, and he is the first one to buy."

"With this configuration, the price of each set will go directly to [-]."

"What can I say other than fun? I didn't even dare to look at these things before, but now I can see Luo Bao throwing them into the shopping cart like a supermarket sweeps, it's also very refreshing. "

"Luobao owns a 10 yuan host——Luobao uses a 10 yuan host to broadcast live—we watch Luobao's live broadcast—we have a 10 yuan host."

"Is it still possible to progress like this?"

"This is probably the sense of substitution."


It is not without reason that videos showing off wealth are so popular at home and abroad.

But a luxury item that you can only imagine in your dreams is easily won by your favorite anchor and brought to the live broadcast room for display. The joy it brings is no less than that of owning it.

So the euphoria is short-lived and disappears as soon as the video ends.

But in the few minutes that the video lasts, it really gives people a feeling that you and I have become local tyrants.

But it is a pity that this kind of behavior of flaunting wealth is not in line with the current values. Many bloggers who do this kind of content have been restricted, and some of their direct videos have been blocked.

If you want to watch Show off your wealth again, I guess you can only move the content on YouTube.

The good news is that Luoquan's act of allocating 10 yuan to a host should not be regarded as flaunting wealth.

After all, now a better luxury car is less than 100 million, not to mention watches, yachts, houses and so on.

Even if it is equipped with two sets, it is only 20 yuan. Even this live broadcast is equivalent to a wave of advertisements for ASUS. Maybe the general manager is happy to help Luo Quan empty the shopping cart.

With Luoquan's current coffee position, there is no need to open his mouth, but if he just expresses his willingness to accept the endorsement of ASUS, it is estimated that there is a 90.00% chance that such an effect can be easily achieved.

Of course, Luo Quan, who is too lazy to make money, no longer wants to accept a second endorsement other than Chanel.

Advertising is not like doing live broadcasts and variety shows. It is to increase the popularity of the endorsed brand, but she herself does not get much popularity.

It is completely unnecessary for Luo Quan to spend time on these unprofitable things.

According to the configuration given by the fans, Luo Quan ordered a circle in Jingdong Mall. After buying all the accessories, Luo Quan bought a split water cooling design and installation business.

All × 2, the settlement is 211642 yuan.

It's a pity that it's not a large-scale e-commerce festival like 6.18 or 11.11, otherwise you can save thousands of dollars.

After the payment is made, these accessories will be delivered to the door one after another, and then a special person will come to the door to install them, which will probably be done by noon tomorrow.

"Is this all right?"

"It's too fast. At this time, I'm usually still comparing which radiator is better."

"It's like this, you don't need to use your brain, and you don't need to consider the cost performance."

"My dream is to have such a top-end computer, and now it has finally come true in Luoquan's live broadcast room, although it does not belong to me."

"I can't wait to see how it's put together."

"A mainframe worth 10 yuan won't get stuck if you use it to clear mines, right?"

"It's not just minesweeping, it's not a problem to play Spider Solitaire!"


The fans laughed and played memes, but the popularity of the live broadcast room was gradually declining.

Luo Quan glanced at the time, and before he knew it, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

No matter how much the workers and student party like to stay up late, it is time to go to bed at this time, even if they do not go to work the next day.

"Fans, I'll just watch the video next, and I'll download it when I get sleepy." Luo Quan yawned, and turned on a recently popular TV series at Station B.

But after only watching one and a half episodes, Luo Quan's eyelids started to fight.

She also fell asleep for a few minutes during the period. If it wasn't for the sound from the earphones, she would have fallen asleep right away.

After being awakened, Luo Quan knew that the broadcast could no longer be continued, so he quickly turned off the phone and announced the next broadcast.

When I woke up the next day, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Although he only slept for less than six hours, for Luo Quan, this amount of time was quite sufficient.

After getting up and going downstairs, seeing Leon lying on the sofa eating steamed buns, Luo Quan walked over to pick up one and said, "You wake up so early, too?"

"I woke up at five o'clock, and I couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning." Leon took a bite of a steamed bun, and said, "In order not to disturb Mia and Arthur, I went downstairs to play with my phone."

As soon as the words fell, the doorbell rang.

Leon raised his head, showing a puzzled expression: "I just ordered Xiaolongbao, why are there still takeaways?"

"It should be that the courier I bought has arrived. As expected of Jingdong, the delivery is really fast." Luo Quan walked over and opened the door with a smile.

"Jingdong Express." A courier in a red uniform pushed a cart full of cardboard boxes.

"Excuse me, is this Ms. Luo Quan?" The courier looked like he was in his 30s. The pressure of life made him have no interest in the entertainment industry. He just asked dully. He didn't recognize the woman in front of him, but thought she was very beautiful.

"I'm Luo Quan, sorry for your trouble." Luo Quan took the delivery slip and signed for it. Originally, he wanted to give him a pair of slippers and let him in.

Because she also bought a door-to-door installation service, she thought that the courier in front of her was also responsible for delivering the courier and installing the computer.

Who knew that after Luo Quan signed for the receipt, he turned around and left.

From this point of view, it will take a while for the computer to be installed.

"I'll go, old lady, what are you buying here? Such a lot!" Leon moved over curiously. Boys seem to have a natural interest in digital products.

"My computer was broken last night, so I thought about getting two new ones, one for playing games and one for streaming." Luo Quan looked at the accessories in front of him with his hands on his hips and said, "I still spent 200 yuan I invited a master installer, but I don’t know when he will come.”

"Why are you spending this unjust money?" Leon slapped the outer packaging of the Helios chassis and shook his thumb at himself: "There is a ready-made installation master here who doesn't ask for advice, why do you want outsiders to make money? Your money?"

"You still know how to install a computer?" Luo Quan looked at Leon suspiciously.

"Probably because I have never demonstrated this ability." Leon shook his head regretfully, and covered his forehead with his hand: "Do you still remember the California ranch, my Gundam?"

"You don't want to say that you made it, do you?" Luo Quan laughed in surprise, "I didn't see it, brother, you actually have talent in this area."

"Just kidding, I don't have that ability." Leon laughed, "I mean, I have a strong interest in mechanical, electronic and digital products since I was a child.

The Gundam is too big and too complicated for me to assemble, but I am too experienced in assembling desktop computers. According to me, if there are not fifty installed machines, there will be thirty or forty. "

"Then you must be good at pretending." Luo Quan lowered his head and opened Jingdong, choosing to cancel the door-to-door installation service.

"I've installed split-type water cooling, and the wiring is guaranteed to satisfy you." Leon patted his chest confidently, "Just leave the things to me."

"Okay." Luo Quan nodded and stood aside.

The living room is spacious, so Leon didn't bother to change places, so he took a toolbox out of the storage room,

Take out an electric screwdriver from inside, and then start to assemble on the spot.

Luo Quan was not idle either. While eating breakfast, he turned on the live broadcast: "Good morning, fans, the computer accessories I bought last night have been delivered. I have to say that Jingdong is expensive, but the delivery speed is really fast. It doesn't have to be dark, okay?"

Fans are deeply impressed by this:
"Indeed, although has become more and more popular over the years, the express delivery speed is still acceptable."

"It's also the only advantage. The others are really not as good as some."

"I like to buy on Duoduo, it's cheap and there are coupons."

"It's easy to overturn the car, so is more worry-free."

"Speaking of which, everything has arrived, hurry up and assemble it, I really want to see how Luo Bao will route these accessories."


"Haha, I'm afraid you won't see this." Luo Quan laughed, and pointed the camera at Leon, who was already busy: "I originally planned to let Jingdong send people to assemble it, but Leon said he would install it, let me Don't spend that wrong money, so I let him come."

"Hey, Leon is really versatile."

"Installing the machine is actually not difficult. There are detailed tutorials on the Internet, so you can see it at a glance. The real difficulty is wiring."

"Indeed, but it mainly depends on the craftsmanship."

"Lyon is quite skilled in this movement, probably not a novice."

"Who can't unpack the box, the important thing is to look at the installation method afterwards."

"Is that a toolbox? It looks so powerful."

"Don't just have a lot of stationery for poor students."


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