Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1219 Gensokyo

Chapter 1219 Fantasy Township ([-])
"Can you do it, Leon, it's been a long time, why can't you get it?" Luo Quan asked eagerly, frowning at his younger brother.

"No way, sister, yours is too tight, you can't fit it in at all." Leon was so tired that he sat down on the ground with his bum sweating profusely, and the split water cooling pipe in his hand was also thrown aside.

"Are you going to pretend this?" Luo Quan sighed helplessly, "If it's really impossible, I'll just find someone else."

"No?" Leon felt that his dignity was being questioned and scorned, so he immediately stood up and said loudly, "How can I not!"

With that said, he picked up the water pipe and studied it again.

Seeing his brother's paranoid appearance, Luo Quan didn't know what to say for a while.

The front is obviously well installed, but once the split water cooling is assembled, it starts to stagnate.

However, this thing is indeed more complicated. It is a bit confusing just reading the manual, let alone installing it directly.

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw that Lyon was in trouble, they also laughed and said:
"The front is so fast, why did you stretch your hips as soon as you get here?"

"Could it be that the water cooling in the United States is different from that in China?"

"I can only say something, but not much."

"No, don't hold on to Leon, everyone won't laugh at you."

"The barrage has been laughing all the time, and it hasn't stopped!"

"My suggestion is, hurry up and let the professionals come. If you continue to struggle like this, it may not be done well at night."


Fortunately, Leon couldn't hear the barrage, otherwise he would be so angry.

Luo Quan saw his brother scratching his ears and cheeks, so he leaned over to see if he could help him.

Glancing at the tube in the brother's hand, she suddenly thought: "Leon, do you think you held the tube upside down? You can consider changing the direction.""

"Are you kidding me? How could it be reversed? Am I such a mentally handicapped person?" Although Leon said so, he still turned the tube in his hand around and inserted to the interface.

There is a crisp sound of "click", and the water pipe and the interface are perfectly connected, and the seam is tight.

"I rub it, I really went in!" Leon's eyes were as big as a buffalo, and then he patted his face: "Okay, I'm mentally retarded."

Seeing such a situation, the fans in the live broadcast room were even happier:
"For a long time, the pipe was held upside down. This is too ridiculous."

"Common mistakes in the installation circle, the display is not connected to the graphics card, the power switch is not turned on, the parts are reversed, and restart."

"Lyon is actually not bad. The front parts are all installed very well. Only the water cooling is really difficult."

"Water-cooled split heat dissipation is originally a relatively complicated part, and non-professionals will indeed have some headaches."

"There shouldn't be any more problems now, right?"


In the anticipation of the fans, Lyon, who corrected the mistake, quickly assembled the last part, which is also the most difficult water cooling.

The next task is relatively simple, which is to install various lines, tighten the screws, and then fix the wires with cable ties.

After nearly two hours of tossing, the first computer was finally assembled.

"Take it upstairs and see if it can be turned on. I'll install the second one later."

Lyon sat on the sofa and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took a big sip of iced Coke.

Originally, according to his plan, at most one machine could be installed, but he didn't expect that it would take nearly double the time. It seems that he hasn't touched it for a long time, and the technology is a little rusty.

"Let's take a break first, just use one, don't worry about the second one." Luo Quan pulled some wet wipes and handed them to his younger brother.

"It's okay, the second machine will be much faster than the first one, so there shouldn't be any problems." Leon waved his hand, and then squatted down to start assembling the second machine.

Luo Quan didn't say much when he saw this, anyway, Leon's strength in Huanyu had improved a lot, and this amount of exercise would not cause any problems due to physical exhaustion, so he went upstairs with his computer in his arms.

After plugging in the power, Luo Quan pressed the power button.

In the dark room, the black and red ROG shines with mysterious and technological luster.

As soon as the visual effect came out, the fans shouted:

"This is the shock brought by the ASUS family barrel, it is so beautiful, family members."

"A clean and tidy bedroom, a warm big bed, a comfortable ergonomic chair, three high-definition high-definition monitors of different sizes, a super-powered host, and a life without interruptions. This makes me dream of Fantasyland."

"Not only! When the closed beta of Fantasy World starts, and when you go in and experience this epoch-making work, it will be called the real Fantasy Township!"

"Is your pursuit so superficial? This can also be called Gensokyo, at most it's an otaku's fantasy?"

"People like you are very annoying. Gensokyo is a two-dimensional thing, and of course it has something to do with otaku."

"You can shut up if you can't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

"Instead of dealing with the intrigue in real life, I would rather sink in the virtual world, at least it won't make me feel sad and hopeless here."

"Well said, so I have been looking forward to this Gensokyo created by Luoquan. I want to know whether it can immerse all of us in it, escape from the bitter sea of ​​reality, and gain spiritual comfort."

"Haha, is this already giving such a high expectation value? Let's be more cautious. The current trend of game discovery should not have reached the point of creating a virtual world."

"It's hard to say, I believe Luo Bao can bring miracles to everyone."


Seeing these sincere words from the heart in the barrage, Luo Quan was actually very moved in his heart.

She didn't expect fans to have such high expectations for the new game, and some even regarded it as the next stop in life and a new belief.

Although she is quite confident in the quality of the new fantasy world game, seeing the enthusiasm of the fans makes her feel a little uneasy.

Of course, this kind of anxiety is benign, and you will feel anxious about anything that you care about but has not yet produced results.

Even if there is a very high probability that this matter will become what you want, you will still feel nervous, because caring makes chaos.

"Anyway, there are still two days left. At 10 o'clock tonight, all the places will be distributed randomly to fans who have applied for the test qualification, and then everyone can start pre-downloading."

Luo Quan said while installing the system on the computer: "I will broadcast the live broadcast as soon as possible. Fans who have not obtained the qualifications should not worry, come to my live broadcast, and then I will take you to experience the fantasy world immersively."

Although the game hadn't been released yet, Luo Quan's words once again made Fantasy World a hot search.

Soon, the system will be installed.

Luo Quan started to download the previously uploaded files from the cloud disk, and at the same time tested the performance of the computer.

I have to say that the 10 yuan next-generation mainframe is different. Its performance in all aspects completely beats the one she configured a few years ago, and the user experience has been improved by at least three levels.

While still downloading the data, Luo Quan came downstairs and saw his brother working seriously, so Luo Quan bought a pork rib from the supermarket in the neighborhood, drank five catties of pork, and planned to make a big meal for Leon Reward him with a good meal.

On the other side, Leon was also broadcasting live on his mobile phone, fiddling with the case with both hands, not idle, even trying to teach the fans in the live broadcast room how to install the phone.

It wasn't until a pleasant smell of meat came from the kitchen that his attention was attracted.

"I'll go, old lady, she cooks for herself today, she seems to be planning to reward me for installing two machines." Leon took a big breath of air, unconsciously showing a happy smile.

"I'm envious. To be able to eat the dishes made by Luo Bao, this is an officially certified Chinese chef."

"Does your family still lack pets? I can apply for the job. The food requirements are not high. I am satisfied if I can eat the leftovers you eat."

"Is it so humble, brother?"

"If you have tasted Luo Bao's craftsmanship, you won't say such things. It's really a bite, and you will never forget it."

"This level of delicacies may not be enjoyed by dignitaries, but Luo Bao's family can eat them every day."

"No time, when I marry Luo Bao, let her cook for everyone every day."

"You are really a toad riding a frog, you are ugly and playful."

"Okay, I learned another allegory, and I will share it with my parents when I go home."

"It's not fun to share, kid."

"Primary school students watch the live broadcast during class, right?"


Although it is on Douyin, the fans here still know a lot about Luo Bao, and know that her cooking skills are amazing.

It's a pity that Luo Quan should only cook two or three dishes that fans can taste in Huaxia, and the quantity is very small.

On the one hand, I don’t have time, and on the other hand, I don’t want to send the dishes I cook to others and then sell them.

This is the case with the autographed photos before. Every time she releases an album, she will sign hundreds of autographed photos and give them to lucky fans who bought the electronic album.

However, there are still a small number of sprays that are actually kept as collectibles, and most of them are sold directly to salted fish for money.

On the one hand, the prices of her own products are really outrageous now, like signed photos, the most expensive one can sell for millions of yuan, and the cheapest ones can be sold for tens of thousands.

Rare things are valuable, Luoquan only produces a little every year because of laziness, and now there is not even one, and it is about to develop into an out-of-print trend. Quotation is naturally more and more expensive.

It was precisely for this reason that Luo Quan became less interested in sending autographed photos, feeling that he was truly let down.

If the money is really urgently needed, she can understand it if she sells it.

But many fans completely regard her sincerity as a tool to make money, which is very boring.

So after the release of her new album this time, she did not send autographed photos to lucky fans as before.

Because everyone's attention is on her new album cover and new game, so it's ignored.

After all, there are so many people who buy Luoquan's album, but only a few hundred people get autographed photos every year, so most people don't care about this at all, and don't think they are so lucky to get Luoquan's autographed photo.

"Come on, today's last two dishes are the highlights, braised pork with preserved vegetables and steamed pork with rice noodles!" Luo Quan came out of the kitchen holding a basin in both hands.

This is already the ninth dish at noon today, and a group of people at the table are dumbfounded.

"It's too rich today. It's braised pork ribs and boiled pork slices. Now I can eat these two big pots. How can I finish it?" Wen Xia held the chopsticks in her hand, so happy that she didn't know where to pick them up. One piece.

"Isn't there a lot of people? If there are too many people, we must make more. If the amount is like that in a restaurant, wouldn't everyone eat it with one chopstick?" Luo Quan put two pots of meat on the table and said with a smile .

In order to distinguish it from the portion size of most restaurants, each dish of Luoquan is well prepared.

There are nearly [-] slices of meat in this pot of pickled vegetables alone.

Every piece was made as thin as a flap by her, fat and thin evenly, it can be said that it rots in the mouth.

Steamed pork with rice noodles is meat and sweet potatoes entangled together, you can pick up a chopstick casually, and you can only know whether it is meat or sweet potatoes when you eat it. The taste is also divided into soft and Q-bomb.

Not to mention other dishes, even home-cooked dishes, Luo Quan has reached a level that other chefs can't match.

It's just that only her family can taste the taste of these dishes, and others can't understand and imagine them at all.

As a major contributor to Fat Luoquan's cooking of this sumptuous meal, Leon hadn't spoken for a long time.

It's not because I'm too tired to install the computer, but because my mouth is full of meat, and I'm so excited that I don't even have time to speak.

To be reasonable, although the old lady often cooks, it is really rare to cook so many hard dishes like today.

Especially during the period when Xiao Miao was losing weight, fat like this was even rarer.

Leon was encouraged by Xiaomiao a while ago, and he also followed to lose weight and avoid meat, so he didn't mention how much he raised in his heart.

Today is the first time he's had a good meal after he gave up on losing weight. This feeling is really so refreshing that he doesn't have time to talk nonsense.

At the dinner table, the face is so delicious.

Any behavior that stops lips and tongues from tasting food is the greatest disrespect to the chef.

So Leon can only repay the old sister's kindness by eating non-stop.

It's really not that he was reincarnated from starvation, it's that the dishes made by the old sister are so delicious.

"Meat is delicious, but you should also pay attention to the amount. You can't eat too much at once." Luo Quan picked up a piece of ribs, and then reminded Xiao Miao.

Xiao Miao knows that the boss is doing it for her own good, and she still has a weight loss goal to achieve.

So looking at the big fish and meat on the table, Li Xiaomiao just took a few chopsticks for each dish, and didn't eat too much.

Self-discipline is the key to success.

Of course, with the help of Huanyu's high-tech, it doesn't matter if you indulge a little bit, but Li Xiaomiao doesn't plan to do such nonsense now, after all, his current body and weight are really hard-won.

(End of this chapter)

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