Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1220 Gensokyo

The day before any release date tends to be the longest.

If it is one month before the release, you know that you will have to wait for a long time, so you don’t have to worry about it. No matter how anxious you are, you can only wait honestly. Instead, you will quickly forget about the waiting .

But if it is less than 24 hours before the press conference, it will be very tormented.

It seems that it has not been long before the release, and then there are related publicity all over the Internet, telling everyone that this thing is about to be released, and everyone is ready.

But when you are so excited, you have to go on board for twenty hours. Even if you think about it in your heart, you can only bite the bullet and wait until the next day.

This state is not unique to one person.

Anyway, there are a lot of such things in Luoquan's live broadcast room, and there are still about ten hours before the release, and everyone has come to her live broadcast room to complain.

It can only be said that fortunately the release time was at twelve o'clock in the evening, otherwise these people might not even sleep.

"No matter how much you want to play, I can't help it. The twelve o'clock in the evening can't be changed by me alone."

Looking at the densely packed bullet screens in the live broadcast room, but with similar content, Luo Quan could only show a helpless smile: "Besides, I've waited for so many days, so it won't be less than ten hours.
If you have nothing to do tomorrow, everyone can take advantage of this time to sleep, get enough energy to prepare for staying up late tonight, and fight with me until dawn. "

Luo Quan not only persuaded his fans to stay up late, but also planned to stay up late himself.

I don't know if it's because of staying up all night and becoming a little addicted. In recent days, she doesn't seem to be so resistant to staying up late, and she made such a decision with almost no psychological pressure.

It's definitely not going to work in the long run. Staying up all night every day is not good for your skin.

"If it's with Luo Bao, it's not impossible to accompany you until dawn."

"Unfortunately, office workers have to work tomorrow, so I'd better ask for a day off."

"Are you so addicted to games? You have to play even after class."

"Classes can be taken every day, but the game release day is just one day."

"Enterprise-level understanding."


Facing the fan's outrageous barrage, Luo Quan didn't know whether they were playing tricks or really intending to do so, so he could only persuade: "Everyone should focus on real life, games are always games, they can only be entertained, and cannot be replaced. work.

Of course, if you plan to move bricks in the game to make money, that's another story. "

Mmorpgs now have moving bricks, and the more popular the game is, the more people move it, and it has developed into an industry.

If the closed beta of Fantasy World works well this time, based on its recent popularity, it will definitely provide quite a lot of jobs for brick movers.

For players, a moderate studio is also a good thing, as long as the exchange ratio between game currency and RMB does not collapse.

And Luo Quan's words undoubtedly express from the side that this game allows brick-moving parties to exist. For many studios, being able to speak has injected a lot of boost.

No matter how urgent game fans are, the game still doesn't open until midnight.

But no matter how slow time is, it is still walking second by second.

Finally, the time came to eleven o'clock in the evening.

The wegame platform, which is responsible for the distribution of national servers, has opened the login channel in advance.

"Don't complain, everyone, it's a last resort. After all, there are too many people pre-downloading this time. If everyone logs in at twelve o'clock, the server will definitely explode.

Therefore, we must open the server in advance and let everyone enter in batches. "

Luo Quan actually got the news a long time ago, but in order for the server to run stably, he had to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

And this kind of behavior was naturally dissatisfied and complained by fans.

But soon, as the game's loading screen appeared on the screen, no one cared about those minutiae anymore.

"Unreal Studio"

"Fantasy World

Fantastic World”

Three lines of characters appeared in turn, and then a gorgeous big sword appeared in the center of the screen, and the sword was lit from bottom to top.

When the sword is fully lit, the loading phase of the game is complete, and the whole process only takes about ten seconds, which doesn't seem very long.

However, because the configuration of Luoquan's machine is too high, there is no reference value.

"Any fans who are playing tell me how long it took you to load?" Luo Quan asked the fans while clicking on the pinching interface.

"5000 yuan host, loaded for half a minute, the speed is not bad."


"I'm still downloading. Last night, my laptop ran out of battery. I shut down after downloading some more. Only when I opened the game did it remind me that there are dozens of gigabytes left."

"Who said this game is only 300G? The downloaded content alone is 400G! After decompression, it takes up 500G of space!"

"You downloaded the super material version, and the normal version is only in the early 200G."

"This is too exaggerated, how much material is piled up with super strong materials."

"I don't know anything else, this face-pinching interface is very mysterious."


Amidst the exclamation of the barrage, Luo Quan had already started pinching his face.

In other games, you have to adjust various parameters to pinch your face. Some of you don’t even know that these parameters have been adjusted, and you don’t know what effect it has on which parts of your body.

But the face pinching in the fantasy world is very powerful. You can use the camera to scan the face and pinch the face automatically.

Or use a mobile phone to take a selfie, and then upload it to the game, and the smart Ai can pinch the face with one button, which focuses on convenience and peace of mind.

In addition, you can also let the system generate a face model by inputting descriptors, and then fine-tune it by yourself. In short, all requirements can be met.

"See, my family, this is a manifestation of the powerful functions of intelligent Ai. In the game, you will find more wonderful places." Luo Quan said, scanning his face directly with the camera.

"Data entry in progress... face pinching is complete!"

"Evaluation: Your beauty is rare in the world. The moment you were born, the statues of the gods of love and beauty in the whole continent were singing for you. In order to prevent you from attracting evil covetousness because of your appearance, the priests of the church slapped you on your cheeks. A smear of oil paint was applied to cover your true face.

When you became an adult and gained enough strength to protect yourself, the oil paint finally disappeared, and your shocking appearance finally reappeared in the light of day.

This kind of treatment, few people in the whole world can have it, maybe your beauty has reached the point where all living beings are timid, so this kind of ceremony is also called "Cowardly Face"

Generally speaking, after all the character backgrounds and attributes are selected, the evaluation will appear, letting you know what kind of position you are in this world, and bringing players a greater sense of substitution.

After pinching the face, the evaluation appeared, which should be the first time it appeared.

"Isn't this evaluation exaggerated? Does it only appear if you have a higher appearance, or is it just me?"

Although Luoquan provided a lot of materials and black technology, the specific production content of the game was handed over to the employees below.

So this situation was completely unexpected to her.

But fans have different opinions on her doubts:
"Could it be that some employee deliberately wrote this in order to flatter the boss? As long as it is your face model data, you can get such an evaluation?"

"I think so too, Luo Bao is really smug."

"To be reasonable, Luo Bao's appearance is the most beautiful in the world, so it's not surprising, after all, she is."

"It's true, if the system really judges it by itself, it would be very interesting."

"It is definitely judged by the system itself. I randomly pinched a particularly ugly model just now, and I also got comments, but the tone of the system was not very friendly. It said that when I was born, I was almost thrown into the water by my parents and drowned. reopened."

"Haha, is it so real?"

"There have been cases in history that judging people by their appearance is a disease of the vast majority of people, even parents."

"It's better to be Luo Bao. With such a timid face, the NPC's favorability is probably full."


Glancing at the barrage, Luo Quan found that everyone's acceptance of this result was quite high.

After all, she was originally good-looking, and the game system couldn't exaggerate it.

After the face value is set, it is the figure.

In pursuit of [-]% authenticity, the character's height, weight, skin color, hair color and even cups can be customized.

Luo Quan was too lazy to input these data one by one. Fortunately, the old method, the camera scans by himself.

Then, an almost one-to-one restored character appeared on the screen.

"36F in a flash~~~"

"Is Luo Bao's figure so tall? It's the golden ratio."

"Otherwise, do you think that the goddess can come here casually and anyone can afford it?"

"I'm drooling all over the floor with such long legs."

"My evaluation is that the data can be exaggerated a little more, anyway, the game doesn't limit the range."

"That's still there. If it is too exaggerated, it will affect the character's movement in the early stage. The system has prompted."



Luo Quan didn't bother to respond to these strange xp barrages, and just pretended he didn't see them.

After the appearance is set, the next step is detailed information such as race, country, belief, and birth.

Without looking at the others, Luo Quan chose the human race first, and was born into an ordinary family in the Kingdom of Saint Laurent on the continent of Airol.

The entire Ailor continent is ruled by the Church of Dawn, and the Holy Light blesses all civilians. The Father of Dawn is the supreme god of the church, but people will not be forced to believe in him.

Because in the heart of the Father of Dawn, all humans who receive the grace of light are His believers and should be protected by Him and Dawn believers.

"Okay, this description makes a lot of sense."

"Many Western fantasy novels now use the church related to the light as the villain. This time it is rare to have a positive image."

"The pattern of this father of dawn is very big at first glance."

"Ordinary strength, ordinary stamina, Luo Bao, you really don't give yourself a chance?"

"No, this will directly enter the game?"

"What about careers, doesn't Mmorpg need to choose a career?"


Amid the doubts from fans, Luo Quan directly entered the game and started the plot.

"At the very beginning, you don't have a career, but depending on your chosen identity and beliefs, you get some initial careers.

For example, if you were born in a noble family, then you will learn some basic swordsmanship and horsemanship.

If you come from a military family, you will master some fighting skills and your combat effectiveness will be stronger than that of ordinary people.

As for a character from an ordinary family like me, I only have some living skills such as farming and cooking, and the combat aspect is the most rubbish level. "Luo Quan explained as he spoke.

"Of course, as the plot progresses, you will soon have the opportunity to choose a career, but everyone's opportunity is more or less different, and this will be assigned by the system when you set your own character background." Luo Quan added another sentence at the end.

After that, she didn't speak much, she was completely immersed in the plot, and only when she encountered some special places, she would explain a few sentences.

For example, the unique gameplay of the game, and the "smart dialogue" system that was the most publicized before.

The previous publicity is that each NPC in the game has an independent personality, and you can get a real experience when you talk to it.

For example, Luo Quan talked to a milkman named Uncle Sam in the village. She could even ask Uncle Sam how to feed the cows and how to milk them.

There are no fixed options in the dialogue, it is completely typed by yourself.

The appearance of this function directly made a group of fans look stupid.

There are several open world games that claim to have a high degree of freedom, and they are launched every year.

But none of them can type and talk to NPCs in the game like fantasy world.

No wonder Luo Quan would say that this is a great revolution affecting the entire game world, it really deserves its reputation!

"No wonder the Japanese name of the game is Gensokyo, it really deserves the name."

"I can't wait to play it, when is the closed beta?"

"The internal test will last for one month, and then the next month will fix bugs, formulate krypton gold procedures, and then there will be an open beta with unlimited numbers."

"Wow, wouldn't it be at least two months!"

"It's okay, the official announcement just now said that the number of game logins has exploded, and the official temporarily decided to distribute another [-] quotas in the next week, so everyone still has a chance."

"Speaking of profession, haven't you chosen a profession yet?"



Amid endless calls from fans, Luo Quan finally pushed the plot to the moment of choosing a career.

In the game, a character has N paths to choose from.

Good, evil, or indifferent onlookers, or being an exquisite egoist, or taking advantage of the crisis to make a fortune, each of your options may push the plot in different directions.

And what Luo Quan chose was the most domineering route of a righteous person.

Later, under the watchful eyes of Father Dawn, she became a kind, brave and powerful paladin.

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