Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1221 Across a Thick Barrier

"Damn, is he so handsome after changing jobs!"

"Luo Bao, a paladin, looks good. His whole body is gleaming with gold, giving him a sacred feeling."

"Believe in the Holy Light!"

"I feel that there will be many people choosing this profession, and the competition must be fierce."

"What about the next route, what will become after advanced, and what are the skills?"


After struggling for nearly an hour, Luo Quan finally decided on his next job.

Although the profession of paladin sounds like a bad street, it is one of the most common professions in Western Fantasy games.

However, as long as the appearance is beautiful enough, the professional advancement name is cool enough, and the skill special effects are handsome enough, it will always attract players to choose.

No matter how bitter and vengeful everyone is on the Internet, or regard killing and setting fire as a golden belt, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses is regarded as the golden rule.

But the vast majority of people actually want to be a kind and good person, and their hearts are full of blood and justice.

It's just that after experiencing the cruel reality and seeing many evil things that good people don't get rewarded with, they become extremely resistant to making themselves a good person.

Even so, when they encounter the weak, they are also willing to release their kindness, even if their lives are not particularly satisfactory.

This principle is the same in the game.

Before the server was launched, everyone said that they would open up the world again and become a big villain who would make all NPCs fearful.

As a result, they really entered the game, and all of them swore allegiance to the Church of Dawn, vowing to fight for the weak and justice.

This kind of inconsistent behavior actually reflects the complexity of human nature.

"I joined the Church of Dawn, of course not because the nuns here are beautiful and in good shape!"

The fans heard Luo Quan's ridicule and explained it this way.

Under the development of major anchors, there are now dozens of occupations that players can choose from.

In addition to the paladins chosen by Luo Quan, there are also knights, archers, magicians, warriors, swordsmen, alchemists and so on.

There was a very lucky player. Although he chose human beings, he got dragon blood after entering the game and awakened a hidden professional dragon vein warlock. His initial attributes were much higher than ordinary players, and he was directly ahead of the starting line.

The only pity is that all data from the closed beta will not be inherited to the public beta.

Now that I am lucky enough to become a dragon vein warlock, I probably won't have such good luck after opening the server. It means that I only got a one-month special content experience.

But at least it will be fun for a month. In view of the fact that dragon vein warlocks are so rare, if the live broadcast is broadcast, I believe it will gain a lot of fans.

If you know how to work a little bit, it is not difficult to raise [-] points.

This is the benefit that a popular game can bring to players, and this is just the beginning. With the development of related industries later, the profit network will become larger and more stable.

Just like King of Glory and League of Legends, an ecology of anchors, competitions, professional players, and offline surroundings is formed.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation.

At present, the best ecology in the game industry is League of Legends. It can be said that you can get what you want.

It's just that the planner has been letting go of himself and not treating players as human beings. The popularity of the game has dropped significantly, and it is an old game. Maybe it will be replaced by a new game at some point.

In fact, when eating chicken became popular, there was already a faint tendency to replace League of Legends.

It's a pity that the producer of Eat Chicken is really stupid. There are frequent tricks in the game, and the game is also messed up.

Coupled with the 18 LPL championship, the popularity of League of Legends has ushered in a second spring, abruptly reversing the situation that was about to be cold.

So far, no game on the market has seen the potential to become a second League of Legends.

Fantasy World has just started the closed beta, and everyone’s enthusiasm must have been quite high on the first day. They think the game is very interesting no matter what, and they can’t wait to spend 24 hours in the game.

But whether it can persist for such a long time depends on the subsequent gameplay of the game.

But from the current point of view, this game is still quite playable.

Luo Quan played for a whole night before advancing to the eighth level, which is the holy warrior.

There is no difficulty in fighting monsters and upgrading, the main thing is the materials needed for upgrading, which players need to find by themselves according to the prompts.

For the effect of the program, Luo Quan chose the hardcore mode again. The prompts were all descriptions like riddles. At the beginning, he was completely like a headless chicken, looking everywhere!But most of them are wrong.

Coupled with the fact that a large group of dog-headed military advisers in the barrage provide advice and suggestions, Luo Quan only has half of the control over his character, and the other half has to be directed by the fans.

So after a whole night of trial and error, she finally got together the advanced materials.

"I said, if I knew it was so troublesome, I would have turned off the hardcore mode."

Luo Quan looked at the character whose skill light effect was much more gorgeous, and there was a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

She has never been so tired after continuously recording a program for a day and a night in Huanyu, but after only playing games in the middle of the night, she is already dizzy.

"This game is similar to ordinary online games when it is easy, and it is as outrageous as a decryption game when it is difficult."

"It's very interesting. You can turn off the hardcore mode when you want to relax, and turn it on when you want to increase the difficulty. It's very free."

"The main reason is that this puzzle is indeed a bit difficult. A thing has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening, and then we need to find its third leg. Who knows that this is not the person who said it, but There really is such a magical creature."

"That's right, at first I thought the third leg was a human crutch, but it turns out that this creature is not a human at all, but an appendage of a swamp myriad."

"And if you don't take the side missions, you don't even know that there is such a thing. You can't even open the map to the swamp."

"The task is designed very cleverly, don't design it next time."

"Haha, this is only the eighth level, and there are still eight upgrade materials in the future. How difficult is that?"

"Luo Bao is in trouble now."


Fans always have an almost perverted sense of pleasure when they see Luo Bao being tortured.

Probably because her usual image is too perfect, and a goddess who is too perfect will make people feel strange and afraid to approach.

In order to get close to the goddess, they will want to pull the goddess off the altar, or see the appearance of the goddess abused, so as to achieve satisfaction.

Isn't this a kind of NTR?

It can only be said that people's xp is all kinds of strange things, and you can see all kinds of things against the sky during the live broadcast.

But Luo Quan himself is not a masochistic M.

Facing the fans' schadenfreude, Luo Quan resolutely turned off the hardcore mode, and then explained: "In order to allow online games to bring players the same experience as 3A, the production team specially added such a hardcore mode, making the decryption difficult to reach to a very inhuman level.

Quite a few players like the refreshing feeling of finally achieving their goal after being abused N times.

But I don't have this kind of hobby. It is my ultimate goal to play this game to upgrade, collect materials, advance, and become stronger and cooler.

So it's better to let other anchors go hardcore, and I'll just follow the mission prompts honestly. "

Such behavior immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of fans:

"Luo Bao, you are too cowardly, what about your courage and stubbornness?"

"No matter how stubborn a person is, after being tortured all night, he probably won't have much patience."

"Luo Bao is ready. Big Tomato next door chooses a magician as a profession. To change his profession, he needs to recite ten first-level spells. Now he is learning Hestia?"

"What is Hestia?"

"The goddess of magic in the fantasy world, all magic spells are created by her, so the spells are also called Hestia. If you read it correctly, you can release the spell, and if you read it wrong, nothing will happen."

"Haha, so magicians have to learn a foreign language to advance to the next level? This is too hardcore."

"That's not bad. The buddy of the awakened dragon vein warlock not only has to collect various materials, but also has to learn the dragon language, which is much more difficult to pronounce than Hestia."

"I changed my profession to be a hunter. The hunter instructor now lets me make a bow of my own. I'm stuck in the compound bow making process, and I'm learning how to make a bow."

"This is too difficult, don't you guys turn off hardcore mode?"

"How is it possible to close it! Doesn't that mean admitting that Lao Tzu is a waste?"

"This is the last stubbornness of human beings. Don't let the natives in the game look down upon you, bastard!"

"It's trash, it's trash, I really don't understand these mathematical formulas."


Just by looking at the barrage, you can know how hardcore the fantasy world's hardcore mode is.

This is serious knowledge imparting professional knowledge to the players. It is not the kind that is briefly mentioned in the game, but the level that you must master if you want to advance.

Luo Quan even felt a headache after reading some of the content. I really don't know how those people persisted.

However, the effects of this setting can be regarded as good and bad.

Hard-core console players, of course, feel that it is really conscious to play games like this, and they can be directly filled with substitutions, just like the real world.

But players who just want to relax, complain that the advanced task is too difficult, and it is simply impossible for humans to complete it.

Of course, this statement was quickly criticized by a large number of game fans:

"Why do you want to turn on hardcore mode when you know it's difficult? There's no extra reward for choosing hardcore. Aren't you adding difficulty to yourself?"

"I just don't want to admit that I'm not good at studying." This is the sophistry of many casual players, and it really makes people laugh.

By the afternoon, more and more people had played the game, and the originally mixed reviews gradually turned into rave reviews.

When players are truly immersed in this virtual world, it is difficult not to be attracted by the content inside.

Whether you are careful or not, you will be shocked by the beautiful scenery.

Once the game experience comes up, those places that are considered to be torture will also be regarded as a kind of enjoyment by the players.

What's more, this kind of torture can be bypassed completely. If you choose it yourself, you can't blame others if you break the defense in the end.

Therefore, in the afternoon of Fantasy World, the scores given by major websites all reached above 9.5 points.

Quality, graphics, modeling, plot, intelligent NPC, optimization, degree of freedom, these are no longer what can be described by the top in the industry, and the term "epoch-making" is more appropriate.

There was no such game before, and it is estimated that there will be no such game for a long time in the future.

It took thousands of people more than a year for Unreal Studio to make such a test server version.

Unless Luoquan recruits a few thousand more employees, it will be difficult even for her to replicate a fantasy world.

"Can you imagine that I can conduct real business activities in it like a businessman?

NPCs will bargain, and you will encounter various emergencies when transporting goods, but as long as you believe in the Church of Dawn, then my friend, the Crusaders will always come to you when you need it most, and solve it for you all the trouble.

And these crusaders are also played by the players. They thought it was their task to gain experience, but for me it saved my family and life.

This is the reality that I experience in the fantasy world, which is simply not available in other games. "

This is a player's thoughts on recording interesting things in the game after the game is over.

Because it resonated with the majority of players, it received more than [-] likes, many of whom were cloud players.

Because too many people liked and forwarded it, the game official also quoted this sentence as one of the promotional slogans.

As for the official slogan of the game, it is "let you feel real in fantasy".

This sounds so compelling that it is too high.

Before that, games can only be games, a pastime to pass the boring time.

The ambition of the fantasy world is to create a real world in which all netizens can start a new life.

If it is really made, no one knows what this ecology will look like.

But there is no doubt that this is definitely the most colorful stroke in the history of the game.

And Luo Quan, the creator of the game, dragged his exhausted body to download after an all-night high-intensity game, and woke up after less than seven hours of sleep.

Look at the time, it's only past three in the afternoon.

Opening the live broadcast room as usual, Luo Quan watched the news first and then ate the quick-heated rice brought in by Wen Xia.

"I'll play the game at night, now I want to read the news, or else I'll be out of touch with society." Luo Quan yawned and responded when he saw that the live broadcast room was full of barrages asking her to play.

"Oh, there is indeed a thick barrier between us."

"Luo Bao, we are not from the same world after all."

"So, sooner or later you will leave our class, right?"

"Lobo has been different from us from the very beginning."

"It's really sad to think about it."


Luo Quan was dumbfounded by the sudden emo on the barrage.

"What are you doing, you guys?" Her head was full of question marks.

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