Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 122 "Baby" Continued

Chapter 122 "Baby" Continued
Ps. Thank you book friend Deng Shen, I am not a book coin rewarded by Tsundere!

A middle-aged man in a suit greeted him: "Hurry up and get ready, the media reporters have been waiting for you for a while."

After Leon left, the middle-aged man chatted with Luo Quan alone.

"You must be Leon's sister, Luo Quan, right?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm one of the managers of Universal Records, you can call me Plinka, we have communicated before."

Luo Quan clapped his hands: "I remembered, when the Love Music band signed the contract, you called me!"

Plinka said with a smile: "Yes, I will handle the company's newcomer schedule and resource allocation.

I didn't expect that you would be Leon's sister, and you would write two such good songs for her. "

"I only met him recently. I have been living with my mother before."

"Anyway, it's a blessing for you to become a family now." Plinka hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "Although I mentioned it to you before, I still want to ask you if you are interested in joining us." Universal Records?
I have already inquired about Sony, and they said that you are not a signed artist of Sony, you just signed the distribution rights of the songs to them, and you are still a free agent. "

Luo Quan was a little surprised: "You can find out about this kind of thing?"

Plinka smiled very reservedly: "People always like money, and this kind of thing is not a commercial secret."

"It's true that I haven't signed a contract with any company." Luo Quan admitted it generously, "but I don't want to sign a contract with any company either."

"We can make a lot of promises, you can enjoy a lot of autonomy in the contract, and I can give you the highest price in the market for the record sales share!" Plinka's conditions are very sincere. The director of the company, Shicun, and the manager of Penguin Interactive Entertainment, Zhou Yangwen, also heard about it.

Luo Quan's answer was also very consistent: "If there is a chance, I will consider cooperating with you, but I cannot sign this contract."

"Why?" Plinka's expression was very frustrated. He even offered such a condition, but he still couldn't impress Luo Quan!

Luo Quan looked apologetic: "It's very complicated to explain. In short, I don't lack money, so I don't want to restrict my freedom because of the contract. Even if you say that the contract will have a high degree of freedom, but signing the contract means Freedom is restricted, no matter how high it is, it can't go much higher."

Plinka frowned: "But you are like this, it is very difficult to develop in the American entertainment industry. Without excellent publicity channels, the accumulation of fame will be much slower."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "I have always firmly believed that as long as the strength is strong enough, success is not difficult. If I bloom, butterflies will come by themselves. You should understand this truth."

Plinka sighed, "For a genius like you, that's true."

The French manager's sincere solicitation ended in failure. He didn't know what went wrong, so that Luo Quan refused to sign with Universal Records with such a generous offer.

Probably every genius has some quirks. These darlings favored by God always have more personalities than ordinary people, and money is more important than anything else to them.

On the other side, Lyon has already stepped onto the stage to launch a new album.

At the press conference, he introduced the overall creative thinking and concept of his album songs, and also focused on the two title songs written by his sister for him.

Media reporters have always been very interested in this kind of news. A reporter asked, "What kind of mood did your sister have when she wrote this love song?"

"How do I know that?" Leon replied very bluntly, "Originally, I didn't have this love song in my plan, but the company said that my song didn't meet the public's aesthetic taste, so they forced me to add one.

I couldn't write it, so I had to let my sister do it for me. She is a genius in music. It took her only half a day to compose this song. "

"Everyone recognizes your sister's talent, so do you think you will have a chance to collaborate on a song in the future?"

Leon replied seriously: "I don't know, it depends on her opinion, I don't care, but I don't like singing love songs, I like Rap!"

"Does Leon like to sing rap so much?" Luo Quan asked Seifert curiously in the audience.

Seifert nodded: "I met him in an underground rap competition. He used to go to Battle (confrontation) with those black rappers. At the beginning, he was sprayed bloody and couldn't even speak, but now Well…………"

"How is it now?"

"Now in the underground rap competition in New York, he is like an emperor. He sprays ten times in a row by himself, with no repetition of vocabulary, and the speed of his speech is outrageously fast, which can be regarded as practiced."

Luo Quan murmured: "That's really amazing..."

"A fan of yours said that she had never seen your smile before. She asked me to make this request to you. Now she is also watching the live broadcast of the press conference. Are you willing to meet the request of this loyal fan?" A reporter asked Leon said sincerely.

"Laugh?" Leon was stunned for a moment, what kind of weird request is this, does it mean that he used to have a Sima face?
But anyway, it wasn't a difficult task, and he still bent his lips biting the bullet.

Well, there was an embarrassing atmosphere at the scene, and Leon smiled with a stiff expression.

After the joke, the press conference entered the focus.

Lyon's new album will be on the shelves in the early morning of the 25th, and at this press conference, he will release the title song first to give everyone a fresh taste.

Taking advantage of the live broadcast, Leon directly played the only love song on the album, which was the song "Baby" written by Luo Quan for him.

The style of the song is fresh and sweet, the melody is catchy, and you can remember the general idea after listening to it once. All Lyon fans who are watching the live broadcast are amazed by the voice of Lyon's little milk dog.

Before he sang rap, he deliberately raised his voice to be relatively high-pitched. No fans have heard what his normal singing voice looks like. They didn't expect that the voice of "Baby" could be heard so well!

That feeling was like the cool breeze blowing across your face in spring, or the gurgling brook in summer, which made fans' ears feel like they were pregnant.

It is foreseeable that after today, Leon will be directly promoted from the younger brother of the whole people to the girl killer. This image and voice are too lethal, and it is difficult for a girl to resist such a temptation.

Christmas is coming, and Lyon's album "Young" is also on the shelves immediately.

The sales volume in half an hour broke one million, directly breaking the sales record of an American male singer!
In this new era where young people rule the Internet, singers like Lyon have too much appeal. Moreover, the consumption power of girls in fan circles is world-renowned, and the quality of the title song "Baby" is indeed high. The combination of various factors makes the Lyon has created an unprecedented record in the American music circle, and it is difficult to have a record for comers.

Of course, compared with his sister's realm, it is still a little worse. At the beginning, the pre-sale volume of Luo Quan's album alone exceeded 200 million, which is still the only record in the world's record sales!
When Lyon's album was selling well, the domestic public opinion environment for Luo Quan was not very good.

On December 25th, Luoquan has not disclosed any news about the new album, not even a single audio clip, as if it is not being produced at all.

Fans ask about her album production progress at station B every day, and Luo Quan's reply is always only one sentence: "In the process of nervous production, please wait patiently."

"Luo Quan, if you are kidnapped, you can change the punctuation mark!"

"Why is there a sense of the goddess replying to licking the dog, just repeating this sentence over and over again?"

"There are only five days left, even if a hen lays eggs, it will not lay ten eggs in five days!"

"Let's discuss what kind of women's clothing Luo Quan should wear."

"I want to push her to the limit and let her dance the house dance for us..."

"It's impossible to dance. Luo Quan is such a straight girl. She usually doesn't wear makeup on stage. If she really dances, she probably won't be able to move her legs."

"Half a month is still too short after all, even a genius can't do it."

Even station B, which believed in her the most, had completely lost all illusions at this time, and they discussed what kind of women's clothing Luo Quan should wear on New Year's Day next year.

On the other hand, Luo Quan showed a smile: "It's time to show real skills!"

At one o'clock in the morning on the 25th New York time, Luo Quan posted a post on station B: "At ten o'clock on the 25th, China time, I will release two songs on station B. The themes are Tang poetry and ancient style. focus on."

The time when Luo Quan posted the news was exactly one o'clock in the noon in Huaxia, and the whole station B exploded as soon as the news came out.

There is no sign at all. When people release a new album, they can't wait for Weibo, Zhihu, Bilibili, and even Penguin Kandian to give it a wave of publicity, lest anyone doesn't know.

This one is fine, she only posted a post on station B. You must know that her current station B fans have not yet reached 100 million, and her promotional efforts are almost equal to none. It is almost like throwing the publicity work to fans and asking them to help her Go give Amway to others.

But then again, her Weibo account has been blocked, where else can she post it besides Bilibili?

In any case, Luo Quan's first Chinese album is finally coming, and it seems that she has really fulfilled her promise to fans, writing a song with Tang poems as lyrics.

I just don't know which Tang poem to choose, it must be short, and if the lyrics of a song are just a few lines over and over again, it must be hard to listen to.

Then it must be a long poem, and when it comes to long poems, Li Bai, the first poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, has many excellent works. I don’t know if Luo Quan chose his poems.

A group of netizens also made predictions on this issue, and everyone was guessing which Tang poem Luo Quan would choose.

(End of this chapter)

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