Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 123 Doing a Pipa Tour for You

Chapter 123 Doing a Pipa Tour for You

Ps. Thank you for the book currency rewarded by the dead soul of the book friend, thank you!

"Luo Quan's new song is released!"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Luo Quan, who had just woken up, uploaded the first song of the new album to station B before washing his face.

The hot search on station B was immediately arranged, and fans who had been waiting for a long time flocked here.

"It's actually "Pipa Xing"!"

"Can such a long song be written as lyrics?"

Fans were surprised when they saw the title of the song.

This long poem was written by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, and it can be called a masterpiece through the ages. Just being listed by the Ministry of Education as an ancient poem that high school students must memorize is enough to illustrate its status.

Luo Quan dared to use this song to write lyrics, maybe he was a little too arrogant, if the song was not well written, it would be easy to self-defeating.

But when everyone played it, there was no such worry.

The tune is very good, antique, the melody catches the ear, and Luo Quan also boldly tried a new singing method, which is the opera tune that has only recently become popular.

Xiqiang singing is a relatively small singing method, which is based on singing Peking Opera tunes. Not many people know it, and most of the time they are self-indulgent in the circle of ancient styles.

But I have to admit that this kind of singing can really give people a refreshing feeling. Many fans who are exposed to opera singing for the first time fell in love with this song in the chorus part of "Pipa Xing".

It is worth mentioning that many opera arias in the ancient style circle are deliberately squeezed out by singers holding their throats and falsetto, which is not a real opera at all in the strict sense.

And Luo Quan's vocals stand out for their authenticity, their voices are round and smooth, and their melodies are flat and smooth, just like real Peking Opera!
Although the MV of this song is completely a forbidden selfie of Luoquan, this does not prevent fans from loving it. In 10 minutes, the number of hits exceeded 50, and the ratio of favorites to coins reached 1:2 !

Soon, there were related hot issues on Zhihu, how to evaluate Luoquan's new song "Pipa Xing?" "

"The lyricist is unparalleled in the world, killing any lyricist at home and abroad in seconds! (Funny)
Closer to home, compared to Bai Juyi's lyrics, the melody of this song is actually not that good, it's quite satisfactory.

However, Luo Quan boldly incorporated opera singing in the songs, and his level is comparable to that of real Peking opera actors. Anyway, I sounded very enjoyable. It’s not like I haven’t heard similar opera songs before, but those who tried to use false voice Compared with this song, the song that is pretending to be fake is like the gap between delicacies and pig food! "

"There is a gap between those Japanese songs of Luoquan. The arrangement is a highlight. Many Chinese musical instruments are used in the accompaniment. It is quite similar to Sima Jiangzhou listening to the pipa girl playing on the boat. I can give it seven out of ten. Minute."

"I don't know if it's because Luo Quan is really not good at writing Chinese songs, let alone writing lyrics, as the outside world said. The songs are really not amazing, but not bad.

There should be another so-called ancient song tonight, let's see how good she is, and hope she won't disappoint me. "

The song "Pipa Xing" received mixed reviews, some thought it was nice, and some thought it was mediocre, but generally speaking, it reached the passing line in everyone's mind.

After all, she used Tang poetry to write lyrics. Luo Quan must have limitations in her creation, and the following ancient songs can better show her lyrics writing skills.

Compared with Zhihu and Station B, Weibo's painting style is very strange.

There are both likes and dislikes, and the reasons for those who like it are basically surprisingly consistent, while the reasons for those who don't like them are all kinds of strange.

"Squeezing your throat like an eunuch, it sounds awful!"

"Does writing so many seven-character lyrics show that you are highly educated?"

"The lyrics are pretentious and seem powerful, but in fact they are empty, just at the level of high school students."

"I can write ten limericks like this in one afternoon!"

If Luo Quan could see these comments, there would only be a bunch of symbols left in his heart: ? ? ? ? ? ?

Soon similar mentally retarded remarks were ridiculed by passers-by:

"I'm not a fan of Luoquan. Usually you blackmail her and I'll eat it quietly and take it as a joke, but today I can't help it. Do you really know who wrote this poem? This is Pipa Xing Ah, high school students must memorize it!"

"If Bai Juyi, an old man, is alive in the sky, seeing his work being evaluated like this, will he be so angry that his green shirt will be drenched?"

"This can be regarded as revealing the education level of the black people on Weibo. It is estimated that the comments are not in junior high school, and Bai Juyi's poems are not recognized."

"I used to think that Luo Quan scolded you too much, but now it seems that scolding you is really good! I would scold you too!"

On the other hand, Luo Quan, who was visiting station B, saw that the comments on the song were not bad, and the data in all aspects had also risen quite quickly, so he was satisfied with the result.

She didn't expect to be able to use this song to achieve the effect of shocking everyone, it was mainly to complete the task, and the next Gufeng song was the same, and she didn't have too much expectation.

In the Chinese singing world, whether it is ancient style or opera style, they are all niche after all. It is very difficult to become a classic that has been passed down for many years. Not only composing and singing, but also writing lyrics is also a very important part. After all, in China , the most important thing in a song is the quality of the lyrics.

If this album is dominated by Luo Quan's will, then she will definitely not add these two songs. It's not that they are not good, but there are too many songs that are better than them, but those songs are excellent , but not necessarily more suitable than these two songs.

Taking advantage of the popularity, Luo Quan uploaded the second song, which is an ancient style song requested by fans, to Station B.

It is still a "MV" with only one selfie. This kind of selfie is that Luo Quan put his head on a heroine in a white dress. Unfortunately, the P picture is not good enough, and his head is a bit crooked.

The second new song - "Don't Say Heroes"!
Luo Quan didn't expect that a song that she didn't put any hope in, but was chosen purely to complete the task, would receive extremely high praise on the three major platforms!

The number of hits on Station B exceeded one million in half an hour, and it was directly featured on the homepage for recommendation. The number of discussions on related topics on Zhihu and Weibo also exceeded [-] in a short period of time, and both of them became popular searches.

Zhihu soon had quite a few comments:
"I read Jin Guliang's martial arts novels when I was in middle school, and I used to imagine countless nights that I would become a hero in the novels who wanton and heroic.

But as I grow older, the time for fantasy gradually decreases, and people become more and more realistic. The so-called heroic dream now seems to be just a joke.

But this song brought me back to my boyhood in an instant. It outlined for me a chic and comfortable world, where I used to think about it day and night. up. "

"After breaking all the so-called ancient songs in China, from the lyrics to the arrangement, they are all top-notch. It's hard for me to see this elegant atmosphere in other ancient songs!"


Fold flowers to the south of the Yangtze River
To Spring Breeze and Red Wax
Passionate always like me

Merry love the world

Drink the horse to Jiangbei
against the west wind and yellow sand
ruthless like me

Facing the Sword Wind and Cutting the Peach Blossoms
With just these two lines of lyrics, I have already won too many of my peers. As long as I close my eyes, I can see the rivers and lakes as if right in front of me. This kind of writing skill is comparable to the lyrics writers of the older generation! "

"Perhaps this song also expresses Luo Quan's heartfelt feelings. Winning or losing is just a joke. It's better to change to an old glass of wine.

Since her debut, Luo Quan has always been attacked by public opinion. She has a stamina different from ordinary stars. When everyone chooses to lie flat and silent in the face of the whole Internet, she is the only one who is as good as a stunned young man. The sunspots lined up and kept mocking them with witty words.

Luo Quan is like a pure fighter, who doesn't know what compromise is, and will never bow her head because of power. Perhaps it is because of such a pure heart that she can continue to write good songs one after another!

As it is sung at the end of the lyrics:

Merry never gets old

playing and singing years
let me go

Just be a madman, not a hero

I really love this girl! "

"The pinnacle of domestic ancient songs in the past ten years is more than enough to be used as the theme song of Jin Yong's martial arts TV series. I don't know if there are any TV series that will be remade recently. The two sides can cooperate."

"The black has turned into a fan. I used to black her for singing Japanese songs. Now I know that she is really talented. I'm sorry for saying so many things that hurt her."

Perhaps even Luo Quan didn't expect that she would gain such a good reputation with such a song. It can only be said that there are too few similar songs in China, and Chinese people have been poisoned by those cheap Internet celebrity songs for too long.

After the two songs were released, Luo Quan posted a post:
"Are you satisfied with these two songs? Tang Poetry and Ancient Style tasks are completed, and there are still eight songs left. Tomorrow's theme is vigorous love, and love songs with ups and downs. At twelve o'clock on the 26th, China time, please pay attention My contribution."

"It's time for Grandpa's favorite questioning session again. Let me ask you a question that everyone cares about. Has Luo Quan ever been in a relationship?"

"If you want to write a love song that is unforgettable and meaningful, you must have an emotional foundation. I wonder if Luo Quan has rich emotional experience?"

"My friend is a classmate in Luoquan's elementary school. I heard from him that Luoquan was the school belle in elementary school, and boys would come out to give her fifty-cent snacks wherever he went."

"What is fifty cents? When I was young, I was embarrassed to sell anything less than one yuan!"

"It's amazing, I used to be prostitutes for nothing."

"So what does this have to do with Luo Quan's relationship experience? This only proves that she has a lot of dog licks."

"How can a little brat know so much, he just sees a beautiful female classmate and wants to play with her."

"Luoquan's old iron and steel straight girl, I checked her twitter, and I haven't seen a photo with a boy since the first year of high school!"

"So Luo Quan hasn't dated yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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