Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 124 You Can Write Love Songs Even If You Have Never Been in Love

Chapter 124 You Can Write Love Songs Even If You Have Never Been in Love

Luo Quan has never talked about love, and it lasted two lifetimes.

I was a dog licker for a long time in my previous life, and finally I woke up and decided to just be my own dog licker.

But in this life, many people are willing to be her licking dog, but she is not interested at all.

In terms of emotional life, her experience is basically zero.

But this does not prevent her from writing love songs, have you never eaten pork or pig run?Watching so many romantic dramas in Japan is not for nothing. Even if someone asked her how she wrote these songs before she was in love, she would have already found an excuse.

More than ten hours later, Luo Quan uploaded the third song of the new album, the theme of which was vigorous love.

"I Love Him", there is no selfie this time, it is an anime photo that Luo Quan found on the Internet.

The girl is lying on the grass, covering her eyes with her hands. The sky behind her is blue and cloudless. The whole picture is quiet and beautiful, but if you zoom in on the picture of the girl, you can see her biting her lips tightly and overflowing arms. tears.

The theme behind this picture turned out to be deep sadness.

The number of comments on the song is much less than the previous two, but the playback volume is not low, and the comment area is not full: simple expressions such as nice, like, etc., have completely become the release site of small essays.

The fans recalled the past with her/him in a sad and nostalgic tone, feeling pain and happiness, but in the end it was obviously more painful.

There is nothing special about this song, it is just an ordinary bitter love song, but the lyrics are empathetic, and many girls who are sensitive can't help but burst into tears just after listening to a few lines.

Especially the sentence: I love him vigorously and crazily, my dream has been severely shattered but I will never forget it.

It is simply a tearjerker, especially Luo Quan's heart-piercing cry at the climax, it is hard not to empathize with it.

Station B is full of compositions with a little sadness, while Zhihu is mostly ridiculed, after all, the age groups are different.

"This song may not be sung well by a few boyfriends who haven't run away."

"I never expected that Luo Quan could write such a vigorous love song. The song is not bad, but I am more curious about the story behind this song."

"To make Luo Quan so obsessed, how handsome is this man?"

"Probably more handsome than Luo Quan's younger brother and father."

"Do you have any photos? I want to take a look."

Soon someone posted a screenshot of Luo Quan's previous video, which included Eric's frontal photo and Leon's photo.

"God is really unfair, this family's appearance is too high!"

"As expected of a dear, the nose and jaw curves of the father and daughter are just one word, outrageous!"

"Lyon is actually Luo Quan's younger brother, who was the most handsome face in last year's Top [-], and the third most handsome face in the world!"

"So in the end, how handsome is it that Luo Quan can write a love song with this kind of lyrics?"

"I can't imagine it. I guess Guang Shuai is not good enough. I probably saved the Milky Way in my previous life."

"Then why was Luo Quan dumped?"

"He is so handsome, he must be the king of the sea, how can he give up the whole forest because of a big tree, even if this tree is a towering tree."

"If Luo Quan is willing to be my girlfriend, I can't wait to offer her up like offering to my ancestors!"

"You lick it outrageously! But I'll pay for it if I change it."

"Add one, I'm not very good at offering."

The comments went straight to my grandma's house. No one discussed the song, but everyone was very concerned about Luo Quan's emotional experience.

But there is really nothing to talk about. Among the many love songs in China, Luo Quan's song is not very brilliant. The lyrics are very emotional, but it is easy to get tired after listening to it for a long time. Compared with Luo Quan's other songs, it is not extraordinary. place.

But the fourth song that followed gave everyone a completely different view.

"What you want is a love song with lows and highs, and the song "Bubble" is dedicated to everyone."

This song is the highlight of Luo Quan's album, and the requirements for singing skills are almost as high as "Unravel". It does not require strong skills to support, but also requires a lot of emotion.

In order to perform this song perfectly, Luo Quan put in a lot of energy in the past few days, and the time spent can rank second in the whole album!

It can be said that this is the existence of the title song in Luo Quan's new album.

After it was released, the number of clicks is still quite high, and fans are also praising it, but it can be seen that they didn't get the idea.

Of course, station B is not all noobs. As the popularity of "Bubble" gradually ferments, some ear emperors and bosses also expressed their opinions in the comment area:

"I heard that Luo Quan can perfectly control the three ranges of low, medium and high, and the pitch is as stable as a CD. Now I see it is really extraordinary!
This song does not talk about lyrics and music, but only about singing. It has reached a level that many domestic female singers cannot reach. Luo Quan's handling of the bass area is perfect, the voice is round and full, and there is no slight hoarseness caused by pressing the throat common situation.

And when the treble is turned later, the rhythm is coherent and smooth, and it is raised from the bass to the treble almost instantly, which can not be said to be less demanding on the vocal cords.

And I don’t know if the sound has been cancelled, but I didn’t hear any breathing sound. If Luo Quan didn’t deliberate to cancel the noise, then her ventilation method and vital capacity are amazing! "

This is probably the most high-quality evaluation on station B at present. The previous three songs have a high number of hits, but they are not of high value.

But this "Bubble" is completely different, it is a classic enough to be handed down!

Although the arrangement and lyrics are relatively simple, it gives people a feeling of returning to the basics and simplicity. Although it is a bit exaggerated, the first impression this song gives fans is fundamentally different from all the current Internet celebrity songs in China!
From this song, they seem to see the shadow of the heyday of the Chinese music scene 20 years ago. It was an era when good songs came out frequently, and it was an era that made fans extremely happy.

At the time when more than 90.00% of the popular songs were obtained, they were basically at the level that no one cared about, and many songs at that time are often popular now, triggering an upsurge of cover singing across the Internet.

It's a pity that most of the singers of that era no longer created songs, and the few singers who are still releasing new songs are not as good as before, as if they were polluted by this turbid world, and their spirituality is completely none.

But Luo Quan's song "Bubble" awakened everyone's memories of that beautiful era.

This is a really good song, a song worthy of in-depth analysis, depth and quality!
In the past two days, people on Zhihu have been discussing Luo Quan's new song every day, but only "Bubble" has reached the highest degree of discussion, directly rushing to the top of the hot list with 5000 million hits.

"It has been a long, long time since there has been a song of this level in the Chinese music scene. The song "Bubble" has not only moved me on the song level, but I am even more happy that another talented woman has finally appeared in the Chinese music scene. Hear more and better works from her!"

"There's nothing to say. If this song doesn't win the Chinese Golden Song of the Year this year, then the judges must have paid for it!"

"The singing skills are perfect, the lyrics and music are top-notch, just talking about this year's songs, I can't find a better song than this one!"

"Decades ago, this song would have been able to play as well. I have a hunch that Luo Quan will become a pillar of the Chinese music scene because of this album, just like her status in Japan now!"

"She still has six full songs unreleased, as long as there are at most two songs that are about the same quality as "Bubble", she and the album can both become gods."

It can be said that although less than half of the new album's tracks have been released, her status in the hearts of fans has already reached a very high level with the song "Bubble".

Originally, it would not be so exaggerated, but in recent years, the Chinese music scene has been too crotch-prone. Anything like barking a dog or barking a pig can become popular all over the Internet, and plagiarized and Sinicized songs make a lot of money, and those who Those who really put their heart into making music can't even eat enough.

Everything seems to be in a vicious circle, and it has been a long time since everyone has heard really good music.

But at this time, Luo Quan's appearance gave them great hope.

Especially those fans who are slightly older, they have personally experienced the peak period of the Chinese music scene, but now they are bombarded by countless bad songs.

In many cases, they are much more uncomfortable than some young people.

There is a saying that goes well: I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the sun.

These are people who once saw the sun and are now completely unbearable in the dark.

Fortunately, Luo Quan's appearance is like the dawn that these people have been waiting for for a long time, bringing them hope, and at the same time bringing hope to the Chinese music scene.

There used to be a saying on Zhihu: Luoquan is the last hope of the Chinese music scene in the next ten years, as long as it is a song written by her, just listen to it and you will be done.

This kind of fan talk was ridiculed by many people in the public opinion environment at that time. Some people said that Luo Quan just wrote a few good songs, and was praised by fans like this. If Jiang Lang did his best in the future, wouldn't it be just a joke?
However, after such a long time, Luo Quan not only has not exhausted his talents, but has become more and more talented. "Bubble" is just the beginning, and there should be even bigger surprises hidden in this Chinese album!
I have to say that the netizens are quite perceptive. Luo Quan did hide a big surprise in this album.

She always strives for perfection in everything she does. As long as she can do her best, she must do her best.

This is her first Chinese-language album, and she has never considered making money. The only thing she wants is to use this album to establish her position in the domestic music scene.

Although it sounds a bit ridiculous to talk about status at her age.

But as long as the song she carefully prepared comes out, everything will appear so logical!
(End of this chapter)

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