Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1223 The first opening of the world

Chapter 1223 Talking about the First Opening of the World
"Is this the end of the money?"

When the fans saw that Luoquan resumed the live broadcast, they all sent bullet screens and joked.

"What do you mean after paying the money?" Of course, Luo Quan couldn't admit that she ordered the withdrawal of hot searches, and immediately retorted: "I didn't instigate the disappearance of hot searches, I don't have that much energy.

The phone call just now was just about a new project that I wanted to shoot, a blockbuster film full of world effects. "

Fans were shocked when they heard this:
"Is it finally going to be a big production this time?"

"Let everyone wait for a while, Luo Bao is finally willing to spend all his money to make a movie."

"Except for a very few movies before, all of them were made at a low cost, so good-looking is good-looking! But it's always a bit unsatisfactory."

"Do you dare to make a science fiction blockbuster with full special effects?"

"I remember Luo Bao said at the beginning that if he had the chance, he would make a domestic science fiction epic. Wouldn't he have forgotten it?"

"Could it be this time?"


"I haven't forgotten about the blockbuster sci-fi movie." Luo Quan opened the fantasy world test server and said, "But the type of movie to be shot this time is not sci-fi, but a domestic epic of gods and demons. Have you seen the Romance of the Gods?"

This question immediately brought back painful memories for fans of this type of movie:
"Of course I've read it, it's one of the oldest fan novels, and it uses a lot of settings from Journey to the West."

"You don't plan to make this, do you? It feels like there are not many films with a rating above the pass line, and most of them are bad films."

"I still remember that movie "Legend of the Gods", with an all-star cast and hundreds of millions of investments. The final film was a piece of shit. The rating was only a little higher than that of Dream Entertainment. It was a new level of badness in a blockbuster movie. .”

"That thing is a pure money laundering work. It must be wrong for the whole crew to be sentenced to sentence. If one is sentenced every other, there must be fish that slip through the net."

"I believe Luo Bao won't take this bad money. Maybe she has some innovations?"


The words have all been handed to the mouth, and it would be impolite not to pick them up.

Luo Quan coughed and said with a smile: "Since you have asked the question sincerely, I will tell everyone solemnly.

The Romance of the Gods to be filmed this time is actually just a chapter of this series. What I really want to talk about is a magical epic adapted from Chinese mythology. "

In this world, there are famous works such as "The Romance of the Gods", but there is no online text about "Buddha is the Tao". Without the latter's imagination and connection, naturally there would be no online text system like "Prehistoric".

In fact, the setting of Honghuang is very clever and reasonable. It includes all the folklore from the creation of Pangu to the White Snake and splitting the mountain to save her mother, making the mythical history become the same as reality, with each stage having corresponding development and changes. and results.

It is precisely because this setting is so brilliant that when many netizens mention myths and legends, they always unconsciously include the settings in the prehistoric era, causing a lot of jokes.

But netizens in this world don't have the prehistoric setting, so when fans heard that Luo Quan was going to talk about the so-called new Chinese mythology, most of them didn't take it seriously.

After all, many of the myths and legends in ancient times are messy or even contradictory, so how can they be so easy to connect.

But when Luo Quan cleared her throat and started speaking, everyone fell silent again, wanting to see what she could come up with.

Luo Quan used the mouse as a gavel, slapped it on the table, and said loudly: "It is said that the world has not yet opened, and everything is chaos, and in the chaos there are three thousand innate demon gods.

Among them was Pan Gu, who woke up from the call of heaven, and hated the empty space in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

So Pangu picked up the most precious treasure of chaos, the Pangu axe, and decided to open up the world and prove the truth with his strength.

Pangu, who made a great wish, reaped unimaginable merit, and other demon gods in the chaos coveted this power and came to stop it one after another.

So Pangu held the sky with one hand and an ax with the other, and fought bloody battles with the Chaos Demon God.

This war lasted for countless epochs, and finally the Chaos Demon God was slaughtered by Pangu, but he himself died of exhaustion.

However, his career of opening up the world has also been completed. After Pangu fell, his body turned into everything in the world, that is, the prehistoric world..."

In the next three hours or so, Luo Quan eloquently told the outline of the story of the prehistoric mythology.

From Pangu's opening up of the world, the battle of demons, to the Great Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the Calamity of the Lich, and then the Calamity of Conferred Gods and Journey to the West.

These most important story chapters were all narrated one by one by Luo Quan.

And the major events in each chapter, such as Hongjun's union, the six sages of the prehistoric and the wild, the interpretation and opposition, and the great prosperity of the West, are also emphasized.

As for the legendary characters that everyone is familiar with, in these chapters, there are also appearances and highlight moments.

Because the setting was so novel, fans in the live broadcast room listened with gusto, and some even directly transferred Luo Quan's live broadcast to Douyin, where it received tens of millions of views.

Even if you can't see the expressions of the audience, you can probably imagine how intoxicated they are just by looking at the barrages shouting about the excitement.

This scene is really a bit like Taoist Hongjun preaching to three thousand creatures.

After finishing talking about Journey to the West, Luo Quan only said that there would be a sequel to Journey to the West, and then he stopped talking.

"Family, my tongue is numb. I'll talk about the rest later." Luo Quan took a big sip of water and waved his hands out of breath.

In the past, although she held concerts for four or five hours, there was a certain amount of rest time during each song, so she didn't feel particularly tired after seeing the long hours.

But when telling myths to fans, I really never rested except for drinking water.

Now not only is her tongue numb, but her lips are extremely dry.

Of course, if any story is told for too long, it will eventually make people feel tired. The interruption here is just right, and it will not be too late to continue when there is a chance in the future.

So although the fans were very sorry, they didn't beg Luo Quan to continue talking.

Putting down the water glass, Luo Quan looked at the camera and asked: "How about my family, are you able to string together this myth? Basically, everything that can be strung together has been strung together, but there are actually many details in it. Because it is oral, there is no way. It's too detailed.

That's why I decided to make a large-scale series of movies. I have already thought about the name, and I will call it Honghuang. Then I will choose whatever subtitle I want to talk about. The first one is called Honghuang Kaitian. Lead the Sanqing to defeat the Demon Ancestor Luohu.

The whole chapter lasts about two and a half hours, and there is absolutely no peeing throughout the entire chapter! "

"This is definitely the most worth-seeing pie in recent years, and the creativity is simply unparalleled."

"There are many movies about myths and legends. This is the first time I see one that traces the origins of myths and legends. I would like to call you the Grand Historian of Myths."

"Sima Quan, right? Luo Bao has another nickname."

"Sima was a good name in the past, but now, it's not very elegant."

"It's all due to the stinky netizens who stigmatized such a culturally connotative compound surname."

“Indeed, it’s all the fault of these Sima’s low-quality netizens.”

"Hahahaha, you guys, don't be too outrageous."

"My surname is Sima, and I feel very complicated right now."

"Getting back to the subject, Luo Bao, if you film it, I will definitely contribute at least ten movie tickets to you, and I will take the whole family to watch this movie!"

"I have five!"

"I feel that as long as the scene is grand enough, the box office will explode."

"Let's release it during the Spring Festival. It seems that I haven't heard of any masterpieces this year. You must be the box office champion."

"By the way, Luo Bao doesn't seem to have won the Spring Festival box office champion yet, right?"

"Not really, but maybe this time."

"Luo Bao's talk about mythology has already become the most searched topic, with [-] comments, it's outrageous."

"It feels like it will become a hot topic recently."


The star effect is like this. In the previous life, the legend of the wilderness was originally just a genre in the Internet, and it was popular, but it really didn't reach the point where the whole people knew it, and there were not many film and television works that borrowed from this setting.

But after Luo Quan changed this setting, it not only immediately became the number one hot search, but also aroused the praise of countless people.

There are mainly boys here. After all, this kind of passionate and compelling story, most girls should not be too cold.

Of course, if Daozu Hongjun is a handsome guy, and his apprentice Sanqing and his mortal enemy Luo Hu are also handsome guys, and if there are some stories that have to be told between so many handsome guys, then the girls will be very interested and even express Even more fanatical than boys.

The boys are arguing about the plot, mainly because of their fighting power.

And the girls can tear it up for any reason, and the heat will immediately come up after such a discussion.

That's why Dangai drama was so popular at the beginning, causing countless follow-up flops.

Even though Dangai dramas are banned now, there will still be people who secretly poke in the plot and add some rotten scenes to the male lead and the second male lead, just to give the girls some good content.

But prehistoric myths are definitely not acceptable.

According to the setting, Hongjun and Taishang Laojun are the images of old men, Yuanshi Tianzun is middle-aged, and the leader of Tongtian is a young man. Even if the first three are handsome, with a big beard hanging on their faces, it is estimated that it will be difficult for girls to stand up .

The only one who has the potential to attract fans is probably the Master Tongtian, and his character design is probably very popular with girls. If you find a handsome guy to act, you should gain quite a lot of fans.

What's a pity is that all the members of Quanshui Entertainment are girls.

Playing Pansidong, the Seven Fairies, and the concubine of King Zhou is more than enough, but there is basically no hope for the male role, and at most it will be a Nezha.

It's a pity that female characters don't have many roles in ancient myths. There will be many scenes of Nuwa, and I don't know who to cast.

Luo Quan originally planned to do it by himself, but when he thought about how he looked, it would be too hasty to play the role of Nuwa, the ancestor of China.

It's a big joke to make a bunch of yellow people out of white people's faces.

So after thinking about it, Luo Quan still decided to let Wen Xia come.

As for herself, she just put on some heavy makeup and asks Daji.

First of all, heavy makeup is in line with the character's charming setting, and then it can also cover up some facial features, and after all, it is a fair thing to play a fairy, so it is reasonable to not look like a Chinese.

And according to her current position on the Internet, fans should be very happy to see her play Daji.

Of course, these are things that come later.

It’s just an opening up, the details of which may need two parts to explain clearly, and it’s impossible for me to spend all my time filming the prehistoric.

So when the plot advances to the time of Conferred God, it will probably be a few years later.

So for fans, this is another lifetime series like Resident Evil and Harry Potter.

However, Harry Potter was actually already being filmed. Because he couldn't leave, Luo Quan directly handed over the filming of Harry Potter to David, a foreign director he trusted.

Before that, David followed him to film Resident Evil, The Silence of the Lambs, Forrest Gump and many other movies. He also accumulated a lot of experience and technology under the guidance of precepts and deeds.

After learning so much, it was time to show off his learning results, so Luo Quan gave him the task of filming Harry Potter.

However, after formulating a detailed shooting process, the director is David, but many details still have to be shot according to her decisions, otherwise the plot of the sequel may be chaotic.

Although there is a strike in Hollywood in the United States recently, David was filming in the UK and basically used British actors, so he was not affected at all.

Currently, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is halfway through filming. The apprentice's speed is much slower than that of the teacher. But after all, it is the first time to be a director, so it is normal to be slower, as long as it is presented in the end. The finished product is good enough.

If David's filming is good this time, and the box office and word-of-mouth are successful, Luo Quan will decide to hand over the series of films in the Resident Evil universe to him.

After all, a person's energy is limited. With so many IPs in her hands, it is impossible to hold them all in her hands and let her complete them one by one.

If she really did it like this, she wouldn't have to do anything all year round, and she wouldn't even have enough time to make a movie.

Therefore, it is the best way to release power and train new people to take over.

Just one David is not enough, Luo Quan is currently looking for a second assistant director.

It doesn't matter whether it's a male director or a female director. The key is to be spiritual, and at the same time be able to bend down, learn with an open mind, and accept the smell of money brought about by the commercialization of movies.

In other words, be elegant when you are elegant, and be down-to-earth when you should be down-to-earth.

However, such talents are hard to come by, and Luo Quan has not met a suitable candidate until now. I hope that when I film the myth of the wilderness this time, I can get something.

After talking about the basic settings of Prehistoric, Luo Quan finally logged into the fantasy world at the urging of game fans and started today's upgrade journey.

(End of this chapter)

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