Some people sleep, others play games all night.

Some Gandi even started playing at 24:[-] last night until [-]:[-] the next day, without closing their eyes for [-] hours.

This high-intensity live broadcast method, while harvesting a large amount of traffic, also made countless fans worry that the anchor would die suddenly in the live broadcast room.

But it's not uncommon to see such a life-threatening anchor now.

Now the live broadcast circle of fantasy world is an uncultivated treasure land, and it is the best moment for newcomers like them to pout.

This game is bound to become a hit. If they seize the opportunity and become the head anchor of the fantasy world, it will be tantamount to realizing the freedom of wealth.

Even if you can't become a top anchor, you can make a lot of money by mixing in the middle, so of course you are willing to fight.

They don't have much other skills, they only have a bad life, but they are more willing to fight than ordinary people, so it is only natural that they gain far more fans than ordinary anchors.

What is 24 hours of live broadcasting?
Some ruthless people even live broadcast continuously for more than [-] hours before resting.

People nowadays are not afraid of anything, but they are afraid of being poor, because being poor means having nothing in material and dignity.

Of course Luo Quan disagrees with this kind of value, but society is such a reality.

Everyone is telling you that the beauty of the soul is the real beauty, but no beautiful woman will know how much connotation is in the heart of an ugly ghost, unless you are a very rich ugly ghost.

Everyone is also saying that poverty and wealth are equal, but the bride price during the blind date will not be discounted in the slightest. If you can't afford the money, you can't get a daughter-in-law.

So it's not that everyone doesn't want to be a noble person who treats money like dung, because there is really no soil for this kind of survival.

Therefore, although Luo Quan does not agree with such values, he will never deny or even ridicule others.

Everyone has their own destiny, and everyone has their own way of life.

She is luckier than most people in this world. After obtaining such favorable economic conditions, she should consider helping those poor people who live in poverty.

Instead of arguing with those who are fighting to make their lives better.

There is a poem by Du Fu that says it well, there are tens of thousands of mansions in An De, which shelters the world's poor and happy people.

With her current economic conditions, she can afford to build a building.

During the live broadcast before, she even boasted that she would build a building for young people and sell it to newlyweds or entrepreneurs at the lowest price.

However, after careful research and reminders from industry insiders, Luo Quan realized that it was impossible for him to fulfill this ambition.

In the past, when housing prices kept rising sharply, it was fine. Anyway, demand exceeds supply, and no matter how low your price is, it will not affect their price increase.

But now that housing prices have started to fall, you are destroying the market by giving such a low price alone. Not only developers, but people who already own houses may not be able to tolerate you.

So Luo Quan's idea is very good, but there is no possibility of implementation, and it is impossible to approve it.

Of course, if she doesn't choose to do good deeds by engaging in real estate, she won't encounter any resistance.

Just like she has been doing to donate to poor mountainous areas, everyone is welcome, and she can gain a pretty good reputation herself.

The only pity is that because she has never been to the mountainous area to give warmth to the common people, most of the recipients do not know her name at all, and even a considerable number of recipients only know that she is a woman named "Social Love". People" helped them.

Of course, quite a few people still know that Luoquan sent the food and agricultural subsidies.

It's just that there is no TV at home, and the mobile phone is a big brick, so I don't know what Luo Quan looks like.

And if Luo Quan really went to the mountains one day, she would probably be surrounded by her appearance.

It is not uncommon to send warmth to the mountains. It is too fresh for foreigners to send warmth to the mountains.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't care whether these people knew her or not, as long as the money she donated could be used for practical purposes, after all, she didn't expect to be famous as a living Buddha by donating money.

If the system released a task with rewards for donations, she would be able to donate more, but unfortunately not.

The internet has no memory, but most people on the internet do.

As the top benefactor in China's entertainment circle, it's not that the money she donated didn't benefit her at all.

At least her current reputation is quite good, and she has also received many preferential treatment from above.

Of course, there is also the credit for submitting the Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

But all in all, her current influence and status are quite detached in the domestic entertainment industry.

It still looks like a star, but in fact it is no longer in the same class as most stars.

So before the fans said that she changed her class, they were not wrong.

But the fans are just teasing and joking.

In their minds, Luo Quan will always be so down-to-earth, a commoner goddess who will not stab them in the back.

But the Commoner Goddess also broke her defenses. After a night of hard work, Luo Quan finally accumulated enough experience and got the opportunity to change from a holy warrior to a crusader.

After being transferred to the crusader, you can learn the super skill—Seraphim's Wrath, which will make your combat effectiveness leap to the next level.

But the problem is that she forgot to turn off the hardcore mode when she accepted the promotion task, which caused her to fight a very powerful monster.

If you give up the mission, you will directly lose half of your experience, and you will have to spend another two hours to fight monsters again.

This is definitely unacceptable to Luo Quan, so she is now facing the difficulties.

Then she was slaughtered 13 times in a row by this deliberately designed disgusting monster, known in history as "the thirteen sufferings of the mother of life".

Later, the barrage couldn't stand it anymore, and told Luo Quan that this monster could actually form a team, and it didn't have to be a one-on-one fight.

Luo Quan was stunned for 3 minutes when he saw the barrage.

"Why...why didn't you say it earlier?" Luo Quan's lips trembled, his eyes had lost their highlight, and he looked like he had been spoiled by a monster.

"The main reason is that I didn't expect Luo Baotou to be so strong. I really didn't click on the team formation interface once."

"After you die, there is a prompt at the bottom of the screen, saying that some difficulties cannot be completed alone, and you need to rely on the strength of your friends, but maybe you didn't see it."

"To be honest, Luo Bao is really powerful. This Khorne Warlord's numerical value cannot be handled by one person. Luo Quan can actually reach the third stage. His operation is already very good."

"Indeed, every dodge and bounce is almost perfectly timed, and it makes me wet."

"This game has a better sense of attack than many action games, and the modeling is so exquisite that it really doesn't look like an online game at all."

"Nonsense, there are hundreds of Gs, can it be good?"

"Luo Bao is too imprisoned, hurry up and form a team, we will not be angry."

"It's okay to suffer from an old crime. Hurry up and mobilize the anchor of station B to rescue him. Just say that the boss is in trouble, and he can't pass the test."


As soon as this proposal came out, the audience in the live broadcast room actually ran to the live broadcast rooms of other station B anchors to ask for help.

Because it is the hottest game at the moment, Fantasy World has opened up a live broadcast category for it before it came out, and has also organized corresponding welfare activities, so now there are very many anchors who live broadcast this game, even in the middle of the night, there are also successful players. Hundreds of people are online.

Fans asked for help everywhere, and these anchors saw that their boss was being manipulated by an elite monster, so they couldn't bear it, so one after another, applications for joining the team popped up on Luoquan's screen one after another.

It's also fortunate that her computer configuration is good enough, otherwise there are so many applications popping up, she would really have to be stuck for a while.

The application was approved with one click, and Luoquan's support instantly expanded to more than 200 people.

The upper limit of team formation in Fantasy World is 1 people, that is, under normal circumstances, there is no limit to the number of team members.

However, the difficulty of the boss is dynamically adjusted, the more people in your group, the higher the blood volume.

But some bosses are designed to be impossible to fight with less than 50 players, so unless the game is really popular all over the Internet, or some bosses really can't be handled by a lone wolf by matching.

And a celebrity like Luo Quan, of course, would not have the trouble of not being able to get people together, she didn't even say anything, just the spontaneous organization of fans helped her get everyone here.

When the uncle was still there, there were no users on station B who did not scold the uncle, and the remarks of the top order in Mongolia were mentioned many times.

But after station B was taken down by Luo Quan, the situation was completely reversed. Most of the Up masters got real benefits, so they didn't stop licking her.

Among ordinary users, Luo Quan is there because of her popularity, and almost all users who are willing to come to Station B are her fans in reserve.

After all, in the two-dimensional field, how could a greasy, middle-aged, salty uncle compare to an almost perfect beautiful girl?

Of course, Luo Quan, who is about to turn 25, is probably no longer a beautiful girl, but no matter what, a beautiful young woman is definitely more attractive than her uncle.

So hundreds of anchors, under the banner of helping "auntie" through the difficulties, came to help.

After Luo Quan found out about this, he was moved and wanted to complain in his heart.

Although she is no longer a beautiful girl, she still can't reach the level of an aunt, right?
"If you don't want to call Luo Quan, you should call the boss, auntie is too old." Luo Quan said in the voice channel.

Now she finally understood why Wen Xia was so disgusted with the title aunt. Indeed, when she called it out, it gave people a sense of aging that was not forgiving of time.

"Okay auntie."

"Auntie, you are so beautiful."

"I know auntie."

"Auntie, do you need medicine? I can give you a few bottles for free."


Obviously, these anchors came here to spoof her on purpose.

Seeing that they came to help him fight the boss, Luo Quan finally endured it.

"Finally advanced." Luo Quan looked at the dazzling golden light effect, and his tone was full of emotion: "I thought it would be so exhausting tonight, but it really is more powerful with more people."

The barrage laughed:

"Earlier team formation is already over."

"Hurry up and turn off the hardcore mode, who knows how difficult the next promotion mission will be."

"Can you take a look at the skills? I heard that it will be very difficult to be promoted to the Crusaders."

"The Lord of Light is currently one of the best output in melee combat, and the Crusader, as its pre-profession, must not be far behind."

"Speaking of which, if you want to advance to the Lord of Light, it seems that you have to complete a lot of achievements, right?"

"It's enough to kill a thousand villain players for a month. I don't know if the official server will improve."

"It's okay. If Luo Bao needs to complete this task, I will come directly to her and do bad things to her and help her complete the achievement."

"Knowing the sky is easy, the boy who defies the sky."

"Talk about the bad things."

"One by one, let yourself go when you reach the open world, right?"

"The Internet is not a place outside the law. Please be careful with your words and deeds, otherwise our crusaders will immediately find out your address and send you to the stake!"

"Sorry, the race I chose is hell demon, you can't get in at all."

"Damn it, you actually turned on the hidden race Luo?"

"Awesome buddy, is there a live broadcast, I want to watch it."

"How many hidden occupations does this game have? Is it really only good luck that can be played?"

"Uncomfortable, it would be great if you can play."


The barrage was discussing hidden professions, while Luo Quan was thanking the B station anchors who came to help her.

If it weren't for them, she didn't know how long she would be in prison tonight.

Friend slots are definitely essential. As for the guild, Luo Quan plans to wait until the server is launched.

She also set up a guild when the World of Warcraft server opened before, and she was still the president.

When other people's guilds fight in groups, if something good comes out, the guild leader will try every means to take it as his own, and he will not hesitate to ruin his reputation for this.

And when Luoquan's guild produced good things, they were given to her as soon as possible, and she would only start distributing them when she had other members.

This kind of king-level treatment is probably only available to Luo Quan.

But now she seldom goes to World of Warcraft, but there are quite a lot of people playing in that guild. Many people in it are willing to come to Fantasy World to play for a change of taste.

And these old members of the guild are also contacting Luo Quan, asking her to build a guild after opening the server. The name is the same as that of Warcraft, called Luo Jiajun.

The name is a bit secondary, but it is quite recognizable. When you mention the Luo Family Army, you know it is Luo Quan's guild.

Luo Jiajun's reputation in Warcraft is not very high, but he is still quite ambitious for the new game, and plans to charge [-] for a full server.

As the president of the guild, Luo Quan of course has to lead everyone to rush forward.

In addition to these old members, the recruitment of newcomers needs to be cautious, and strength must be given priority.

So after Luo Quan added these anchor friends, he didn't tell them the news about the guild immediately, but just said something later.

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