Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1228 This Story Is Purely Fictional

Chapter 1228 This Story Is Purely Fictional

If you want to fully control a project, you can't ask for help from others.

Therefore, Luo Quan never takes the initiative to invite a certain celebrity. Instead, he lets the celebrity come to the interview himself.

Of course, being an actor comes second. The most important thing is that I will never accept any invitation to join forces.

I have sufficient funds, and I don’t need help from outsiders for every penny I spend shooting the movie, so I don’t need outsiders to tell me what to do.

Of course, the advertisement can still be picked up.

The requirements of advertisers are very low. It is enough that their products can appear in movies. It would be even better if they can have a close-up of their trademarks.

However, costume mythological dramas are a little more troublesome, and the trademarks need to be arranged more cleverly, otherwise it will be too funny if they appear to be gangsters.

For example, in some costume dramas, things like sneakers, watches, and Maotai actually appear. Isn’t that ridiculous?

After completely thinking about the crew, the filming of the movie went on smoothly according to Luo Quan's ideas.

But after all, there are more big names cooperating this time, so when it comes to shaping characters, they are more willing to give suggestions than those newcomers or second- and third-tier actors in the past.

Of course, these big names are able to get to this point because they are of a high standard, so the opinions they put forward are not random. Many of them have indeed helped the movie.

Therefore, Luo Quan basically adopted these opinions as long as they did not have a particularly big impact on the subsequent plot.

This gentle shooting style also makes Luo Quan very happy to work with a group of big-name stars, and no conflicts have broken out so far.

"Actually, I used to think you were a tyrant-like director on the set." Wang Xiaoning said to Luo Quan with a smile after finishing today's scene, "I was quite worried before I came here, in case you are really like the rumors. Why is it so fierce? Now it seems that I am completely worrying too much."

"Is this how I look in the film industry?" Luo Quan widened his eyes in surprise, "I always thought I would have a good reputation. Being approachable should be my label, right?"

"Xiao Shan said before that you were quite approachable on the day of filming." Cheng Kun laughed, "But it can be seen that you are completely two people during and outside the filming. Sometimes you are terrifyingly serious, and sometimes you are so serious." As kind as a sister."

Luo Quan scratched his head in embarrassment: "Maybe I was too immersed in the filming, so I didn't notice the tone of things. Since you brought it up, I'll pay more attention in the future."

"No, no, no, no?" Wang Xiaoning and Cheng Kun waved their hands quickly, "We just like to be more serious when filming."

Wang Xiaoning sighed as he spoke: "In order to repay favors, I took on too many bad movies starring young people. The set was really like playing house. From the director to the actors, everyone was doing nothing, and it was very disturbing to watch. , you still had to hold your nose while filming these scenes.”

"You don't have to answer it." Cheng Kun glanced at Wang Xiaoning, smiled and joked: "If you don't answer it, you don't have to be angry?"

"I told you to return the favor." Wang Xiaoning spread his hands helplessly: "The film industry is not about fighting and killing, the film industry is about human relationships√"

Perhaps thinking that Teacher Ni was next to him, Wang Xiaoning deliberately learned one of his classic lines in "The Young Marshal".

Sure enough, Teacher Ni Xuejian came over after hearing this and asked the three of them with a smile what they were talking about.

Luo Quan said that he was talking about whether the director would be too aggressive when filming.

Ni Xuejian thought for a few seconds and said loudly: "Aren't you the director?"

Luo Quan couldn't help but nodded: "Yeah, will I be too aggressive when I'm filming?"

"That means the actor is not serious." Ni Xuejian immediately helped Luo Quan: "How can you make a good movie if you are not serious? When creating, you should avoid being careless. Without a rigorous mentality, it is impossible to create good works."

As soon as the seniors came, the atmosphere immediately became serious. Whether it was Wang Xiaoning, Cheng Kun or Luo Quan, they could only nod with their hands behind their backs, as well-behaved as the students being scolded by the head teacher.

Cheng Daoning was drinking wolfberry boiled water next to him, smiling happily.

It is said that an old family is like a treasure.

Having such a few veteran actors in the crew will indeed bring quite a lot of benefits.

For example, if you encounter any problems in the performance, you can get guidance.

You can also use the contacts of veteran actors to solve some problems.

But sometimes there is a disadvantage, that is, the atmosphere can easily become serious for no apparent reason.

Fortunately, Teacher Ni knew the rules and didn't lecture everyone for too long.

After all, the three of them from Luo Quan are also well-known figures in the entertainment industry. They can tolerate this kind of paternalism once or twice. If they do this every day, who knows if they will give you face again in the future.

In fact, this is the first time that Ni Xuejian has been so serious since he joined the crew. Before, he was quite amiable and didn't have the airs of an old-timer at all.

Therefore, Luo Quan and others did not feel any resentment in their hearts. Instead, they provided materials for the marketer next to them.

As soon as the video was shot, a title was created, saying that Teacher Ni seriously discussed the importance of being serious in artistic creation, and that Luo Quan, Wang Xiaoning, and Cheng Kun accepted the teachings humbly.

How harmonious this picture is, after it was released, netizens must have blown it up again.

As for how to brag about it, I don't know. Fans can always find an angle anyway, so he doesn't need to worry about this as a marketer.

This week's KPI was about to be completed, and the salesman couldn't help but feel happy, so he took a few more photos.

After listening to Teacher Ni's lecture, Luo Quan also asked everyone to pack their things and prepare to go back to the hotel to rest.

Because most of the scenes were done under a green screen, there were no night scenes to shoot, and all the special effects could be done directly in post.

So when it's time to get off work, Luo Quan basically doesn't let everyone work overtime.

Luo Quan couldn't edit the movie until the special effects were completed, so she had to be more relaxed this time compared to the previous filming.

After returning to the dormitory, she had nothing to do, so she continued to let the AI ​​generate sketches. Then she modified the pictures, and finally came up with character drawings that fit the mythical image.

At present, more than half of the gods on the list of gods have been completed, and the next thing to do is Journey to the West.

Compared with the list of gods, the homogenization of monsters and monsters in Journey to the West is not that serious. After all, there are so many monsters in Journey to the West that there are almost no duplicates.

If it is the old version of Journey to the West, the final shape may be too close to human beings, and the monster image that Luo Quan wants will be more grotesque.

A succubus can be beautiful and ugly at the same time.

For example, when the human form is similar to a human being, if it returns to a round shape, it will be the head of a beautiful woman or the body of an animal. The visual impact of that should be very strong.

However, this may be criticized by the original author of Journey to the West for not respecting the original work. After all, the joke is not nonsense, and the adaptation is not random fabrication.Of course, even if she hadn't changed to Journey to the West yet, the voices of accusations were already coming to her overwhelmingly.

"Is this what Chinese mythology is like?"

"This bullshit prehistoric myth is just a nutritious hodgepodge and has no respect for history at all!"

"King Wu defeated Zhou by relying on gods and Buddhas all over the sky. Isn't this historical nihilism?"

"Is it natural to set the goddess Nuwa who created the human race into a snake demon?"

"Donghuang Taiyi has also become a monster, and the coffin boards of the people of Chu can hardly hold it down."


This is the latest rhetorical attack on "Prehistoric" on the Internet. It mainly uses the myth itself as an attack argument, accusing Luo Quan of fabricating it.

This reason sounds outrageous.

After all, the myth itself is made up, and then making it up again based on what the ancients made up is disrespectful to history.

How can myths become history?
Do some people really regard the story of Fengshenbang as history?

That's right, when Luo Quan had doubts in his heart, someone really smart on the Internet did this.

They even believe that there are Yang Jian, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi in Ji Fa's team, but they don't believe that these people are gods.

This is because I don't even know what is true and what is false.

Then these people really dare to jump out and attack "Prehistoric". It can only be said that the threshold of the Internet is too low, anyone can speak out, and there is no need to take responsibility.

The second wave of attacks came so quickly and without thinking, although Luo Quan was upset, he was not afraid.

Instead, she posted a video on Weibo and Douyin, the two platforms where she was most vocally attacked.

In the video, she clicked on the scene when she was telling the story.

At that time, before telling the ancient myth, she said a disclaimer:
"The content I am going to talk about next is completely a second creation based on the two famous books "The Legend of the Gods" and "Journey to the West". It can be regarded as a fan of these two famous books.

Moreover, the content created by the secondary creation is completely fictitious and has nothing to do with the orthodox Chinese mythology. If you feel that the content is too nonsense after listening to it, then you are right, because this content is originally nonsense, so please do not bring it into it. Reality.

This is a video by Tu Yile. It is not a serious academic paper on the origins of Chinese mythology. Because any controversy caused by the video, please focus on the orthodox Chinese mythology.

However, because I have not found a collection of orthodox Chinese mythology, I don’t know which documents to refer to. You can find it yourself. Anyway, the following content is all made up by me.

Finally, any similarity is purely coincidental and please do not upload it online! "

To be honest, before Luo Quan told this myth, he had already laid it on his armor very thickly, and almost printed the words "This is pure nonsense on my part" on his head.

It is a pity that when others moved it, they did not move this statement for the sake of a sense of substitution and realism.

The effect of the video is indeed very good, making many people really think that it is the content of Chinese mythology.

And the consequences are obvious, that is, giving those people the opportunity to step up and go online.

After posting the video, Luo Quan then commented under the video: "I know that the filming of "Prehistoric" has touched many people's cakes, so from the beginning of the project, there are a bunch of people who want to hack it and don't want it to be safe. Released steadily.

I endured it for the first time. I thought that you would retreat after you failed. I didn’t expect that you would learn to sum up your experience after you failed, and then update your black-me words.

Maybe I'm a little too kind and let you mistakenly think that there is no price to pay for doing this kind of thing.

There is one thing I must remind you. It is illegal to maliciously purchase trolls to smear competitors. If this happens again in the future, don’t blame me for flipping the table. When the time comes, I won’t be able to negotiate with you even if you waste money. "

High-end business wars often adopt the simplest and most plain methods.

The public thinks of business war as manipulating the stock market, hacking, and buying off employees, and the boss sits in the office strategizing and directing the overall situation, just like in a movie.

In a real business war, the boss actually takes the lead in the charge, and even personally participates in theft, scolding, beatings, etc.

The above examples have all been reported in the news, and many of them are rich people worth billions.

A recent example: Don’t the bosses of Twitter and Facebook have to engage in a physical business war, a direct confrontation in the octagonal cage, where they have to sign a life-and-death certificate?

Although there has been little movement recently, both sides have been releasing training videos, obviously not intending to end the fight just like that.

Now, a new case of real business war has emerged.

That is, Luo Quan, the president of Bilibili, publicly scolded her on the Internet, telling her competitors that if they didn't restrain themselves, she would overturn the table.

Not making any ambiguous statements or letting the studio speak for you is a threat of personal consequences.

Although he didn't mention them by name, if you look at the movies that will be released before and after the National Day holiday, you will know who the competitors of "Prehistoric" are.

Then select a few companies with the worst reputations and hit them. There is nothing wrong with that.

Netizens don't care whether they have wronged good people or not. Anyway, as long as they use a small piece of meat or a company that makes bad money, they will be pulled out and bombarded.

Luo Quan did not mention anyone by name, but gave everyone room to play.

When her fans saw that their idol was so angry, they naturally worked extremely hard and directly posted [-] comments in the comment section of these potential masterminds.

Because the commotion was so great, Weibo had to delete comments and reduce the popularity.

After having such a Dinghaishen needle stuck down, the number of brainless sunspots on the Internet was instantly reduced by 90.00%.

And those netizens who were bewitched by public opinion suddenly realized at this moment that it turned out that there was no such thing as all the people who couldn't understand that the Chinese myth was fabricated. It was just a troll hired by capital, and they were all used.

After realizing that they were being used as a gun, the netizens became even more angry than before, but unfortunately they couldn't find a way to vent for the time being.

If Luo Quan really flipped the table, those behind the scenes would probably be in bad luck.

And "Prehistoric" may become the biggest winner with this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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