Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1229 Special Effects 1

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

Facts have proven that if you don't slap some people in the face, they will really think you are a soft persimmon and bully you to death.

Luo Quan probably hasn't fought with people online for a long time, so these people have become much bolder.

She knew that buying trolls and trolling them was a rule of the game in the film industry, and everyone was doing it this way, but she just didn't want to abide by it.

She doesn't care how others play the game, but she has her own rules.

If you want to play, then make it clear that you can win the show at the box office, instead of using such shameful and despicable means.

If she really wants to make an outside move, her advantage will be too great.

At that time, all she needs to do is let Unikina reveal the information about the companies buying the trolls, and then take it to the external network and find someone to reveal the information, and then export it to domestic sales.

At that time, [-]% of these people will be ruined, and even the upcoming movies of these companies will be buried with their stupid behavior.

Of course, this is the last and last resort. After all, opening boxes is illegal. Although the act of opening boxes cannot be traced by exporting to domestic sales, as long as you do it, it will definitely leave traces. It will always be There are hidden dangers.

Therefore, Luo Quan would definitely not take such a risky approach unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, even if you use it, the possibility of being traced is almost zero. After all, the revelations all happened abroad and were forwarded by fans in China. Even if you want to catch them, you can only catch hackers abroad.

Just like on Reddit now, many technical experts have heard about the "Prehistoric" crew being punished, clamoring to vent their anger on Luo Quan and find out the real culprit behind the scenes.

However, it is still in the stage of gathering and shouting, and no real action has been taken.

But the news has spread back to the country, and no one knows whether they will really come, but it is impossible for foreigners to predict with Chinese thinking.

Therefore, the safest way is to believe that they can really do such a thing, then quickly stop all activities, bury their heads in the sand, and avoid touching Luo Quan.

Otherwise, what awaits them next time will not be a light verbal warning.

After successfully solving this rhythm, Luo Quan himself also realized the usefulness of the navy army.

To smear a matter in such a large amount can really impress people's minds and make netizens think according to their own ideas.

After all, conforming to the crowd is the instinct of most people. They all say that they can think independently and are full of rationality, but I am afraid that less than [-]% of them truly harmonize their words and deeds.

So the navy is actually quite useful.

However, Luo Quan can't do anything to use his navy to discredit his competitors, but it is still very good to use it to brag about himself.

In this day and age, the smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alleys. No matter what you do, you have to shout. The louder the shouting, the more traffic there will be.
If it happens to coincide with a popular event in society, it will be difficult for the box office to explode.

What are the hot events in society right now?
Luo Quan opened the hot search on Weibo and took a look.

Huawei has released another new model of mobile phone. This time it is another brand-new nationally produced mobile phone after many years. It is a milestone and it is really not easy.

But it seems to have nothing to do with "Prehistoric".

The other is the anti-telephone fraud operation, which is quite a big news, and a related movie was released some time ago, earning a lot of money.

If she follows suit and makes another movie, she should be able to get a lot of box office revenue.

But her current focus is on "Prehistoric", so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it?

After spending a long time like this, Luo Quan really didn't know how to connect any social hot spots with his own movie, and he couldn't even make it far-fetched.

If there is no popularity for her, then she will create her own popularity.

Soon, Luo Quan released a piece of edited content, which was the content of Pangu opening up the sky.

In the video, Pangu held up his huge axe and slashed in the dark void, tearing out a large piece of light with each stroke.

At the end, Pangu forcibly carved out a bright and primitive world, his eyes soared and turned into the sun and the moon, his blood gathered into the rivers and seas, and his torso turned into mountains and rivers.

The world has also become more vibrant.

The entire video is less than 2 minutes long, but the entire content uses special effects, and not a single bit is real-life content. The most surprising thing is that these special effects are not only extremely real, but also extremely smooth.

In those special effects blockbusters before this, it was a completely unobtainable experience.

What’s even more terrifying is that this is still the effect displayed on an ordinary screen.

If it were on the Imax big screen and the audience put on 4D glasses, what kind of spectacular picture would they get?

Simply unimaginable!
"The technical capabilities of "Prehistoric" are explosive!"

After the release of Luoquan's video, the marketing account that received the event funds from her also acted quickly, and began to tout the manuscript written with smart Ai.

First, create overwhelming praise and give the melon-eaters a preconception feeling, allowing them to be the first to accept the fact that this video is great.

Then watch the video again, will you really feel that the video is very powerful?
Of course, the only point of this marketing method is that the boasting content should not be too flattering, but should have something to it.

After all, although netizens have a somewhat herd mentality, they are not fools. They can still tell whether something is good or bad.

As for the video released by Luo Quan, the quality is definitely very high.

Although there is not a single line in the whole film, Pangu's performance still made the audience feel its unparalleled sense of power.

This sense of power requires a reference, so Luo Quan arranged many innate demons for Pangu to stop him.

And when these demon gods were exploded by an ax from Pangu Lian's space belt, this sense of power was reflected.

If you want to express a sense of power in comics, you can achieve the effect through a large number of twisted lines.

Normal special effects movies can't do this, because there can't be so many lines in a normal environment.

But when Pangu opened the sky, there happened to be an environment for creating lines, because every time he swung the ax, he would leave lines in the air caused by the tearing of space.

And these torn spaces will gradually gather around Pangu as he moves, and move in the direction of his swing of the axe.

This phenomenon, which is quite consistent with the black hole effect, gave Pangu a mass like a huge star.

It is under the dual effects of reference objects and lines that the magnificent image of Pangu as the God of Creation was erected.

And the scene where he dies from exhaustion and his body transforms into all things is a complete reflection of the power of special effects technology.

What kind of special effects are the most difficult?
Some people may think it is a grand scene, such as star explosions, large army battles, or cool magic.

But in fact, the most difficult and most technical special effects are the characters’ hair.

Because if you want the special effects hair to achieve a realistic effect, you need thousands of models, and any smaller number will give people a distorted feeling.Therefore, many of the domestic [-]-cent special effects appear on such details and small objects, but they look okay in big scenes.

Pangu's incarnation of all things seems like a big scene, but there are really too many details in it.

Especially when blood turns into a river and sea, there is a scene of rushing water. The video frantically models every water drop, ripple, and fish and shrimp in the water.

It is an effect to make the scene look like a real surging tide, and it is even more shocking.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

When experts in the special effects industry watched this short video clip of "Prehistoric", they all had painful thoughts.

How on earth did this thing come about?

The workload is outrageous. How good a computer is to produce such exquisite special effects.

Facing the overwhelming wtf in the industry, Luo Quan said very Versailles at this time: "This is just an ordinary special effects shot in the movie, and it cannot even be ranked in the climax of the film.

The real climax of Pangu opening up the sky is when he fights with the demon gods all over the sky. I think this battle scene is the best this year.

Because we are in chaos, everything in the world is not there yet.

The laws of the great road are reflected in Pangu and the innate demon god, and their fight is also part of the great drama of the creation of the world.

The broken corpses of these demon gods turned into stars in the sky, but they would soon be affected by the unfinished battle.

Everyone can see the majesty of Pangu crushing the planet with his bare hands, and you can also see him chopping a wave of the Milky Way with his axe.

The entire Creation of the World lasts about 10 minutes. There are no peeing spots throughout the whole process, and the special effects are extremely explosive.

The 2 minutes I selected should be the least interesting 2 minutes, so for the feature film, everyone’s expectations are over, and you will never be disappointed! "

This is a description that can make people's blood boil just by reading the words. I can't imagine what the specific picture will be like.

However, the hot searches for the sub-prefix "bao" on Weibo have proven how shocked and anticipated netizens are.

"I thought Luo Quan was going to give us a good job this time, but I didn't expect it to be a big job, big and cruel."

"The special effects in the video are already outrageous, but in the feature film they are even more exaggerated than in the video. Why shouldn't the funds be exploding?"

"Trivia, Luoquan's Bilibili stock price has almost returned to its peak. Now she lacks everything, but she doesn't lack money."

"Luo Bao's money comes from the strong wind. It's really worth two to three hundred million."

"Hahaha, it turns out that with an investment of hundreds of millions, you can see such a great movie, so why are those little fresh movies worth hundreds of millions so bad? Where did all the money go?"

"Don't slap people in the face when you hit them, don't expose their shortcomings when you scold them."

"Don't cue others, just look forward to "Prehistoric". When will the pre-sale start? I can't wait."

"I hope there will be more peripherals, I will buy them all immediately!"


Not only in China, the preview of "Prehistoric" also quickly set off a craze abroad.

Originally, due to the popularity of ancient myths, netizens abroad, especially those in the United States, were very interested in everything about this subject and collected related novels everywhere.

What is a pity is that because the prehistoric setting has just come out, some fan fiction has just appeared on various platforms in China. The number of words is not many, and the quality is also uneven. Of course, it cannot be transported abroad.

Therefore, the Great Ancient Movie has become the only expectation of foreign fans.

Originally they were worried about the quality of the movie, but once they heard that Luo Quan was the director and screenwriter, their worries disappeared instantly.

You can doubt any director in the world, even famous ones who have won Oscars, sometimes make bad movies.

But there is absolutely no need to worry about Luo Quan, because she has never made a bad film.

She knows what the audience wants, and her commercial movies will only make you feel happy, instead of trying to sneak in some private goods for you, or suddenly create a sensational episode, and then give you some self-righteous values.

In commercial movies, Luo Quan never preaches to you.

She will perfectly present all the elements that a commercial film should have in front of you.

Beautiful women, handsome men, explosive action scenes, cool equipment or luxury cars, adrenaline-inducing stimulating scenes, and unstoppable plot rhythms, and I don’t care about anything, I just want the protagonist to save the world’s simple values .

If necessary, Luo Quan himself will personally complete these elements, including but not limited to scenes where the beauty and action are combined.

What is this called?This is called professionalism and dedication.

Normally, taking a photo in a swimsuit would be the limit.

But in Resident Evil, Luo Quan contributed four or five "welfare" scenes.

Although most of them are borrowed, I know they are fake.

But it's still pretty exciting when watching a movie.

All in all, Luo Quan may not be able to be nominated for Oscars in every movie.

But when it comes to making commercial films, she has never failed, and she is considered stable.

The promotional video for "Prehistoric" undoubtedly supports this impression.

Chinese movie fans have never seen such special effects, and foreign movie fans have never seen such exaggerated special effects?
"This is simply not the technology that people on earth should have!"

There are many people on reddit making such calls.

Sitting in Hollywood, they can watch more than a dozen so-called special effects blockbusters every year.

But if you compare it with this 2-minute content, it is almost a century of evolution, which is as funny as fighting Gatling with a flintlock.

It stands to reason that Hollywood's special effects industry is already the top on the planet. There shouldn't be any company that can surpass these Hollywood special effects companies. How did Luo Quan do this?

Just when foreign netizens were confused, someone soon proposed a company: Unreal.

Yes, this is the gaming company that has dominated the gaming world.

The fantasy world it recently released has graphics that are several generations ahead of the rest of the world, and are too good to be a product of the 21st century.

If it is a masterpiece of this company, then it is not surprising that the special effects of "Prehistoric" are as powerful as this.

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