Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1230 The prehistoric era will be reflected

"Why can I make games and movies achieve such effects? Of course it's because I have Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine II to be precise." Luo Quan said in the live broadcast room, facing the inquiries of fans.

When Unreal Generation was born, it was actually only slightly ahead of other engines in the industry.

It can be called excellent, but it is far from the level of dimensionality reduction.

But when she took the Unreal Engine to the world and turned around, it was greatly upgraded from every byte, and the overall structure was also very different from before. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are two engines.

Currently, the company's old games are still produced and updated using Unreal Engine, while new games and movies have all been replaced by Unreal Engine [-].

And because it is almost a brand new product, the copyright of Unreal Generation [-] is in her hands.

Before this, there were companies outside that wanted to poach her.

But very few people have been poached, because the salary provided by Quanshui Entertainment has always been at the top level in the industry, the benefits are good, the working environment is also very good, and almost every work is creating history, and the vast majority of people are not Will want to leave.

Of course, some of those employees who are ambitious and eager to transcend class are still attracted by the generous salaries of high-ranking officials in other large factories.

Being a general manager is definitely more comfortable than being a small employee. Everyone knows that you would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

However, Luo Quan's company actually doesn't care whether the employee is a chicken head or a phoenix tail, because she is the phoenix head, and the rest of the people only need to follow her will and complete the assigned tasks.

Regarding creativity, she can solve 90.00% of it, and the remaining [-]% can be solved by everyone brainstorming.

Therefore, poaching from other major companies is not of much use. After all, the most powerful engine, Unreal Engine II, cannot be poached, and the most powerful talent, Luo Quanye, cannot be poached.

As for the departure and retention of other people in the company, Luo Quan has always adhered to the principle of easy gathering and easy separation.

If you want to come, you are welcome, if you don't want to come, just leave. There will be no deductions in terms of salary, so as not to spread the word and ruin the good reputation of the industry conscience that I have finally established.

Of course, it is precisely because there is no non-compete clause here that many young people who are just starting out will choose to come to her for gold plating. After working for a month or two, they will change jobs to other factories to seek higher salaries.

If it's just a rare case, that's it. The key is that in the past year, many graduates have regarded this method as a password for wealth, and other major companies have really followed this method.

In order to avoid frequent replacement of employees in important positions, Luoquan adjusted the wages of employees.

Originally, the salary of the programmers of Spring Entertainment was slightly higher than that of the big companies in the industry. After the salary was higher, it would be about [-]% lower than that of the big companies in the industry.

However, as long as you work for a full year, you will be given a very high bonus for newcomers, making up for the difference, and then an additional [-]% bonus.

The benefits are not much different from those of older employees, but you have to work for a full year to get them.

Newcomer bonuses will be canceled in the second year, but they will receive a salary increase that only veteran employees can enjoy. At this time, the monthly salary will exceed those of large companies and be at the leading level in the industry.

After going and going in this way, although it seems that there is not much difference from the salary given by the old contract, at least those who want to get their qualifications have a relatively high job-hopping cost.

If you don't do it for a year, you will lose a lot of bonuses.

If you change jobs after a year, you will lose the opportunity for a salary increase.

As long as they don't encounter a particularly good invitation, these newcomers should not resign easily.

Of course, Luo Quan wouldn't dare to say this kind of thing in front of the fans in the live broadcast room.

Because it sounds like she is a capitalist who is bent on profit. She has gone to great lengths to exploit her employees, and has come up with a mentally retarded contract that is so repetitive. Her heart is to be punished!
In fact, she simply didn't want these employees to run away after working for a month or two. If they were asked to sign a non-competition contract, they would be scolded even worse, so she used this method to softly restrain the new employees.

But the salary offered by the company is already the highest level. Luo Quan himself doesn't feel that she has failed her employees in any way.

Of course, netizens will definitely not think about the problem from the same perspective as her.

After all, she is the boss, and everyone else is basically a worker.

They only saw that in order to keep wages down, she created a disgusting system similar to Pinduoduo’s one-off system. You have to work for a year to get a bonus, and if you change jobs midway, you get nothing. She is really trying to make money from working as a worker. .

If fans dare to speak for her, the consequences will be serious, and they will be directly labeled as "empathizing with capitalists" and criticized.

He also foresees such a result, so Luo Quan usually doesn't talk about things in the company, especially things related to money.

As soon as she said it, there would always be people clamoring for her to hang up street lights, still indiscriminately.

In comparison, Lyon has no problem showing off his wealth.

Probably when netizens met Leon for the first time, they knew that he came from a prominent family and was a rich man.

Because I was born with money and a good life, it didn't matter how I used it. Everyone just complained jealously and lamented the unfairness of fate.

But Luo Quan is different.

The first time many netizens met her was in a cramped and old rental house in Tokyo. They witnessed with their own eyes how a poor person became a rich man.

This kind of jealousy is completely different from what appeared in Leon.

There is a saying that goes well: I am afraid that my brother will have a hard time, but I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover. This is the mentality.

Therefore, in order to avoid unbalancing the "brothers", Luo Quan is rarely like Lyon, and most of the live broadcasts are about showing off his wealth.

Just like now, what she is showing off in the live broadcast room is the company's technological power, showing off how powerful the Unreal Engine II is.

"And for the sake of the continuity of the plot, this time we will film the creation of the world and the catastrophe of the Lich together, so that the first full chapter of the prehistoric era is considered to be over."

As Luo Quan spoke, he opened his accounting book, clicked the mouse slightly and said: "It turns out that sometimes making blockbusters does require a very large investment, and the cost of actors and service actors is indeed quite large.

Just making two movies has now cost more than 4 million.

Wait until the two films are finished and then count the announcements before the release, and the proper cost of one billion. In this case, the total box office must be more than 40 billion to count as a return, and the final one must have a box office of 20 billion. "

At this point, Luo Quan took a deep breath: "I didn't expect the stalls to be so large, and it took only 40 billion to pay back. This year, it seems that only three movies have reached 35 billion."

Fans have watched Luo Quan’s live broadcast for too long, and they seem to be less sensitive to this little money:
"Isn't this box office enough for you to laugh at? Understand the applause."

"In the past, 4000 yuan was a huge sum of money to me, but now 40 billion doesn't even make the slightest noise. I don't know if it's because I'm distracted or because I've experienced too much in the Luoquan live broadcast room."

"Is it true that Luo Bao and I do big business worth hundreds of millions every day? (Referring to the popularity of the live broadcast room)"

"You think adding a note means you're not driving? Come on, get out of here!"

"Prime Minister, I also want to drive."

“Speaking of which, the first part of The Wilderness was released on National Day, so the second part will be released during the Spring Festival?”

"I feel that if the special effects of the first part explode, the second part can break the domestic record." "Be bold and break the foreign box office record. Now Honghuang is super popular abroad."

"It's funny to talk about it. After the fire broke out, South Korea immediately jumped out and said that it was adapted from their mythology. Because South Korea has 7000 years of history, we only have 5000 years, so it is obvious that we copied them."

"In terms of being shameless, it has to be a stick."

"It's a tiny place less than a hundred years after the founding of the country, and I don't know where the courage comes from."

"So as soon as South Korea's remarks spread, it became a joke again on foreign Internet."

"Haha, deserve it!"


Luo Quan also heard about Korea.

Because when Lyon moved the ancient mythology abroad, he did not think about applying for copyright, which almost gave some people with ulterior motives an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Fortunately, Luo Quan reacted quickly and immediately applied for copyrights for most of the iconic characters in The Ancient World, including "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Journey to the West".

When there is no popularity, no one cares about these intellectual property rights.

But if it catches fire, it will immediately become a mountain of gold and silver without an owner.

You might as well seize it, wait until someone else takes it, and in turn ask you, the owner of the Jinshan, for the right to use it.

Foreign capital has done this kind of disgusting things in recent years.

South Korea is a notorious thief when it comes to appropriating culture as its own!
In short, the copyright application has been approved, temporarily slapping back the claws of those who coveted the ancient myth.

"By the way, fans, I haven't been online for more than ten days. How is your experience in Fantasy World?" Luo Quan thought of this next-generation masterpiece that she had almost forgotten, and asked curiously.

"Everything is good, but it takes too much time. 24 hours a day is not enough to play!"

"When I think about it being shut down in half a month, I feel like I'm suffering from an anxiety attack."

"I defeated the rich with my skills, can you believe it?"

"Both civilians and rich people have a good gaming experience. The Gan Emperor has the joy of the Gan Emperor, and the krypton gold has the joy of krypton gold."

"The only drawback is that the NPC in the game is too smart and cannot be fooled. Is this really AI? I feel like I am facing a real person."

"The core gameplay is a little lacking. In addition to upgrading, you rarely encounter missions that require group play. It's too single-player and boring."


Fans did not brag or criticize, and talked about the advantages and disadvantages of this game one after another.

Luo Quan simply ignored the advantages, looked at the shortcomings raised by netizens, and said with a smile: "Because it is an internal beta, the online gameplay is not unlocked.

After the open beta, you will know how much this game requires a team. Not only can you form a team to fight the boss, but you can also start a battle of thousands of people. The main focus is a real war! "

"If that's the case, that would be really exciting."

Now, the comments from fans can hardly be heard in the comments.

Because apart from too little online content, Fantasy World currently has almost no other shortcomings.

Of course, it would be even more perfect if the game was changed from paying with point cards to playing for free.

However, since the game neither sells appearance nor drawing cards, if you don’t even have to pay for points and cards, it would be almost like doing charity.

Besides, the point card fee in this game is really not high, and as long as you are brave, you can buy point cards with the gold coins you get in the game.

It is equivalent to only paying the monthly card fee for one to two months, and you can keep playing. You can even make money in it if you play for a longer time.

So for most free-for-all players, there is not much difference between this game and free-to-play.

As for the main revenue from the game, of course it comes from wealthy players who want to advance quickly.

Many weapons, job-changing props, and skill books in this game are randomly dropped. If civilians want to create a set of magical skills, they will have to save gold coins for a long time.

Of course, rich people will not choose to wait, and they will naturally be impressed by their superpowers.

So the difficulty of this kind of online game is here. It must not only be fun for civilian players, but also make it more enjoyable for wealthy players. At the same time, it must not be boring for civilian players.

Fortunately, the fantasy world is well balanced in this regard. Rich players can get a better gaming experience by relying on krypton gold, while civilian players can gain a chance to defeat the rich by relying on skills, generosity, or European style.

This achieves a balance that no one feels is unfair.

You have krypton gold, I have pianist or European blood, we all just rely on our abilities.

But if you don’t want to krypton gold, you don’t have enough money, you don’t have the skills, and you don’t want to live, you still want to beat other players in the end.

Then there is something wrong with my brain.

Fantasy World is an online game, not a casual game. Casual players should just watch the scenery and fish in the game. This gameplay is also very interesting.

Judging from the current questionnaire, the official launch of Fantasy World is equivalent to becoming a hit, with a retention rate as high as 90.00%, which is even more terrifying than World of Warcraft.

And compared to the more hard-core style of Warcraft, the more refined, beautiful and dreamy style of Fantasy World is more popular among girls.

The ratio of female to male players in World of Warcraft is about [-] to [-].

Fantasy World reached an astonishing 4.5 to 5.5, which is almost [-]-[-].

This ratio means that the fantasy world has potential that far exceeds that of World of Warcraft.

As long as there are more players, a game with a huge community like this can even gain significance beyond the game itself, which is the metaverse that many foreign companies have been hyping for more than half a year.

Of course, the current focus is still on prehistoric times.

Because most of it is special effects content, the shooting time of Honghuang is much faster than that of other movies.

Netizens felt that not long after, Honghuang received a preview of its upcoming release.

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