Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1231 Luo Bao’s flag’s chest was broken by a big stone

"School has started. Have you finished your summer homework?"

Luo Quan, who had submitted the film for review, returned home and the first thing he did was to trouble his fans.

There are many adults watching Luobao's live broadcast, and there are also many minors. Considering the attributes of the platform Bilibili, and the fact that mobile games can no longer be played, there are even more minors in the live broadcast room than before. a bit more.

"Cardiopulmonary Arrest!"

"It's okay, there's still one day before school starts, and I've already finished Chinese and Mathematics, which are the most demanding tasks."

"A pen, a cup of coffee, an all-nighter, a miracle."

"There's another body."

"Hahahaha, do you want to laugh me to death and inherit my Huabei?"

"I was already annoyed when school started, but when Luo Bao reminded me that I haven't finished my homework, I became even more annoyed."

"It's okay. The teacher won't read your summer homework anyway. It won't take long after you collect it and sell it to the scrap collector. It's okay if you don't write it."

"I believed in your evil. I did this last year. I was discovered by the head teacher and scolded me all morning. In the end, I forced myself to finish all my homework without an answer."

"I'm like that too. I always cry when I talk too much."

"As someone who has been here tell me, even if you make random mistakes in your summer homework, you still have to fill in the answers completely. The teacher won't look at it carefully, but he will definitely check it."

"Indeed, whether you write correctly or not is a matter of ability, and whether you write correctly or not is a matter of attitude."

"College students will just watch you guys from middle school quietly exchanging experiences here."

"College students are amazing. When you are as old as us, you will know how tortured these things are!"


"Speaking of which, Luo Bao must have returned to Shanghai from Hengdian. Does that mean the filming of the movie has been completed?"

"Okay, will we see pirated copies soon?"

"Brother, your thinking is a little jumpy."

"To be honest, if the conditions don't allow it, no one will say anything to you for watching pirated copies, but it's not good for you to show off and be proud of it, right?"

"If you can afford it, support the genuine version. It only costs a few dozen yuan."

"The student party really can't afford to be hurt."


Regarding the topic of piracy, Luo Quan has talked about it many times in the live broadcast room.

This involves a question of payment habits and financial strength.

If you don’t have that habit, others won’t even look at the genuine version if you say something blasphemous.

With this habit, even if you don't tell them, they will consciously support the genuine version. Even if they watch a pirated version at the time, they will pay for it afterwards.

So there was no need to talk about this matter anymore. Luo Quan simply pretended that he had not seen it and said instead: "Yes, the movie was actually finished five days ago. I stayed in Hengdian mainly to prepare for the subsequent filming of the movie.

Because The Creation of the World and The Lich Tribulation were filmed back-to-back, after the filming of this film is completed, we will take a break of at most one and a half months before starting filming again, so we need to pay more attention to the subject of the Tao of Transformation.

As for the movie's release time, it should be during the Mid-Autumn Festival, not to join in the excitement of the National Day period. "

Fans immediately laughed when they heard this:
"High EQ: Why not join in the fun?

Low emotional intelligence: Save some face for the gift film. "

"Good morning, there is nothing more interesting than being able to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with Luo Bao."

"Trivia: Luo Bao didn't appear in the first part of The Wilderness."

"What! If I can't see Luo Bao, how can I appreciate my wife's wonderful performance?"

"How did you kid say such shameless things so confidently?"

"The good news is that Luo Bao will appear in the second part of Lich Tribulation. The bad news is that he seems to be playing a man."

"What the hell? What's the point of playing a male role?"

"Friends Daoist don't know that the character played by Luo Bao is a male in the original work, but if the gender is changed to a female character, it is also possible."

"So what exactly is she playing?"

"Oops, I can't explain it after talking for a long time. The second part of Luobao will play Taoist Cihang. In Fengshen Yanyi, Taoist Cihang finally abandoned the Tao and followed the Buddha and became the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the West!"

"It turns out to be Sister Guanyin. I love you so much."

"Who still remembers that in Journey to the West when they were young, Guanyin Bodhisattva was a goddess in childhood. Who would have thought that she would still be a goddess when she grows up?"

"Good guy, Luo Bao plays Guanyin sister, I dare not watch Guanyin from now on. (Shy.jpg)"

"Why are you so shy? (Manual dog head)"

"By the way, if Luo Bao comes to play Guanyin, will it feel inconsistent? A blond-haired Guanyin with a foreign face?"

"Boy, you've got a good look. Guanyin has boundless mana, has thousands of faces, and can overcome all hardships in the world. You can't appreciate her great wisdom just by sticking to her skin."

"Master, I understand!"


Sure enough, when they heard that Luo Quan was going to play the predecessor of Guanyin, the fans were very excited.

If Daji is played as everyone has guessed, one might be looking forward to it, but it will definitely not achieve such an unexpected effect.

After all, it is indeed very inconsistent for a sexy and beautiful goddess to suddenly transform into a dignified and elegant Guanyin.

However, this strange combination can also just arouse the rebellious psychology in people's hearts, just wanting to see the effect of a big beauty playing such a role.

This kind of mentality is the same as Luo Quan's in the world, a group of fans shouting at her "Holy Mother" while talking to her.

Being deviant and blasphemous are probably the psychological dark side that many people have.

It's just that this darkness can only be suppressed in my heart most of the time, and I don't dare to express it at all.

Just like everyone's browsing history and the contents hidden in photo albums or folders, they are secrets that cannot be known to outsiders under any circumstances.

Of course, except Tieba brother and some Bilibili users.

They will not hesitate to use foul language to express their preferences, and sometimes express their feelings too directly, which leads to criticism of their quality.

Of course, it is also possible that these people are indeed of lower quality.

"My face is really not easy to act in a costume drama, so I have to put a lot of effort into makeup." Luo Quan admitted this generously, and also promised: "Anyway, I will definitely try my best to perform Yes, fans will not be disappointed."

Fans breathed a sigh of relief and commented one after another:
"It's enough to see you in the role. Except for the unreleased movie, I haven't seen Luo Quan appear on the big screen for a long time."

"You look like a fake fan at first glance. Luo Bao has been on the big screen this year."

"I don't know what happened at all."

"Memories of Murder, the first victim's corpse played by Luo Bao, the butt is so perky." "Damn, it turned out to be her. I wonder why she has such a good figure."

"Playing a corpse is really overkill for Luo Bao now."

"But the acting was really good. When the camera focused on her face, her eyes didn't even move."

"You're just kidding, this is the acting skills of a two-time Oscar winner!"

"Speaking of which, what are Luo Bao's expectations for the box office this time?"

"20 billion to get back the capital, no matter what, the expected value has to be 30 billion, right?"


This question is a good one. How much box office the first film can earn has been a question that Luo Quan has been researching recently.

If there is an opportunity to make money, who wouldn’t want to make more money?
Moreover, there are many people aiming at Honghuang's project, and several theater chains want to take a bite of her, that is, they want to sign a gambling agreement with her.

That is to say, if the box office of this movie is less than a few hundred million, the theater will get most of the box office.

If it is higher than a few billion, the theater chain's share ratio will be greatly reduced, allowing the film studio to gain more revenue.

Nowadays, many film producers and investors are willing to engage in such a bet. After all, the timid will be starved to death and the bold will be starved to death.

Therefore, any film studio that is somewhat confident in its own film will be tempted to sign a gambling agreement.

However, very few people can win in the end.

In the past two days, many domestic theater chains wanted to bet with her, saying that as long as the movie box office exceeded 40 billion, they would give her nearly [-]% of the share, which is at least [-] million in pre-tax income. !

But if it fails to reach 40 billion, then she will lose nearly [-] million in income.

Almost every theater chain wanted to bet on itself, and they were sure that it would be a big hit, but they didn't believe that it would hit more than 40 billion.

Luo Quan's answer to these people is: Just do your job well, I have no interest in gambling or anything like that.

She has good luck with cards and wins every bet.

However, this law of causality seems to only exist at the card table, and she has not verified it on other forms of gambling.

Besides, it was a business that was sure to make a profit, so why would she take the risk?

It is said that if you win in gambling, you can earn a lot of money, but if you lose, you will almost lose everything.

The most critical point is that the status between the film studio and the theater chain is completely unequal.

If a movie wants to be released, it must give these movie theaters a share.

The higher the box office, the more they will get. Not to mention it is a free business, at least there is not much technical content, so they wish that the movie theaters are full every day, and the movie box office breaks records every day.

As for the gambling in "Prehistoric", if they win the bet, they make more, and if they lose the bet, they just make less, so they dare to place the bet.

In this completely unequal game, Luo Quan can win many times, but losing once means losing everything, and in the end it may be more than just losing money.

The most important thing is that she really has no interest in gambling money.

When I was young and ignorant, I played God of Gamblers on a ship and won several hundred million dollars.

After some inquiry, I found out that the two gamblers who lost money owed loan sharks in Las Vegas in order to recoup their losses after returning to China. In the end, they were forced by their creditors into desperation and committed suicide by jumping off a building.

Although she was not entirely responsible for this tragedy, she was still the cause.

After knowing this incident, Luo Quan felt very guilty. From then on, she would never touch any money-related gambling.

“So fans, it’s OK to have a father-son bet with your friends, treat yourself to ice cream, grilled sausages, and pay a ten-yuan internet fee, but you should not engage in serious gambling and card games.

If you touch this thing, your family will be ruined, or your family will be destroyed if you touch it. Don't be superstitious about the saying that gambling makes you happy. It's all a lie to children. "

Luo Quan's tone was extremely serious, for fear that fans would take her words as a joke.

But people who don't gamble would probably not touch them unless Luo Quan told them.

Those who have gambled will definitely not give up immediately because of her words.

Therefore, the live broadcast room is full of "positive energy", and everything else is speculation about the box office that "Prehistoric" can achieve.

"I think the box office this time will be at least 45 billion!"

"Luo Bao shouldn't be afraid. So what if I just bet with them? This is just free money."

"Luo Bao's determination is still strong and he can endure this. If it were me, I would give it a try."

"You only see the benefits, not the risks, right?"

"Your structure is too small. I think the box office this time will be at least 50 billion, and it will directly enter the top three in film history!"

"This one is a better heavyweight."


People usually don't pay attention to logic when bragging. With a box office of 50 billion, you really dare to speak out. Luo Quan laughed after watching it: "How can it be 50 billion? You think this movie is too awesome. "

It is true that special effects blockbusters are indeed easy to get high box office, but the possibility of hitting the street is also quite high.

At present, the top ten special effects blockbusters in the history of Huaxia Film and Television, two of which are the first to eat crabs, have a groundbreaking status, and Wu Jin, the number one box office in the Mainland, is guaranteed, so they can reap such a high box office.

The other Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of ten years of Marvel movies and dozens of superheroes, and it is also the highest peak of Marvel's box office.

Judging from Marvel's box office performance in the second phase, they themselves will not be able to replicate such peaks.

These three movies are unique and non-replicable. The box office of 50 billion can only be achieved when the right time, place and people work together to achieve it.

"Prehistoric", to be honest, is neither groundbreaking nor has the added bonus of many years of fan sentiment. The only thing worthy of praise is probably the extremely powerful special effects and relatively novel themes.

But these can only be regarded as gimmicks and cannot be the reason why movie fans must watch it.

So Luo Quan thinks that this time the box office can reach 40 billion, which is already a high-spirited, 50 billion... maybe the Spring Festival stalls can still fight, other times it is completely nonsense.

Fans were not happy to see Luo Quan so unsure:

"Luobao, you have to be more confident. For you, a mere 50 billion is not as good as being able to get it with a wave of your hand?"

"It must be 50 billion. How about eating canned herring without me live streaming?"

"He's a ruthless man, brother."

"I live broadcast eating black garlic!"

"If I don't have 50 billion, I'll book a movie theater for our family of [-] and replace it with [-] movie tickets!"

"I stand on my head and wash my hair with Coke!"


Seeing the fans vowing to set the flag one by one, Luo Quan just shook his head and smiled: "It's impossible to get 50 billion. If we really have 50 billion, I'll show you how to break a stone in my chest!"

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