Chapter 1232

"You can always come up with something new for everyone."

"This is the flag you set up yourself, you have to admit it if you lose!"

"Did you really hit the marble slab with a hammer, or was it just a whole foam board?"

"It must be a fake. Do you think Luo Bao is one of Kuaishou's live streamers who rely on self-mutilation to gain attention?"

"It's true that life has been lost recently. If Luo Bao breaks the marble slab, it will be a great life no matter whether it is broken or not."

"If it were really a marble slab, then Luo Bao would really not be able to survive."

"Haha, let's forget about breaking the big rocks on the chest. Just chop the bricks with bare hands."


Listening to the fans' words that were half advice and half mockery, Luo Quan was naturally very unconvinced: "If you don't have faith, you won't stand. If you say that your chest will be broken, your chest will be broken.

But there must be a prerequisite, that is, the box office exceeds 50 billion. "

Luo Quan paused, and then continued: "Actually, I should have exceeded 100 billion at the box office, but I thought that it was impossible to reach these two figures anyway, and the difference was not big, so I didn't bother to change it."

Fans are unconvinced:
"Haha, it's only 50 billion, I'm just trying to sell seems like it's not enough."

"It seems that there are only four movies that have exceeded 50 billion in Chinese film history. Luo Bao, you know how to set the prerequisites."

"I asked you why you suddenly started raising the flag again. The original goal you set was so outrageous. No wonder."

"I remember the last time Luo Bao raised the flag, it seemed like many years had passed. What was the punishment then?"

"Taking swimsuit photos, from then on, Luo Bao quickly evolved from an innocent girl to a sexy goddess."

"What's the story of Luo Bao's evil fall?"

"I'm afraid I won't completely turn into an abstract live broadcaster after this time."

"To be honest, Luo Bao has always been very abstract, but her appearance makes everyone hide her abstraction."

"It's all over. The 50 billion box office has not appeared in two years. This thing cannot be cultivated by the enthusiasm of movie fans. It requires the right time, place and people."

"Indeed, unless Honghuang can also explode abroad, the high probability will not be enough."

"It definitely can't be counted as overseas. Luo Bao has so many fans abroad. Because of her name, the box office abroad is at least [-] to [-] million US dollars. This solves nearly a quarter!"

"Luo Bao said it doesn't count as a foreign country."

"That's even more impossible."


Although fans really want to see Luo Quan's chest broken, from a rational point of view, it is indeed fanciful to want to reach the goal of 50 billion in domestic box office alone.

After all, this kind of movie needs to organize schools or institutions to watch movies on a large scale.

It's not like "Hello, Mom", which is suitable for all ages.

Failure to attract the masses means that the upper limit of the box office is low. Even if die-hard movie fans are willing to pay more, it will not have much effect.

Therefore, after Luo Quan initiated the voting, almost 90.00% of the people in the barrage believed that the box office of "Prehistoric" could not reach 50 billion.

There are only 5.00% fans who believe that Luoquan can create miracles.

Seeing such results, Luo Quan was quite surprised and said: "After so many years together, I thought everyone was used to my ability to make the impossible possible. But this time so many people chose to question it? I thought at least I can have [-] people supporting me."

Sighing, Luo Quan continued: "But the figure of 50 billion is indeed a bit scary, and I actually don't dare to guarantee it myself.

As for the big stone in my chest, I just said it casually. Since everyone wants to see it so much, I will perform it for everyone regardless of whether the box office is 50 billion or not. "

This is definitely what fans want to see.

Regardless of the box office performance of the movie, they can enjoy a wonderful scene, which must be a big profit.

But after receiving the promise, they began to worry about Luo Quan again:
"Luo Bao, it's a good thing to help everyone, but don't use this method."

"I don't support harming the body. Everyone is just trying to have fun. If you are serious about it, don't hurt yourself."

"Let's change the show. Dragons sucking water is pretty good."

"If you ask me, just do a swimsuit photo shoot. Everyone would love to see it."

"You only remember the swimsuit photoshoot, right? Can't you change into other outfits? Can you do ten different cosplays?"

"Good guy, I don't know which of these two punishments is more troublesome."


Luo Quan is a person who doesn't like trouble very much. When everyone was clamoring to use a more "gentle" method instead of breaking the big stone in his chest, Luo Quan flatly refused.

Just kidding, with a body like hers, it would be nothing if her chest could be broken with granite, let alone a big boulder on her chest.

Isn't it asking for trouble to switch to ten sets of cosplays for a show that doesn't have any performance difficulty?
Therefore, Luo Quan didn't appreciate the fans' kindness at all: "That's it. I'll break the big stone on my chest. I'll let everyone know when it's ready, so everyone can see the skills of me, the inheritor of folk ancient color tricks!"

Fans were immediately happy when they heard this:
"High emotional intelligence: the ancient color trick

Low EQ: street coolies playing tricks”

"It seems that Luo Bao is very resistant to cosplaying. He would rather take the risk of injury than take a photo."

"There is skill in breaking the big stone in the chest. As long as it is done well, there will be no problems. Otherwise, the street performers who used to make money by this trick would have died long ago."

"Indeed, but can Luo Bao really master the skills?"

"It's not easy? Luo Bao said that the boulder was broken in his chest, but he didn't say that she was the one who hit the boulder. When the time comes, let Leon lie down, and then she will swing the sledgehammer?"

"Leon: Are you polite? It's none of my business!"

"My brother's life is also my life."

"If this is the case, then Leon is truly the most wronged person in the world."

"I'm actually looking forward to it. What's going on?"

"Leon is afraid that he will suffer a lot."


Originally, Luo Quan didn't have any other ideas, but only wanted to take some time to go to battle and do some work himself.

But when she saw the barrage proposal, she suddenly realized that the person who asked Leon to act as a rock seemed to be more effective in the program.

He did whatever he thought of. After Luo Quan finished the broadcast, he immediately came to the living room to look for Leon.

This guy is basking in the sun in the yard, and since he knows it will make him stronger, he has almost never exercised again.

Seeing Luo Quan walking towards him with a smile on his face, Li Ang raised his hand to block him: "Don't even think about it. It's impossible for me to perform a chest-breaking performance unless I'm the one swinging the hammer." "You just do it. Do you have the heart to treat your sister so hard?" Luo Quan said pretending to be sad.

"Stop doing this." Leon sneered at Luo Quan's pretentiousness, "Your skin can't even be penetrated by an AK47, so what does a mere hammer mean?
Don't think that I don't know your abilities. I've watched the video of your Martial God Trial all over the world! "

"Tch, you are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Luo Quan glared at his brother with dissatisfaction, knowing that he could not be fooled anymore.

Turning her head back to the living room, she bumped into Wen Xia head-on.

Just when Luo Quan was about to speak, Wen Xia quickly waved his hand and said, "You know what I'm capable of. I'm not invulnerable yet. If you want to hit me, forget it."

"Forget it, I have to do everything by myself." Luo Quan sat down on the sofa and said with a smile: "I won't beat you. Then you will be my assistant and be responsible for beating me. How about it?"

"If it's this, I'm still very interested." Wen Xia smiled and rubbed his hands, looking eager to try.

The matter was settled like this, but the day of the performance had to be delayed for a while.

The top priority right now is of course promoting the release of "Prehistoric".

Because it was a task assigned by He Bureau, "Prehistoric" was given the green light immediately after it was submitted for review. It only took two days to review and was approved at the speed of light.

Luo Quan has not been idle in the past two days. He has posted a lot of behind-the-scenes and clips of the movie. The number of views has basically exceeded [-] million, and the popularity is also very high.

In fact, she originally thought of buying a troll for marketing. After all, not everyone does this now. As long as you don’t try to influence others and just brag about your own marketing, you can call it good marketing.

But after reading the marketing plans submitted by the navy companies, Luo Quan gave up the idea.

These companies today don't know how long their brain circuits are, so they would give her such an outrageous marketing plan, which is an insult to her and the intelligence of all viewers.

The path taken by trolls is actually still in the category of viral marketing, relying on a large number of repeated news to quickly deepen the impression of netizens.

This method is most likely to offend passers-by, but it is also the most effective and fastest way.

But the point is, the marketing content is so stupid.

including but not limited to:

Invite other well-known directors and actors to the scene to watch the movie, and then record their reaction to the movie.

It is best to have a more intense reaction, such as laughing wildly or crying, or being amazed. In short, the emotions must be expressed very clearly.

It would be better if I could have an afterthought at the end.

In addition to practitioners, the reactions of passers-by and audiences are also necessary. In short, it is necessary to adopt the mode of I am a singer and export emotions to the audience.

In addition, you can also shoot some videos of smoke from statues in Taoist temples, saying that this is a sentimental movie released, and the gods have appeared.

Or arrange some primary and middle school students to watch the movie, and ask them to recite a few poems after the show.

This is basically the most common marketing method at the moment, but because Luo Quan doesn't usually watch other people's movies, he doesn't pay much attention to these marketing methods.

But after seeing the specific operation process provided by the navy company, goose bumps all over his body.

How could there be such a stupid marketing method?

It’s okay to make the audience laugh wildly or cry. After all, this is indeed a possibility.

But the primary school student reciting poems and the statue of the god emitting green smoke really embarrassed Luo Quan.

If he really does such a bad job, he will definitely be laughed at by the fans in the live broadcast room for the rest of his life.

You can even imagine making fun of her speech:
"Still engaging in this kind of feudal superstition after all these years? You have been blind to the country's compulsory education for so many years."

"Luo Bao, if you do this again, I'm going to scold you for being so big-breasted and brainless. If you don't do this again, I'll never do it again."

"For your sake, I finished watching the marketing video. I was so embarrassed that I bought a villa with my toes."

"It's a good job, don't do it next time."

"If you're dead, I suggest you ask for a lighter. I'll help you with the deducted money."


The above barrage will definitely appear, and then she can't refute it.

In order to prevent this from happening, Luo Quan decisively cut off contact with these malicious companies.

Not only these trolls, but also the film producers who chose the same plan are also confused.

These publicity videos are posted on the Internet, except to arouse the disgust of passers-by, it will not play any role.

The so-called emotional output also depends on the situation.

Five years ago, the audience had not encountered it much, and it was easy to be fooled once the emotions were expressed.

What hasn’t the audience seen right now?The possibility of impulsive consumption is very rare. If you continue to engage in such embarrassing underground publicity, it is simply because you don't think your movie can be released fast enough.

Luo Quan searched for the summer movies that failed at the box office, and sure enough, without exception, they all used this kind of publicity method.

Although film quality is an important factor, sometimes film promotion can also really affect passers-by's first impression of the film.

The time that passers-by are willing to focus on the publicity video is only a few dozen seconds.

You don't take the time to show the most exciting content of your movie, but you go to show everyone the audience's reaction and give you a little plot. This is not lacking in thoughtfulness.

So on the other hand, those movies that feature great stuff in their promotional videos all do very well at the box office.

There are as few as one billion, as many as two billion or even three billion!

What are dry goods?The special effects shots that shock fans, the exciting acting skills, the painstaking polishing, and the original production, these are the dry goods.

If you show these things, netizens will know that you put your heart into making movies, and they can feel free to spend money to watch your movies.

But then again, those movies that hit the market probably have no interesting content to show, so they choose this stupid way to promote them. It is a no-brainer.

But Luo Quan couldn't figure it out. Could it be that his movie was so bad in the eyes of the people in the navy company that he needed to use this method to attract the attention of netizens?

This answer probably cannot be answered, because Luo Quan has deleted the WeChat IDs of those companies.

As for the promotion of the movie, let Leon and the artists from the Spring Water Company do the promotion.

With so many people and so many platforms, there must be a total of [-] million fans. Although the number of overlaps is relatively large, if they work together, it is not difficult to get a few hot searches.

And compared to Weibo, Douyin’s traffic is now significantly higher than the former.

If a self-made promotional video becomes popular on Douyin, it will probably attract millions of viewers.

If you want to be popular on Douyin, how can you do it without music?

So, Luo Quan quickly remembered an old song that had been forgotten by fans.

If it were used as the theme song of "Prehistoric", it would be very suitable.

(End of this chapter)

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