The next day, Luo Quan re-released the previously released new song "The Chronicles of the Gods" and reposted it on the three platforms of Weibo B station and Douyin, and noted that this was the theme for "Prehistoric" song.

At first, everyone was quite happy, saying that there were new songs to listen to.

But after listening to the song, fans realized something was wrong.

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but why do I feel so familiar?"

"Excellent music is like this. It always brings a familiar feeling to people. This is because your soul is also celebrating the encounter with it."

"Fart, this is simply Luo Quan's old song! The arrangement, lyrics and melody were not changed at all, just used!"

"Haha, a lot of people are still analyzing it. Isn't this just a pure idol filter?"

"I have a story to tell. The lyrics are quite good. There are many allusions and myths."

"This is a song Luo Bao composed for the New Year celebrations at Station B a few years ago. However, due to the style, it was only popular at Station B for a while. In addition, it was so old that new fans have never heard of it."

"So Luo Bao thought the song was not popular, so he brought out old songs to fool everyone, right?"

"Torture, this behavior must be severely tortured!"


Faced with the accusations from fans, Luo Quan immediately gave an explanation: "I just said that I found a theme song, and I didn't say that I composed a new one. How can you blame me if you don't see clearly?"

Fans were furious after hearing this:
"Why are you so stubborn?"

"You've been a little distracted lately, Luo Bao."

"If I come up with an explanation for this, I will definitely not give up."

"New song, new song, new song! Say important things three times."

“It’s okay if the theme song is an old song, but for such an important masterpiece that opens the universe, isn’t it too shabby to have only one theme song?”

"Don't worry, I guess Luo Bao must have a second song. She has done this kind of operation of first suppressing and then increasing, I don't know how many times. She is very familiar with it."


I have to say that fans are indeed quite familiar with Luo Quan's routines.

Seeing these barrages of analysis and speculation, Luo Quan himself was a little surprised: "I really asked you to guess it. Is it so amazing?"

This is the disadvantage of live broadcasting every day. There is no secret in the logic of behavior in front of fans who get along day and night.

In layman's terms, when Luo Quan lifts her butt, fans will know whether she is going to poop or pee.

It's a bit vulgar, but that's basically what it means.

This time she released old songs first, just to use this method to attract a wave of public opinion, and then release new songs to win back the public opinion.

Posting two songs in a row like this can show that she is sincere.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jiujiu's fans saw through this immediately, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

However, although Luo Quan fell into silence, his fans were very active:
"Oh, we're already an old married couple. Is there any need to do all this foreplay? Why don't we just go straight to the main show?"

"There's something wrong with you. There's no basis for suspecting the car."

"Hurry up and show the new song to everyone. If it doesn't sound good, I will turn into a little black boy."


"Since you all said so." Luo Quan scratched his head helplessly, opened the folder, and played a song inside called "Kunpeng Spreads Wings".

"This is an episode from "Prehistoric", you can think of it as another theme song, or a war song.

Its Chinese name is "Kunpeng Spreads Its Wings" and its English name is "Flight Of The Sliverbird". "

After saying that, the prelude of this pure music also started.

The crisp whistle is like the chirping of birds at dawn, awakening the heaven, earth and light.

Kunpeng's huge body stood on the earth, looking at the morning glow that pierced the sky. It spread its wings that covered the sky and the sun, stirred up the violent wind that swept through the ninety thousand miles of heaven and earth, and soared upward.

The song here adds extremely exciting cello accompaniment to the brisk vocal singing.

With the combination of Chinese and Western elements, the song bursts out with unparalleled majesty, and the listener feels as if he has truly transformed into a Kunpeng, traveling in the vast and ancient world.

The song ended with extremely clean percussion, and everyone's eyes were instantly drawn back to reality. Only then did they realize that the song had ended, and at the same time, they found that at some point, their hair was standing on end and they were dripping with sweat.

"Holy shit, it's such a passionate song."

"Pure music can be so visual, it makes me feel like I have really traveled to the ancient times."

"No wonder it's called a war song. I really want to ride my husky to the battlefield now!"

"Husky: If you go crazy, don't involve me."

"As soon as this song came out, I knew it was going to be a hit. It's really suitable to use as BGM. It's being released on Douyin..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can bring fire to the ancient world."


The fan's last words spoke to Luo Quan's heart.

Making movies popular through songs was her original intention from the beginning.

After all, Douyin is still a platform that focuses on music paired with videos. Only with excellent music matching can the video content become popular.

Love songs that are smooth and stable cannot reach this level. If they want to be popular, they must have some characteristics of their own.

There is no doubt that this song "Kunpeng Spreads Wings" has such characteristics. At least in terms of burning, it currently has no rivals on Douyin. I believe it will soon top the BGM usage list.

Of course, music alone is definitely not enough.

Movie promotion is the same as selling goods. In addition to interesting product introductions, the anchors themselves are more important.

Luo Quan is currently only slightly famous on Douyin, but Lyon is a big celebrity.

So Luo Quan gave him this arduous task and let him take on the main task of promoting the movie.

In fact, there is no need to do anything too difficult. Leon put on the costume of "Kong Xuan" in the second part, shot a few videos showing off his coolness, and easily received hundreds of thousands of likes.

At the end of the video, there is a subtitle that "Prehistoric" is about to be released, so stay tuned. Isn't this mission accomplished?
As for the promotional content on Weibo, Luo Quan needs to arrange it himself.

The users here are one of the main people watching movies, and there are many female users, so it is perfect to use male celebrities as bait.

So Luo Quan released a lot of filming behind-the-scenes of Wang Xiaoning and Qiao Qiaojun. These two are well-known handsome guys in the entertainment industry, and they are brothers who appear in the movie this time.He is obviously a serious saint, but the occasional playful dialogue makes such a serious senior-brother relationship seem more harmonious and natural.

Commercial movies need to be guided by this kind of relaxed and moderate emotions.

Be serious when you should be serious, and make jokes when you should, but you have to find ways to make the audience happy.

However, Luo Quan did not expect that the footage of the two people interacting would be misinterpreted by a group of girls.

It was originally just a normal teasing between the brothers, but ended up being forced to describe it to them in written comments, and it turned into a somewhat ambiguous picture.

As the saying goes, good luck depends on the talent base. The hugeness of this group is definitely beyond imagination. Otherwise, there would not be so many big hit dramas in a row.

Recently, due to the ban on similar plots, it is almost impossible to see anyone blatantly selling their luck.

But if you can't hold it back, you can figure it out on your own. After you figure it out, you can post your comments to influence other Jimei.

Moreover, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader were originally as close as brothers, but they finally parted ways due to different ideas.

This typical love-and-kill relationship is really too stupid for the hearts of lucky girls.

So when the outrageously handsome stills of these two actors came out, the thirsty lucky girls became excited almost overnight.

Related super words and topics were quickly established on Weibo and Douban. A large number of fanfics also appeared on Lao Ford and Jinjiang, which became their spiritual food for YY.

Of course, they are not just YY.

After confirming that the quality of the movie would be excellent, the lucky girls who had already become interested immediately pre-purchased movie tickets for "The Great Desolation".

Because it is a blockbuster with special effects, the ticket price for "Prehistoric" is higher than that of ordinary movies.

The cheap ones cost 50 yuan, and the expensive ones cost over 100 yuan.

I don’t know how much these groups bought, but the background shows that since the term "Yuanshi and Tongtian" became a hot search, the pre-sale box office of "Prehistoric" has increased a lot, and the background shows that more than [-]% of them have of buyers are women.

This is only the first day, and this increase should continue in the next few days.

As for Station B, to be honest, there is no need to deliberately promote it.

Luo Quan only needs to live broadcast on time every day, which is equivalent to advertising the movie.

Because fans would ask questions related to the movie every day in the live broadcast room. As long as it didn't involve spoilers, Luo Quan would tell them everything.

Fans are influenced by it, and anyone who has a little free time and likes to watch movies will buy a movie ticket.

The current box office pre-sales results are quite good, reaching 2000 million.

Ten days after its domestic release, "Prehistoric" will be released in the United States. Although expectations there are high, no one dares to say how high the box office will be.

However, no matter how high the US box office is, it will not affect the flag Luo Quan has set in China.

"That's basically what should be boasted and praised." After Luo Quan answered the last question about The Ancient World, he said in a summary tone: "If you want to see a story with depth, it probably doesn't exist in The Ancient Times.

But if you want to see special effects, exciting fights, and cool spells, Honghuang is definitely a big deal, and you'll make a profit if you buy it.

Of course, as an up owner, I definitely hope that fans will watch it first and then evaluate it before making a decision.

Anyway, they are all good reviews, so you definitely can’t refuse. "

It is rare for Luo Quan to have such a confident and arrogant attitude, but judging from the highlights and clips that can be released so far, there is no problem with Luo Quan's self-confidence at all.

If any other crew had produced special effects that were second to none in the world, they would have been even more arrogant than Luo Quan.

Of course, Luo Quan will not push back on her peers, or bind some other things to let fans choose her movies.

She only hopes that everyone will watch the movie if they are interested in the movie and trust her ability.

It wouldn't be good if it was mixed with other things.

What should be publicized, Luo Quan has basically done it.

After four days of preparation, the movie finally reached its release date.

Because it is the first work to open up the prehistoric universe, Luo Quan focused on the issue of how to establish a movie universe at the premiere.

Because the "Zombie Universe" has been successfully established, although it is still not as successful as the "Marvel Universe" in terms of achievements, there are currently only a handful of people in the world who can achieve this achievement.

As one of the few successful people, when Luo Quan was speaking on stage, all the filmmakers and industry leaders in the audience listened very carefully.

The former is collecting materials for the script to be written tonight, while the actors are accumulating experience for future filming.

An actor who doesn't want to be a director is not a good star. After becoming famous, many actors will choose to write, direct and act in their own films.

On the one hand, the dry rate is higher, and on the other hand, it can also improve coffee.

However, there are many people who have made the transition, but very few who can actually achieve it.

Now there is a successful person generously sharing his experience on the stage. Of course, the actors in the audience who want to be directors listened very seriously.

However, they felt that it was a pity that the premiere only lasted about two hours. Putting aside the warm-up performances, the actors talking about the filming process, and the director talking about the filming motivations, the time to actually share the experience was actually only half of the time. A little more than an hour.

It wasn't long, but fortunately Luo Quan didn't talk nonsense and talked about practical things, so they still learned a lot.

At the end of the premiere, a reporter from Penguin Pictures asked Luo Quan a question.

It should have ended here, but as Penguin is the only partner of this movie, Luo Quan still has to give some face.

So when she saw the microphone stretched out, she stopped to listen to what else the other party wanted to ask.

"Luo Quan, so far, the pre-sale box office of "The Creation of the Wild" has exceeded [-] million. This is undoubtedly an excellent result. So, what is your total box office for this masterpiece?"

A great question because it’s being discussed by a lot of people online right now.

Luo Quan was doing his best to break his chest, but at the same time, it also made netizens curious whether this epic masterpiece can break through the 50 billion box office.

Judging from the current momentum, it seems that there are still some difficulties.

After all, the real big hit is not the overwhelming viral marketing, but the ubiquitous tap Amway from schools to companies to chat groups.

At present, "Prehistoric" seems to have not reached such a popularity level.

"It must be 50 billion." Luo Quan answered the question without thinking.

The movie will be released soon, and no matter how modest and cautious Luo Quan is, he will never show it at this time.

"It must be 50 billion." Luo Quan repeated again, his tone extremely determined.

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