Chapter 1234 The Creation of Heaven and Earth ([-])
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

As the film with the largest investment this year, before "The Creation of the Wild" was released, many people suggested that Luo Quan screen it first and then adjust the promotion strategy based on the audience's response.

The so-called spot screening refers to a small-scale screening in a certain area.

If it sells well at the box office and gets good reviews, it will be released nationwide.

If the screening effect is not good, naturally the release will be delayed and then adjustments will be made.

However, Luo Quan did not choose this differentiated release method. She is still very confident about "The Prehistoric". If it is to be released, it will definitely be released simultaneously across the country.

For fans who really like "Prehistoric", this is definitely good news, and rounding it off is equivalent to saving them two air tickets.

Of course, because Luo Quan rejected the proposal to screen it at the first opportunity, no one knew about it at all.

On the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, "Prehistoric" was officially released.

During this time, most office workers and students have basically gone on vacation.

Because the next day was the Mid-Autumn Festival, as long as no black-hearted capitalists forced me to go to work, I could basically sleep until I woke up naturally.

However, compared to sleeping, people are more concerned about entertainment before going to bed.

Watch TV dramas, play games, check TikTok, or go directly to the cinema and stay up late to watch "The Great Desolation".

Fortunately, "Prehistoric 1" is only a little over two hours long, which is not particularly long. If you take a longer nap during the day, you can still watch it with full concentration.

If it were a three-hour super feature film like "The Wandering Earth 2", I'm afraid it would be hard to keep your eyes open until the end.

As one of the most high-profile blockbusters this year, after the release of "Prehistoric", cinemas in major first-tier cities were almost blocked.

People’s enthusiasm for watching movies is so high, not for anything else but because of what Lyon promoted on Douyin: “The special effects of Prehistoric Times are better than all the big blockbusters seen in Hollywood now. In terms of visual effects alone, I would call it number one in the world.”

Just such a sentence, with his tens of millions of fans across the Internet, directly aroused the curiosity of countless movie fans.

If it were just an ordinary Internet celebrity with millions of fans saying this, the key point is that Leon is an Oscar winner. Although he is young, his status in Hollywood is really not low.

Movie stars who have watched countless movies in Hollywood have said this about "The Prehistoric", which shows that the special effects of this movie are indeed leading the world.

This advantage alone makes it worth going to the theater to find out.

As for why Leon can find the public's G-spot so accurately and incite their enthusiasm for watching movies, it is mainly because he prefers to observe and think.

In fields that are obviously inferior to foreign countries, such as music, movies, games and even the abstract concept of local cultural export, as long as a foreigner makes a video and praises a little, they can get huge traffic in China.

In the words of my elder sister, this is called adulation or lack of cultural confidence.

If you just simply watch or like it, that's it. The key point is that some people still act extremely flattering in the comment area, and this is the kind of people I am mocking.

It is because of lack of self-confidence that we are more eager to be recognized by foreign countries.

For example, if you say that a certain singer's song is very good, ask a few foreign vocal teachers to take a look at it, and then make some complimentary remarks after reading it, which will give netizens a feeling of honor.

It is because the development of domestic music is not as good as that of foreign countries, so when foreigners recognize it, they will feel a corresponding sense of pride, but they completely ignore that these foreigners cannot even understand Chinese and have no idea what the lyrics actually contain. Culture simply praises singers for their singing skills.

A good singer can sing well in anything, and it has little to do with whether the song is Chinese or not.

So this kind of flattery actually doesn't mean much.

But if a foreigner posts a video saying that Chinese table tennis is so good and invincible, then the situation is completely different.

Chinese table tennis has been struggling for so many years, so it should be great, and everyone can accept the praise of foreigners calmly.

Because it is a fact, there is no need to think that this is deliberately touted by foreigners for the sake of traffic.

Talking about movies, we need to face up to the fact that there is a certain gap between the current level of movies in China and abroad, especially Hollywood.

Therefore, if a Chinese actor wins any award abroad, it will often cause a stir or concern in China.

Foreigners like Lyon, when they praise Chinese movies, most likely do it for traffic, or to put it more bluntly, for money.

However, here is a word of buts.

Luo Quan's films need to be different from Chinese films.

Because before her, no one in China could make movies like her, and no one in China has achieved the highest honors at both the director and actor levels like her.

The overall shortcomings of Chinese-language films have nothing to do with her.

What Lyon is really touting is "The Prehistoric" shot by Luo Quan, a weak individual.

His omnipotent sister has created special effects that are ahead of all Hollywood blockbusters. This is not a boast he made to gain traffic, but a completely objective and fair evaluation.

The above is a summary of Lyon's original words during the live broadcast.

The reason was that he praised the special effects of "Prehistoric" as the best in the world, and was criticized as saying that it was for traffic and to harvest cheap Chinese pride.

At that time, he spent half an hour analyzing where this cheap pride came from, and at the same time, he argued why he was not reaping the cheap pride by promoting it to his sister.

To put it simply, when you hold your nose and praise something that is not that good, you must be doing it for traffic or other benefits, and this behavior similar to lying is indeed not very smart.

But when you are describing a fact, you should not be criticized.

Especially those who watched the video did not know how good this thing was, but he pointed it out, which is even more meritorious.

"So you often ask me to compare Chinese rap and American rap. What's there to comment on? There is no comparison at all. If I were like those embarrassing bloggers, I would praise a few that you think are pretty good. Chinese rappers, this is how you harvest your cheap pride.

Including myself, apart from my lip-sync skills, my writing skills are at a lower-middle level in the United States. If it weren’t for the songs my sister wrote for me, I would definitely not be where I am now. "

These were Leon's exact words during the live broadcast. He originally thought that he would be scolded after speaking, but he did not expect that countless fans said that he was real, including those in the rap circle who praised him for being real.

Several big names posted on Weibo that they should face up to the gap between the two circles. Only when you see the gap can you know that you should make progress.

Overnight, Leon became the spokesperson of true temperament, and Luo Quan felt numb after seeing it.

"If I said that to you, I would definitely be on the hot search list, and I would be labeled as someone who worships foreigners and foreigners." Luo Quan said to Lyon.

It is through this kind of logical reasoning and argumentation that Lyon's praise of "Prehistoric" becomes extremely credible, rather than the mindless praise he naturally makes for his elder sister's movies as Luo Quan's younger brother.The power of role models is infinite, and the same is true in the entertainment industry.

As one of the most popular anchors on Douyin right now, the amount of movie tickets he can bring in with just one sentence can only be described as terrifying.

Although it is impossible to calculate exactly how many fans he has made determined to watch "The Prehistoric", it is estimated that the box office has reached [-] million.

And all the fans who stayed up late to watch the movie on the night of the premiere were not let down.

Just as Leon said, they received the most shocking visual feast in their lives.

After putting on the 3D glasses, all the magnificence Luo Quan put into this movie came directly in front of them, creating an immersive feeling.

This kind of feeling can definitely not be obtained by just watching videos on mobile phones.

They saw the great Father God Pangu, his majestic body standing tall against the sky while fighting fiercely with the Chaos Demon God.

They saw the fallen Pangu transform into Kunlun, Buzhou, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, the Four Seas, and all the running beasts and flying birds in the world.

They saw the immortal monks fighting to the death with the devil. In this battle, the color of the world changed, and even the ancient world was about to collapse.

In the end, like all cheesy popcorn movies, justice prevails.

But it's cliche, but it's also the result that most people want to see.

The plot of "The Creation of the Ancient World" does not have so many brain-burning twists and turns. The main plot is very clear. Pangu created the world, and then the righteous Tao and the evil demon competed for control of the world.

In the end, Tao won, and the first great catastrophe after the creation of the sky finally ended with hundreds of millions of innate beings almost extinct.

At the end of the movie, the dragon, phoenix and unicorn have become the protagonists between heaven and earth, and the next great disaster, the Long-Han Tribulation, is also brewing.

Although the movie ended, the fans did not leave immediately.

Some were so shocked by the special effects they had never seen before that they didn't know what to say or do for a while. They just took out their mobile phones and recorded a video of the scene, hoping to share the experience with netizens.

Some are looking forward to having some Easter eggs in the movie. After all, almost every movie in the Marvel Universe next door has Easter eggs, which serve as a preview for the next movie.

After waiting for about 1 minute for the subtitles, the movie's Easter eggs did appear, but the content was not a preview of the next movie, but some filming behind-the-scenes on the movie set.

These contents immediately disappointed movie fans, but considering that Luo Quan has told the outline of the plot of The Wilderness, there is really no need for easter eggs for everyone to guess how it will develop next.

There was no point in showing the subtitles dryly, so Luo Quan cut out the behind-the-scenes footage.

Of course, most movie fans have little interest in this.

But as for the main content of the movie, none of them did not praise it after watching it.

"It's consistent with what Luo Quan said. The special effects of this movie are the best in the world. I won't accept any refutation."

"The picture was so real that when those prehistoric demon gods appeared, I instinctively ducked back. It was really scary."

"I have already said that there is absolutely no need to worry about Luo Quan's commercial films. If this film does not win the Oscar for Best Visual Effects, it only means that the Oscar judges are blind!"

“After watching The Wilderness, I feel embarrassed when I think about the [-]-cent special effects in domestic blockbusters. Obviously, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can get good effects. Why is it that what comes out in the end is always garbage?”

"The special effects, costumes, and acting are all online. Because it is a commercial film, the slightly thin script is not a shortcoming for me at all."

"Disadvantages? I even think it's an advantage! Too many commercial movies have to forcefully add some thoughts and values ​​​​to the plot. I like this purely traditional plot of evil prevailing over good!"

"I understand the truth, so is this the end of Demon Ancestor Rahu? He is so handsome."

"Probably not anymore, but there are still Yuanshi and Tongtian. The scenes between these senior brothers are so interesting. They never stop bickering together. As soon as the Supreme Senior Brother speaks, he becomes a good boy again. I almost died laughing. ."

"One thing to say, Director Luo's aesthetic is really good. Almost all of them are handsome guys and beauties, and their acting skills are quite good."

"The main reason is that these young talents nowadays are not good enough in appearance, let alone their strength. Wang Xiaoning and Qiao Qiaojun were also young talents back then, but their appearance and strength were both good. They are nothing like what they are now."

"It is said that the next part will have more handsome guys and beauties. I don't know if the rumors are true."

"Ah ah ah, I can't help but want to watch the second part. No, wait until I wake up and watch it again!"

"I want to watch it a second time. I can't see all the details of such a beautiful movie just once."

"Is it really that good? I don't really trust this type of movie. I've been fooled too many times before,"

"Believe me, "Prehistoric" is definitely worth watching. It can be called the best commercial blockbuster this year in recent years."

"It's a movie that makes you feel good after watching it. I think it has epoch-making significance in the field of special effects."

"The most important thing is that there are no little fresh meats or little princesses who are brought into the group. The acting skills of all the members are online. The viewing experience is really great, and the various scenery inside are also incredibly beautiful."

"It gave me the feeling of seeing Avatar for the first time. It was a scene that could only be seen in dreams."

"highly recommended!"


Along with the rave reviews from movie fans, there are also the box office and Douban ratings of the movie half a day after its release.

The first is the box office on the first day of release. Although only half a day has passed, the total box office has already exceeded [-] million.

This has not yet reached its peak period.

According to predictions, the first-day box office of "Prehistoric" should eventually be around one billion yuan. Like its name, it is indeed a groundbreaking achievement.

As for the Douban score, more than 3 people gave it a high score of 8.5.

For a domestic special effects blockbuster, this score is too high.

In the past, for this type of film, a score of 7 would be pretty good.

"Prehistoric" undoubtedly created another piece of history.

(End of this chapter)

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