Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1235 Don't Imitate

Chapter 1235 Don't Imitate
"You guys did a great job."

Luo Quan was in the live broadcast room, laughing so hard that he could hardly close his mouth: "The box office can hit 15 billion in one day of release. I really underestimated you. I thought it would be great if it reached 15 billion, but I didn't expect it. It broke [-] billion directly, and even the celebratory posters couldn’t keep up with the record-breaking speed.”

The huge success of "Prehistoric" was expected by Luo Quan. The box office of 50 billion was not unimaginable. After all, the small-budget movie she made before also had a box office of 30 to [-] billion. This time it was replaced by a big-name star and a big production, and the box office was huge. It is normal for the amplitude to increase.

But the box office of 15 billion on the first day is really an exaggeration. Let alone her, the entire Chinese film industry has never seen such a success.

In fact, as early as noon when the box office exceeded [-] billion, the carnival started on Weibo.

Prior to this, the box office champion on the first day was "Detective Chinatown 3", which was only over one billion. However, "The Great Desolation" only took half the time to achieve this result. How can one not be amazed by this kind of movie? ?

The most important thing is that unlike Tang Detective 3, which has a fan base of the previous two films, "Prehistoric" is a completely new IP. The vast majority of viewers come for Luo Quan's name and the amazing special effects.

what does that mean?This means that as long as the reputation of "Prehistoric" does not collapse in the next few days, the box office of "Prehistoric 2" during the Spring Festival and next year's "Prehistoric 3" will only be more exaggerated than the first one!
The box office on the first day was 15 billion, which is already a terrifying figure that ranks among the best in film history in the world, and it has firmly ranked first this year.

Then the second and third parts will be even higher than this. It’s really hard to imagine what the situation will be like.

18? 20?
If it can be so powerful, then the birth of "Prehistoric" will definitely be regarded as a cross-era work in Chinese movies, and it may be the prelude to Chinese special effects blockbusters.

If it really happened, that would be the scene that Director He longed to see the most when he was asked to do this task.

Of course, even if it fails, with the jobs created by "Prehistoric", the relevant talents cultivated, the popularity of online discussions, and the enthusiasm for investment and production of similar products, the task has been successfully completed.

So when the record was broken at noon, Luo Quan received a commendation call from He Bureau.

Luo Quan was not polite and went directly to Director He to ask for various publicity, whether it was official or unofficial. Anyway, the list of the main actors of "Prehistoric" was there. In the end, they were all interviewed and a wave of publicity was given.

Of course, He Bureau would not refuse this request and directly promised her that she would arrange it as soon as possible.

The box office exceeding 15 billion on the first day is indeed impressive, but if the box office reverses the decline on the second day, it will be truly awesome.

Although it sounds a bit fanciful, if it is under the overwhelming media publicity, it will still be very interesting.

It is also because of such impressive results that Luo Quan still broadcasts live broadcasts at night to share his inner joy with fans.

When fans saw Luo Quan so happy, they also joked:
"Anchor, watch your face. Don't act like you've never seen the world. It's only 15 billion."

"This is the first time I saw Luo Bao so happy, I was smiling from ear to ear."

"This is 15 billion, I can't spend it all in a lifetime."

“Only money!!!”

"It would be great if it could reverse the decline tomorrow. It stands to reason that such a blockbuster movie, with such a high word-of-mouth rating on the entire network, can generally reverse the decline."

"If the decline really reverses, wouldn't it be easy for the box office to exceed 50 billion?"

"It's not just 50 billion, it's possible to exceed 100 billion!"

"The Chinese-language film "Wolf Warrior 2" should have reached 100 billion. If "Prehistoric" can do the same, it will make huge profits."


Seeing the heated discussion among fans, Luo Quan himself couldn't help but have wild thoughts.

100 billion box office, she really never thought about this.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is only worth 100 billion. Although she has a share of the credit, it is more the result of fate.

At that time, China had just become the world's second largest economy and had become famous internationally. The people were in need of something to carry the pride of returning to the top.

And just in time, a movie with a main theme and a script that met the needs of society and was excellent in all aspects appeared. Of course, it skyrocketed and became unstoppable.

In fact, collective movie watching organized by public institutions and schools plays a big role here.

Without this, the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" would have been significantly lower.

However, "Prehistoric" is a mythical special effects blockbuster. The subject matter is simply impossible for companies and schools to organize. There is no such thing.

Therefore, even if Luo Quan expands again, he does not think that "Prehistoric" can get 100 billion box office.

Of course, 60 billion can still be charged. If you count foreign countries, you will be lucky enough to have a box office of 80 billion.

"Everyone, please stop boasting like this. The 100 billion target is too exaggerated. I think it is more realistic to cut the target in half. Even if it is only 50 billion, it has already entered the top five in Chinese film history."

Seeing that the fans were getting more outrageous, Luo Quan quickly stepped on the brakes, hoping to calm everyone down.

"It's only 50 billion. Just look at the tone. You don't regard money as money anymore."

"You have achieved this, so do you."

"By the way, is "The Wilderness" only a group movie? Is there any individual unit drama, like Avengers, where each main character is given a movie?"

"This one is good, this one is good. I think the two saints of Sanqing and Western Sect, as well as Nuwa, can be made into a movie."

"The Nuwa played by Wen Xia is so beautiful. Her costume appearance is simply the best in history. I have never seen such a beautiful beauty in costume. (Refer to Zhen Mi in the League of Military Advisors)"

"I suggest that Wen Xia's Nuwa and Luo Bao's Guanyin sister be linked up to form a company of prehistoric sisters."

"Oh, this is a scene that makes me laugh from ear to ear just thinking about it."

"What the hell, Luo Bao still wants to play Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

"You never expected it. This is the surprise Luo Bao brings. You will never guess what kind of role she will play."

"It's actually Taoist Cihang, but according to the setting of Fengshen, Taoist Cihang went to the West at the end of Fengshen and incarnated into the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, one of the Three Saints of the West."

"Sister Guanyin doesn't have many scenes in Fengshen, but in Journey to the West, she is the heroine who has the most appearances. She doesn't have as many appearances as the Queen Mother."

"That sounds like it's true."

"Nonsense, the four Buddhist scriptures plus the white dragon horse are all men. Except for the female goblin who dies one episode, only Guanyin Bodhisattva appears the most."

"I always thought Nezha was the heroine of Journey to the West, but later I found out that he was a boy."

"There is no way. In the past, girls were basically cast as Nezha in movies. The image was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"Isn't it the same in Honghuang? I heard that the actor playing Nezha this time is Cheng Nuo."

"Okay, Quan Shui Qun's beautiful Yaomei, Luo Bao's apprentice, but it seems that she has never acted in any drama."

"The springs are beautiful, what kind of strange title is this?"

"It means that the artists of Quanshui Company are like sisters. Luo Quan is the eldest sister and Wen Xia is the second sister." "There is also such a saying. That's great. My favorite is sisters, Luo Bao... Luo Bao."

"Where did the goblin come from to take a stick from my old grandson!"


As mentioned in Danmu Chat, Luo Quan basically gave all of the few female characters in "The Prehistoric" to his own artists.

She would not refute whether she was said to be nepotistic or to keep the money from outsiders.

But the appearance and acting skills of these artists in the company are first-class or even top-notch, so why should such good resources be used to benefit outsiders?

Anyway, the complaints outside are complaints, but it can't change her nepotism at all.

It would be a bad idea not to use relatives who are both capable and good-looking.

As for Cheng Nuo playing Nezha, it had already been decided.

First of all, her appearance and physical condition are very suitable for playing Nezha. She not only fits the figure of a boy, but also has the beautiful appearance of a Nuwa child. It doesn't have to be too perfect.

Moreover, Cheng Nuo is only 17 years old this year, and he still has a childlike youthfulness about him, so it is perfect to play Nezha.

Of course, Cheng Nuo himself still had some criticisms about the role of Nezha. This fledgling girl originally wanted to challenge more difficult roles, such as Daji and Empress Shiji.

However, during the audition, she was immediately defeated by Lin Ruoli, completely defeated by the latter's sexy and charming temperament that he easily showed off.

"Better save it, sister, Nezha is quite suitable for you. He is one of the main protagonists, and he also needs a bicycle." After Lin Ruoli's victory, he did not forget to tease Cheng Nuo, and his charming laughter almost overwhelmed Daji. This character is imitated to perfection.

"Tch, after two years, I will definitely be a better actor than you!" Cheng Nuo glared at Lin Ruoli unconvinced, but after seeing the obvious difference in stature between the two, he was inevitably a little discouraged.

Physical talent cannot be compensated for by hard work.

Some people are destined to be able to bear fruit from slender branches. With a physique of 120 pounds, they look like they weigh 110 pounds.

Some people are destined to be flat for the rest of their lives, and it will be useless no matter how much papaya they eat.

Cheng Nuo is now a typical 2A scenic spot. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it. She just thought it was because she was still young and maybe she had accumulated a lot of experience.

But now she saw that she was already seventeen, and there was still no movement on her chest as she walked away, which inevitably made her a little anxious.

Although Master said that for people who practice martial arts, it is better to have a flat chest, which is more convenient in all aspects and makes it easier to exercise.

But Master himself is in such good shape, so to say this is really because he feels a little uncomfortable standing and talking.

Therefore, Cheng Nuo felt that it would be better to have some snacks in this regard.

It doesn’t mean that you have to look like Master and Yanqing in an exaggerated way, but you should at least have some girlish characteristics.

It's so sad that you can't tell the difference between the front and back like now.

I heard that Sister Wen Xia has obtained some high-tech medicine for breast enlargement. It is natural and has no side effects and the effect is very good. I don’t know if it is true.

Cheng Nuo made up his mind to wait until Sister Wen Xia was free later and secretly go to ask her.

As for why I didn’t ask Master directly, it was probably because I was embarrassed.

Of course, Luo Quan himself didn't know these things.

At this moment, she is still immersed in the dream of the entire network of media working together to make the box office of "Prehistoric" reverse the decline the next day.

However, when she woke up the next day and looked at her phone, she found that things had developed in a direction she had not expected.

"'Barbie' is officially released and has exploded in popularity. Could it be the biggest dark horse of the year?"

“The global box office exceeded [-] million in three hours. Who is ‘Barbie’?”

"Sudden stab in the back, the world's first-day box office champion of "The Great Desolation" is already in jeopardy before it even gets warmed up?"

"A truly feminist film, a gift for all girls."

"It's too early to be happy, Hollywood is better after all."

"Two nuclear bombs, "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" are the eternal gods?"


There are a lot of hot topics in the film industry. After Luo Quan looked at them all, he was robbed of a lot of popularity by this dark horse called "Barbie".

There is a lot of news about "Prehistoric", but today's popularity should have belonged to her alone, but now more than half of it was suddenly taken away by others. This loss is really too great.

Regarding "Barbie", she had seen its promotional trailer before when she was filming the movie.

The color tone of this movie is very distinctive, with almost the whole screen being filled with pink, which fits the title of the movie very well.

But after hearing that the theme was anti-patriarchy and political correctness, Luo Quan didn't pay much attention.

After all, according to past experience, the release of this kind of movie is equivalent to being a hit on the street, and no one will go to see it.

Who knew that after it was actually released, she would be slapped hard in the face.

In the same half-day of release, the box office of "Barbie" has already reached 13 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to about [-] billion RMB.

If this waits for 24 hours to pass, wouldn’t it easily exceed 20 billion?

In fact, it really doesn't matter how much money you make. The key is that once the movie exploded, the popularity that originally belonged to "Prehistoric" was robbed.

Yesterday, many shepherds were very dissatisfied with "The Great Desolation" and felt that why domestic movies can have better special effects than Hollywood movies?

Then he tried his best to hack "The Great Desolation" because of this.

Now that "Barbie" is a big hit, this group of people has found a backbone. They immediately used this movie and the upcoming "Oppenheimer" to mock "Prehistoric", saying that they can only make some popcorn movies. , after all, there is no depth.

Luo Quan doesn't know what kind of negative impact this will have on the box office of "Prehistoric", but in such a public opinion environment, it is estimated that it will be difficult to reverse the decline.

The result of the matter was as Luo Quan thought. Although the promotion was stepped up the next day, the box office of "Prehistoric" dropped sharply on the second day compared to the first day, only 8 million, which was almost halved.

Although it was still high, it was far from what she expected.

(End of this chapter)

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