Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1236 Don't Imitate

"Haha, the world box office champion was snatched away just as soon as he got it before he could even warm himself up. Luo Bao is really miserable."

"The box office dropped too badly on the second day."

"I originally thought that "Prehistoric" was already invincible, but I didn't expect that this "Barbie" was even more brave than it. Whose general is this?"

"The scary thing is that even though the box office of "Prehistoric" was cut in half, it still ranks among the top ten in the single-day box office rankings."

"If we only compare with domestic competition, Luo Quan has actually beaten Ma. It's a pity that she wants to be number one in the world."

"Who knew that "Barbie" would pop up halfway and steal Luo Bao's limelight all of a sudden."


Everyone in the barrage was lamenting, and Luo Quan also took up the topic and said: "The reason why a dark horse is called a dark horse is because no one was optimistic about it beforehand, but it performed exceptionally well afterwards.

I originally thought I was going to reach the top this time, but it turned out that I had set up a line and made a wedding dress for someone else. "

Speaking of which, he squeezed out a smile: "But fortunately, although "Prehistoric" has a relatively large drop, for a movie with a box office of 15 billion on the first day, it is completely acceptable to drop like this, so you don't have to worry about me. Embarrassed."

In fact, the next-day box office of [-] million would make anyone laugh.

It's just that Luo Quan was falling backwards, and the gap between the front and back was too big, so he frowned.

But even so, the movie has already reached a box office of 23 billion. Tomorrow is Sunday, and the box office is very likely to exceed 30 billion. If it can be done, it will definitely be second to none in the country.

The limelight was robbed today, and it is impossible to be robbed of the limelight every day.

After all, there are still a small number of media outlets willing to report on foreign movies. They just concentrated on them today. It is estimated that they will not cover "Barbie" on such a large scale in the future. The traffic of "Prehistoric" will eventually come back.

Therefore, Luo Quan is not particularly concerned about the next box office. Even if it continues to decline, it will not be a big problem. After all, the base number is too high.

24 million fell by a quarter to [-] million, which is already a total box office that many blockbusters can only hope to achieve. For her, it was only the result within [-] hours on the third day of release.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan felt better again.

Although I can't get the special prize, I still have a first prize, so the situation is not too bad.

When fans saw her so happy, they quickly took the opportunity to post:

"Luobao Luobao, the results of "Prehistoric" have been so explosive, when will you fulfill your promise?"

"Now it seems that we are still at a loss. If we had known that it was so easy to earn 50 billion at the box office, Luo Bao should have been working harder."

"Shouldn't it be cruel to break a big stone on the chest?"

"It's just average. It doesn't feel as valuable as splitting pebbles with bare hands."

"To be honest, these two are technical tasks. If the skills are in place, children can do it. Of course, the premise is that the hardness of the props cannot be too outrageous."

"It looks better to open a wine bottle with your bare hands."


As the barrage continued, Luo Quan knew that they would mention this matter sooner or later, and he did not think about hiding. He responded directly: "The props for the performance are ready. Since we want to celebrate the box office sales, naturally this time Give everyone a full performance.

Not only can he smash big rocks on his chest, but he can also chop bricks with his bare hands, showing everyone his ability to spread martial arts and hard qigong!
See you in the live broadcast room at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. "

As soon as Luo Quan said this, fans cheered and began to look forward to this annual event.

To be honest, even in the Internet age where there are so many people who practice life-saving arts, street art with a long history of breaking stones on the chest is quite rare, not to mention that it is performed by a star of Luo Quan's level.

If you missed this, it would be an overstatement to say you would regret it for the rest of your life.

Tonight was definitely one of the most difficult nights for fans, who wished they could jump to the next morning and watch this amazing event.

As for the person in charge of the performance, Wen Xia got up at eight in the morning, carrying a sledgehammer and practicing on a carpet on the lawn outside the yard.

There is a circular logo on the stall, which can be seen as Luo Quan's chest. Luo Quan's practice project is to hit this position accurately.

After trying it for a while, Wen Xia felt that she was already so proficient that she would not have any problems even if she hit it with her eyes closed.

Leon watched from the side looking eager to try, thinking that this job would be so interesting.

Unfortunately, if he wanted to participate, he would be the one lying under the stone slab.

Although his strength has improved by leaps and bounds during this period, Lyon is not sure whether his body is tough enough to withstand the blows of a sledgehammer.

Of course I don't have to worry about my sister being indestructible, but his small body may not be able to withstand the power of her casual blow.

For the sake of his own life, he decided that it would be better to quietly be a spectator.

Time flashed to [-]:[-], and Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room in advance.

"Good morning, family, and welcome to the acrobatic stage in Luoquan."

Although it is much earlier than the agreed time, the popularity of the live broadcast room has reached tens of millions. On the other hand, Lyon has also opened the live broadcast of Douyin, and the two sides have a total of nearly 5000 million popular streams.

Xu Yanqing helped hold the mobile phone and pointed the camera at Luo Quan who was sitting on the stool. The latter waved towards the camera: "The reason why I performed this project is mainly to fulfill my previous promise.

Because at that time, it was said that if the box office reached 50 billion, the performance would be a rock-breaking performance. Later, I realized that this goal was a little too ambitious, so I canceled it. I will count as much as I can, and in the end I will perform it for everyone.

I just didn't expect that in just over two days, the box office would reach more than 20 billion. I can only say thank you to everyone who supported the movie.

Everyone is tired of ordinary work, so today I will give you something different. "

After saying that, Luo Quan lay down on the yoga mat and waved to Wen Xia: "Come here, please ask my assistant Wen Xia to bring the props over."

When Wen Xia heard this, she bulged her mouth, picked up a stone slab piled on the ground, and then placed it danglingly on Luo Quan's body.

His arms were trembling and his face was red, as if such a stone slab weighed dozens of kilograms. The fans in the live broadcast room felt nervous:
"No, Luo Bao, are you serious?"

"It's not that big of a deal, it's okay if you mean it. You're really hard at work."

"Isn't this a little too dangerous?"

"It's not like that, Luo Bao. I'm afraid of you like this."


Human beings like to compromise. When you say thank you for any extra work, everyone will think you are insincere.

But when you really do hard work, everyone thinks it's too much, and they all advise you not to do it.

But now the arrow is on the string and it has to be fired.

"Actually, I have been practicing for a long time for today." Wen Xia said with a smile while holding the hammer: "For the sake of viewing, how about I put on a headscarf and hammer a boulder with my eyes closed?"

"Farewell, hit it more accurately, I'm afraid that Luo Bao's life will fall into your hands later."

"Take advantage of your magical powers, Nuwa, do you really think you can act in a movie?"

"The stone slab is large enough. As long as the hammer is not too strong, Luo Bao will not be injured, but if it hits his head, it will be hard to say."

"A new vegetative person is about to be born."


In response to some advice from fans, Wen Xia raised the hammer, and at the same time, the words "Dangerous moves, please do not imitate" appeared in the live broadcast room.

Three seconds later, Wen Xia let out a sigh and swung the sledgehammer down.

With a crisp "click" sound, the stone slab on Luo Quan's chest suddenly fell into pieces, and the dust on it rose into the air.

After the slate fell to the ground, Luo Quan turned over and stood up. While patting the gravel on his chest, he said: "The performance was successful, no injuries!" The barrage was stunned:
"I wipe?"

"Is there something wrong with this prop? Is it a solid stone slab?"

"It looks like limestone, but it's so pink that it breaks into pieces when you pinch it."

"Damn, I was misled by Wen Xia. Seeing how hard she was holding her, I thought she weighed it, but it turned out to be so fragile."

"It scared me to death, but luckily it was a prop."

"You two did a great job, amusing the audience, right?"

"That's okay, I want to do it again!"

"Marble me!"


When Luo Quan saw the fans' protest, he said with laughter and tears: "No, are you really planning to kill me?
This kind of relatively special material was originally used to break the big stone on the chest. If it were a real bluestone, even a strong man weighing more than 100 kilograms would not be able to bear the hammer.

Do you really think I know how to wear a golden bell and an iron shirt? "

Of course the fans were dissatisfied and retorted:

"Didn't you say it was a hard Qigong display?"

"It's simply deceiving consumers. If this was done before, it would have turned the tables!"

"This is too fake and meaningless."

"Let's change the show. You know it's not fun to have a big stone in your chest."


Luo Quan shook his head helplessly: "I knew you would say that, so I prepared more than one acrobatics this time."

While talking, Wen Xia had already walked over pushing half a cart of red bricks.

Luo Quan picked up a piece casually and said, "Look carefully, everyone, these bricks are not props, each one is made of real materials."

After saying that, he directly slapped it on the hard cement floor, and there was a crisp sound. It only left a few marks, but there were no cracks in the brick.

"Okay, this time I'm sure it's the real guy."

"It's not bad to split bricks with bare hands. How much does it cost in the Guinness Book of World Records?"

"Only a ghost can remember such boring records. I remember someone on Kuaishou chopped more than 130 pieces in a row."

"The bricks that man chops are special. They are extremely brittle. They are not at the same level as Luo Quan."

"The bricks split by Kuaishou are broken into slag directly after being broken, just like the ones made of foam. The Luobao bricks were definitely brought from the construction site, so there can be no problem with the quality."

"If something goes wrong with these bricks, as many people as there are bricks will be shot."

"Haha, is it so exaggerated?"

"If Luo Bao succeeds in breaking bricks, someone will probably suffer."


As soon as such a barrage floated across the live broadcast room, Luo Quan raised his knife and chopped the red brick placed on the edge of the table into two pieces.

"Is it okay to ride on a horse?"

"That's it. Which company produced this red brick? The quality is so high."

"Is Luo Bao so fierce?"



Throwing the remaining bricks in his hand to the ground, Luo Quan said with a smile: "Is it because I haven't mentioned that I won the fighting championship for a long time, so everyone has forgotten how strong my fighting ability is?

Not to mention bricks, I can split even such large pebbles. This is the power of Chuanwu.

This palm has 20 years of skill. Tell me what I can do to block this brick! "

Hearing Luo Quan's inflated speech, fans seemed to be unable to find anything to say to refute:

"It's amazing, my treasure."

"This is the confidence Chuan Wu brought me. It turns out that there really is iron sand palm in this world."

"I remember Luo Bao practiced Baji Quan, but it's more or less the same. They are all hard skills from outsiders. Just two words: fierce!"

"Have you forgotten how Luo Bao overthrew a two-meter strong man? She has an Olympic gold medal, right? You think this is a joke as she is the most powerful beautiful girl in the world!"

"I still remember the way she beat a dozen strong men with her bare hands in the United States. Her fighting ability is at the peak of humankind."

"It's true that she hasn't done much in recent years, and she pretends to be so gentle in front of the screen, so that everyone forgets how violent she was back then."

"How do you talk? Is that called violence? Is that called making your girlfriend super strong?"

"Indeed, a girlfriend who can lift your skull open if you disagree with her is so great."

"The nicknames Valkyrie and Tyrannosaurus are not random."


"Valkyrie is okay, but stop calling the female Tyrannosaurus. I don't like it." Luo Quan shook his finger and advised fans to be careful in their words and actions, otherwise they will be in bad luck.

"Okay female Tyrannosaurus."

"Okay Overlord Flower."

"A good human weapon."


This year's netizens are a bit rebellious. They don't pick up the pot they like.

Across the screen, Luo Quan had no choice but to take out his anger on Brick.

So she picked out a dozen bricks and put them on the table, stacked them together, then raised her hand and slashed them down, splitting them all into two pieces.

After showing his hand, he once again won the applause of the whole house.

After splitting the bricks, Luo Quan then performed performances such as playing cards through wooden boards, flying needles to pass glass, breaking glass cups with a snap of his fingers, etc.

After some operations, the fans in the live broadcast room finally believed that she had some real skills.

There are similar performances on Douyin and Kuaishou, but basically they can only be mastered by one person. Luo Quan belongs to Class [-] who is proficient in all martial arts, and he is very impressive.

This is not the most outrageous.

Soon Lyon posted the video content to the Internet and titled it "My Sister's Chinese Kung Fu."

After uploading, it immediately got out of hand.

The originally mysterious and powerful Chinese Kung Fu, after being "carried forward" by Luo Quan, directly became a skill similar to super powers.

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