Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1237 1 Everything has already been marked with a price

Chapter 1237 Everything has been priced

"Haha, I knew those things in martial arts movies were true!"

"Is it possible that Luo Quan is simply awesome? There are too many liars in Chinese Kung Fu."

"We had an old liar here before, claiming that he knew Hunyuan Tai Chi, but he ended up hiring a few local college students to perform with him."

"True masters are quite rare. The good news is that Luo Quan is such a master."

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that Luo Quan could defeat so many fighting masters. This is the magic of Chinese Kung Fu!"

"I have been practicing Luo Quan's boxing techniques for half a year, and my combat effectiveness has indeed improved a lot. However, it is not suitable for fighting with others, and it is easy to cause problems."

"That only shows that this boxing technique is powerful."

"It turns out that this set of boxing techniques is really useful. I thought it was because of Luo Quan's whole show, so I have to practice it now."


Foreign netizens always have a strong interest in Chinese Kung Fu.

Ever since Brother Long promoted this magical oriental martial arts in the West, the legend about it has always been a hot topic in the West.

Later, based on the work of his predecessors, another Uncle Long promoted Chinese martial arts to the world, making it a cultural symbol of great concern and gaining countless fans.

If Luo Quan is willing to pass it on, it will definitely make Chinese martial arts gain greater influence.

It's a pity that her figure is not suitable for action scenes, and it is also difficult to imitate Uncle Long's kind of fighting in the furniture store.

Uncle Long can flexibly turn up and down in the furniture store and get in and out.

But if it were her, I'm afraid she would be stuck in there halfway through and unable to move, and then the plot might change in an instant.

Therefore, without the continuous export of leading figures to the outside world, the influence of Chinese Kung Fu, a cultural symbol, has gradually become weaker.

However, it is still weak. The loyalty of the fans is still quite high. There is usually no movement, and they will jump out as soon as they see relevant topics. Then the number is still quite considerable, just like now.

However, Luo Quan's performance this time has nothing to do with Chinese Kung Fu. She used brute force. As for the videos on Douyin, they mainly rely on corresponding skills, not so-called Kung Fu.

A large part of the reason why it has received so many clicks on the Internet is because of netizens’ filters on kung fu.

As for China, everyone knows what is going on, but the attitude is completely different.

After watching Luo Quan's acrobatic performance, many people felt that for a big star, she was undervalued by performing such a stunt just to celebrate her box office success.

How can a majestic queen be like a street performer? It's really too low.

This involves a kind of discrimination. They also rely on their ability to make a living. In the eyes of these people, celebrity idols are noble, while street performers are vulgar and low.

Luo Quan has been committed to the cause of appreciating both refined and popular tastes. Unfortunately, the Chinese people's thinking is so deeply ingrained that she is often unable to change it.

Of course, she had already thought of such a result before making this decision, so she didn't pay too much attention to it.

Compared with the people who cheered for her, the number of people who went online was still a minority after all.

And a breaking news quickly changed these people's views on her.

It can only be said that the koi fish in the world have a bit of luck. She just did something that might bring her into trouble, and someone immediately jumped out to clear her name.

"These acrobatics are quite exciting. I plan to do magic tricks for everyone in the future. Will this make some people feel inferior?"

Luo Quan was still explaining in the live broadcast room, but the barrage had already begun to apologize to her.

"Well, why did your tone of voice change so quickly?" Luo Quan looked puzzled, wondering why these people changed their faces so quickly.

Luo Quan opened Weibo amid barrages of "Weibo hot search for Sally".

The name Sally was very impressive to her. After all, she seemed to have had some conflicts with fans of this popular Korean female idol a while ago.

It seems that Sally had an affair with the third son of Louis Vuitton, and then she was pulled out and ridiculed by passers-by. Sally directly escalated the conflict to her.

She was completely innocent and was forced to fight, but the fight was not fierce. The two sides quarreled for a few words and then stopped.

This time, Sally is on the hot search again, but not because of her wealthy and rumored boyfriend, but because of her decision to perform a three-day performance in France.

For a world-famous top idol like Sally, performing in a metropolis like Paris is a completely normal business behavior and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

But the strange thing is that Sally is not performing a personal performance, but performing as a special guest in a local show in Paris.

This show is called Crazy Horse Show, and its English name is Crazy Horse Show. Those who don’t know it might think it’s some kind of horse racing competition, but it’s actually just a bunch of erotic dancers.

It's just that the lighting and stage atmosphere of Fuhua Road is very high-end, so it is quite famous in Paris, and it is treated like an upper-class party.

But no amount of decoration and rhetoric can hide that this is a show with restricted content as its main selling point.

The actors who can perform on stage and wear bikinis are all very conservative types. You can imagine what those non-conservative performances are like.

Although according to Sally's company, Sally will wear normal clothes and perform a normal performance this time.

But for such a popular idol to dance in such a vulgar place is really outrageous.

Some netizens said that Sally's behavior in China is as good as Liang Mi going to Golden Image to sing "Love Offering" or Wu Ge going to Baima Club to shout Mai.

Maybe the projects you perform are all formal, but no one cares about what you are performing. As long as you walk into a place like this, people will start to make unlimited associations.

Needless to say, everyone knows the power of melons and plums.

It is worth mentioning that recording of the Crazy Horse Show is prohibited, but there are still some stage videos leaked. Most of the videos cannot be posted on Weibo. Even if they can be posted, the scale is ridiculously large, which shows that Crazy Horse is crazy. The Jockey Club is indeed not a place for children to play house.

Moreover, Sally's fans have to pray that a video of their idol's performance is leaked. If there is really no video at all, who knows what exactly she performed in it, and I'm afraid there will be all kinds of rumors on the Internet.

And because the Crazy Horse show was held in Paris, and Sally and the third prince of LV had just watched the fireworks show at the Eiffel Tower together a while ago, it is difficult not to think that this performance was requested by the third prince.

A normal man would never let his girlfriend or future wife go to a place like this and dance in front of a bunch of rich and powerful people.

Unless the third prince has any special XP, the only explanation for his behavior is that he does not regard Sally as his girlfriend at all, but simply treats her as a plaything.As for sending Sally to participate in the Crazy Horse Show this time, it was just the master's task. The third prince was just showing off a new toy he had just acquired to people of the same class.

Of course, these are some speculations made by netizens.

After all, no one really knows why Sally made such a decision, or maybe it was entirely Sally's own choice. She might want to make a name for herself in the European and American entertainment circles with such a large-scale performance.

Isn't there a saying in Hollywood that one can become famous by taking off one's clothes? Many famous actresses performed nude scenes in literary films, and after the performance, they received various resources.

Maybe this is Sally’s idea, which means that since I am on a stage as large as Crazy Horse, then nude scenes in art films are not easy to come by?
Listen to the applause.

But no matter which one it is, this top idol with tens of millions of fans around the world did make a decision that shocked most fans.

The reaction from China was the most intense, whether it was fans or passers-by.

After all, in domestic entertainment, celebrities are still a relatively glamorous and high-end profession. It is really hard to imagine that a top figure in the industry would perform such a kitsch performance.

In comparison, Luo Quan's acrobatics instantly became more impressive.

"You have to be a good foil to your peers." Luo Quan sighed after reading what happened.

"Hahaha, I really want to see Luo Bao dance such a dance, but the premise is that it can only be danced by me."

"So I'm not the only one who has such thoughts?"

"You can dance, but you can only show it to me. Sure enough, people are selfish."

"Nonsense, who would be willing to let Luo Bao do such a shameful thing in public? I would rather not have this benefit than let her do this."

"Plus, I think it's funny when I see Sally's fans washing the floor. They even talk about what kind of art it is. Which fan would like their idol to engage in this kind of art? It's too late to feel sad."

"If Sally really dances, the reputation of Korean girl groups will be ruined."

"The TV series Ginny filmed before was already a bit outrageous. Now Sally is going to dance again. I don't know what happened to this group."

"There are still two members of the black fan group who have not made any move. I wonder what surprises they can bring to everyone."

"I saw a lot of people on the Internet saying that the third prince forced him to do it. What is going on? Is there anyone with knowledge who can talk to me?"

"Who can know this, unless he knows the third young master of LV."

"Isn't Luo Bao the spokesperson for LV's entire line? Don't you have contact information?"


Seeing that the barrage suddenly turned the topic to himself, Luo Quan immediately replied: "How could I have the contact information of the third young master? I have only contacted the LV boss a few times, but it was only about contract renewal. Just a matter.

Moreover, Chanel is only a subsidiary of the LV Group. In addition to Chanel, this group also has many luxury brands. "

After speaking, she thought for a while, then looked at the camera and said, "But I know someone who may know this third young master."

After saying that, Luo Quan switched the live broadcast to his mobile phone, put on his slippers and went downstairs.

In the living room, Leon and Mia were teasing Arthur, and the family of three was enjoying themselves.

"Oh, my dear sister, why do you want to disturb the good time of our family of three?" Leon raised his head and immediately started joking after seeing Luo Quan.

"It seems I came at the wrong time." Luo Quan chuckled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur opened his hands towards her and shouted with a sweet voice: "Auntie, hug me!"

"Hey, Arthur is still good." Luo Quan put the phone on the table and took it over to his nephew with a smile.

"Are you live streaming, sister?" Leon saw the barrage on his phone sliding quickly. He leaned over and took a look, and found that they were all saying that Arthur was so cute.

"I came down here to ask you something. Do you know the third son of the LV Group?" Luo Quan asked while teasing Arthur.

"Young Master LV...are you talking about Red?" Leon leaned back tactically, crossed his legs and said to the ground: "When I was in Europe, I often went to parties with a bunch of young men.

There are descendants of emperors, descendants of the Hohenzollern family, and the sons and daughters of chairman of some large companies, including Reid.

However, there are more British and German people in my circle, and Red is French, so we don’t communicate much.

By the way, I remember that this person is of Jewish descent. Mia, you should be familiar with him, right? "

"You know, I don't like socializing at all." Mia shrugged, indicating that she was not familiar with it.

Leon was surprised: "This is the son of the richest man in the world now. Your grandfather was also the richest man in the past, so it's not like we have no connection at all, right?"

"That was several years ago." Mia chuckled, "Besides, the world's richest man is an achievement worthy of showing off. He is just a winner in extracting wealth from ordinary people."

Leon's eyes were shocked when he heard this, and the barrage also started to praise:

"I'll go, my sister-in-law's situation is really too high."

"As expected of a talent who came to China to further his studies, he speaks with great skill."

"To be fair, if you don't talk about this, I don't even know that Mia's family used to be the richest man."

"Look at Lyon's social circle, this is called a wealthy family."


"So, sister, why are you asking me about this?" Leon looked at Luo Quan curiously, but the latter just asked him to go to Weibo to take a look at the hot searches related to Sally.

"Crazy Horse Show, oh, this idol is so bold. He dares to perform on stage for this kind of show." Leon sighed after reading the hot search.

"Oh, it means you have also been to this Crazy Horse Show?" Mia cast a searching look at him, with a trace of kindness in it.

"I saw it once." Leon quickly told the truth, "But I swear on the name of Her Majesty the Queen, I was deceived by that bastard from the royal family. I really didn't know it was such a show beforehand. After watching it, I never went there again. pass!"

Mia stared at her husband's eyes for a long time, and finally snorted with satisfaction: "I'm sorry you don't dare to lie to me."

(End of this chapter)

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