Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1238 1 Everything is priced in fate

"Haha, is Leon so afraid of his wife?"

"Correction is not about being afraid of your wife, but about respecting and loving your wife."

"Perfect masculinity!"

"So what exactly is this Crazy Horse show? Sally's fans say it is one of the three major shows in France. It is both art and a symbol of female sovereignty in the new era. It seems very high-end."

"Bullshit art, just a TY dance nightclub."



There are new fans in the live broadcast room. They just learned about this and they know nothing about the Crazy Horse show.

I originally thought that since Sally was so famous, the performances she received would be no different. Who knew that she was going to dance in a sexy way? It was really a surprise.

When Leon saw the fans on the screen who still didn't understand the specific situation, he explained: "Don't believe those fans' rhetoric on the Internet. There is no art in this Crazy Horse show. It's not even a borderline, it's just a simple show." .

This show is divided into a general show and a VIP show. The general show is open to the public and anyone can buy a ticket to see it. The VIP show requires a certain threshold, and there are usually more wealthy people and petty bourgeoisie. "

Leon paused, and his tone began to rise: "The next point is that when the dancers in the outfield perform, they only have a few pieces of cloth hanging on their bodies at most, and most of them dance and dance.

Think about it, everyone, the public outfield is already of this standard, so what is the situation like in the closed infield?
Of course, I have only seen the outside performances and have never been to the infield. Without the right to investigate, I have no right to speak, so it is possible that the infield is really studying art.

There is a poem to describe it, that is, there are scholars who talk and laugh, but there are no idle people when coming and going. "

As soon as Lyon said this, fans couldn't hold back:
"If you believe this, it's better to believe that I am Qin Shihuang."

“Art can appear anywhere, but never in a nightclub.”

"Back from Weibo, Sally will participate in the Crazy Horse Show this time. There will be two outfields and three infields. Both parties are very much looking forward to this performance."

"I'm also looking forward to it. If there are resources leaked out by then, remember to send a copy to my brothers."

"Hahaha, all Sally's fans on Weibo say that those who criticize her are from the Qing Dynasty and are not good to others."

"There's something wrong with their brains. Most of the boys who are not part of the entertainment industry want all these girl groups to go to the sea."

"I'm a boy. Anyway, I very much support Sally in pursuing her dreams. Don't care about other people's eyes. (dog head.jpg)"

"Are you supporting Sally? I'm embarrassed to point it out to you."


"So back to the original question, Leon, think about it from the perspective of a rich boy, why did Sally go to this Crazy Horse Show?

Was it Master Reid who asked her to go, or did Sally simply want to challenge herself?
Or is there some ulterior secret behind this? "

Luo Quan got a toy microphone from somewhere and handed it to Leon.

Leon took it and found it a bit funny, grinning and saying, "I'm not the roundworm in their stomachs, how do I know?"

"Let's analyze it from a rational, objective and fair perspective." Luo Quan said tirelessly.

Leon coughed twice and said seriously: "First of all, as a boy from a fairly good family, it is absolutely impossible for me, my father, my grandfather and my great-grandfather who I have never met to let a showgirl marry.

Unless she is forced by life and has no other choice, and I really love her and will not marry her unless she is married, then my dad most likely won’t be particularly opposed to it. At most, my grandfather is not easy to deal with.

However, it is absolutely impossible for me to accept that an already glamorous big star participates in a show of this nature for the sake of so-called art, let alone others.

So as long as Sally really jumps, she will never marry into the family of the LV Group CEO. "

This view is very simple and normal, and has been unanimously recognized by the barrage.

After all, any family with normal values ​​would not want to see a showgirl in their family. It would be extremely embarrassing if word spread about it, and it would probably be difficult to keep their heads up in front of the neighbors for the rest of their lives.

What's more, for a wealthy family like LV Group, the most important thing for these Old Money is face.

After the fans finished posting their comments of approval, Leon continued: "Then there are rumors on the Internet that this is some kind of master's mission, or an Illuminati entrance test, and a bunch of conspiracy theories.

First of all, I don’t deny that rich people in the West do have a lot of fun and are very good at objectifying women, but as far as the relationship between Sally and Red is concerned, it shouldn’t be that complicated.

Probably after Sally dated Red, she tasted the benefits of being the rumored girlfriend of a wealthy family, but she also knew that she could not marry into a wealthy family.

Therefore, she planned to please Red as much as possible within a limited period of time in exchange for the capital to gain a foothold in the European and American entertainment circles.

And for a world-famous idol, Red would certainly not refuse Sally's favor.

Sally needed fame, and so did Red's own brand.

On the surface, it seems that these young people in the LV Group are struggling for inheritance rights, but in fact, the people most likely to inherit the group are Red's eldest sister and second brother. He, the fourth child, really has no advantage.

Therefore, instead of fighting for an illusory inheritance right, it is better to use his current status and fame to seek greater benefits, so he and Sally just get what they need.

In addition, everyone should not forget that there is another biggest beneficiary in this matter, and that is the Crazy Horse Show.

Did any of you know about the show before Sally was announced?I dare say that more than [-]% of people have never heard of it.

Now, thanks to Sally's fame, she has probably swept all the news polls in major Asian countries. The popularity is simply explosive.

So I guess that Sally will wear clothes that are sexy but not leaking, and dance a sexy and hot dance, which will not only keep the bottom line, but also bring huge popularity to the Crazy Horse show.

Then the Crazy Horse show can continue to invite those celebrities and idols in the second year. I have thought about the words and techniques. A star like Sally has come and performed, which shows that our place is indeed art and is not astringent at all. .

In order to become famous, there must be stars who will nod.

Then if the Crazy Horse show is well packaged and promoted, within five years, it will definitely be able to build itself into an entertainment industry event like the Victoria's Secret show. By then, even if the brand is fully established, the benefits it will bring will definitely be countless. Billions of dollars.

There should be no losers in this transaction.

Red gained the favor and traffic of beauties, Sally gained a ticket to the Western entertainment industry, and the Crazy Horse Show gained huge popularity.

If I had to say who was at the biggest disadvantage, it would definitely be Sally. After all, becoming famous in Hollywood can be said to be for the sake of art.

However, when dancing in a nightclub, everyone knows exactly what they are doing, not to mention that for such a big star, his reputation will definitely be ruined.

But this world is very realistic. If Sally can make a name for herself in the Western entertainment industry in the future, then these experiences will be the stepping stones to her throne.

If she can't break out in the end, that will be the epitaph on her tombstone. "

Leon rarely talks as long as Luo Quan. If it is in his live broadcast room, a fan will ask him what he thinks.

Then his answer must be: I will download the 4K resources and stare at them on a high-definition monitor!
Just like 90.00% of straight men, simple, crude and vulgar.But considering that my wife is here and it’s my sister who’s asking the question, it can’t be so vulgar.

Therefore, Lyon conducted a very serious analysis based on what he saw and heard in this circle, and finally added a rather romantic summary.

As for such a high-quality answer, the barrage in the live broadcast room also expressed quite agreement:

"I couldn't figure out why Sally did this before, but after hearing Leon's analysis, it suddenly became clear."

“You have to listen to people in the circle talking about everything, and you’ll get to the point right away.”

"The last sentence is so good. If you succeed, it will be the stepping stone under the throne. If you fail, it will be the epitaph on the tombstone. I just took it as a personal signature."

"The artistic content of this sentence is much higher than the nightclub dance that Sally is going to do."

"I, a boy, am going to be a fan of Leon. Is this allowed to be said?"

"Why do you guys sound like Jimei when you talk?"

"Strange, isn't this Luo Bao's live broadcast room? Why are everyone cheering for Lyon?"

"Who is Luo Bao? I don't know him. I only know Leon."

"Haha, you started persecuting Luo Bao again, right?"

"Leon, can you tell me why you understand so well?"


Lyon, who had been paying attention to the barrage, faced the fans' inquiries, straightened his collar, and said proudly: "After all, I am also the heir to the British throne, No. 70, ninth in line. The intrigues in the royal family are comparable to entertainment. There are so many complicated things in the industry.

Although I am not at the center of the struggle, I have lived in Buckingham Palace for so many years, so I can still see something.

According to what was said before, if I have a high level of talent and wear a yellow jacket, I might be able to become a king of iron hats. With this resume, isn’t it normal for me to know so much? "

"You're almost done. Once the cowhide is blown up, it's boundless, right?" Luo Quan curled his lips and directly gave this feudal remnant an iron fist, "Returning the yellow mantle, if in the past, a king like you made such arrogant remarks The royal family has already been slaughtered."

"How can you run away if I kill everyone in the house?" Leon covered his arms and hurried away, still complaining.

The barrage also laughed:

"Originally, the image was quite good, but suddenly it became abstract."

"Lyon is an occasionally serious and normalized abstract person, but he is essentially a fun-loving person."

"To be fair, ranking 79 is not low. As long as you kill all the 78 people in front of you, wouldn't you be the number one pick?"

"I asked why there was a strange noise outside the window just now. It turned out to be a fox barking."

"Are you calling Da Yingxing, King of Lyon?"

"Good guy, you want to rebel, right? Lafayette can't spare you!"

"Suddenly a lunatic sharpened his knife at night, and the emperor's star fluttered high."


When the fun-loving nature comes into play, the atmosphere of the barrage can no longer be regained. It is all about making jokes and talking about abstract things.

What was originally a discussion about why Sally behaved as she did, turned into Leon's years at Buckingham Palace.

However, with Lyon’s topical identity and experience, casually telling stories about his childhood is indeed very attractive.

After all, other bloggers who talk about royal family secrets are outsiders after all, and the sources of information they get are hearsay.

But Leon was different. He grew up in that palace and was a witness. The reporter's words were not as authoritative as his eyes anyway.

Of course, Leon himself knew very well what to say and what not to say.

When it came to the secrets about a certain late princess, Leon never mentioned a word, and no matter how many questions he asked, he pretended not to have seen it.

After Luo Quan got the answer, he took his cell phone and returned to the room.

Lyon's analysis also quickly became a hot search topic. Because it is well-founded and logical, and his status as an insider is very convincing, it has been praised by many people on Weibo.

If it was an exchange of interests and she wanted to climb higher, then it would be very reasonable for Sally to do such a thing.

In fact, it is similar to the unspoken rules of the domestic film and television industry. If a star nods, he will get more resources.

It's just that in China, these things cannot be put on the table, but Sally directly moved them to the hottest and most eye-catching stage.

This explanation sounds much more reliable than the "master's mission" or "Illuminati membership test".
Of course, no matter how reliable she is, it's still very unbearable. Doesn't this mean that Sally is selling sex for glory?
Therefore, Lyon's statement was immediately attacked by Sally's fans, saying that he was analyzing the issue completely from a male perspective, completely ignoring the customer, and was full of a strong sense of superiority.

Then she said something back. Sally was just for art, and she could dance beautifully in nightclubs.

If Sally's fans attack Lyon around the first half of her sentence, it might still hold up.

But when the second half of the sentence is added, their speech becomes really funny.

Again, whether nightclub dancing can be considered art, and whether people who dance like this are pursuing art.

I believe adults with some discernment know what the answer is.

So before Lyon's female fans could take action, these idiot fans of Sally were sprayed with blood by passers-by, saying that they were star-chasing to the point where their outlook had collapsed and they no longer wanted to be ashamed.

Finally, the netizen summed it up with a photo of Sally herself.

This is a photo she took with the help of Master Red when she came to the VIP seat of the Eiffel Tower fireworks show.

This is a place that is simply beyond the reach of poor people. Many Sally fans used to criticize them, saying that their idols had transcended classes and become too high-end.

Looking back now, it is really ironic.

Luo Quan commented under this photo:

“Every gift given by Hit has a price secretly marked on it.

Red can take Sally to the Eiffel Tower to watch the fireworks show, and he can also send her to the Crazy Horse show for others to watch.

I just hope she won't regret it when she thinks about it many years later. "

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