Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1239 The miracle of box office

Luo Quan made a conclusion, but this incident did not come to an end. On the contrary, the "stage" belonging to Sally had just begun.

She is just giving everyone a preview of her upcoming performance plans. She will actually go on stage at the end of September, and she will most likely dance in a costume that doesn't leak too much.

After all, he is a world-class star, and it is unlikely that he would completely let go of his dignity so easily.

So if you want to see top idols go overseas, you will probably be disappointed.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Sally is really confused. If she really dances, it will definitely be good news to the majority of people. After all, this kind of restricted performance by a big star cannot be seen all the time. .

The debate about Sally continues, and few people on the Internet will change their minds based on what others say
So even if half of the Internet is criticizing Sally's behavior, Sally's fans can still find an angle to clear the air.

Of course, compared with the aggressive scrubbing at the beginning, the voices of these fans no longer dare to be too sharp, and have become cautious and cautious, for fear of being too intense and causing public outrage.

More Sally fans choose to anesthetize themselves in super chat and refuse to face the criticism from outside.

As for passers-by who want to see what's going on in Super Chat, they will basically be shocked by their self-brainwashing skills, and then shake their heads thinking that these people are really hopeless.

Of course, there are fans who have quit following her. They, like the majority of netizens, cannot understand Sally's behavior, and are even more angry and ashamed because they have been fans of her.

However, their comments about losing followers are rarely seen in Chaohua, because bad comments will be deleted by Chaohua management.

And just when the whole network was happily eating melons, Luo Quan suddenly discovered a problem, that is, the hot search headlines seemed to have been snatched away again.

"Prehistoric" was released for three days, and the box office exceeded 29 billion. Such an amazing result, but it only stayed at the top of the hot search for a mere two hours.

According to Luo Quan's idea, such big news needs to be posted on trending searches for twelve hours.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. The news that a top idol is suspected of going overseas is so explosive. This behavior has greatly impacted the views of netizens, and it is impossible not to pay attention to it.

In fact, it is not difficult for Luo Quan to grab the attention. All he needs to do is learn from Sally. He announced that the movie will hit the market if it exceeds 50 billion. By then, not only will the box office of "Prehistoric" rise at an explosive speed, but her name is also expected to It will also be ranked No. [-] in hot searches for three days and three nights.

Of course, these are all jokes. How could she behave in such a limitless way?

A mere 50 billion... No, this shouldn't be about money. This is a stupid behavior that any normal person who abides by public order and good customs would not consider.

"Seeing Sally like this, I instantly felt that Luo Bao's chest was pretty good. It was a job but not vulgar."

"Haha, there were a lot of people criticizing Luo Bao just now for being a bit sensational. Now that Sally's incident has come out, everyone feels that these street acrobatics have become more elegant."

"In everything, you are afraid of comparison. If you are not afraid of being vulgar, you are afraid that others will be more vulgar than you."

"I feel like Luo Bao is not vulgar. No matter before or now, street busking is a legitimate performance that can make passers-by watch and applaud. Eating based on one's ability, what's so vulgar about it?"

"Indeed, I hope Luo Quan will delve deeper into the field of traditional juggling. It would be great if he could perform a sword-swallowing show one day."

"Didn't I perform it before? It's pronounced as sword swallowing and written as the mouth of the abyss."

User: This is my character and I have been banned for 365 days!
"Hahaha, have a good trip, strong man."

"Why ban the fastest legend!"


After finishing the banning operation, Luo Quan looked at the barrage with a serious expression: "Did you see that this is the fate of being a leader? I have told you so many times that you just don't listen. Isn't it good to live? I have to seek death. This time I just I can open a trumpet now.”

Such arrogant and domineering behavior naturally aroused the anger of fans:
"Others dare to be angry but dare not speak out, but my fate is mine, not Luo Quan's!"

"You're full of jingle, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Even if I am thrown into the coffin and hammered with nails, I will scream with a decaying voice: Luo Bao, you are so beautiful."

"Haha, why are you all so cowardly?"

"Don't you dare to spray Luo Quan? If you don't spray, then I won't spray either."

"Luo Bao is so beautiful, I just want to block these traitors severely!"


Due to Luo Quan's power, no voice in the live broadcast room dared to speak against her.

Luo Quan checked it again and expressed that he was very satisfied: "It's not bad. It's nice to be so peaceful."

Seeing that Luo Quan's mood had stabilized, the fans started their daily online begging behavior again:

"Luobao Luobao, the movie has exceeded 30 billion, don't you have any expression?"

"Why don't you learn from the hot search guy? There's no need to dance. How about cosplaying a beautiful comic girl and doing a house dance?"

"You are really not afraid of Luo Bao being scolded. Now is the time when the limelight is tight. If you ask Luo Bao to do house dancing, isn't that attracting fire?"

"Luo Bao doesn't even know that the first shot is the first. It's better to keep a low profile at this time, lest someone with ulterior motives diverts the conflict."



It can be seen that although fans are sometimes like wolves who cannot get enough to feed, constantly asking for new works from her, they are still quite clear at critical moments.

Now on Weibo, women are already in an uproar over this matter.

Most men didn't have much objection to Sally, and they scolded her for her vulgar behavior while asking for resources.

As for the girls, some supported Sally, while others denounced this behavior of relying on independent personalities to make a career, but in the end, they still end up charming men.

In fact, as long as they are idols, they more or less rely on charming men to make a living.

But if it were just a normal stage performance, not many people would actually criticize it.

But if you really go to the Crazy Horse Show, then you are willing to be humbled, and even gods can't save you.

Because everything has not been finalized yet, the quarrel on Weibo is very fierce, and the public opinion is so fierce. If someone does something to provoke the emotions of both parties, they will definitely suffer serious consequences.

Although with Luo Quan's status and fan base, he can still handle it even if he is attacked.

But there is absolutely no need to do this.

"Prehistoric" is currently in theaters, doing this is to bring bad luck to the movie, pure pig nose operation, Luo Quan can't do such a weak thing even if his head is squeezed by the door.

Of course, there are many smart people among the fans. Before it was Luo Quan's turn to answer, they internally rejected the reward.

Then after some discussion, I happily decided to owe cisplay and home dance first, and then pay it back when the limelight is over. Then I can dance for a day with interest, which is great!

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry after reading these fans talking to themselves. She didn't even say anything, but she was in debt for no reason. How could these people arrange things so clearly for others?
"Everyone, stop for a moment." Luo Quan made a stop gesture, "I really don't want to interrupt your yy, but when did I say that if the box office exceeded 30 billion, I would do a cosplay dance?

I only remember that I said before that the 50 billion-breaking performance would break my heart, but later I changed it to perform directly without watching the box office. Is that true? "

"Of course that's not the case." "You must have remembered it wrong."

"Luo Bao, I've been your fan for ten years, how can I still lie to you?"

"You did say you wanted to make a cosplay, but you couldn't remember it yourself."

"If you look through the live broadcast videos of the past month, there will definitely be something."


Fans' ability to make things out of nothing made Luo Quan smile helplessly: "I'm really convinced by you, a career I've never done is suddenly placed on my head.

Yes, I am older now. I am no longer a young man in his twenties, but I am still only 23-[-], and I am not old enough to develop Alzheimer's disease. "

However, Luo Quan hid and continued: "Of course, the box office success of "Prehistoric" cannot be separated from everyone's support, so every time the box office increases by [-] million, I will reveal some character makeup posters for the second part.

When it comes to 40 billion, I will give you one of mine, one of Taoist Cihang and one of Guanyin after becoming a god. This can be considered a cosplay. "

This reward sounds pretty good. It contains both Luo Quan’s photos and spoilers for “The Great Desolation”. Naturally, the two chefs are very satisfied.

It's a pity that there is no house dance.

Luo Quan’s previous house dance has become very popular on Douyin. Douyin bloggers are all doing imitation shows on the streets. The black and white maid costumes on Taobao are in short supply.

In addition, Luo Quan, who was originally synonymous with sexiness, became a symbol of cuteness and aura overnight.

The main reason is that in the home dance video, Luo Quan's dancing really fits the temperament of these two adjectives.

Unfortunately, after such a viral video, Luo Quan did not continue to create content on Douyin while the iron was hot.

As the platform with the highest traffic in China, you may not be considered popular even if you are popular on Weibo, but if you are popular on Douyin, you may be invited to the Spring Festival Gala.

Douyin’s traffic is so terrifying that even Bilibili, which has seen a surge in users, can’t compare with it.

This is why Luo Quan will regard Douyin as the most important position when announcing the release of "Prehistoric".

The reason is very simple, because there are many people here, there is a lot of traffic, and young people have high spending power, so it is the best ticket warehouse.

In fact, it is not only young people who have high spending power, but the spending power of middle-aged and elderly people on Douyin is also not low.

A while ago, two lip-syncing TikTok bloggers became popular. They are both in their 40s and [-]s, and their looks are popular among middle-aged and elderly people. When it comes to buying gifts, they are even more loyal than the big fans of big anchors. awesome.

Luo Quan asked himself that he couldn't do this, so the fact that she is the most beautiful in the world is only the most beautiful in the eyes of some people. There are also many people in the world who don't like her so much.

While he was stunned, Luo Quan was attracted by a paid barrage.

Because it is a high-cost paid barrage costing 1000 yuan, the special effects are rather gaudy and difficult to pay attention to.

The content of the barrage read: "Luobao Luobao, are you dating a boyfriend now? If so, can you tell us directly? I really don't want to experience the bolt from the blue after the paparazzi informed me."

After Luo Quan read it, he felt like he was being struck by lightning: "Brother Fu, what made you have this sense of crisis?
Obviously I have been solo for more than 20 years, why do you think I will suddenly have a sexual desire? "

Fans immediately started to argue:
"Who can say for sure when it comes to feelings? Monk Tang also said that he is devoted to the Buddha. He is already attracted by the king of his daughter's country."

"Yes, I was afraid that Luo Bao would suddenly meet the king of his daughter's country."

"So if Luo Bao wants to talk, just say it. I can support it."

"Then if you really say it, everyone will start to get angry, right?"

"Haha, are you all scared by the female anchor next door?"

"Don't be afraid. No one wants the idol who has been a fan for so many years to end up like this."

"Luo Bao won't. She won't be stupid enough to find such a garbage partner. If it is a normal relationship, I will definitely support and bless her."

"Indeed, Luo Bao is almost 25. You can't really let her be an old maid for the rest of her life. There is also an age limit for giving birth to a baby."

"That's what I say, but I still feel sad when I think that Luo Bao's groom is not me."

"It's okay. In the dream, she had already given birth to my seventh child."



House collapse seems to be this year’s theme.

Compared with previous years, there are particularly many celebrities whose houses have collapsed this year, and it has affected all walks of life.

From sports to live streaming to the entertainment industry to academia, it seems like buildings are falling apart everywhere.

And the one who made such emo comments was a female anchor of Douyu.

This female anchor is considered to be Douyu’s first sister, and she is quite popular in the live broadcast room.

But just yesterday it was revealed that he was in a relationship with a scumbag, and then fans got off guard.

This matter was originally a hot search topic, but the popularity of Sally going into the sea was too high, so Luo Quan didn't notice it.

There are indeed a lot of hot topics these days, one after another, and it’s hard to watch them all.

The anchor sister next door collapsed and a large number of die-hard fans deleted their fan cards.

This scene also made Luo Quan's fans feel a bit sad.

Because this anchor, like Luo Quan, also claims not to fall in love in a short period of time.

It is precisely because of this that so many husband fans give her gifts.

As a result, now that everything has happened, it is a waste of time, feelings, and money. It is a huge loss.

Now that the female anchor has been criticized and stopped broadcasting, Luo Quan, who has a similar personality, has naturally been questioned by his fans.

As for the female anchor, they paid attention to her with a fun-loving attitude.

But they don’t want to one day become a source of fun in the eyes of netizens.

The reason why I say this is because even if Luo Quan is really revealed to be in a relationship, there is a high probability that they will still be unable to give up their fans.

In this way, it becomes a hot topic among netizens, which is just fun.

In order to avoid this situation, they asked Luo Quan questions to get some reassurance.

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