Chapter 1243
This can be regarded as a hot meme on the Internet. It seems that the reason is that a certain musician made a rumor that aliens invaded the earth in 99. In order to keep it secret, all non-combatants had their relevant memories erased.

Then some people actually believed this rumor at first, and a lot of jokes were made.

Later, this became a meme. As soon as someone mentioned 99, some netizens would immediately come out and pretend to be combatants, and then lamented that the events of that year could no longer be concealed.

Before today, this meme was just a meme, and everyone would just say it for fun, and no one would really believe it.

But after today, the situation is different.

On such an important occasion as the Congress, Mexico showed the bodies of aliens to the world and announced that it recognized the existence of aliens.

This is enough to show how real this alien report is.

No country will use this method to gain popularity, because once it is proven to be fake, the consequences will be too great.

It's like you originally wanted to show your face, but ended up showing your butt.

This kind of thing is usually only done by Ah San next door.

Of course, it is unknown whether there was any instruction from the United States. After all, Mexico is so close to the United States. Netizens would definitely not believe it if the United States had no knowledge at all.

In short, the evidence is now on the table, and the appearance of this corpse is indeed not related to any known primate.

Therefore, the probability that this thing is an alien approaches 1 indefinitely.

And if the existence of aliens is proven, then there is a common question: whether aliens are a threat to the earth.

In Hollywood movies, alien invasion of the earth has always been a popular theme in the science fiction category. Independence Day is a very representative work and has also triggered heated discussions on related issues.

But to this day, aliens are still classic villains, and we haven’t seen too many aliens with positive images. This also indirectly explains what aliens are like in the minds of the public.

It is foreseeable that all countries will come up with similar evidence of aliens visiting the earth. There are more than 200 countries on the earth, and it makes no sense that only Mexico has discovered the remains of aliens.

Just like UFO sightings, there are them all over the world, but the number varies in each country.

Similarly, alien-related film and television works should usher in a wave of craze, and capital has always been extremely quick to follow the trend.

As for Luoquan, after applying for a holiday with netizens, he took a group of people back to Huanyu.

After leaving for more than a month, it was time to record "Girls of the World" again. This time the competition system was much more cruel than before. The audience was required to use real money to cast their votes. This was also the time when commercial value was most needed.

However, commercial value comes from your previous performance. Appearance is important, but personality, hard work, and stage performance are the decisive factors that will make the audience spend money on you in the future.

Unless you can be as beautiful as Luo Quan or Chu Yueyan, the public will still prefer the type that places equal emphasis on appearance and strength.

So even if they are eliminated next, the players may have regrets, but they will definitely not have any objections.

Of course, returning to Huanyu to record the show is not the only thing Luo Quan has to do.

The Martial God Trial is about to begin again. If the calculation is correct, this should be her fifth Martial God Trial.

According to the regulations of Huanyu Star, as long as you win the Martial God Trial in a row, you can legally obtain the citizenship of Huanyu and officially become a member of Huanyu.

This status is a reward that countless people dream of, so the competition is particularly fierce. So far, no player has voluntarily given up.

Either he was beaten unconscious, or the protection mechanism of the arena was triggered and he was forcibly judged to lose.

That is to say, now that technology has developed, if there was no protection mechanism in the arena before, I don’t know how many people will die in this fifth arena.

After more than half a year of fighting, Luo Quan finally ushered in his fifth battle.

Originally, after becoming the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church, netizens thought that she would go directly to the naturalization channel for special talents and skip the process of competing in the ring.

This is completely reasonable and legal, and the level is also a virgin. Most people can still tolerate such privileges.

However, Luo Quan's choice told everyone why she became the Virgin.

Even though it was just a matter of words, she still rejected the opportunity to become a naturalized citizen directly and chose to compete in the ring.

Even before the fight, he told her that there was no need to hold back on her, just go all out.

She originally thought that Sai Fang would arrange a few weaklings for her, and that would be enough if she wanted to.

Who would have known that each of the opponents was more fierce than the other, and they really didn't hold back during the fight, they were just rushing to beat people to death.

Even so, Luo Quan still withstood the pressure and defeated these opponents with an undisputed attitude.
No matter how critical the audience is, they can't find any fault with these games. Luo Quan won with dignity, and her opponents didn't let her off because she was a virgin.

Now, her fifth trial has finally arrived.

As long as she wins this battle, Luo Quan's naturalization journey will be considered complete. Although she has a status of a privileged class, she does not use the skills of the privileged class. She has reached this point entirely by her own ability.

This is such an inspiring story, so just a hot search "Luo Quan is about to participate in the fifth trial" attracted countless fans to her.

They are all aliens who are eager to join the world. They regard Luo Quan as their idol and hope that one day, like Luo Quan, they can rise from the bottom and become successful step by step as a grassroots.

However, people's physiques cannot be generalized. Although Luo Quan relies on her own ability, she has never been alone. Compared with these lonely players, her advantage is too great.

"System, add some points!"

As Luo Quan gave a soft drink, the system added the attribute points accumulated during this period to the body and essence evenly.

If he had followed his previous habits, Luo Quan would have definitely increased his physique.

However, since unlocking the angel form, the attribute of essence has become extremely important.

The higher this attribute is, the more powerful her angel form will be and the longer it will last.

The most important point is that improving the attribute "Jing" can also enhance her understanding. The most intuitive manifestation is that she can realize powerful skills after entering the angel form.

Of course, she had just finished adding points and had not yet transformed, so she had no way of understanding the new skills.

This time, the Universal Girl has indeed brought her huge popularity. Even though she is just the host and is not the one who attracts the most attention from the audience, she has also gained unimaginable gains.

After adding points, Luo Quan was directly promoted from Mortal Transformation to Soul Qi.

This is only one step away from the divine realm where Bai Xingwei is now.

If it was when the two of them first met, and Bai Xingwei was only half-stepping into the realm of divine cultivation at that time, the gap between the two was not as big as the language difference. If Luo Quan was so arrogant, maybe he could really succeed. Say goodbye to her wrist.

But it doesn't work anymore. Bai Xingwei has already broken through to the Divine Refining, and at the same time, she has been blessed by the popularity of the girl of the world. Her cultivation level has greatly increased, which is one and a half levels behind her who just broke through to the Soul Enlightenment.Just this step and a half is an almost insurmountable chasm.

The higher the realm of extraordinary beings reaches, the slightest difference in level will be infinitely magnified.

Therefore, if Luo Quan wants to pretend to be in front of Bai Xingwei, he will probably have to wait for a while, and it will probably take a long time.

After all, Bai Xingwei is now taking advantage of the success of Universal Girls. Even though the popularity is not as high as that of Chu Yueyan and Wen Xia, she is still one of the top ten popular idols, and the amount of will she can share is almost as high as Luo Quan's.

Therefore, if Luo Quan does not develop a few more projects, it will be almost impossible to surpass Bai Xingwei in a short period of time.

As for Ye Zhining, that is another realm. Luo Quan has not thought about it yet, at least not for 100 years.

Just kidding, what is the concept of entering the Tao?
She relied on the system for so many years before she reached the mortal level, which is the fifth level. Ye Zhining was one of the best in the tenth level. The difference was a hundred and eighty thousand light years. .

Moreover, the first few levels of transcendental beings are originally promoted very quickly. Later, the difficulty of promotion increases geometrically, and the time required is also quite long.

So Luo Quan didn't think he could catch up with Ye Zhining in a short time.

Let’s set a small goal first, such as breaking through and entering the Tao.

At this level, you basically have the ability to protect yourself in the world. Coupled with your identity as the Holy Mother, you don't have to worry about encountering any unsolvable troubles.

However, Schrödinger's good luck always likes to jump out at critical moments to give her a sense of presence.

Luo Quan has just advanced, and his opponent for the fifth trial has also been revealed.

The previous magician named Gredo was a quasi-mage level, which in the Holy Tang Dynasty terms was called Half-Step Divine Refining.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it happened to be the level Luo Quan had reached when she first met Bai Xingwei.

She is now half a level away from Half-Step Divine Refining. Although it doesn't look very big, the specific situation will only be known after the fight.

However, netizens and fans didn't know that she had already achieved Soul Enlightenment breakthrough, and they had already begun to criticize her.

In fact, it's quite understandable. After all, if you're still half a level behind, you can still give it a try, and maybe you can continue to succeed.

But if there is a difference of nearly two levels, even the most confident transcendent will know that this arena is impossible to win.

Therefore, although giving up in the fifth game is really unacceptable, netizens are urging Luo Quan to stop it quickly to avoid suffering in vain.

In their eyes, Luo Quan had already written a disastrous defeat on his face.

Not to mention the Holy Mother, even if the Holy Mother's mother comes over, it is impossible to make up for the strength gap between the two levels. This is a question that can be concluded without thinking at all.

But if Luo Quan retreats when faced with difficulties, then she will no longer be Luo Quan.

Back then, when she and she went to the Jidao boss's lair with a pistol, they didn't rely on any strategy, it was all a reckless man's bravery.

Of course, thinking about it now, she has always been scared.

After all, the bullets in the pistol are always limited. If all the bullets are fired without a deterrent effect, then the fate waiting for her will be a bad fall.

Then there will be one less international superstar in film, television and singing, and one more Kabukicho mixed-race courtesan who is controlled by the Yakuza.

To this day, Luo Quan doesn't know why he was so brave at that time.

Maybe this is due to his character. Even if he knows that there is doomsday ahead, he still dares to bring all the weapons and charge towards the doomsday with courage.

Perhaps it was indeed very reckless, like a reckless fool.

But sometimes, you just have to have this kind of stupidity to overcome difficulties and obstacles.

Luo Quan felt that this fifth arena was a true trial.

This is her strongest battle since coming to Huanyu. If she can win, she may have an epiphany and gain some powerful abilities.

Even if she loses, she has nothing to lose.

In terms of reputation, there is already a gap of more than half a level. It is normal to fail to beat him. If he beats him, the audience will have to wonder if the opponent is letting his opponent down.

In terms of safety, the competition team has arranged corresponding protective equipment, but so far, one life has been saved.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about life and death. Of course, Luo Quan will not surrender without a fight.

Whether you can fight or not is a matter of ability; whether you dare to fight or not is a matter of attitude.

She has always been very courageous, and she is not afraid of getting beaten and giving up the opportunity to advance.

Soon, the news about the identity of Luo Quan's opponent became a hot search topic all over the world.

When everyone saw that Luo Quan's opponent was Greedo, they all wailed and finished, obviously feeling that she was in danger this time:

"Graydo is the most talented magician in the world for a hundred years. He is proficient in the five magics of wind, fire, water, earth, and space. His actual combat power is far beyond that of ordinary quasi-magicians.

More importantly, he also possesses the surging demonic power of his ancestors. Every time he uses a spell, he will recover his magic power. The more he uses it, the faster he recovers. It can be said that the blue bar has no upper limit! "

"Damn it, how did you get to Luoquan with such force?"

"Graydo has only recently come of age. He is originally a member of the Universe and does not need to rely on this to naturalize. He participated in the Martial God Trial purely to improve his actual combat. However, because he had just participated not long ago, he happened to meet Luo Quan in the fifth game."

"It's over. Greedo's space spell is like a melee warrior like Tiankluo Quan. There's really no need to fight now."

"How come I don't believe you when you brag so well? Are you really that powerful?"

"Believe it or not, you will be able to see it soon. Luo Quan is indeed very strong, but the level of cultivation is a flaw. The gap is too obvious."

"I decided to believe in the Holy Mother of One Hand. Maybe when the time comes, Heavenly Father will see that Luo Quan can't be defeated, and maybe he will just bless him."

"I think too much, how could it be such a coincidence."

"Indeed, I am still optimistic about Greedo, and I will bet my monthly living expenses on this!"

"Just wait and see if Luo Quan will give up directly."

(End of this chapter)

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