Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1244: People who believe in miracles are as great as miracles

It has always been easy to express support online. It only requires words and no need to pay anything.

But if you are asked to make some contributions offline, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky.

Although netizens are encouraging Luo Quan, saying that she will not necessarily lose to Gredo.

But Capital never lies. The difference in odds between the two is nearly three times, which is almost equivalent to Capital believing that Gredo's strength is already at a level that can crush Luo Quan.

Netizens are also very honest about their health. After the handicap is announced, even if the odds are high, there are still very few people who can beat Luoquan to win.

Of course, this situation was completely expected by Luo Quan. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see the difference between her and Greedo.

However, it was someone else's fault that others were not optimistic about her. She was quite confident in her own mind and was not worried that she would fail this time.

And while the vast majority of people are optimistic about Greedo, there are still a small number of people who choose her.

Except for those gamblers who want to make a fortune with a small amount of money, the rest are all true fans.

"I don't recognize probabilities. I only know that Luo Quan's current winning rate is [-]%, and there will be no change after today!"

"My Lady, she still has some luck. I believe her goddess of luck will still bring her victory this time."

"I have invested half of my wealth on Luo Quan, a total of three hundred million Xinghai coins. Now I feel very panicked. Can my family analyze the situation?"

"You put all [-] million on Luo Quan. Now Luo Quan's odds are [-] to [-], which means that after the game is over, you will lose these [-] million."

"Haha, is it so real?"

"We die-hard fans are prepared to lose money before supporting Luo Quan. If you want to make money, you should invest in Gredo. The odds are low, but the advantage is stability."

"It's over. Even true love fans say so. It seems that Luo Quan is really going to send it this time."


Are you going to send it?Luo Quan doesn't think so.

But she loves these fans who are willing to go blind for her.

"Thank you all for supporting me when no one else expected me. No matter what the reason is, you are all warriors, because people who believe in miracles are just as amazing as miracles.

I will go all out and do everything I can to defeat my opponent. Only by covering up can I live up to everyone's trust and love for me. "

Luo Quan typed the text well and immediately posted it on the Internet, which really caused some waves for a while.

The fans who supported her were greatly encouraged and became more and more confident in the upcoming battle.

And those who were not optimistic about her also took the opportunity to hollow out and make fun of her.

One of the most classic sayings is, "Foolish people have foolish blessings, but fools do not."

This also brought out the good luck from playing mahjong and mocked him.

Luo Quan looked angry and funny. He could only say that the aggressiveness of netizens this time was really too strong.

Netizens of Huanyu Star don't dare to be too presumptuous because they can't see each other when they look up.

Audiences in other galaxies have no scruples. People who are as foul-mouthed as the Tieba guys and have poor psychological quality will probably break their guard just by looking at it a few times.

Bai Xingwei was probably afraid that she would break her guard, so she came to the room immediately to comfort her.

However, when she opened the door of Luo Quan's room, she found Luo Quan lying on the bed watching TV series, without any sense of urgency that a war was imminent.

"Have you already begun to show off?" Bai Xingwei looked puzzled, "We are about to start a fight with Greedo, and you actually stopped training. What are you thinking?
Or is it that the Empress is ready to take action, allowing you to advance even while lying down? "

"How is it possible? Do I look like the kind of person who cheats?" Luo Quan immediately corrected Bai Xingwei's statement: "I want to defeat Gredo in an upright manner. Even if the empress offers to help, I will definitely refuse her sternly. .”

"That's right." Bai Xingwei nodded meaningfully, "But every transcendent who has achieved half-step of divine training will understand a powerful magical power, even if it is only a reduced version of the power because it has not been fully advanced.

But magical power is magical power, and the advantages it can bring are too great, so if you want to win against such an opponent, you may not be able to do it without using some tricks. "

"How do you know I'm not cheating?" Luo Quan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled happily.

"What kind of cheating can you do?" Bai Xingwei snorted softly, "When it comes to cheating, who can compare to Wen Xia? World Girl is currently the second most popular, and is chasing the first.

After a year of special training, she might even be more certain about Greedo than you are. "

"So exaggerated?!" Luo Quan was shocked. She had never expected that Wen Xia had grown to this point, and she had never heard of her talking about it before.

Bai Xingwei said with envy in her eyes: "The desire and achievements brought by celebrity fans are so terrifying. After all, fans are often blind and fanatical, and each one's desire is as strong as that of a fanatical believer. That brings great success to the star." Can the improvement be big?

Back then, Sister Yanqing was even more terrifying than this. She could reach the Taoist realm in just one drama. Many leading heroines in popular dramas couldn't do this. "

"That's because they are not old enough." Luo Quan made a "Yanqing joke".

Wen Xia was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then burst out laughing with her belly in hands.

That is to say, sexy Xu Yanqing is not here, otherwise she would have to have a philosophical wrestling match with her boss.

After the joke, things got back to business.

Graydo is undoubtedly the strongest enemy Luo Quan has ever encountered. In order to increase his chances of winning, Bai Xingwei suggested that Luo Quan go to Ye Zhining to collect some useful treasures, so that he can defeat Gray who misjudged Luo Quan's strength. One more person is caught off guard.

However, after hearing this proposal, Luo Quan put it aside and did not agree.

Looking for Ye Zhining to borrow equipment?
With the collection in her palace, just picking out a few high-end products can kill Gray Dor, but does it make sense to be so high-end?
It doesn’t make much difference to ask someone else to do the wedding candle.Therefore, Luo Quan had no intention of borrowing equipment from Ye Zhining. Besides, the few items she had on hand were quite good and sufficient.

However, Luo Quan didn't intend to trouble Ye Zhining, and Ye Zhining came to the door himself.

She had just left the morning court and came here through the portal immediately after seeing that Luo Quan was going to fight Greedo.

After seeing Ye Zhining appear, Luo Quan opened his mouth to say something, but Ye Zhining raised his hand to stop him: "Needless to say, I know what kind of character you are, Luo Quan.

I will not have any interference in this trial, so that whether you win or lose, you will be upright and without any inside information. "

"Ah? Then if I say that I really can't defeat you and need your Majesty's help, how should you deal with it?" Luo Quan smirked and was having fun.

"Forget it." Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, "I still trust you quite a lot, Luo Quan, how could a mere Gredo become your opponent?

If you can't even solve it, then I can only suspect that you are a fake Luo Quan, and let me check carefully what kind of demons and monsters have scratched Luo Quan's skin! "

With that said, Ye Zhining planned to attack Luo Quan.

"Damn, you're pretty good at playing tricks." Luo Quan shrank back, dumbfounded, and avoided Ye Zhining's Lushan Claw.

"Tch, I can't even make a joke." Ye Zhining's eyes showed a hint of disappointment, and he said calmly: "Actually, I don't care about a Martial God trial at all.

It’s not like you only have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you lose, you can come back again.

Moreover, it would actually be a good thing to have a master give you a taste of failure, as it will make you cherish success more and desire it more. "

"Where did you hear these poisonous chicken soups?" Luo Quan's eyebrows knitted together deeply, "I don't like the taste of failure, and I don't think failure can bring me any positive benefits."

"You don't really want to win Greedo, do you?" Ye Zhining's eyes widened in surprise, "Actually, I just say this to comfort you, so that you won't be too sad if you lose.

I have heard a little bit about Gredo. He is the most talented magician in the Divine Blessed Federation in the past 300 years. He is said to have been on the road to becoming a top powerhouse since he was born.

Let me tell you a fact, Greedo is not as old as you. Even I have not seen many geniuses like this. "

"So powerful?!" Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei and asked.

Originally, she read netizens' comments and handicap odds, and thought Greedo was a magician with a higher level than her. She didn't expect him to be such a monster.

People who have this kind of experience are generally called protagonists in novels, and it is common for them to be invincible at the same level.

"What the Empress said is basically not exaggerated." Bai Xingwei nodded, "Even if I haven't broken through yet, the outcome of the battle with him will still be undecided. This is because the swordsman is relatively restrained with the magic stone.

As far as the Valkyrie Trial is concerned, Greedo should be at the level of the ninth and tenth rounds. You can meet him here simply because he participated too late, and also because your luck is really bad. "

"Haha, he was so unlucky to meet me!" Luo Quan regained his confidence after being shocked for a second, and his expression became relaxed again.

"Excessive self-confidence is arrogance. According to the teachings of the Church of Light, arrogance is the first of the seven deadly sins. Luo Quan, you are already lazy, greedy, and angry. If you add arrogance to it, I can't even imagine what you will do in the future. What has it become?”

Ye Zhining had a worried look on her face, and she thought Luo Quan was about to transform into a villain.

"I agree that I'm lazy, but where do these greed and rage come from? Is there any theoretical basis?" Luo Quan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he didn't know how these shit pots were placed on his head.

"These are not my family's words." Ye Zhining shook her finger, shook her head and said: "Greed, look at it, we are making movies and doing variety shows all year round, and we are also investing, acquiring, and selling games for money. This is Not greed? It simply demonstrates the profit-seeking nature of a capitalist.

As for being angry, let alone that. If you say something you don't like to see in the live broadcast, you will be banned immediately. One letter will last for a year. From time to time, you will still argue with others online. Is this being angry?
And these are not made up by me, they are compiled by your true fans themselves, I am just paraphrasing them. "

After listening to Ye Zhining's explanation, Luo Quan's face turned darker: "This is a true fan of Hammer, and he is definitely a black fan who can't be darker!"

"Look, do you feel warm immediately? You said you're not furious." Ye Zhining pointed at Luo Quan and turned to look at Bai Xingwei, as if to say, take a look and make your own judgment.

"If you want to impose a crime, why bother?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes at Ye Zhining, saying that he was too lazy to argue with her.

Ye Zhining originally wanted to tease her a few more words, but seeing that Luo Quan's mouth was pouting to the sky, he knew that he might really get angry if he continued talking, so he smiled and stopped irritating her.

Getting back to the topic, Ye Zhining took out the optical machine from her arms: "This will be very helpful in your next battle with Greedo. You can..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Quanbian refused directly: "Here we go again, right? I told you that you don't need to open a small stove and go through the back door. I have to rely on my own ability. What's going on with all of you helping me?"

"These are some of Gredo's previous battle videos." Ye Zhining was a little speechless, but still stuffed the information into Luo Quan's optical machine, "I know you are too lazy to collect these videos for research. I have already asked people to It's been sorted out, just take a look at it when you have time.

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle, and this is not considered a backdoor, right? "

"That doesn't count." Luo Quan shook his head and did not refuse harshly this time.

"Come on, if you need it, I can train with you one-on-one. My combat power is slightly stronger than that of Gredo, and it is still of great reference value in a fight." Bai Xingwei patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, The tone was full of encouragement.

"Let me take a look at Greedo's moves first. He is so impressive that I don't even have a basic idea of ​​how powerful he is." Luo Quan said!Opened the video sent by Ye Zhining.

There are eight videos in total, half of which are videos of her fighting with her senior classmate at school, and the other half are from his performance in the Martial God Trial.
None of the eight opponents were particularly weak. In Luo Quan's opinion, all of them were at the level of powerful enemies.

However, their endings were basically the same, that is, they were all easily won by Gredo.

The average duration of all the battles was less than 7 minutes, and eight battles were completed faster than one by others. This kind of strength is no longer strong, and arrogance may be more appropriate to describe it.

The most uncomfortable thing is that because he is too strong, he didn't even see Gredo use any tricks to defeat the enemy, so he didn't know what targeted defenses he should take.

"What do you think?" After the video was played, Ye Zhining immediately asked Luo Quan.

Luo Quan replied without hesitation: "That's it, I think I can win."

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