Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1245 I think this makes sense

Chapter 1245 I think this makes sense

ps. Thanks to book friends Mercury’s Masked Superman and Frostbite V for the book coins. Thank you for your support!


"Everything about you has the toughest mouth!" Ye Zhi stared at her, his face twitching.

I originally thought that Gredo's battle video would attract Luo Quan's attention and let her know that this opponent was no small matter and that she had to be mentally alert at all times to have any hope of victory.

Unexpectedly, Luo Quan acted in such a careless manner from beginning to end that she didn't even know what to say.

Yes, you won't lose anything if you lose anyway. At worst, you can just play again. Geniuses like Greedo can't encounter him every time.

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, you don't understand." Luo Quan shook his finger at Ye Zhining and said with a smile: "This is actually a belief. No matter what others say or order, I will insist on being myself.

If you are like me, then this is really cool! "

"..." Ye Zhining looked at her speechlessly, while Bai Xingwei reached out and touched Luo Quan's forehead.

"I don't have a fever either." Bai Xingwei said in a confused tone, "Is there something wrong inside the brain?"

"What are you doing?" Now it was Luo Quan's turn to be confused.

"Let me analyze your condition." Bai Xingwei's expression was very serious. "Your remarks are getting more and more outrageous now. I suspect that you have some mental problems. Luo Bao, have you been stimulated by anything recently?"

"You just have a mental problem." Luo Quan rolled his eyes, "I am giving myself psychological hints to make myself more confident. Why do you think I am crazy in your eyes?"

Ye Zhining couldn't hold back anymore: "Are you trying to cheer yourself up? I thought you were going crazy."

"This is an attempt I made after observing the huge growth in strength brought by the girls of the world."

Luo Quan sighed helplessly and patiently explained to the two women: "In the world, everything can be achieved. The power of celebrities comes from the love of their fans, which shows that when the belief is strong enough, you can treat a certain person." Units provide huge bonuses.

So I suddenly thought, what if I provide myself with the power of will?It is to strengthen oneself through constant psychological suggestions, and finally achieve the effect of making dreams come true.

I don't know if this will work, but I have to give it a try. "

Luo Quan's words made Bai Xingwei fall into deep thought, but Ye Zhining immediately understood Luo Quan's intention.

In fact, this is an application of "I am thinking" and belongs to the category of idealism.

What am I thinking about?It’s just what I think it is, that’s what it is.

This thing that is close to the law of cause and effect is very powerful in battle.

For example, Luo Quan was originally not Gredo's opponent, but now she thinks she can beat him.

If her desire is strong enough to break through the boundaries between material and spiritual things, then her strength will really skyrocket and she will gain the power to defeat Greedo.

She thought she could beat it, and then she actually beat it.

This is what I mean by the power of thinking.

However, even the most advanced masters cannot play with this magical power, because it is too mysterious, and no one knows how paranoid one needs to be to achieve success.

Moreover, the spirit of masters who can think about success is somewhat different from that of normal people. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are half crazy.

So Bai Xingwei's concern is correct, but Bai Xingwei herself doesn't understand the so-called power of thinking, and just made a judgment based on Luo Quan's condition.

Ye Zhining felt that Luo Quan had found a way out. It couldn't be said that she didn't work hard, but this way out was more eccentric than other ways.

And the risk is also very high, because if your thoughts get distracted, it may lead to schizophrenia.

However, Ye Zhining is still relatively reassured about the strength of Luo Quan's soul, and she won't have any problems if she gets to the point of trivial matters to such an extent.

Just think about it if you like. Maybe she will actually get this magical power in the end.

"Needless to say Xingwei, although the method Luo Quan mentioned is not common, it still has a certain chance of success." Ye Zhining persuaded Bai Xingwei, hoping that she would not destroy the psychological suggestion created by Luo Quan. .

Luo Quan had to repeat the hint in his mind without revealing it once, which was quite tiring.

"I know, this is an advanced application of idealism. The teacher has taught it before." After Bai Xingwei thought about it for a while, she also knew what Luo Quan wanted to do.

But it is too difficult to master idealism. Can Luo Quan's improvised ideas really support her in achieving her goal?

Bai Xingwei didn't know, but looking at Luo Quan's expression, she seemed to be convinced of it.

In this case, she didn't say anything depressing. After a few words of encouragement, she left the room with Ye Zhining.

As soon as the two women left, Wen Xia suddenly walked in again, holding an optical machine in his hand, and said hurriedly: "Luoluo, are you going to the ring soon?"

"You're not the first to know." Luo Quan chuckled: "How about you want to go there and feel my true strength up close?"

Wen Xia nodded: "Of course I do, but are you really that person's opponent? I see many people on the Internet saying that you are tough enough to beat him this time."

"Here we go again." Luo Quan was speechless, "I must be able to beat him. If you have some spare money, feel free to pressure me. I guarantee you a lot of money!"

"Forget it." Wen Xia waved his hand, "I'm quite popular now, but I haven't received any endorsements yet. There's no reward for participating in the show. Where can I get the spare money to do such a thing?"

"That's right." Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia with a smile: "Anyway, just cheer me up when the time comes. By the way, I also want to get used to it. If you want to own Hu Ji from Huanyu Star in the future, you have to follow me. Fight in the ring.

Of course, if you become particularly popular after the show ends, you can also directly obtain Huanyu household registration as a special talent. "

"I must be a special talent." Wen Xia made the choice without thinking, "I'm not interested in fighting and killing, so I'd better use a more elegant way."

"It's okay." Luo Quan nodded lightly, "But you have to work hard, Xiaomiao, Fang Mo, they are all watching from behind, and they might overtake you one day.

Besides, Chu Yueyan is always on top of you, so you have to work harder. "

"Don't worry, I'm very confident about getting the first place." When Wen Xia spoke, his eyes sparkled, and his confidence radiated from the inside out.

As an "amateur" who has no basis in popularity in the world, she can now have a number of fans comparable to Chu Yueyan's, which is a good reflection of her strength and the speed of her popularity.

The show has just entered the middle stage, and there is still a lot of time for her to harvest the audience here. Wen Xia believes that she will stand in the C position when she debuts, just like she did on Earth.

And this unwavering self-confidence is the reason why Luo Quan decided to test the power of "I Xunsi".She discovered very early on that Wen Xia had an unexplainable magical power. She didn't know where it came from or what effect it had.

She was originally worried that Wen Xia would get into trouble because of this, but after asking about the system, she found out that this was commonly known as the power of thinking.

Because Wen Xia is too confident. After being the number one idol for so many years, he has subconsciously become accustomed to being the number one in this field.

Her extreme self-confidence makes her almost omnipotent.

So after she came to Huanyu, she was able to enter Taoism as an idol and gain so much wish power in a short period of time.

After her willpower becomes stronger, she can use this confidence to infect fans in reverse, thereby gaining more love and support, creating a virtuous cycle.

This is the state Luo Quan wants to achieve most now. Just as she said when she was teasing Ye Zhining just now, it would be cool if she could have the same wishes as Wen Xia.

However, because she discovered it relatively late, the psychological suggestions she gave herself were far from reaching the level of modifying reality.

In addition, due to Bai Xingwei's torment just now, the progress bar has gone back a bit.

I don’t know if I can successfully think about it before the arena competition starts three days later.

In short, let's do our best to obey fate. After all, in a battle, your chances of winning will not be reduced just because you brag, nor will the gap in hard power be smoothed out just because you attach great importance to your opponent.

The next night, the fifth episode of Universal Girls began.

The number of views tonight is directly on par with the first episode.

The reason is simple. After today's program ends, there will only be [-] contestants left out of [-].

Eliminating twenty people in one breath sounds very cruel, but in each subsequent period, twenty people will be eliminated.

The good news is that since this is the last dance for quite a few contestants, the program team will give everyone a chance to show their strength.

Due to market reasons, it will be broadcast in two parts this time, so the contestants will spend more time on the stage.

In addition, Luo Quan has also arranged the future path for those players who have been eliminated.

A failure does not mean that the future is bleak. As long as you work hard, there are still opportunities.

Of course, no matter how good the path after elimination is, it currently seems far inferior to staying on the show. The exposure and attention of the two are not at the same level.

So when the results of today's game came out, many colleges cried.

Some of them are reluctant to leave this stage, and some are reluctant to leave the sisters who have been together day and night for more than a month.

Luo Quan did not destroy their final warmth at this time, after all, he had just read out the elimination list himself.

Now I go to comfort others, but I always feel a little weird.

Fortunately, Wen Xia and Chu Yueyan still acted like big sisters. They greeted all the sisters and said something like "We will not really be separated and we should keep in touch".

Then under Leon's suggestion, everyone happily decided to hold a barbecue party, turning sadness into appetite, and diluting the sorrow of the upcoming separation with the last dinner.

This time Luo Quan got the invitation, and it wasn't because she had to prepare for the arena competition the day after tomorrow. She didn't drink and eat meat until dawn like other girls.

If he drank so much, he would probably have to get up in the afternoon of the next day, which would be a waste of time to give himself psychological suggestions.

After leaving the barbecue party, Luo Quan looked directly into the mirror, planning to use his compelling electric eyes to enhance the effect of psychological suggestion.

According to common sense, looking in the mirror in the middle of the night is a very unlucky thing, and many terrible urban legends originate from looking in the mirror.

If it's a ghost or a Bloody Mary or something, that's fine.

With her current identity, the majestic Virgin of the Dawn Church, with one hand of holy light, all monsters and monsters will be instantly wiped out.

What I'm afraid of is staring at the mirror for a long time, suddenly getting tired and yawning, and then I find myself in the mirror not yawning, but showing a weird smile.

If this situation occurs, it will definitely be the most terrifying situation when looking in the mirror.

Although Luo Quan was very courageous, she still felt a little worried when she thought about this possible situation, so she turned on all the lights in the room, illuminating the room brightly.

Then I started staring at myself in the mirror and kept telling myself: Luo Quan is the strongest, Luo Quan is the best, Luo Quan you can do it!
It sounds like a cheap chicken soup, but it really works in the world.

Luo Quan looked at it for a long time and found nothing strange happening.

On the contrary, I feel that I am really beautiful, and the more I look at it, the more beautiful I feel. No wonder so many fans like me so much.

If the fans in the live broadcast room knew her inner thoughts, she would be more shameless than others.

Seeing Luo Quan's eyes sore like this, she finally put down the mirror and lay down on the bed to rest.

She still had one day to prepare tomorrow, so she would have to take a closer look at Gredo's spell release characteristics to see if there was any chance of winning by surprise.

Generally speaking, in a game like this with a clear strength gap, the stronger side can easily underestimate the enemy.

Gredo is young and energetic, and has defeated so many powerful enemies in succession. His heart must be quite swollen at this moment.

Once a person swells up, flaws are easily exposed.

And Greedo might still be a fan of hers, and when the time comes for a real fight, it might be a factor that can turn the situation around.

In short, winning or losing a battle is not entirely determined by hard power.

The right time, right place and right people, as well as experience, mentality, sideline factors, etc., will all have an impact on people.

Of course, Luo Quan would not make a theory of ten wins and ten losses like Guo Jia.

She just wanted to remind herself in this way that no matter what her opponent was like, she must not be careless.

When I bragged with Ye Zhining and the others before, it was to control my power of thinking.

But in a real fight, she would never really treat Gredo as a novice.

(End of this chapter)

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