Chapter 1251
To be honest, League of Legends has not been having an easy time these days.

First of all, more convenient and faster-paced mobile games have greatly impacted the market. More old players are quitting the game and fewer new players are joining the game. Coupled with some reasons in the game, the popularity of League of Legends has been declining. .

However, the situation is already so bad. The planning of the national server is still squeezing players' wallets as much as possible. Various krypton gold activities and new skins are constantly being released. The bugs that affect the player experience are not fixed and they use skin-changing software. Banned on the spot.

Due to the accumulation of these disgusting things, players have been extremely dissatisfied with this game, especially the game planning, for a long time.

In addition, the anniversary was coming soon. As a result, the officially announced event rewards were pitifully small, and other content was basically krypton gold. Then the alliance players couldn't bear it anymore and began to send cordial greetings to the national server game planning.

The main form is to carry out violent insults extending back and forth against the planned family tree, with the biological mother as the main focus of the attack.

Not just scolding the planners to relieve their anger, players also called on everyone not to go online on the anniversary day, play any game, just don’t play League of Legends, and stop Krypton for a week to express everyone’s anger.

I originally thought that a slogan like this would only be shouted by some people, and not many people would respond. Who would have expected that this time the players would really come forward, and the crowd excitedly expressed that they must teach the planner an impressive lesson.

Even later, even the major anchors began to call for anniversary celebrations not to go online, even at the risk of ruining their own jobs.

Then things got bigger and bigger, and got out of hand. Even before the anniversary, the players had already retreated out of respect.

Seeing the daily activity of League of Legends plummeting and the voices of quitting getting louder and louder, the planners finally panicked and began to urgently adjust the anniversary activities.

Including but not limited to giving away skins with higher value, increasing game benefits, improving the game environment, etc.

I do want to make amends, but compared with the damage caused before, this attitude is far from being sincere.

In fact, one or two special effect skins really don't matter to most players. In comparison, they would rather see the League of Legends planning an explosion on the spot, which would probably be more relieving.

Unfortunately, this situation can only exist in imagination and cannot be truly realized.

We know that the players are really angry this time, and we promise to report the eighth anniversary celebration well. In addition to providing in-game benefits, we will also invite many big names and celebrities to accompany the players to celebrate the festival.

In the past, some well-known League of Legends anchors were invited to celebrate anniversaries, and players could understand the whole story, which was indeed quite interesting.

But then League of Legends became popular and became more influential. People in the entertainment industry wanted to get a piece of the pie, and the guests invited to the anniversary celebration became traffic stars.

As soon as they heard that the alliance was planning to do this again, the players immediately started complaining.

Alliance players are highly overlapped with Bilibili Tieba users, and the common characteristic of users on these platforms is their extreme dislike of traffic stars.

Now that the alliance is planning such a thing, isn't it obvious that they are here to scold them?

Some irritable old men directly scolded in the comment area: "You beast, if you dare to invite traffic meat here, your whole family will definitely spiral into the sky tonight!"

These are all relatively gentle and do not contain any curse words. Most of them are quite rude and will be deleted by the system soon after they are posted.

However, under such pressure, the official League of Legends account announced the list of stars invited this time.

As the main guest, Luo Quan suddenly appeared in the C position.

And besides her, the other guests are all celebrities in the League of Legends circle, such as well-known anchors, commentators, players, etc.

In other words, except for her, there are no real entertainment stars this time.

This sudden good news made the players who had been angry for so many days finally feel relieved.

After all, if you had to choose one star in the entertainment industry who is more pleasing to the eye, it would probably be Luo Quan.

First of all, she is an old player with a high rank, and she has posted Weibo and updates related to the game very early on. There is absolutely no problem with her purity.

Then the most important thing is that he has good looks and a good figure, and his professional skills are top-notch.

With a star like this that is close to perfection in all aspects, players really can't find anything to dislike about it.

So when the league’s official account announced that Luo Quan would participate in the anniversary celebration, players praised him one after another:

""Finally, I did something personal, so I won't criticize the planner today. "

"It's okay to invite Luo Quan. Everyone likes it, and there's no negative news. It's a one-day reward for planning my mother's resurrection."

"By the way, is there a live broadcast in Luoquan? Go and ask what's going on..."

“It would be great if there was a song to follow.”

"Indeed, S7 has released songs before, so I have to have one this time."

"Go to the live broadcast room and send a paid barrage and ask, Luo Bao will definitely agree."


As a result, netizens flocked to Luo Quan's live broadcast room.

At this time, she had finished playing two infinite firepowers. Although she had not played the game for a while, the feeling engraved in her muscles came back quickly as soon as she started playing.

The response is still quick and the operation is still sharp. I killed more than 40 people with two games, and the breeze is still the same as before.

"What, my operation is still so sharp, take some time and easily become the king."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and boasted proudly.

"Win two infinite firepowers and you will be the king? Where did you get this illusion?"

"Luo Bao, you're really a little too arrogant. If you really get killed in the rankings later, won't your reputation in this life be all over the place?"

"Don't worry, at Luo Quan's level, isn't it just a random killing in a qualifying match?"


Facing the fans' teasing, Luo Quan laughed: "Haha, I'm just bragging. Don't really believe it. I can indeed be the king, but it takes a lot of energy."

Fans responded immediately:

"Pass it on, Luo Quan said that the king can do whatever he wants, it's really not difficult."

"Pass it on, it's not difficult for Luo Quan to be king and simple."

"Pass it on, Luo Quan said that if she goes to compete against professional players, she will get as many S crowns as she wants."

"Pass it on, Luo Quan has already started choosing the champion skin."


The fans' comments became more and more outrageous. After watching it for a while, Luo Quan couldn't stand it any longer and quickly stopped him: "You guys are completely making up rumors. When did I say these things? That's not the way to spread hatred!" "

However, fans don’t care about this and persist in living:
"This is from Weibo, who is Luo Quan?"

"It seems that this year's LPL hopes must be pinned on Luo Quan."

"Like last year in Shanghai, LPL lost the S championship. I hope to return to the top in Iceland this year."

"It feels a little difficult, the LCK side is too strong."

"Luo Bao, it's time for you to show off. You are a human koi. Why don't you just give me a few blessings and just take it?"

"That's right, Luo Bao, you can't hide it at this time. If you really win the championship because of your blessing, I will give you two-thirds of the credit!"......

"I have said it countless times, this luck only works for me, and it is not [-]% effective for me." Luo Quan sighed helplessly: "For example, I am thirsty now and want to drink orange juice. Is it orange juice?" Will you appear in front of me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Luo Quan asked.

"It's my sister. Mia made some orange juice. Do you want to drink it?" Leon shouted outside the room.

Fans were shocked when they heard this:

"Holy crap, isn't this what we agreed to do?"

"Don't you dare to be more clever?"

"Whether the law is spoken or not, it belongs to yes."

"As expected of you, Luo Bao, you can do whatever you want!"

"Hey! Goblin, you still said that you are not a human koi!"


The facts were right in front of her. When Luo Quan said she was thirsty, someone immediately came to bring her something to drink, and it was exactly what she wanted.

The key argument process could not be prepared in advance at all. It was brought up temporarily by the barrage, and Luo Quan was forced to deny it.

Who would have thought that before he could finish his words of denial, Leon came to the door with orange juice.

"It can't be such a coincidence." Luo Quan muttered, opened the door, and saw Leon holding a plate with a smile.

In addition to orange juice, there are two steaming chicken legs on top, which look like they were made by Mia, because they smell completely different from those made in fast food restaurants, and are more fragrant.

"The live broadcast is going on?" Leon stretched his neck and looked at the computer, and said with a smile: "This is the roasted chicken leg that Mia learned by herself. Sister, please comment on it and see if there is any room for improvement.

In addition, this orange juice is also freshly squeezed, absolutely original and has no additives. "

"You still have time to do your own catering research and development." Luo Quan took the plate with a smile, picked up the chicken leg and took a bite.

"It tastes good. The spices are very tasty. However, the roasting time is a little shorter. It can be released a little longer to make the skin crispier." Luo Quan commented after chewing twice.

"It seems that Mia's work this time is very successful. She finally learned a dish." Leon celebrated happily, "Sister, please eat slowly. I will go down and tell her the good news."

After saying that, he left the room with a smile on his face.

Sitting on a chair for a while, Luo Quan gnawed on a roasted chicken leg. All the comments were funny:
"Anchor anchor, is this your brother? He's so handsome."

"You're pretending, right? Leon doesn't even know you?"

"Anchor Anchor, how did you and your brother meet?"


"When I ask a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, it's that I think you have a problem."

"Alliance players know how to make people hypertensive."

"Don't change the subject. Now everyone has seen the power of Luo Bao's mouth. It would be a pity if we don't pray for lpl."

"Yes, Luo Bao, now is not the time to be self-conscious. It depends on you whether you can save lpl from the fire or water!"


Luo Quan looked at the hopeful words in the barrage and knew that everyone really wanted this championship.

After all, last year there was such a high demand, and we were about to win the championship, but in the end, we were defeated by lck, right at home.

This kind of humiliation is second only to watching the Korean Civil War in the Bird's Nest in S7. The desire of league players to win another championship can be said to be extremely strong, and it has reached the point where they will do anything they can, with all kinds of metaphysics and superstitious techniques emerging one after another. , so many years of compulsory education in the country have been wasted.

However, the above methods pale into insignificance compared to Luo Quan.

They have just seen what it means to have their thoughts come to them, so they urgently need Luo Quan to cheer for lpl at this moment, and they believe that if they do this, it can really come true.

In fact, Luo Quan knew in his heart that her good luck physique only worked on herself in most cases, and whether she could speak her words or not would depend on luck.

So as long as it's something that has nothing to do with herself, she usually won't send any blessings.

But now that so many people are begging her, it would be too impersonal if she continues to refuse.

So Luo Quan finally said: "Then I will be here to help the lpl's upcoming team to win this year's S championship and leave a good memory for all players!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the players in the live broadcast room burst into laughter:

"Thank you Luo Bao, I feel relieved with your words."

"I'm very energetic. It seems that our lpl will definitely win this S11!"

"You still can't be too arrogant. No matter how powerful your metaphysics is, you can't save the damn ghost."

"No matter what, we will see the result in two months."

"This is the last gift for the eighth anniversary. It's much better than giving everyone rubbish skins."

"I've been planning a beast all my life, and it's a good thing to do it when I'm about to die."

"When a person is about to die, his words are good."

"Looking forward to the eighth anniversary performance, Luo Bao will definitely kill those anchors ruthlessly."

"Haha, maybe Luo Bao can even kill those retired players."

"It's really possible. Some people have retired, and now it's hard to even play a diamond game. Luo Bao is really good at controlling lightning at the diamond level."

"Look forward to pinching."

"By the way, has Luo Bao prepared any songs for the eighth anniversary this time?"

"Yeah, why don't you get a war song for such an important day?"


After paving the way for so long, the issue that fans are most concerned about finally came out, breaking into Luo Quan's field of vision in the most unexpected manner.

"Okay, I've been chatting with you so much, it's just because of this, right?"

Luo Quan showed an expression that said, "I knew there would be such a moment." He then smiled and said, "Everyone knows my habits. How can I go on such an important occasion without a dedicated BGM?
The new song has been prepared for a long time. A Chinese song will not only be performed for the first time on the anniversary stage, but will also be used as the theme song of this S11 and appear on the international stage!
How is it, is it a surprise or a surprise? "

(End of this chapter)

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