Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1252 The Lonely Brave

Chapter 1252 The Lonely Brave

Hearing Luo Quan's promise to release a new song, although everyone in the barrage was applauding, few were particularly excited.

On the one hand, a new album was just released a while ago, and everyone is not that eager for new songs. On the other hand, I guess they also feel that Luo Quan, who has returned to the League of Legends stage after such a long time, should come back with a new song.

How could everyone be so emotionally invested in something that was a matter of course?
Of course, I am definitely very happy. Who would not be happy that Luo Quan released a new song, and it is also the only Chinese song in the history of the S competition theme song. This is not an ordinary card.

Prior to this, League of Legends had only released English songs and Korean songs. Obviously China is the country with the largest number of League of Legends players, but as a result, in so many years, there were only a few Chinese lyrics in a Korean song.

This is really unfair, so Chinese players have long been clamoring for Riot to provide a Chinese song.

Now, the planner heard the players’ calls and not only arranged a Chinese song, but also invited Luo Quan.

Regardless of whether he plays League of Legends or not, who doesn’t know that Luo Quan is the most popular singer at home and abroad?
Any new song can easily get hundreds of millions of views on the day it is released. Only this kind of traffic is worthy of a game of League of Legends level.

"This is one of the few good news I've heard in recent days."

"The planner finally woke up after being scolded by everyone and started doing human affairs?"

"It's just that I need to be scolded. If I hadn't been scolded, I probably wouldn't have had these things. It seems that I will have to intensify my efforts in the future."

"What's the name of the song? Are you burning? I don't want it if it doesn't shake its legs."

"I hope it can be like "Faded". I remember that when this song was the most popular, it was the day when I joined League of Legends."

"Haha, this electronic song has been used by all the major League of Legends anchors, but it has attracted a lot of new players to the game."

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao hasn't made any electronic music for a long time."

"Take your time. Luobao is releasing all kinds of music styles. There will always be electronic music's turn."

"I wonder if it will be my turn this time."


Fans are still very concerned about the genre of songs. As far as playing games is concerned, more popular songs will bring a lot of improvement to the operation.

Especially when used for video editing, the louder the song, the better the atmosphere created.

However, Party A's request was to let her play a song with a deeper tone. The reason was that she already had enough songs, and she could change the style appropriately this time.

In addition, the lyrics must be positive and inspiring.

The difficulty was not high, but it dispelled Luo Quan's idea of ​​playing an electronic music song with everyone, so Luo Quan had no choice but to change his work.

"The song this time is called "The Lonely Warrior" and will be on the anniversary stage. I won’t reveal the details here. Just look forward to the anniversary."

Luo Quan told the name of the song in advance, but only the name of the song.

"Lonely Warrior, the name sounds a bit weird."

"Hum, aren't all songs like this nowadays? Only when they are mysterious are they easy to remember."

"I still like it to be a little more burning."

"Let's play some electronic music. It's hard to play games without electronic music."



Seeing that the fans were not interested in the Chinese songs at all, Luo Quan scratched his head in distress.

However, the fans' demands were her motivation. After thinking for a while, she said: "Actually, I prepared more than one song for this time on stage. There is one theme song for the S game, and one for the eighth anniversary of LPL. Originally, it was I want to save this surprise for the eighth anniversary stage.

But everyone has such strong demands, so let’s release it in advance. The song for the eighth anniversary is electronic music. It’s nice and exciting, and it definitely meets everyone’s needs. "

This time, fans could no longer pretend to be reserved. They exhausted all their lifelong learning and expressed their love and praise to Luo Quan:
"From today on, I declare that you are my God!"

"As expected of you, Luo Bao, you can always bring me new tricks."

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't let us down, Luo Bao."

"Just now, I was complaining that you were here to make money. If you don't care, now everyone is slapped in the face."

"Nonsense, we Kangba have always been die-hard fans of Luo Quan. When has the goddess Kangba not chosen her?"

"You have selected YY, right? Each one of them is licking the screen and calling his wife. Don't think that your B friend doesn't know."

"Damn it, you can't even shout so loudly that the monk can't touch me?"

"The quality of Tieba is too low, and it's all dirty talk. We at Station B are the ones who really like Luo Quan, and their nature is completely different."

"Damn, you are a licking dog and you still feel superior by licking?"

"Wrong, let's fight. Brother is also Luo Bao's licking dog. Who doesn't like to lick such a perfect goddess?"


Luo Quan really didn't expect that users of the two platforms would quarrel in the barrage because of something like this.

However, the number of users at Station B is indeed lower than that of Tieba. When it comes to expressing love, they are not so straightforward.

Of course, this kind of direct expression of one's feelings can also be seen as lack of quality. After all, how can anyone just go down three ways and start having sex when they see a beautiful girl? No matter how free the Internet is, the most basic respect should be there.

However, Tieba users seem to be quite weak in this aspect, but in fact, this is something that most men will YY after seeing beautiful girls. It’s just that Tieba users said it right away, while others only dared to stay there. The stage of inner yy.

Luo Quan felt that his own words of advice would not have much effect. After all, there is already a large overlap of platform users, especially at Bilibili and Tieba. Many people play on both sides, especially League of Legends players.

If you rashly take sides, not only will it fail to end the quarrel, it may even aggravate the conflict and offend both parties.

Simply, she might as well persuade her to open the folder and start playing a song called "The Power of the Ancients" (ps. the original song was called Ngau hung).

The clear sound of the piano sounded. At first glance, you would think it was some kind of pure Chinese music, quiet and sweet.

This music seemed to have a magical power. After it sounded, the quarrels in the barrage suddenly became sparse, as if people stopped talking at this moment and listened carefully to this sudden music.

As the tempo of the song gradually speeds up, electronic sounds begin to occupy the main position of the song, and the atmosphere changes from tranquility to excitement with increasingly dynamic melody.

After reaching the climax, the fast-paced and repetitive drum beat hit the listeners' hearts one after another, making their chests pump with the rhythm of the song.

At this moment, they finally heard the long-lost burning song, which was also the war song that the players had longed for.

If you listen to this song and play ranked, why worry about not being a master?

The content of this song "Prehistoric Power" is not long and it ends in less than 3 minutes.

But the excitement brought to the fans lasted for a full half day without fading at all.

After the song ended, no one was arguing in the barrage. Most of them were praising the song, long live Luo Bao, and how awesome the teacher is. The remaining half were begging Luo Quan to put the song on the shelves quickly, even if the single price is too high. Even if it costs 5 yuan, they will place an order without hesitation. “This is a much better improvement than game skins, and it’s also cheaper than skins!”

"This eighth anniversary hasn't even started yet, but I'm already starting to feel satisfied. This song brings back the feeling of staying up all night with my brothers."

"Internet cafes, headphones, playing songs, signing up, and selecting Yasuo instantly. I really miss it. It's a pity that I can't go back."

"I haven't played League for several years. I just have some free time these days, so I want to go back and play."

"Ionia +1!"

"Bilgewater +1!"

"Demacia +1!"

"Black rose +1!"


Luo Quan really didn't expect that a piece of electronic music could actually be an opportunity for these players who had quit the game to come back.

And looking at the overwhelming number of League of Legends region names on the barrage, the number of people returning to the pit this time is quite large.

This also made Luo Quan wonder, are all the fans watching her live broadcast so old?

League of Legends has been popular for so many years. If you are an old user who has entered and exited the game, you are at least in your twenties or even 30 years old now.

Didn't it mean that most of the people who like her are students and young people? Why are so many middle-aged people popping up now?

Of course, doubts remain doubts, and Luo Quan would definitely not say such words.

Women don’t like to be called older, but do men like it?

No one wants to face the passage of time, but girls have to be more sensitive. After all, the traces of time on their faces are more obvious.

But that doesn’t mean men don’t mind, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many men’s skin care products.

All in all, Luoquan's simple operation has kept the Aiolia area full since noon. There are 10,000+ people queuing up to log in at any time. Players who don't know the truth are stunned:

"The anniversary has been brought forward? The battle night is not today, why are there so many people."

"Damn it, the server is going to explode. It's so hard to open a mall."

"The good news is that now all modes are queued in seconds, and there are probably too many people."

"My qualifying speed in one suburb is much faster. It's really because the sun is coming out from the west."

"Don't you know? The new song written by Luo Bao for the anniversary celebration has been released, and it has already exploded in popularity on many platforms. Now all the players are returning to the game."

"Just playing Tieba, who is Luo Bao?"

"Luo Quan, the number one female Bodhisattva in resistance. Even poor guys can appreciate her swimsuit photos. You don't have to pay to have a picture package."

"If you say that, I will know that Luo Quan is indeed a good person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste, and a person who always cares about this poor brother."

"Pfft, how can you describe this? Luo Bao is probably going to vomit blood when he sees it."

"Let me clarify, this is how we fight in the bar. However, Luo Bao is exempted from the right to spray in the bar. This kind of treatment is not something ordinary people can get."

"You can't appreciate the two-dimensional culture of Bilibili, but if it's Luoquan, you'll definitely want to just be YY."


Fortunately, Luo Quan didn't read Tieba very much, otherwise he might have blacked out.

How could anyone dare to amuse her like this at Station B, where language expressions are generally reserved?

So sometimes, you still have to be selective when surfing the Internet.

If you know that people in Tieba can talk whatever they want, don't go there to join in the fun. After all, most people there just want to talk about the suburbs.

Those who don’t understand don’t know why, and those who understand will only think it’s outrageous.

But in general, the warm-up for this anniversary celebration was quite successful. First Telecom directly helped the daily activity of the League of Legends national server return to its peak level.

Originally, the planners thought that such a grand event would only happen on the anniversary night, but they did not expect that Luo Quan would achieve it as soon as it was officially announced. This shows how huge a bonus a powerful star with national status can bring to the product.

Originally, in this market full of competing products, everyone was in a situation where they wanted to buy a product but had to shop around.

But when I saw that Luo Quan was the spokesperson, I guessed that he was relatively reliable in all aspects, so I started directly.

The same goes for games.

There are so many games to play in your free time, and the competitiveness of League of Legends has long been inferior to that of various mobile games, but suddenly I saw that Luo Quan was celebrating his anniversary, and he had even written two new songs.

As soon as I heard the new song, I couldn't help but want to play Yasuo twice.

It doesn't matter whether you are a super ghost or not. What is important is that you can experience the freedom of coming and going. There is nothing happier than this.

That's why many players said that successfully inviting Luoquan was the most correct decision made by the game planners in these years.

I don’t know if the family members who planned it can be resurrected, but those long-dormant player avatars have been collectively resurrected today. Even the business of the Internet cafe is not much better. If you look around, there is a group of [-]-something working people running a gang. Sitting together.

Then an electronic music song called "The Power of Prehistoric Times" was played in the lobby of the Internet cafe, and everyone shook their legs involuntarily after hearing it.

As for Luo Quan, after firing three more infinite fires alone, he finally opened the rankings under the instigation of the barrage.

The entertainment is enough, and the feel is almost there. Naturally, it is necessary to increase the strength of the ranking.

Rather than watching Luo Quan kill indiscriminately with unlimited firepower, they preferred to watch Luo Quan being tortured by his opponents in ranked games.

It would be best if there was an imbecile poodle player who would target Luo Quan from the second level, and then make Luo Quan cry as hard as he did with other female anchors.

However, in a platinum-level positioning match, it would be too fanciful to try to break her defense.

Although it is difficult for her to become the king, no matter how difficult it is, she is still the king.

Is it difficult to get platinum?

Playing with jio is just killing indiscriminately!

So Luo Quan played a power-training hero like the jungler Leopard Girl, grabbing all three lanes, and really leveled the base in the second and ten minutes.

But perhaps his attitude was too arrogant. After winning three consecutive victories, Luo Quan finally faced sanctions.

In the fourth game, she lined up a huge mid laner named Yasuo, and single-handedly lost the game.

(End of this chapter)

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