Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1253 Luo Bao’s qualities

"What a living beast this Yasuo is. If he can win the game, he will lose it alive."

"Yasuo players are like this. As long as they are happy, winning or losing doesn't matter."

"It's hard to believe that the person controlling Yasuo is a human being. Even my dogs can play better than him."

"Luo Bao, you can scold him if you want. No one will criticize you if you just criticize someone like this."

"Haha, Luo Bao is a quality anchor. The most dirty words he ever said were me."

"It would be great if it were the other way around. I would be the first to respond."



In the game League of Legends, it is easy to break defenses because you never know what kind of pig-nosed teammates you will encounter.

People's good temper will be worn away by repeated failures, and eventually turn into boundless anger. In this game, trolls are almost everywhere, and no matter how gentle your personality is, there will be times when you are anxious.

Just like this time, Luoquan encountered a 0-24 Yasuo in the placement match. After the game, he had already spoken the first two words of "Sima Dongxi", and finally changed it to: Sima...Yi Is this version pretty strong?

Fans knew the elegant meaning after hearing the sound of the string, and immediately joked:

"Luo Bao, are you trying to curse? I heard it."

"Haha, God damn Sima Yi, you say this name with such gnashing of teeth, people who don't know would think you are a descendant of Cao Cao."

"Why, Luo Bao has broken his defense in LoL and is planning to switch to pesticides?"

"Han Xin, the national server, invites you to fight. There is no problem in taking Luo Bao to the king."

"Long-term lovesickness brings long-lasting memories, but short lovesickness brings endless memories. The first shot... I'm sorry, I went to the wrong set."

"It's funny, isn't it?"

"To be honest, I have never seen Luo Bao play King. I don't know what his level is."

"If you want to scold people, just scold Luo Bao. No one will say anything about you."


After listening to the fans' advice, Luo Quan, who had calmed down, smiled and said: "I am a high-quality anchor, don't even think of hearing any dirty words from me.

In addition, everyone should not go blasting this Yasuo player, maybe something happened to him that made him fight like this. "

Luo Quan said, and clicked on the Yasuo player's report interface. The reason for the report was to give someone a head.

Sending so many lives and scolding him will not have any effect. Only by reporting him and banning him for a while can this kind of person stop harming other players.

How can I cheat at home alone? It’s easy to tell whether I’m playing seriously or not.

This Yasuo has been giving away since the laning phase, and has not come to the mid-term reporting team. He also rushes to fight wild monsters and side lanes. If this is not an actor, it can only show that he has an anti-social personality and must be severely punished.

0-24-3 is really not an operation that humans can make. Anyone who encounters it will have to report it.

Therefore, Luo Quan did not intend to curse, but directly asked the league officials to punish him.

In fact, the popularity of League of Legends has declined. On the one hand, it is due to the endless cash-generating activities, and on the other hand, there are many players who are deliberately disgusting.

Either giving away people's lives, or inexplicably trolling teammates, making the game environment a mess, causing many people to quit the game directly after being disgusted.

Compared to ordinary players, Luo Quan is lucky.

Because a song brought back many players to the league, the league officials specially arranged for people to guard Luo Quan's live broadcast room, just to prevent her from encountering actors and tricksters.

Ren Luoquan is such a big star. He happily writes songs for you and appeals to old players to come back. However, he encounters this situation after playing two ranked games. Think about it from his perspective. Is it disgusting for you?
Not to mention Luo Quan, even the fans in the live broadcast room were furious.

If Luo Quan hadn't stopped him, the fans would have killed the orphan Yasuo and carried out targeted explosions.

If it were reported by an ordinary player, it would probably take a day or two before Yasuo could be dealt with, and the punishment would probably be just a loss of reputation points, which would be useless.

But this time it was Luo Quan who personally ordered the report, and officials were in the live broadcast room and witnessed the whole process.

It was confirmed that the killing was intentional, which greatly damaged the game environment and was a heinous crime!
So less than half a minute after Luo Quan clicked the report, Yasuo was banned for half a month.

At least until the anniversary is over, he won't have the chance to use this account to disgust people again.

As soon as Luo Quan clicked to play matching, she received a report and punishment email from the system. After reading it, she was shocked: "It was handled so quickly this time. The sun is really shining in the north!"

When they saw that they were banned for half a month, fans also cheered:

"So damn good! This is the most relieving episode I have ever watched."

"Half a month is still too little. If you want me to come, you must be permanently banned, including the ID card and equipment, so that this kind of thieves can't play LoL!"

"The official processing speed this time is quite fast. If other players' reports can be so fast, there won't be so many people quitting the game."

"Indeed, punish those trolls and actors quickly and severely, and no one will scold you no matter how you show your skin."

"It has to be Luo Bao. Only big stars of this level have such privileges. If it were us, we would probably have to suffer this grievance in vain."

"No wonder Luo Bao doesn't curse. The result is much more comfortable than scolding."

"Swearing at that beast? That's dirty Luo Bao's mouth!"

"What, Luo Bao's mouth is dirty? Where, let me clean it with my tongue."

"Haha, that's all you can hear, right?"

"The shrimp-headed man calms down and be careful with Luo Bao. You also reported him."


Judging from the reaction of the barrage, the alliance's approach this time can be said to be very popular, and it can be regarded as Luo Quan reciprocating the favor.

After enjoying such VIP-level treatment, Luo Quan felt comfortable again.

However, before he was happy for long, a dazzling paid barrage appeared in the live broadcast room:

"You and Biaozi dare to report and block my account. I will xx you xx, I will xxxxx you xxxxx..."

Almost all of them are forbidden words, which cannot be displayed at all. At the same time, you can also imagine how dirty this person can be.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked:

"Holy crap, is this Yasuo?"

"You are a bit brave, you actually dare to come here and act wild."

"This thing is like a dog barking in the live broadcast room. It's really shameless."

"Look, I won't box you in today (a term that means exposing the real identity of netizens), and let your relatives and friends see what kind of beast you are."


The above are all statements made by more radical fans, and conservatives despise the radical fans for being too conservative, so they directly used barrages and private messages to curse this person.

As for Luo Quan, after reacting, he said with a smile: "Everyone has seen it, this has broken the defense of people who have their accounts blocked. They don't hesitate to spend money on paid barrages to come here to spray me.

But next I will do something that will break his defense even more. Guess what it is. "

As a speaker, Luo Quan directly used his ultimate authority as the "Auntie B" to ban this lv5 account for three years.

Note that he is not banned from the live broadcast room for three years, but his account is banned for three years, which means that he will not be able to use this account to make any comments for three years. "Haha, this big silence spell is too cruel."

"Auntie, I'm really angry this time."

"This is the first time I saw Luo Bao sentenced someone to three years in prison. This time he was too cruel."

"You just have to be more ruthless, lest everyone think Luo Bao is easy to bully."

"The boss of Station B is willful. He will ban you if he wants to, without any negotiation."

"Now that person is probably going crazy. He just cursed and was banned, and it lasted longer than lol."

"If you ask me, you should just seal it forever. Why do you want to keep such a scourge alive?"

"Indeed, Luo Bao is still too conservative."


Everyone in the barrage was applauding, but few people comforted Luo Quan.

It's not that the man's scolding just now wasn't aggressive, it's mainly because Luo Quan's previous experiences on Weibo were much more vicious than this and couldn't stir up any inner turmoil.

Of course, calmness returns to calmness, and the seal should still be sealed. These are two different things.

"So I have been telling everyone that people should be quality-minded and don't speak dirty words. You see, some people just talk dirty and end up like this."

After solving the trouble, Luo Quan looked at the camera and made a summary carefully, and also raised his head by the way.

Fans immediately started flattering:

"Well said, you are indeed my life mentor, Luo Bao."

"The thoughts are profound and the language is sharp, worth learning."

"It is true that swearing can bring a lot of trouble to people. Many people in the entertainment industry are like this. It really ruins the popularity of people."

"I suspect you are hinting at someone."

"Haha, is this starting to expand the battlefield for Luo Bao? You guys really want her to fight with others."

"Tear it up quickly, tear it up quickly, there will be no fun if you don't tear it up."

"It's time for the classic part again, where I cause Luo Quan trouble."

"This was my favorite episode as a kid."


The barrage was okay at first, but Luo Quan couldn't understand it later. She thought to herself that she hadn't been away for long. Could it be that there was some news happening in the past few days?
"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it at all?" Luo Quan asked the barrage curiously.

"You're pretending, right? There were so many hot searches yesterday, but you didn't know?"

"Just disconnect the internet when you're on vacation, right? Stop doing this!"

"You will know when you stop at the brink of searching for station B."


At the fan's reminder, Luo Quan entered the word "Hang on the cliff" in the search bar of station B.

Then there was a behind-the-scenes footage of two stars, a man and a woman, filming a horse riding scene.

Both Luo Quan knew each other, and they were both quite popular traffic stars.

The male star has been popular for many years and has appeared in many hit dramas.

Female celebrities have emerged in the past year or two and have always been known for their sweetness and gentleness.

However, the audio produced by the girl in the video made Luo Quan so surprised that he doubted his ears.

What happened was that the two were filming a circus. The director shouted start and the horse started running away. However, the female star didn't react yet and thought the horse was frightened, so she screamed in fright.

After the horse stopped, the male star smiled and comforted her, but he was yelled at by the emotional female star.

The words were so intense that Luo Quan had never heard it from the mouths of many celebrities.

It would be fine if it was director Jiang Wen's true temperament, which is open-mouthed and silent. The key is that the female star's personality is that of a sweet girl.

As soon as these dirty words came out, the sweet girl might not be able to take it, but the little girl did.

Because the words were so shocking, the video was posted on Weibo's hot search for a whole day. Passersby were watching the fun, and fans were washing the floor. The words were used to wash the floor, and even the swear words were not dirty. In short, it was quite Magical.

After Luo Quan understood the whole story, he showed an unbearable expression: "It is indeed easy for people to say dirty words when they are angry or afraid.

Just like when I used to play horror games, I would often say that I was stupid, that I was stupid, and so on. There is no need for everyone to go online like this.

Of course, this cliff-hanger is indeed unpleasant to hear. After this incident, the star's popularity and personality may not be preserved. "

"Haha, it's rare that Luo Quan didn't comment harshly this time. Isn't it because he is a bit sad that the rabbit died and the fox died?"

"Does this mean that Luo Quan may also say bad words in the future? That's why I won't criticize him."

"There is really no need to go online. In today's social climate, who hasn't scolded your mother?"

"But it's really interesting to hear big stars scold their mothers."

"It would be great if I could hear Luo Bao scold me a few times. He would kick me hard while scolding me. It's exciting just thinking about it."

"Don't be too outrageous. I think if you continue like this, you will be banned for at least three months."

"Luo Bao just curses people without using any curse words. It's really more uncomfortable for her to humiliate people than to directly scold you."

"I'm kidding, Luo Bao is one of the best Yin and Yang masters in the world. Lin Daiyu would call him master when she saw him."

"Stop talking, Luo Bao will be unhappy if you talk about it again."


Loans that have not yet happened are the strengths of many netizens now.

She didn't do anything, yet she somehow turned into a master of yin and yang.

Although she sometimes speaks a bit yin-yang, isn't that for the sake of her own image?

The current public opinion environment is too strict. If a public figure says a few dirty words, he doesn't know what he will be criticized for.

Fortunately, Luo Quan has always paid more attention to these things, so he hasn't made too many mistakes in this aspect from his debut to now.

As for other people's mistakes, she didn't want to make any comments.

"Okay, just such a small thing is worth wasting everyone's time to worry about. Next, I will give you a preview of the whole thing."

Luo Quan said, opening the hero interface of the League of Legends: "Since we are going on the anniversary stage this time, it will definitely not work without a full cosplay.

Although I personally like Riven as a hero, everyone may not like it, so I will conduct a vote here.

Everyone can vote for their favorite hero at will. Whichever one gets the most votes in the end, I will cosplay whichever hero will perform on stage. "

As soon as these words came out, the fans were instantly on steroids. While shouting long live Luo Quan, they posted the hero cosplay they wanted to see on the barrage.

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