Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1254 Don't Take the Unusual Path

Originally, Luo Quan thought that these fans would let him cosplay with sexy heroines such as Ahri, Evelynn, Kai'Sa, etc.

These female heroes are good-looking and popular. They are the characters most often chosen by female cosplayers in the alliance and are also deeply loved by players. However, the final vote surprised him.

"Mondo thinks you're a big pussy!"

A purple-skinned weirdo appeared on the screen. He had extremely strong muscles and crazy eyes.

What a rabid dog looks like, that's probably what this hero looks like.

Even among the many weird heroes in the League, Dr. Mundo is definitely the ugliest, probably second only to Urgot and the Troll King.

"Your taste is indeed a bit unique." Luo Quan frowned and asked the fans: "The selection rate is 23%. Do you really want to see me cosplay this hero?"

The fans’ answers were quite interesting:
"I don't know why, but when the mouse moved over Dr. Mondo, it couldn't be moved away. Maybe this character has some unique charm."

"I've long been tired of seeing regular cosplay, so this time I have to do something different to be interesting."

"This must be the first time for Luo Bao to cosplay such an ugly man. I want to see if you can transform your original appearance into an image that satisfies everyone even though you are so ugly."

"Why would you choose such an outrageous character? Wouldn't it be better to choose Ahri?"

"Stupid, Dr. Mundo is shirtless!"

"Wuhu, it turns out it's because of this, then I must agree with both hands and feet!"

"It's a beautiful thought, how could such a good thing happen?"

“This is the hardest time I’ve ever rewarded myself.”

Only sissies like women, real men like strong men like Mondo. "

"Then why not just let Luo Quan cosplay Seti?"

"What a great idea, Jinfu Jinfu, the whole audience cheers!"

"Haha, this actually works. It fits Luobao's character as the number one female boxer in the world."


Sometimes it's really hard to understand what kind of changes have happened to these people's operating systems. They used to like to watch swimsuits and popular anime characters, but now they have become like this.

Maybe after a while, these people will have to let her cosplay monsters like Alien and Predator.

"Now that you have made your choice, I have decided to cosplay Dr. Mundo this time." Luo Quan said with a smile, "But don't expect me to restore it [-]%, after all, Dr. Mundo only wears a pair of underpants.

Maybe it's okay for boys, but girls definitely can't do this. "

When fans heard this, they immediately started punching:
"What do you mean it's OK for boys but not for girls? I think you are discriminating against girls!"

"Yes, girls should also have the right to go shirtless!"

"It's starting to get connected, right? When the time comes, Xiao Heizi will send the screenshot to Xiaohongshu, and there will be another wave of rhythm."

"It doesn't matter. We at iQuan are both troublemakers and afraid of trouble. Anyway, if the sky falls, Luo Bao will help hold it up."

"Luo Quan: Are you polite?"


These guys still like to play nonsense as always. Luo Quan just shook his head helplessly: "I have convinced you now. Anyway, I will try my best to restore Dr. Mondo. I will first find a way to turn the skin purple. Bar."

Luo Quan said and began to search for related dyes in the mall.

In fact, there are many smear powders that dye the skin in the cosplay circle. However, no matter how harmless these cosmetics are promoted, they will still cause some damage.

Since Dr. Mundo's entire body is purple, she must have dyed her skin all over her body.

Considering that it was a large-area application, Luo Quan planned to use a more reassuring dyeing powder.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the system mall, and Luo Quan easily found a dye with minimal side effects.

At the same time, fans continued to make requests:
"Luo Bao, Dr. Mundo is such a muscular man. I'm afraid your current body is a little far behind."

"Indeed, before the anniversary celebration begins, I should quickly do some fitness training. At least I can get some muscle lines on my arms and stomach."

"It is recommended to start a live fitness broadcast like Xiaomiao. There will definitely be a lot of people watching."

"So are you trying to lure Luo Bao into the bodybuilding world?"

"Damn, I can't help but tremble all over when I think of Luo Quan exercising and becoming a big Jiba."

"Stop it, I'm in good shape right now, there's no need to work out."


Looking at these fans who were posting random comments, Luo Quan stood up and showed off his curvy figure: "You already look like this, do you still need to exercise? If you increase the size of your muscles, you will become deformed."

Besides, there are still a few days until the anniversary. Even if I train 24 hours a day, I still can't develop eight-pack abs in such a short period of time. "

Luo Quan said, sat back in his seat, and continued: "So you guys should save your time, I can only restore Mundo's purple skin in this cosplay.

Dr. Mondo must not count on it, but Nurse Mondo can still think about it. "

This compromise answer did not disappoint fans, but made them even more excited:
"Okay, okay, I like nurses the most. I suggest you wear a white stocking when the time comes."

"You don't know where to put it, right? Then just put it on your head when the time comes."

"What kind of stocking bandit?"

"As long as you wear white silk, you are my half-brother."

"Don't let the white ones be too arrogant, we black ones are the most attractive!"

"As long as it's stockings, I like to pinch them."

"I feel that with Luo Quan's living habits, there is a high probability that I will wear purple stockings on stage."

"Damn, that's too eye-catching. I've only seen stockings of this color on my grandma."

"Stop talking, it's more like a picture."…………

After seeing the fans' analysis, Luo Quan smiled maliciously.

In fact, she really planned to wear purple stockings to see if she could use her long legs to highlight the color of these stockings.

However, the fans seemed to be extremely opposed to her having sex. Luo Quan could only wave his hand: "Okay, I promise not to have sex this time, and I will just wear black stockings."

Black stockings are Luo Quan's XP. Compared to white, which has little visual impact, Luo Quan prefers black, which is mysterious, seductive and extremely charming.

And because the nurse uniform is white, if you wear black stockings, it will definitely have a sense of color contrast, plus the purple skin...

Well, it feels a little weird, but don’t worry, let’s try it first before talking about it. In short, let’s use this method for cosplay first.

Just like that, the last details about this anniversary performance were finalized.

In addition to bringing two new songs, Luo Quan will also perform cosplay and have a friendly competition with a number of guests.

Although she has a good relationship with the Penguins, the league did not rely on this relationship to lower the price, and still gave her an appearance fee of up to [-] million yuan.

This is definitely a pretty good price, and only a wealthy boss like Penguin can offer such a high remuneration.

Not only was he sincere, but he also promised that if Luo Quan is willing to come again next year, the remuneration will continue to increase.

Of course, next year will have to be discussed next year. After all, it's still so long, and she doesn't know if she will be able to make time to participate.

At the end of the live broadcast, Luo Quan, in the name of Koi, sent his blessings to all LPL teams that advanced to the S competition: "This S11, the champion will definitely be our LPL.

Please remember that you are not fighting alone. All LPL fans will support you as always, so please go all out and win the S11 championship! "

After hearing this, all fans finally felt relieved.

Everyone has spoken. There is absolutely no possibility of failure in this trip to Iceland. The champion of S11 must be lpl.

As for which team it will be allocated to, fans have placed high hopes on the EDGaming team.

This is the championship of this year’s Summer Split and is currently the second seed in the global team power rankings. If LPL can win the championship this time, this team will have the best chance!
Of course, many people have questioned this metaphysical way to win the championship, and even criticized Luo Quan for engaging in feudal superstition.

Fortunately, the alliance players were so powerful that they wiped out these nosy people with three strokes, five divisions, and two strokes. The eSports boy’s fighting prowess could be counted on the entire Internet.

I recall the time when a female fan who was one of the top domestic entertainment fans started a war with a fan of the popular Xianxia online game, and the fight was so intense.

Originally, the two sides were evenly matched, with each other winning or losing.

But this top female fan suddenly scolded the league players who were watching the excitement next door.

Probably in her opinion, they were all playing games, so it didn't matter if they sprayed together. She even said arrogantly that they were all a bunch of bad gamers and were not worthy of carrying their brother's shoes.

Originally, this kind of practice would [-]% result in severe torture by the e-sports boys.

However, there are still some sensible people in this group of fans. Seeing that the two sides are about to start a war, they directly cut off the troublesome female fans at the speed of light, and also appealed to the internal fans: Never provoke e-sports people, this group of This guy's fighting ability is not on the same level as ours!
From then on, the reputation of e-sports boys spread far and wide, and they suddenly became the most unpleasant group on the Internet. It was not until the rise of Sunba that this name finally changed hands.

As for the Sunba people, that is another realm.

In short, after gaining the favor of alliance players, Luoquan fans' online fighting power has reached an invincible level. Anyone who dares to come over and say a bad word will be sprayed all over.

Although these fans are a little grumpier and their language is a little sharper, the effect is still very significant. At least no one will touch her now.

And just as the players were looking forward to the anniversary, Luo Quan also received good news.

Half a month after its release, the box office of "Prehistoric" exceeded the 50 billion yuan mark, which is the highest box office of domestic movies this year, and it is also ranked second in the world.

The number one movie is of course the most powerful dark horse in the film industry this year, "Barbie". It was one day later than "The Wilderness", but the global box office has already approached one billion US dollars.

The only good news is that the domestic box office of this movie is very average, and "Prehistoric" has not yet been released abroad, so it is still unclear who will be the box office champion this year.

It has reached this point, and Luo Quan is of course eager to compete for the box office championship.

If it succeeds, maybe it can win some Oscars.

In this way, she can be regarded as achieving an achievement, that is, winning an Oscar for a purely Chinese-language film. This achievement has only been achieved by a few people in the country.

Of course, you don't have to count on heavyweight awards such as Best Film and Best Screenplay. A purely commercial film may not catch the eyes of those academics.

But as long as she can be nominated for the best visual effects, Luo Quan believes that this award must be hers.

After all, the special effects of "Prehistoric" are the best in the world visible to the blind, and are of a high level that can revolutionize the industry.

There are only two possibilities for not winning the award, either there is no nomination, or there is something shady. There is no third possibility.

Of course, to participate in the selection, the film must have been released in the United States.

At present, the foreign promotion of "Prehistoric" is coming to an end, and foreign fans are very enthusiastic about it. From the Internet, it seems that it is no worse than at home.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, thanks to Lyon's unremitting efforts, foreign countries have already set off a wave of Chinese mythology.

From Pangu's Creation of Heaven to Journey to the West to Shi'e, these stories are connected one by one to create a story that is no less exciting than the Marvel Universe.

The world view of this story is huge and complete, and it has political correctness that no foreigner hates. It is all about oriental fantasy settings that have never been touched before.

When those imaginative monsters and gods appeared one by one, the Chinese people were surprised to find that these things that they were tired of hearing at home were also so popular among foreigners.

This proves a sentence, that is, what is national is what belongs to the world. If it can be passed down and endure for so many years, there must be something outstanding.

The Ancient Mythology is now extremely popular abroad, even surpassing the Cthulhu Mythology in terms of popularity. Tens of thousands of discussion posts in relevant communities are refreshed every day, with more than 10 people discussing and creating new ideas.

The upcoming movie "Prehistoric" has also become their top priority.

After hearing that the film was directed by Luo Quan himself and that the special effects were the best among all films in the world, their verbal expectations turned directly into support for the film.

At present, pre-sales in the United States have reached 200 million US dollars, which is not high, but it can already bring about a considerable degree of reverie.

If the pre-sales alone can reach 5000 million, this will be the pace of a best-selling movie.

If "Prehistoric" can really sell for [-]-[-] million US dollars in the United States, then it is not that easy to determine this year's global box office champion.

Perhaps feeling the pressure from "Prehistoric", the investors of "Barbie" increased their publicity efforts, and the direction of publicity was naturally political correctness.

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