Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1256 The Great Victory

Abroad, there is a meme called "Luo Quan's Promise", which basically has the same meaning as China's "honesty of its word". It means that as long as Luo Quan makes a promise, no matter how unreliable it sounds, it will definitely happen in the end. Able to do it without compromise.

When we say swimsuit, we mean swimsuit.

When they say a new album, they really mean a new album, and they never disappoint fans.

So when Luo Quan said that she wanted to do something, almost no one questioned whether she could do it. Instead, they directly regarded these words as a declaration of victory, because everyone believed that Luo Quan would be able to pretend. Finish her bragging.

This is a bit like the law of cause and effect.

Now Luo Quan has mentioned topics related to "Prehistoric". Before this, she had never published such a formal article to promote it.

When the article was translated and posted on Twitter, countless fans couldn't sit still and clamored to boost Luo Quan's performance and show their loyalty.

Even though she has been staying in China these years, she has never gone out much.

But every time a new song is released, it is released in Chinese, Japanese and English.

What does this mean?It shows that Luo Quan has always been thinking about these fans abroad.

Moreover, her live broadcast videos are always translated by someone, so apart from less live broadcast interaction, the difference between domestic and foreign countries is not that big.

After all, how can most celebrities be as free as she is to broadcast live to meet fans every day?
Usually he is not busy filming movies and recording songs, or rushing to red carpets everywhere, and he is busy wallowing in Vanity Fair. Who would interact with fans every day like Luo Quan?

Therefore, this kind of anchor star makes Luo Quan's fans extremely sticky.

In other words, she has all the advantages of a top star and a top anchor, but at the same time, she is not as promiscuous and illegal as these people.

It's really hard for fans not to admire such a high-quality idol.

Now, a special effects masterpiece with world-leading technology and a very novel Eastern mythology theme has been released. Even if foreign fans were not very interested at first, they now have to support it.

Luo Quan has always appealed to fans to consume rationally and never let them pay for themselves in the name of love.

Because this is what the idol requested, fans have always kept this in mind. Except for the new album and the movie starring Luo Quan, they have basically never consumed it blindly.

But this time, Luo Quan actually published an article to promote the new movie, so from this moment on, the content of the article is no longer important.

They heard Luo Quan's call, and Luo Quan needed their support!

Every celebrity has his own fan circle, and Luo Quan doesn't have one, but she has always emphasized that fans should not act too fanciful.

What is a rice circle?
It's blind, it's fanatical, it's unreasonable.

If conditions permit, fans will give everything to their idol without any complaints and treat her with the same respect as a god.

If there are no conditions, then try every means to create conditions!Then perform the above behavior.

There is no doubt that Luo Quan’s article has finally made her hidden fans at home and abroad no longer able to pretend to be silent.

The task is very simple. Luo Quan now needs to hit the rankings, and the target is initially set at 100 billion.

And our powerful idol Luo, the omnipotent goddess Quan, has already made more than 50 billion with his own ability. The remaining tens of millions of Quan Shui fans around the world can get it just by buying a movie ticket.
There is no difficulty!
Subsequently, under the leadership of Saudi wealthy fans, all rational fans fell into a fanatic state.

The Saudi Crown Prince is also one of the most famous among Luo Quan's countless fans.

The unlocking amount for Luo Quan's first swimsuit was [-] million U.S. dollars, so this guy paid a lot of money.

He also collected a copy of Luo Quan's later signed photos, dresses of the same style, and photo albums, and he didn't miss any of them.

Some of them can only be obtained through lottery, but money can make a difference, and this little thing is still easy to do if you use the power of money.

This time, the Saudi Crown Prince generously spent 1000 million US dollars to pre-purchase movie tickets for "The Wilderness" and won them for free through a lottery on TikTok.

The condition for free delivery is that you must be a non-Luoquan fan to receive it.

This was requested by the Twitter branch of the Luoquan Global Fan Support Association, because die-hard fans will spend their own money to buy movie tickets. If fans receive the tickets, the total box office will decrease.

It sounds outrageous, but this is the rice circle.

In addition, Luo Quan has always been disgusted with fan clubs. When he first saw this kind of organization on Weibo, he ordered it to be disbanded immediately.

The main reason is that I am worried that some people will use this organization to make personal profits and at the same time use public opinion to kidnap celebrities.

Don’t you see, many celebrities in domestic entertainment have been ruined by their fans.

So Luo Quan made it clear very early on that he didn't need this thing.

However, she can ban it at any time in China, but she can't do it abroad.

Moreover, foreign fan support associations are formed by more than a dozen rich people. They are not interested in money or fame. They just want to give Quan Shui fans a big family.

In addition to Twitter, they even hired programmers to develop an app, which is organized and disciplined.

Normally, everyone would share Luo Quan’s beautiful pictures and final live broadcast slices, but now when a situation arises, fans immediately know what to do with a push and a call.

Those who are rich offer money, and those who have no money go to help their relatives and friends, and they can win over one by one.

When the masses are mobilized, the impact is unprecedented.

In one night, just one night, the domestic box office of "Prehistoric" increased from 50 billion to 53 billion. This is only the night time slot where the box office growth rate is the slowest.
At the beginning!People who didn't know the truth thought it was a shady movie, and then fans took photos to prove their innocence.

In the middle of the night, the cinema was packed with people, all coming to watch "The Great Desolation". It was simply a spectacle.

On the other hand, foreign box office growth is even greater than domestic box office growth.

The original pre-sale box office was only 5000 million US dollars. Thanks to the call of fans all over the Internet, the pre-sales have exceeded [-] million US dollars.

And looking at this growth rate, it is estimated that there will be no problem reaching US$[-] million before the movie is released!
"What kind of magic power does "Prehistoric" possess?"

Foreign media, which had never seen this battle before, immediately reported this phenomenon and raised such a question.

In fact, the box office performance of "Barbie" during the same period was also very good, but its success was actually foreseeable.

First of all, word-of-mouth fermentation. After Barbie was released, the box office continued to decline. It relied on excellent acting skills and wonderful plots. Everyone was interested in Amway, so the box office continued to rise.

The second is political correctness. This thing is reviled and reviled, but it is still the wealth code of American movies.

The success of movies such as "Black Panther", "Get Out", "Forrest Gump" and "White Paper" are the best examples.

If the lead actor in "The Little Mermaid" hadn't been so ugly, if it had been replaced by a better-looking black actress, the film would still have been a hit at the box office.

With these two advantages, the success of "Barbie" is so incomprehensible.

But what is the virtue and capability of "The Great Desolation"?

It’s not a big IP, it’s not politically correct, and even foreigners can’t even see the finished film, but they still dare to pre-order it with confidence.

Why is this?

Of course it's because of Luo Quan.

For so many years, Luo Quan is the only celebrity who has called his fans and family members, but has never cheated his family members.If anyone else had her kind of traffic, they would have started selling goods through live broadcasts long ago.

Men are far superior to women in terms of financial resources and willingness to spend money.

Normally, I may look cheap just because I think these products are not worth it. But when I really meet the one I like, I will never be stingy with my wallet.

And Luo Quan is definitely the one that all male fans like.

Of course, Luo Quan herself can't buy it with money. She doesn't have a personal brand like other celebrities, and most of the clothes she endorses are women's clothing.

In addition, she also sells milk powder, which most adults don’t need.

This is more embarrassing. Male fans can't spend money on her even if they want to.

If she is willing to bring goods, then the male fans of Aiwujiwu will definitely buy it.

However, Luoquan Live said that the more middlemen there are for a product, the higher the premium will be. There is no situation where buying a few lots of something will be cheaper than buying it directly from the original factory.

Therefore, in her opinion, live streaming is simply an act of cheating family members. How is it different from the original TV shopping guide?
It’s extremely expensive and the quality is poor.

So Luo Quan never brings goods.

Even the milk powder sold only comes with a link to Taobao and, and you can get some discounts by watching her live broadcast. This is no different from spending money to advertise on Douyin.

And now, Luo Quan, who has never brought any goods before, finally said that he plans to bring goods for his movie.

Even if they know they will be cheated, fans are still willing to jump into the trap regardless of their own safety.

What's more, judging from the reputation of Chinese movie fans, this movie is really well shot, and there is a high probability that it is not a trap.

Then it is more worthy of fans to take a look.

Not only did I support my idol, but I also watched an excellent movie. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Therefore, the enthusiasm for watching movies abroad is extremely high, and due to the vigorous publicity of these fans, passers-by who were originally unrelated were also attracted and had a strong interest in this magical masterpiece, which is called "the first on earth". interest of.

The opportunity to produce a phenomenal blockbuster is rare. Universal is worried about not being able to find a film to compete with Warner's "Barbie". Now Luo Quan is very considerate and sent the project to them. Isn't it wrong? The reason for firing?

So tap water fans and capital worked together, and "The Wilderness" suddenly surpassed "Barbie" and became the most popular movie in Hollywood.

Funnily enough, there’s still a full day until it’s released.

As for "The Wilderness"'s domestic box office decline for the first time in many days, the entertainment industry was shocked and at the same time lamented Luo Quan's appeal.

Luo Quan is usually tepid, as if every fan is like a middle-aged Buddhist old man, with no fighting ability or spending power.

Who would have thought that if he really got crazy, Zhenzhan would be much more powerful than those girls in the rice circle.

For those top-notch movies, the box office is enough for fans to support only one to two hundred million yuan.

In Luoquan alone, domestic sales reached [-] million in seven or eight hours a night, and the gap was as big as heaven and earth.

In this regard, Luo Quan’s fans proudly expressed:

"We just don't like to participate in the so-called rankings and data brushing. It doesn't mean that we don't have the ability. Luo Quan didn't call for it, which means she doesn't need it.

If she needs it now, then we have the ability to help her achieve this goal, that's all. "

"Quanshui fans are low-key, not dead, so don't take the current results as explosive, they are just normal levels."

"Domestic fans haven't really exerted their efforts yet. It's late at night. After all, some people still don't feel comfortable going out. Let's wait until the weekend after tomorrow to watch it."

"Not only the male fans have contributed, but the female fans have also contributed a lot."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a boy or a girl, as long as you are willing to help Luo Quan, you are a good brother and a good Jimei."

"Speaking of which, the movie seems to be doing very well now, doesn't Luo Bao want to express it?"

"The live broadcast has started, and I am kowtow to thank you now."


"Let's go and have a look."


"Thank you, all the fans." Luo Quan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then smashed his fist on the computer table so that it made a loud bang.

At first glance, it looks a bit like kowtow to thank.

In addition, there are also a large number of fans in the barrage sending gifts to the governor. Apparently they feel that just buying movie tickets is not enough, and they have to give more gifts.

But Luo Quan's act of kowtowing in vain immediately aroused dissatisfaction among fans:
"That's it? That's too insincere!"

"There's no point in kowtowing. It's better to do a live broadcast in a swimsuit."

"Haha, your swimsuit at the beach might be okay. Isn't it more troublesome than the swimsuit here? Do you really think that you can do whatever you want just because you are the boss?"

"My suggestion is to quickly buy a plane ticket and go to the beach. Everyone will definitely support you in your fishing holiday this time."

"If you can't do it with both hands, use one hand."


"Ah this..."

"You're driving, right? I'm reporting someone is driving!"

"Why don't you seal it for seven days to show respect?"


If it were normal, this kind of driving remarks would definitely be blocked.

But he was in a very good mood today, so Luo Quan didn't bother to worry about it.

He just said: "Everyone, please pay attention. Don't get too excited and lose your sense of proportion."

Then Luo Quan coughed slightly and said: "As for the swimsuit thing, we have already filmed it this year, and everyone will definitely be tired of it if we do it again.

As for cos, Dr. Mundo hasn't done it yet, so it won't be his turn for the time being.

So I think it’s better to focus the welfare benefits on works.

For example, how about releasing a movie with a female protagonist starring me in the second half of this year?
In addition, new albums, games, and TV series will not be left behind. "

As soon as these words came out, the barrage instantly boiled.

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