Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1257 Making History

Chapter 1257 Making History

ps. I wish all book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family!

"Luo Quan actually has a huge rice circle, but she usually doesn't even bother to use it."

This is an article on Zhihu, which analyzes why the box office of "Prehistoric" has experienced abnormal growth this time, and finally concludes that it is not a movie-watching wave caused by the continued fermentation of word-of-mouth as everyone thought.

It was Luo Quan who raised her arms and shouted, and fans responded to her call.

It may sound weird, but it's true.

In the eyes of the public, the box office appeal of top stars is only about [-] million, and it will be gone if it is more.

Luo Quan taught everyone a good lesson and told them what the true purchasing power of fans is.

And compared to those bad movies made by popular movies, Luo Quan's "Prehistoric" is very worthy of its ticket price, and there is absolutely no cheating.

However, this is just the beginning.

When weekends came, many working fans finally had free time and walked into the theater to give Luo Quan their own movie tickets.

This made the already declining box office of "Prehistoric" even better. This exciting news made Luo Quan so happy that he played a song "Good Luck" in the live broadcast room. Those who didn't know it thought it was New Year's Day today.

"Luo Bao, watch your face."

"The anchor only cares about money. If you increase the box office, you will be so excited."

"You are now a billionaire after all. Can you have some determination to make this small amount of money worth being so happy about?"


The barrage was quite disdainful of Luo Quan's celebration, thinking it was really embarrassing.

"Let me go, you are watching too many short videos, and you don't regard money as money at all?" Luo Quan hummed a few lines along with the song, and then said in surprise: "This is a box office of hundreds of millions, and it is a release Isn’t the reversal of decline after more than half a month worth celebrating?”

Luo Quan said as he clicked on the picture on the desktop: "By the way, I have a good news to tell you. The second beta test of "Fantasy World" is about to begin. This time, there is no limit on the number. You will have to pay to delete files. It will last for one month. That's equivalent to one-third of a season.

This is to let everyone adapt to the rhythm of the game in advance. After the open beta starts, there will be three seasons every year, each season lasting four months, and there will be major events. "

When Luo Quan was talking, the picture he clicked also showed the time of the public beta and some content arrangements.

It seems to be quite rich, but I don’t know the specific details, whether it’s fun or not, or not.

But the quality of "Fantasy World" does not need to be questioned. It is definitely a good work suitable for all game fans.

Luo Quan thought of another thing at this time and added: "In addition, I have another good news here. It is to give back to the fans of the game. After the server is launched this time, there will be half a month of free play time, which is enough for everyone to play the first game." The plot of the entire season has been completed.

Half a month can basically allow everyone to judge whether this game is worth your money and continue to play. Anyway, the monthly card is less than 50 yuan, so if you can’t buy it, you will suffer a loss and you can’t be fooled.

As long as you don't think about being able to defeat other players in an instant, then this game will only receive monthly card money and no other additional expenses are required. "

This act of relaxing welfare was of course applauded by game fans.

Luo Quan promised yesterday to provide benefits in various aspects, and today he has realized it in the game area. The action is really fast.

As for the heroine movie and new album, although Luo Quan hasn't mentioned it yet, everyone knows that they will definitely be seen within this year, so they have no intention of rushing it.

And Luo Quan didn't mean to sell it off at all. After talking about the game, he started talking about the movie: "This movie that I want to star in has actually been conceived for a long time.

The movie is inspired by "Under the Sea", but it's not the redemption version, but the emo version. "

When Luo Quan released "Under the Sea", there were two versions. The different versions were quite different in terms of music style and lyrics.

One is downright sad and can easily lead to depression if you listen to it too much.

The other uses sadness as the background, and finally brings encouragement and hope to move forward.

Most fans prefer the redemption version, because people are more eager for light. Even if they are in hell, they still have a heart that yearns for heaven.

However, people can't keep their heads up forever. Most of the time, they can only look straight ahead and walk on.

When fans heard that the inspiration for Luo Quan's movie was actually the emo version of "Under the Sea", they immediately became anxious:

"Luo Bao, didn't you agree not to make sad stories? The last time I watched Farewell My Concubine, I was in trouble."

"Luobao, you said yourself that you don't like tragedies, why are you breaking your promise now?"

"Actually, tragedies can also be used. Don't give me the whole plot to kill or make senseless sadness. Farewell My Concubine is quite good. It has a sense of despair that you know the ending but can't change it."

“I don’t know what the subject is, is it a domestic background or a foreign background?”


Regarding the information about the new movie, fans had a lot to ask. Luo Quan thought for a moment and replied: "The movie is a realistic theme. As for the background, let's say it is an Asian fantasy. It is a small town by the sea, and everyone speaks Chinese.

In addition, this story will be the ending of the group members, but the first part will definitely be a bit sadistic. If you are a fan who cannot bear the sadistic protagonist, it is best not to watch it, because the movie will make people very sad from the beginning. Uncomfortable. "

"Hey, it's quite common to drag people into the theater. This is the first time I've seen someone rush them out of the theater."

"Hey, the more you say that, the more I want to see what kind of movie it is."

"My heart has been tempered like steel, what else can hurt me? Just be more cruel, otherwise it really won't cause my mood swings."

"Everyone is so awesome, don't really cry like a dog when you get to the theater."

"Luo Quan's tear-jerking skills are not just for show. How many people cried when I watched Farewell My Concubine."

"Tragedy often gives birth to great works. I hope Luo Quan can bring you a surprise this time."

"By the way, I went to the beach to take pictures, so there should be some swimsuits and stuff, right?"

"Indeed, with this shooting background, is it really appropriate not to do some chores?"


Fans are always like this, regardless of whether they are male or female, they just want benefits when they open their mouths.

Boys can understand it, it’s just their nature.

The key point is that there are quite a few girls here who are also joining in the fun, which makes Luo Quan speechless. He never expected that so many girls are also coveting her body.

But this time, Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Believe me, even if I put on a swimsuit this time, you won't find it pleasing to the eye.

I can’t explain the specific reason in one or two sentences. I just hope that there will be fewer people crying by then.

In addition, the movie will be released before New Year's Day, so that everyone will not complain that I used a tragedy to celebrate the New Year during the Chinese New Year. "These words directly made the fans laugh:
"So you know that too?"

"Other directors during the Spring Festival are trying their best to make the audience laugh. You are the first to make everyone cry."

"If Farewell My Concubine is released after the Spring Festival, the box office will not be this small."

"Literary and artistic films are normal. Other literary and artistic films are very popular if they can earn [-] or [-] million. Farewell My Concubine has over [-] billion. Currently, it ranks first among domestic literary films."

"I'm still very curious about the content of this movie that can make Luo Bao say such sad things. I'm a little afraid to watch it."

"I am born with rich emotions, and I cry easily if anything is a little bit sad, so I usually don't watch similar movies, but this time Luo Quan stars in it, so I definitely can't miss it."

"I look forward to Luo Bao's performance. After the film is finished, it will be released in China and the United States to see if we can get another Oscar winner."

"In that case, Luo Bao will have three Oscar-winning actresses, No. 1 in the new century!"

"It's not that easy to win the Oscar for Best Actress, but the good news is that there don't seem to be many competitors this year."

"It would be such a sensation if she really won a third Oscar for Best Actress."

"The number one actress of the new century, at least in Hollywood."

"I feel that in terms of artistic attainments, it is still not as good as the three major film festivals. After all, the Oscars are more commercial."

"Is Luo Bao lacking in art now? The legend brought by three Oscar-winning actors is obviously more important, right?"

"Indeed, Luo Bao no longer needs Venice or Cannes to prove his acting skills. On the contrary, these film festivals need Luo Bao to prove his gold content."

"It's a pity that if you choose Oscar, you can't choose the top three. You can't have your cake and eat it too."

"Luo Bao is still young. In a few years, if he has accumulated a few more masterpieces, the three major film festivals will know how to have both."

"Indeed, maybe I will be awarded a lifetime achievement award or something by then."

"Hahaha, a lifetime achievement award at the age of 30 is unprecedented."

"Luo Bao has such strength, just look forward to the new movie."


Fans are full of confidence in Luo Quan's new movie. From the description, everyone knows that Luo Quan plans to take a literary route this time.

Literary films, whether in the three major movies or Oscars, are the easiest types of movies to win awards.

Stereotypes exist in any industry.

As for the stereotype of movies, it is difficult for commercial movies to have depth, because commercial movies need to make the audience happy, easy to understand, and can be understood without using too much brain.

So under this premise, the plot cannot have too many things for the audience to think about.

It must be simple and straightforward, so that people can immediately understand the point of laughter or excitement.

This limitation also makes it difficult for commercial films to be both popular and profound at the same time.

The word "business" dictates that movies must ensure the former in order to make money.

Therefore, the Oscar selection committee hates commercial movies and feels that it is difficult to produce good movies in this genre.

That's why only a commercial masterpiece with depth like "Titanic" can sweep so many awards, because there are so few movies like this.

So if you want to win awards, literary and artistic films are your first choice.

The good news is that because Luo Quan's name is so valuable, and it's the first major heroine movie in theaters after more than a year, there are still quite a lot of fans willing to pay for her.

In fact, sometimes I think about it, being a fan of Luo Quan is quite economical.

Other celebrities, who are singers, hold concerts every now and then, with tickets costing thousands or even tens of thousands. In addition, there are various peripherals, charts, and endorsement products.

Fans even occasionally use crowdfunding to help their idols get some statistics. Without some savings, they really can’t chase stars.

If you are a traffic star, the expenditure will be even greater.

Not only do you have to spend money on the celebrities, you also have to spend money on the fans of the celebrities, and the prices are extremely high.

As for Luo Quan, he hasn't held a serious concert for a long time. He just borrows other people's stages and holds a concert by himself. The price is very low and affordable, and he often stays up until the early hours of the morning. He has far more time than other singers. Long.

As for endorsements, I can only say that Chanel does not cheat the poor. Poor people can't afford it. This is really conscientious.

In addition to these, asking her to release an album all year round is like asking the God of Wealth to get rich overnight, which is a difficulty.

So all year round, all that needs to be spent on Luo Quan is dozens of yuan for albums and dozens of yuan for movie tickets.

And what you get is a super popular idol who can chat with you almost every day.

Even if you have sex for free, Luo Quan will never take the initiative to ask for gifts.

Even if I call on everyone to watch a movie this time, I am saying that you should go only if you are interested, which is fundamentally different from giving a gift.

Therefore, when the cost is so small, even if they have already paid for one movie ticket, most people are still willing to pay for a second one. As long as they can see Luo Quan's wonderful performance, it is worth it.

But they don't know yet how much the next movie will make them cry.

After talking about the trailer, the next focus will be on the box office of "Prehistoric".

After two days of saturated publicity, "Prehistoric" was officially released in North America.

Tickets can be purchased in Canada and the United States.

Because of the popularity of the "Prehistoric" section in American online forums, and the strong recommendation of Luo Quan's die-hard fans, the popularity of "Prehistoric" can only be described as explosive after its release.

Long queues formed outside major movie theaters. When reporters asked, almost all of them came to see "The Great Desolation".

Some domestic media quickly noticed this and immediately sent the video of the interview to the country.

The foreigners in the video, using a mixture of Chinese and English, excitedly told reporters a story from "The Myth of the Wilderness". Many of the nouns that are unique to China were spoken in broken Chinese.

Although it sounds funny, it always gives people a sense of pride.

What is cultural export?This is called cultural export!
It is not that you forcefully export Chinese culture, but that all foreigners can learn from it on their own initiative. This kind of export is meaningful.

And under such a wave, the North American box office of "Prehistoric" on its first day, including the [-] million US dollars in pre-sales, finally reached a terrifying [-] million, breaking the record set by "Barbie" not long ago!

(End of this chapter)

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