Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1258 Making History

Chapter 1258 Making History ([-])
"The first-day box office was [-] million. This is definitely the highest first-day box office I have ever seen in recent years!"

"It's incredible. It's on the same level as Lord of the Rings and Titanic."

"In fact, there is nothing critical about the plot, special effects, or actors' acting skills. Many people say that the plot is simple and has no connotation, but I feel a strong sense of history from it. I don't know how many people follow it. me too."

"Those who say that the plot of the movie has no connotation, I myself have the least connotation. This is a script refined from the essence of thousands of years of Chinese mythology. How can it be without depth?"

“My biggest feeling from the plot of the movie is that destiny is irresistible, and everything has a strong sense of fate that cannot be disobeyed.

But even though everyone knows that fate is inevitable, they have been resisting fate since the first character appeared.

Pangu, Hongjun, Luohu, and other demons and saints all said that it was hard to violate destiny, but they all went against it.

This is the spiritual connotation that has run through Chinese mythology and reality for 5000 years - man can conquer nature! "

"This spirit of resistance is so cool, and it is indeed permeated in the blood of every Chinese person, and it is reflected everywhere."

"Damn it, I'm actually obsessed with this IP. Where can I see the follow-up content?"

"There are many videos of Luo Quan talking about myths on the Internet. You can find them just by searching."

"This is a very wonderful story. When you finish reading it, congratulations on entering the door of a new world."


After the movie was released, it received rave reviews from the Internet, with a freshness score of 90.00% from Old Tomatoes, and the ratings from other authoritative movie websites were basically above 9.5.

This time, Luo Quan still did not deceive everyone and brought an excellent work that was impeccable in all aspects.

The explosive box office is the feedback given to her by fans.

In the past few days, Luo Quan's fans have rushed to tell each other, and the box office of "Prehistoric" on the first day of its release in North America reached a shocking level.

If the domestic first-day box office is included, the first-day box office of "Prehistoric" has already exceeded the total box office of most movies around the world this year.

This is only the first day, and the main moviegoers are fans.

As word of mouth spreads, more passers-by will definitely join the movie-watching brigade.

I believe that in five days at most, the box office of "Prehistoric" will exceed 100 billion yuan.

As for "Barbie", after occupying the top spot at the box office for half a month, it finally retreated to second place due to the strong counterattack of "Prehistoric".

Moreover, after the box office of "Barbie" crossed the 80 billion mark, the growth rate has obviously fallen into a decline. Experts analyze that its final box office will be fixed at just over 100 billion yuan.

And 100 billion is just a small goal that "Prehistoric" can easily reach within a week.

With the popularity of the three major ticket markets in China, Japan, and the United States exploding at the same time, 120 billion is the lowest expectation for this movie.

It is difficult to find a star in the world who has such incredible popularity in three countries like Luo Quan.

What’s even more interesting is that British movie fans on the other side of the world are also looking forward to Luo Quan’s new movie.

In their minds, Luo Quan is not much different from his own family. After all, Luo Quan's father is an Englishman, so they have a natural affinity for Luo Quan.

Although the box office market in the UK is not as huge as the first three countries, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, and it should be possible to provide two to three billion yuan.

Although it cannot make "Prehistoric" the highest-grossing movie of all time, it can at least make its throne as the highest-grossing movie in 2021 more stable.

There is no doubt that Luo Quan, with the concerted efforts of fans around the world, defeated the fierce "Barbie" in one fell swoop, and also set multiple records in film history.

To celebrate this great news, she, who has always been lazy, got [-] signed photos and randomly sent them to lucky fans around the world.

These signed photos were completely handwritten by Luo Quan live broadcast, which took a whole afternoon.

When Luo Quan finished writing, he stood up and stretched, and all the joints in his body crackled like firecrackers.

“With 5000 signed photos, family members who are fans of my Bilibili or Twitter account can participate in the lottery.

It’s not a lot, but it’s still a small gesture. When I have time in the future, I’ll write a few if I have nothing to do. I’ll send it out again when I save up to [-]. "

Luo Quan shook his slightly sore hand and said this.

In fact, she wanted to write ten thousand pages at a time. As long as her hand speed was fast enough, she could finish it in an hour.

But that would be too inhuman. Fans would only see her hand holding the pen suddenly turn into a blurry phantom, and then the paper on the table would rub and catch fire.

So she chose to sign at a slightly faster speed than ordinary people, and stopped to chat with everyone from time to time. As a result, by the end of the night, she found that she had only written 5000 pieces.

Seeing that he could not achieve his goal, Luo Quan could only owe it first, and the extra 5000 would be treated as interest.

"By the way, don't forget the anniversary celebration of League of Legends at Shanghai Mercedes Center tomorrow."

After Luo Quan sent out the link to the autographed photo draw, he previewed tomorrow's show to his fans. After the preview, he went off the air at the speed of light and went to sleep.

After going to bed early and getting up early, Luo Quan had already gotten up and started preparing for today's program when most people were still asleep the next day.

If you want to cosplay Dr. Mundo, your skin must be made purple.

Generally, for this kind of skin dyeing, the cosplayer has to apply powder on the body, and usually not all the powder is applied, only the exposed parts.

On the one hand, this reduces skin damage, and on the other hand, it is relatively simple.

However, the skin dye redeemed in the system mall is not harmful, and the method of use and application are different.

It's just like shower gel. When taking a shower, just mix it with hot water and pour it on your body.

Luo Quan tried it according to the instructions, and soon his whole body was dyed a bright purple color. At the same time, his skin did not feel tight at all, as if he was born with this skin color.

Looking in the mirror, Luo Quan suddenly realized that his image really looked like Widowmaker in Overwatch. He couldn't even take the special cosplay, but with this skin and appearance, it was almost [-]% reproducible.

But today the cosplayer was Dr. Mundo, so Luo Quan could only put on a white coat for himself.

In the game, Dr. Mundo is clothed and wears no clothes, but that certainly cannot be done in reality, so we can only try our best to restore it according to common sense.

Of course, Dr. Mundo’s iconic machete is a must-have.

Luo Quan had already asked someone to make a 1:2 enlarged version of it. He picked it up and put it on his shoulder. It looked like that.

After looking in the mirror, Luo Quan felt pretty good about himself, so he took a few pictures of non-cultivation students with his mobile phone and sent them to the news: "How do you feel about the Dr. Mundo you want?"

Although it was published at eight o'clock in the morning, the number of views of the article exceeded 30 in the blink of an eye, and the number of comments refreshed once to reach [-]:

"Oh my God, this is not a doctor, this is simply a succubus!"

"It would be great to follow Tails again. Wait a minute, what the hell am I talking about."

"If all doctors looked like this, I would go to Dr. Luo for injections every day." "It's different for me. I want to give Dr. Luo injections."

"Haha, you can have this."

"It's nothing like the Dr. Mundo I wanted to see, but it's surprisingly satisfying."

"Just for staining such a large area of ​​skin, I give Luo Bao a thumbs up. It will take several hours to do it right, right?"

"The purple-skinned Luo Bao is quite charming. Next time I want to see a black-skinned Luo Bao."

"Add 1!"

"Add 10086!"


Heipi has always been a relatively popular operating system, which gives people a sense of boldness, enthusiasm, and health, and is a special attack on puppies.

Of course, there are some differences between this kind of blackness and the blackness of black people. It mainly depends on one's appearance.

However, there were so many people who liked black skin in the barrage, which really surprised Luo Quan.

I originally thought that purple skin was already very evil, but I didn't expect that there are so many people who like black skin. Then will she one day turn green skin and shout that orcs will never be slaves?
To be honest, with how enthusiastic these guys are about the whole thing, it is really possible to do such a thing, so Luo Quan has no intention of giving them this inspiration.

It doesn't matter if you have purple skin. After all, you can sing a song well, purple is very charming, and it's not particularly dazzling when you look at it.

But green is different, it can become a source of pollution if not handled properly.

So Luo Quan turned a blind eye to those who wanted to see her show other colors.

He replied in the comment area: "Getting ready to go to the stage, see you in the afternoon!"

After saying that, Luo Quan drove to the Mercedes Center.

Fortunately, I drove my own car. If I had taken the subway, I don't know how many people would have attracted attention along the way.

Although in the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai, cosplayers in strange costumes are not uncommon, but someone like Luo Quan who paints his whole body purple is really rare.

Although it was still some time before the venue, a large group of people had already gathered outside the center. There were spectators who had bought tickets to enter, and there were also a group of passers-by who came to join in the fun.

In addition, there are many people taking pictures everywhere with their mobile phones, talking non-stop, and I don’t know if they are the anchor or the up anchor.

Anyway, when Luo Quan drove past people, no one would have thought that there was a purple-skinned Luo Quan sitting inside.

After parking the car, Luo Quan called the staff responsible for contacting him.

Soon five or six people ran to the parking lot and took Luo Quan into the infield with a very respectful attitude.

Regarding the performance, rehearsals have already taken place.

First of all, the first program is to let the popular League of Legends heroes perform live dubbing on stage, igniting the atmosphere.

Then after playing some of the passionate moments of past lpl, she can play.

As revealed in previous spoilers, she will bring two songs this time. The first is pure music "The Power of the Wilderness", with her playing the piano, and the second song is seamlessly connected to "The Lonely Warrior".

After the song was sung, the host gave her a simple interview, and then the main show of the night began, which was the guest entertainment competition.

The guests invited this time are basically the most popular retired players on the entire network.

It’s not that we haven’t hired anchors before, but fans think these anchors are too skilled and boring to watch.

So this time the organizers learned their lesson and invited retired players with impeccable abilities to play entertainment games.

If the celebrity guest is at the platinum or gold level, it will look a little uncomfortable, because everyone has to be polite and sophisticated, not to abuse others too ugly, and from time to time, they have to deliberately give away a few heads.

But Luo Quan is different. She actually competed in the Canyon King in solo queue two years ago, and she often played against professional players.

Although her consciousness is relatively poor, her operation is definitely at the forefront of the king.

Dare to underestimate her, even active professional players have times when they overturn and lead solo kills, let alone these retired players.

So tonight will definitely not be like before, where nine retired professionals pay the prince to study, but it will be a real fight between dragons and tigers.

The process is basically like this. It is very simple for the guests. What really needs to be paid attention to are the various groups at the scene, lighting, sound, and equipment. These things are much more likely to cause accidents than people.

The most common reason for suspension in lol games is that there is a problem with a certain device.

In this regard, Penguin can be regarded as an old tradition.

As pre-arranged yesterday, after everyone arrived, the chief director arranged for everyone to have a final rehearsal.

After confirming that there were no problems, he began to focus on supervising his subordinates to debug the on-site equipment.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, spectators who had been waiting outside the stadium began to check in tickets one after another.

In the past, anniversary tickets were not expensive, with the highest tickets costing only about one or two thousand people, and the cheaper tickets only costing a few hundred yuan.

But because there was Luo Quan in this anniversary celebration, the ticket price went up like crazy.

Tickets were snapped up as soon as they went online. Scalpers took advantage of the money in their hands and directly raised the prices, racking up tens of thousands of infield tickets.

This kind of behavior is often scolded by players, but those dual fans who like Luoquan and play games have no other good way besides scolding. If they want to go to the scene, they can only pinch their noses and pay.

Ever since scalpers became a profession, this kind of thing will inevitably happen.

Some organizers even use scalpers to deliberately inflate ticket prices and follow the crowd to gain more profits.

Consumers are also helpless about this.

Therefore, scolding should be criticized, and buying should be bought.

Luo Quan spent the whole afternoon scrolling through his cell phone, and finally waited until six o'clock in a daze.

As the audience gradually took their seats, the lights came on, and the League of Legends anniversary celebration officially began.

The hosts, Wawa and Miller, who are well known to the players, came to the stage together and sent their most sincere blessings to the scene and all the alliance players who were watching the live broadcast.

You can each receive a skin when playing games on battle night or watching anniversary celebrations.

This is the first wave of welfare tonight. After seeing this, barrage started: "The dog planner finally has a conscience."

(End of this chapter)

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